Fastest Growing Company, on Creating the Best Place to Work

Published on: 30 April 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
growing company

Building a successful company starts with picking the best employees, and building upon the relationship through mentorship, promoting employees when appropriate, and seeking external expertise and talent as needed. Selecting employees based on their cultural fit works well, also; having everyone on the same page come Monday morning means a workplace where everyone pulls for each other, including the company and its objectives.

But once the team gets built, then what? Creating and nurturing a successful business is one thing; creating the best place to work is quite another. is a Great Place To Work Certified company, where 94% of employees rate the San Diego based employer as a great place to work. The company is also dedicated to promoting the pursuit of higher education and recently announced the Community Scholarship to support innovators and leaders in the community.

Here, shares strategies that companies can implement to create the best workplace.

1. Maintain a Coachable Environment:

In the same way that a sports team benefits from ongoing feedback, companies, where employee coaching happens on a regular basis, endorse a highly productive environment and promote continuous improvement. And it’s not about pointing out flaws; it’s about encouraging employees to push farther, beyond their attainable limits, and encouraging them to share their ideas openly. According to Quantum Workplace, that includes being open to employee feedback to the manager, also known as 360 feedback.

2. Create Well-Defined Core Values:

Embracing well-defined core values not only serves as something of a roadmap for how the company behaves in the ordinary course of business; it also sets the stage for how employees are expected to conduct themselves. Another benefit includes promoting the company’s core purpose, or it’s “why” as described in Simon Sinek’s famous TEDx talk. As an added benefit, when management leads their teams based on those distinct core values, they will attract both internal and external talent that shares those same core beliefs and values. When employees share values with their employer, they feel engaged and mission-driven, something that Fast Company identifies as critical attributes that employees considered when rating their employer in the Best Places to Work in 2019. Everyone wins.

3. Engage with Your Community:

As a follow-up to how employee engagement increases when they share their company’s well-defined core values, corporate responsibility in the communities where employees spend their time outside of work further deepens that commitment. According to, engaging with and serving the community not only builds customer loyalty, but it allows employees to volunteer and to develop outside of the workplace. Getting employees on board is crucial, as is letting everyone know what the company does for the community at large.

What This Means:

Ultimately, creating the best place to work comes down to employee engagement. Not only does Harvard Business Review identify engaged employees as 50% more likely to exceed expectations than least-engaged employees, but companies with engaged employees outperform their peers four-fold in terms of revenue growth, 89% in terms of customer satisfaction and 54% in employee retention. The strategies outlined above by are rooted in employee engagement.

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Door-to-door selling

5 Ways To Help Your Sales Team In Door To Door Selling

The primary goal of each business is sales and profit maximization, and marketing techniques are essential in realizing this dream. Door-to-door selling is one of the best marketing strategies companies employ today. However, the success of this strategy depends on how you plan it as a sales manager. Door-to-door selling can be a nightmare, especially if your team lacks experience and proper market research. Therefore, it is also essential that the company prepares the sales team adequately before sending them to the field. What Is Door To Door Selling? The door to door selling is a technique that generally the people are using for sales and marketing purposes. Anything can be the target of your campaigning. For example, for door to door selling, you have to gather all the public information from where you want to start your marketing journey. The main target is to educate your customers and offer your services to your customers. But you also can do the branding through door to door sales. 5 Tips For Successful Door To Door Selling If you want success in field sales, you need to invest. Let’s see more of these tips to help your sales team succeed in the field. 1. Map Out The Location Understand the product or service that you intend to send to the field. Then, decide the areas with potential customers. Your target may be residents or other businesses. Use city, county, and state websites to get data about the people living in your target neighborhoods. The data will assist you in deciding whether the population fits your ideal client profile. Mapping out the area helps your sales team to conduct reconnaissance before the door-to-door selling. The team can scout the locations for competition, get a clearer picture of the population, including businesses, and identify strategic meet-up points. A sales route planner is necessary for mapping the locations. Having all this information beforehand helps boost the sales team’s confidence which yields success in door-to-door selling. 2. Make Use Of The Sales Route Planner App After mapping your target locations, it is essential to know the routes around. You want to see the team's progress on the ground, find the shortest and most convenient routes possible, and identify new leads around the area. All of these are possible with a sales route planner App. This route planning software helps manage the field activities in the following ways. Creating shorter and faster sales routes Visualize accounts. For instance, you can see which sales representative generates revenues, updates mass information, and much more. Check-in after each meeting, which means you can check customer interaction immediately it happens. Identify new leads around you. With the route planner app, you do not have to worry about a client canceling appointments at the last second; you can easily find other prospective leads in the area. The route planner software connects companies and their sales representatives on the ground for effective sales maximization. 3. Train The Marketing Team Whether you hire a team of sales professionals or not, it will help to train them on the task ahead. Make them understand your products and services, the audience you plan to reach, and the needs that your product can satisfy. The training should involve product demonstration, product features, and a script the team can use to talk to clients. The sales representatives will use the training guidelines to develop their selling techniques. In addition, provide selling aids such as business cards and brochures to the representatives, and you will be sure of a rise in your firm’s sales. 4. Set And Evaluate Goals Every business has different types of setting targets. And you have to plan accordingly. For example, some companies are doing door to door sales for branding and names. These are different types of sales. But some of the companies have serious goal setups. That also requires another map. So before making any sales, you have to map your business targets. Setting a goal for the door to door selling is helping your team to achieve the exact target. For example, the goals might be the number of business firms you want to visit or the sales you plan to make within a specific period. Communicate your goals to the team so that each sales representative may work towards achieving them. 5. Protect Your Team Door-to-door marketing poses a danger to the sales team. Instead, put safety procedures in place to make your team feel secure in the field. For instance, you can decide that the team moves in pairs. Investing in your sales team is a step toward maximizing sales. What are you thinking? Are you starting selling solar panels door to door? Yes, this is also possible. But your team needs to do much more hard work for it. You can protect your team from carrying the heavy burden with them. For door to door sales, you will require little planning and small handy equipment. For example, one day, a salesman approached my door and sold cosmetics. He carried a small setup to show the customers presentations. Yes, with this, within a few moments, he shows me all the details about it along with the case studies. So he does not have to give hours for the presentations. I understand every detail. Frequently Asked Questions  Q1: What Types Of Advantages Will Get Through Door-To-Door Selling? Through the door to door sales, companies are localizing their marketing efforts. As a result, a salesperson will develop more stable connections and bonds with their audiences. And this is increasing the lead generation chances.  Q2: After The Pandemic, How Safe Is Door-To-Door Sales? Yes, especially after the pandemic, this is a million-dollar question. Before the pandemic, this was also risky. Many times the criminals knock on the doors, forcing entry and robbing. Sometimes, the salesman is also not secure when they knock on the wrong doors. After the pandemic, if any salesperson approaches you, it is better to maintain safe distances and make the conversations. Q3: Is Door To Door Sales Difficult? Yes, door-to-door sales are complicated. But the suitable mapping of the business is making anything possible. When you start it, you will feel it is difficult, but after getting the right experiences, you will get to know the tricks and tips for the business. Conclusion: For the door to door sales, you can apply different types of techniques. But these five tips are always going to give you a better result and effects on the business. Always study the local areas before starting your business. Hence you should know and measure the field before starting running on it. So what are your ideas? Share your opinion in the comment section. Read Also: 13 Things To Consider When Choosing Fonts For Sales Posts 5 Ways to Prepare for Black Friday Sales Top User Tips For Getting Started With Salesforce 5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales

IT Supplier

How To Make Sure You Get The Best Service From Your IT Supplier

The advent of the internet has transformed how various organizational activities are conducted. Many businesses have incorporated IT into their business operations to keep up with the drastic changes caused by the internet. So, how does IT improve business operations? IT fosters the creation of different innovations that affect how business operations are conducted. For instance, the various IT processes help improve data storage, aids in broader and more efficient dissemination of information between multiple departments, and faster business operations processing. A business with an efficient IT process provides better quality services and has high productivity levels. Given how essential IT is to businesses' smooth functioning, you must get the best services from your IT supplier. What are the factors to consider when you are looking for better services from your IT supplier? Several factors play a part in determining how efficient your IT supplier will be. Looking for better service from your IT supplier? Below is an outline of the significant factors: 1. Choosing the IT supplier based on your needs The IT needs of your businesses determine the type of IT supplier suited for it. There are different types of IT suppliers, each providing a broad range of hardware, software, and IT services. They include: Manufactures: These suppliers sell their products and offer essential IT services. These suppliers are desirable if you are confident that you only need someone to provide you with IT services and support. Specialist suppliers: These IT professionals have expertise in a specific field, let's say, management systems or customer relations. Resellers: These mainly act as agents for hardware manufacturers. Nonetheless, some of them also offer software and a wide range of IT services and support. System integrators: These IT professionals deliver an integrated working station by selecting appropriate hardware and software depending on your specific needs. Consultants: These provide consultancy services tailored to meet the IT needs of your business. Consultants also sell services like IT setup and installation. 2. Creating a sufficient budget for IT Your IT budget determines the quality of services you get from your supplier. Most IT suppliers provide different types of services, including cloud backup services, monitoring services, maintenance services, data backup and restoration, firewall services, cybersecurity services, and provision of firewalls. The types of services your IT suppliers provide you will depend on your IT budgetary allocation. If your budget is low, you will likely afford only the essential IT services. Conversely, if you have sufficient budgetary allocations, you'll be able to afford vital IT services that will help improve your organizational efficiency and productivity. 3. Consolidating your IT services Some organizations have in-house IT personnel. Such organizations mostly rely on the services of this personnel for most of their IT solutions. However, there are IT services that the in-house personnel cannot provide. In such a case, the organization source for services of outside IT companies. While there is an option of getting these services from many companies, it is better to consolidate these services from a single supplier. Doing this fosters good relations with the given supplier. It also aids in their quick execution of the IT services, given that they are familiar with your system. Other benefits of consolidating your IT services with one supplier include: You will save on money and reduce the need to make repeat procurements. It gives you better bargaining power when negotiating for prices, given that you deal with one supplier repeatedly. It minimizes the failure of critical business services. 4. Choosing an IT supplier with a proven efficiency track record There are numerous IT suppliers available. However, the quality of services they provide differ. As such, it is vital that you choose a company that offers the best IT services. Some of the factors that determine an IT supplier's efficiency include the ability to complete IT services in time, availability of maintenance services, and ability to provide high-quality services. You can find such a company through referrals, checking their reviews on the internet, or outrightly researching on the internet on how suitable supplier's services are in fulfilling your IT needs. 5. Fostering a good relationship with the IT supplier Like the case with other suppliers, fostering good relationships with your IT supplier plays a massive part in the quality of services they will offer you. Some of the ways you can do this are by: Ensuring that you pay for their services promptly. Prompt payment reduces the chances of any disagreements with the supplier, leading to them opting to stop working with you. You are offering them reasonable prices for their services. When you pay your IT supplier affordable prices, there is a high probability that they will want to retain you as a client. Moreover, they will strive to provide top-notch services that ensure that your business grows. Renewing their contracts: When your IT services are offered by one supplier repeatedly, the chances are that they will become vested in your business such that they will work towards ensuring your business succeeds. 6. Choosing a company that offers a wide variety of IT services Working with a single IT company helps you foster a good relationship with the supplier and cut your IT services costs. When you work with a single IT supplier, you reduce costs such as procurement costs. Some of the IT services that you should consider when choosing an IT supplier include: Managed IT services: These include handling of remote servers, device and desktop management. These services will ensure that your system works smoothly. Cloud backup services: The supplier should know how to store your data on the cloud to be available even when the server has a malfunction. Monitoring services: keeping an eye on the server's net traffic, security, communication, and any other monitoring services that your system may need. Data back up and restoration: Should offer data backup with both external data centers and the cloud. You, therefore, won't have to worry about losing your data in case of any unforeseen problems such as malicious intrusions, natural occurrences, and hardware failure. Firewall services: Firewall services are vital in ensuring that your enterprise is insulated from cyber attacks. Preferably, your IT supplier should have a hybrid network with additional control and network monitoring abilities outside of the normal rulesets. Antivirus protection: Your supplier should provide you with up-to-date antivirus to protect your IT systems from any malware that may lead to the loss of sensitive data. Remote services: Your It supplier should be flexible enough to provide you with IT services even from remote locations. This can be beneficial, especially if you are outsourcing services and there is an abrupt IT problem. Some of the services these IT professionals can solve remotely include software repair, IT support services, and software updates. Mobile and remote networking: Your supplier should install mobile networking services in your system that enable your employees to work off-site using computers or mobile devices. Data analytics: Your supplier should install data analysis software or personally analyze the data to help your enterprise process information such that the data can produce usable information. Networking services: Networking encompasses activities that are geared towards ensuring your business has an efficient network. The supplier should build efficient network infrastructure, setting up devices like LAN, Reuters, Modems, optimization, security, and other factors essential in creating a seamless network. Unified communication: The supplier should provide you with software that unifies all communications in your enterprise in a single space, such as the UC software. Communication management: Efficient communication within the various departments is crucial to your business's smooth flow. As such, your IT supplier should provide you with universal communication software that incorporates messaging from chat, voice call, video call, and email. Such a system will ensure that there is an efficient flow of information between the personnel from different departments. It can also aid in creating efficient communication with outside parties such as suppliers and creditors. 7. Choose an IT supplier that has experience in working with a company like yours. There are different types of IT suppliers. Each of them has the expertise to provide solutions that are tailored to specific businesses. Working with a company that is averse to IT solutions to businesses similar to yours ensures that you get the best services from proven industry professionals. The recent increase in internet usage and technology demands that every business have an IT department to run smoothly. While there are several IT suppliers to choose from, knowing which supplier is best suited for your company is essential to ensuring that your business gets the best IT services. The first step to ensuring that you get the best IT services is choosing an IT provider that offers services that meet your needs. Some of the ways you can do this include ensuring that they charge affordable prices for their services, offer a wide range of services, are available whenever you need their services, and offer excellent IT services. Getting such a company will ensure that your business's operations run smoothly and that your productivity increases. Read Also: 6 Crucial Aspects to Consider Before Starting a Business Why OKRs Help Businesses Grow and Improve Top 10 Best Serial Entrepreneur Of All Time – 2021 Update

Business Technology

Importance of Flexibility with Business Technology

The rapid advancement in technology has disrupted businesses in more ways than we can imagine. What was once executed by a team of professionals in a conventional context can now be accomplished by technology. Through this innovative technology, businesses have become more interconnected than ever before and employees have had to keep up to remain productive and valuable assets regardless of their location. This strategy has essentially made flexible work schedules a much more convenient option to tap into new markets and attract more customers. As a business owner, it’s imperative to consider intertwining business technology and flexibility to attain exceptional services. Enhance Unmatched Competitiveness: The most successful companies have consistently gone above and beyond to integrate new technology into their existing businesses. A flexible and tech-oriented company responds promptly to market changes by recognizing that change is inevitable and keeping up with emerging tastes and preferences has become essential in optimizing competitiveness. Remember, the notion that your company is too big is nothing short of an illusion that can spell adverse consequences down the road. As a business owner, you need to be quick in managing change and adopt technology tailored to your specific consumer needs to only earn substantial profits but also stay relevant within the industry. Optimal Efficiency: Visionary entrepreneurs have never shied from adopting new sales strategies even their current systems are working just fine. Continuously harnessing your craft as a business speaks volumes about your commitment to reinventing your operations to foster innovation and deliver better customer experience. By prioritizing on optimal efficiency, your business will be in pole position to cut down on operational costs and earn substantial profits in return. Harnessing Teambuilding Efforts: Technology has consistently proven to yield substantial benefits by harnessing teambuilding efforts. As a business owner, it’s in your best interest to incorporate technology and identify each employee’s strength and weakness. While two employees can never be the same in terms of reasoning, productivity and efficiency, managing change in this crucial juncture should be your utmost priority to nurture seasoned employees. An exceptional business owner understands the need to unite employees from various backgrounds with different skill sets to not only complement each other but also work as a synergetic team. Flexible Work Schedules: Flexible work schedules have progressively built up momentum to become a norm in upcoming businesses and startups. With millennials well versed with the highly evolving technology through applications, video calls and instant messaging, it makes total sense incorporating flexible work schedules to harness optimal productivity from each employee. Each team member is unique in their own way and location shouldn’t be misconstrued to be a barrier to efficient productivity. Rather than confining them in an office setting on a 9 to 5 schedule, consider introducing flexible schedules and monitor the substantial productivity yielded. Eliminate Communication Barriers: Achieving employee efficiency is a hallmark of shrewd planning and execution that many businesses have strived to achieve. This essentially means letting your employees exercise their creative freedom to communicate however and wherever they are without location or communication barriers. This doesn’t mean letting them get away with whatever they want. Far from it, it simply means introducing cloud-based platform through which your employees can access and upload work content wherever they are and still enjoy prime features such as screen sharing and video calls. Read Also: Information Technology And Business Success: The Things That Connect Them How Does Modern Technology Propel The Success Of Your Business?