Why You Should Use Quality Wiper Blades

Published on: 25 July 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

When it comes to almost every product, especially wiper blades, expensive doesn’t always mean better quality. Even though we all like to buy products that our friends or family recommend to us, the best way to find out if a product is what you are looking for, is to try it out yourself.

We often forget about wiper blades, even when we clean the car. Only when we end up with dirty windshields, heavy rain or snow blinding our sight that is the time when we wish we changed our wiper blades for better ones. They are a safety feature of the car after all, and we should pay more attention to what kind of product we are buying. Many accidents are the result of poor visibility, caused by low performance of the wiper blades or because we forgot to maintain them and clean them every once in a while. This is the main reason why you should always use quality wiper blades.

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What kind of wiper blades you should be looking for?

If you have already tried a lot of products and you are not satisfied with any of them, you must be dealing with wiper blades that lose their performance in a short time. This way you are not only losing your money by changing the product too often, but it can also damage your windshield in the long run. However, the most important – having blades that are not performing well can be very dangerous.

Life of Windshield Blades

Whatever blades you buy for the windshield of your car, they will all work great at the beginning. Many expensive wiper blades will provide excellent performance, but after only a few months of regular use, there is a possibility that they will degrade, almost fast as cheaper ones. Wiper blades that lose their performance quick enough will first start leaving lines of water behind, then comes the smearing of the water or missed areas of wiping. This is a sign that you are not dealing with a quality product. However, if you leave the blades dirty or you don’t clean them good every once in a while, it will cause the wiper blades to wear out quickly. Also make sure you keep your windshield clean, preventing the blades from having to run over a rough surface and wear out soon enough.

When it comes to wiper blades, the goal is to find ones that will perform with quality but for a long period of time. However, it doesn’t mean that you should overuse them. It is recommended to change your wiper blades at least once a year, preferably twice – maybe at the beginning of the winter and then again for the summer.

Value worth it

If you can’t decide between a few wiper blades, take the one that you think you can rely on. Wiper blades that can perform perfectly in harsh conditions are worth every dollar. Dirt and road grime abrades wipers over time and sunlight because the rubber edges to break down faster. You must remember that if the blades scratch your windshield, your insurance will not cover the damage as it is your fault. Therefore, in the end, you will appreciate having the blades that can resist all the harsh weather, especially if they don’t trust easily and give you a safe driving experience.

Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver

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Featured image: dupont.com

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Car Battery

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Charge Your Car Battery

Does your car’s battery always experience low battery power? For example, you have to buy something in convenience stores and bump you into a friend which you have enjoyed chatting with for hours, without even thinking that you forgot to turn off the lights of your car. Car battery can make things work properly in your favor.  Surprisingly, you will find out that you can no longer start the car. Well, you don’t need to purchase another battery to replace that. Yes! You’ve read that right! Even if it is low on power, the way you charge it can save you from spending more! There are ways that you can charge your car’s battery for better performance. However, you need to consult or read the manual instructions given for your battery and for the battery’s charger. Now if you’re still confused after reading the manuals, you don’t have to worry a thing! We’ve got you covered! We have compiled all the necessary things you to do when charging your car’s battery. You can check them out below! What Are the Things to Consider Before Charging Your Car Battery? There are a lot of things that you have to consider before you can start charging your car battery. These are essential for you not to damage anything from the battery or the charger. Check the battery terminals if they are free from corrosions. If the battery is too dry, don’t charge it. You can just add water above the plates so that you charge them afterward. It would be best that your battery is not connected to the electrical system of your vehicle, to reduce the risk of overvoltage. So, if it is possible, remove or disconnect the battery from your car. You have to know well the battery’s positive and negative terminals to ensure that you are connecting the right charger leads. Check the user manual of your battery and the battery’s charger for more instructions. How to Charge Your Car Battery? 1. Determine the Type of Battery: You have to be sure about the type of battery you have for your car. For example, if your car is powered with start or stop technology, then you will be needing a smart charger. Surely there are a lot of conventional car chargers available on the market today, but they can not cater to all types of batteries. So, it is better to check the type of your battery first to avoid further damage. 2. Check Your Battery: Once you’ve already determined the type of battery you have, it is now time to check your battery if they are free from dirt or corrosion. Your battery should be cleaned right before you charge them. 3. Detach Your Car Battery: As mentioned above, it is your choice if you want to attach or detach your car’s battery to your while charging. However, we recommend best to detach your battery after you’ve cleaned them. Just don’t forget the things that might be reset if you detach your car’s battery. The number one rule in detaching your battery is that the negative terminal must be disconnect first and connected last when you have to attach them back. Furthermore, you can disconnect the battery by loosening the bolt of the clamp and connect them back by tightening the bolt. Don’t forget this rule to avoid terrible shocks. 4. Connect the Charger: In connecting the charger to your car’s battery, it will now be easy to connect the car’s battery to the charger using the clamp from negative to negative and positive to positive. Once you connect to the charger, you will no longer have to do anything other than wait for the battery to become full. Other chargers have an automatic function of disconnecting your car’s battery when fully charged. Furthermore, you can check out the manual of your car’s battery and charger to check the required hours needed for charging. You can even use a Scondar connector designed for a great flow of current charges. You need to be extra careful in connecting the plugs so that it won’t turn out wrong which can further damage your car’s battery. 5. Follow the Manufacturer Instructions: Last on our list is the checking and following of the manual or instructions given by the manufacturers. In this way, you can have total peace of mind in connecting your batteries for safe charging. Conclusion: Once you have a car, being expert and well-informed about car battery charging is very important! You only need to follow the comprehensive guide we have provided above on how to charge your car battery, and you will surely get back on the road well-prepared! Read Also: How To Ship A Car Made Easy: 5 Tips To Keep In Mind Why You Should Have A Code Reader For Your Car How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle In Top Shape Get Cheap Car Insurance For Young Drivers

how many wheels are in the world

How Many Wheels Are In The World? – Are You Excited To Know?

Have you ever wondered how many wheels are there in the world? The first answer that will come to the fore is that there are actually plenty of wheels, which are infinite in number. However, in this article, we will look at this interesting question a bit differently and find out how many wheels are in the world in particular. With the Automotive Industry growing in leaps and bounds every year, the number of wheels depends upon the large number of vehicles being produced. Estimations have speculated that the number of wheels could be anywhere around 37 billion globally. Furthermore, in this article, you will also know why this question is there in the first place and what is the motivation behind finding out how many wheels exist in the world. You will also know about the fact why many people want to know how many wheels are there in the world estimate, as well as the views of the people. How Many Wheels Are In The World Total? – General Background Many users on the internet and social media (Twitter in particular) organized a popular poll, which was mainly about whether there are more doors or more wheels in the world. Hence, there were two different opinions from different users, and the reasons that people came up with were also interesting and, in some cases, extremely funny. On the one hand, many people were of the opinion that there are more doors in the world since there are many buildings and a single building has several doors. On the other hand, others claimed that since there are too many vehicles in the world, the number of wheels outnumbers the doors. Many people from around the world participated in the poll, and many people enjoyed the answers on the poll. The poll was featured in many countries, including the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Ireland, and many more. The person who started this poll is Ryan Nixon. According to him, he found similar questions in Quora, from where he took the idea. According to Ryan, the question he found on Quora is, “If you could have one superpower, what would it be?” To answer the question, Ryan replied, “The ability to know the answer to any question I wanted.” This is how he found the idea of asking the question to people on the internet. Although it may sound strange to you, this is actually how the poll started and got popular in no time. More Doors Or More Wheels – What About The Post? Image Source: static.tweaktown.com Ryan Nixon posted the poll on March 5, 2022, on his Twitter account with the Twitter ID @NewYorkNixon. In the poll, he posted, “My mates and I are having the STUPIDEST debate...And I am here for it. Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?” As of February 22, 2023, we found that there are 223,347 votes. The final results are already out. The poll results were close, as 53.6% of people voted for more wheels, while 46.4% of people voted for more doors. There are 4823 retweets of the post and 19,200 likes on the post. Furthermore, 4414 people quoted the tweet. From the moment Ryan posted the tweet, it went viral in no time. Within three days, the post was one of the most viewed on the internet. Many experts are of the opinion that the reason behind the post being popular is that it was truly unique, and different people have different opinions about the post. Additionally, the post got popular quite fast on Facebook, Reddit, and other social platforms as well. What People Are Saying About The Doors Vs. Wheel Post? Image Source: media13.s-nbcnews.com You must have already understood that the post was unique and got popular due to it being interesting and funny at the same time. This is because hardly any people think about the number of doors and wheels in their own houses and cars, let alone the world. The funny part about the post is the way how many people came together to vote on the poll and have a debate in the comment section of the post. The question was, although simple, it was intriguing as well. For example, one person even commented, “Who is voting doors??? There’s wheels on everything. I have wheels on my garment rack, makeup storage holder, rubbish bin. It’s definitely wheels.” In return, Ryan Nixon replied, “You have more wheels in your house than doors? Think about cupboards, the pantry etc. Think about how many doors there would be in something like an apartment building or hotel...” Such conversations and opinions made the post extremely interesting. Some of the other comments that added fuel to the fire are: “Very solidly wheels. All cars have 4 wheels but 2-4 doors. An average home might have 6-10 doors but it also has 3 suitcases with 6-12 wheels. A collection of toy cars might have 400 wheels.” “How many suitcases with wheels on have you got in your house? I’ve got eight. That’s 32 wheels just there.” “Doors. Four door cars and trucks nullify themselves. All ships have doors, no wheels. All buildings have doors, no wheels. Doors.” “Doors by far. Most things with wheels have at least a 2:1 door-wheel ratio, and then you have all the other doors in the world.” “In my household there are 29 doors including fridge, cupboards, washing machine, tumble dryer and car. Got 4 wheels on my car and the hamster has a wheel, can’t think of any more wheels I’m saying doors." "Using the ideology that wheels are only for vehicles and doors only count if they can be walked through. Think it’s quite clear that doors win. Let me know if I’ve missed anything major or something needs explaining.” "Think it’s quite clear that doors win. Let me know if I’ve missed anything major or if something needs explaining.” "Doors. Four door cars and trucks nullify themselves. All ships have doors, no wheels. All buildings have doors, no wheels. Doors." "Easily doors There's double the number of homes in the world than there are other types of buildings too, eg shops, businesses etc Then on top of that, most vehicles have many doors too," "Must be wheel. Wheels is one of the earliest human inventions. Not only in vehicles, but also in rollerblades, suitcases, chairs, etc. Wheels also made each day more than doors." "Just to confuse this debate do you mean EVER or NOW? as this very much alters my answer. Also, is a broken door or wheel still a door or wheel? I need some rules here." "You have ruined my life, I've lost sleep over this." "This has sent me into a spiral and I can't escape it." What Is The Exact Answer To The Question? In every way, it is very hard to find out the exact number of wheels or doors. If, for example, you think about only cars, you have to consider it has four wheels and at least two doors. There are wheels in other vehicles as well. Furthermore, there are so many doors in houses, furniture, etc. On the other hand, there are also wheels in toys like Hot Wheels and Legos. Realistically speaking, the numbers are just too much for a person to count, as they are infinite. Hence, we will not be able to give you even a close idea. How Many Lego Wheels Are There In The World? Image Source: m.media-amazon.com In answer to how many Lego wheels there are in the world, you will need to estimate the number of car toys Lego produces. In a year, almost 17 billion toy cars are produced. Lego has sold approximately 6 billion wheels until now. As per a 2010 report, we found that Lego produces 318 million tires every year. Despite all these data, it is still hard to find out the number of wheels in this case too. Summing Up  It is really hard to find how many wheels are in the world or even how many doors there are. Who knows! There can be billions of wheels and doors in the world. However, the best part about the question is that it is interesting and unique, and the post from where the question is inspired was a head-turner. Moreover, the post was funny, and the results were even funnier. Read Also: How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change? What Type Of Vehicle Is Ideal For Off-Road Driving? How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle?

Car Accident

Dos and Don’ts After a Car Crash

The modern world sees most of us rushing from one commute to another. The mass ownership of the automobile is brilliant for getting us from A to B – but is it all it’s cracked up to be after you have a car crash? We put together this shortlist of dos and don’ts for after a car accident to help guide you through the process. Being in a fender bender is bad enough, but if it’s your first time then you need some guidance. Let’s look more closely at what you should, and what you shouldn’t, do when you have a car crash. Crashing your Car: What you Should Know If you have been in a vehicular accident, then there are a few things you should make sure you do. Immediately after the Accident If the car crash has just happened then stop the car, pull over, and switch on your hazard lights as soon as it is safe to do so. You are legally obliged to stop and may be taken to court if you do not. Exchange details with other drivers and witnesses only after you make sure yourself and others are safe. Emergency services should also be called. Do: ensure the safety of yourself and others. Do: contact the emergency services if needed. Do: get the contact details of everyone involved. But… Don’t: admit responsibility (as this Portland car accident lawyer will tell you). Don’t: have lengthy conversations with other parties involved. These conversations can be used against you by defense lawyers and insurance companies. The Balance Small Business has a good article listing which specific details you should get from which parties. In the Days Following a Car Accident You should report to the local police station if you have not already been in touch with the law to report the accident. You should also get in touch with your lawyer or car accident attorney. They can file a car accident claim on your behalf and talk you through all the necessary legislation. If you are the offending party, then they will advise you on how best to proceed. It is likely that there will be a monetary cost to the accident, and they can negotiate a fair rate of pay on your behalf. It is advised that your role in the accident is to hand over the facts and let your attorney deal with it. Car accidents can become legally complex matters that you should not try to handle alone. Do: Seek out the police if required. Do: inform your insurance firm for the accident. Do: seek out a car accident lawyer. But… Don’t: try to negotiate any deals by yourself. Don’t: contact anyone involved in the crash after the affair. Car Crashes cost the US economy more than 230 billion USD annually, so you are not alone in crashing. However, if you follow these guidelines your car crash lawyer in Portland can assist you to get the best outcome from an already dire situation. Whether this is a monetary award for your medical bills or distress, or whether this is a reduced fine or minimal jail time. When you crash your car you probably need an attorney – and that is the moral of the story. Read also: Florida Car Accident Lawyer: The Ultimate Approach to Winning Car Accident Cases 4 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer