Want to Make Some Money? Collect and Sell Scrap Metals

Published on: 25 December 2018 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024
Sell Scrap Metals

One man’s trash could be another’s treasure. This statement still rings true no matter how cliche it has become. Yes, trash can turn into wealth. You just have to know how to do it. Learn the ways of finding or creating value out of something already discarded.

Go to a scrap yard:

You’ll be surprised by how a place for garbage can be a good starting point for making money. You can go to a scrap yard in Dudley, for example, and examine the piles of trash laid out in the open. Don’t expect to be picking coins, bills, or gold bars, though. It’s not going to be a leisurely task. You need to spend time and effort to go through numerous items meticulously in order to find something worth taking. In the scrap or wrecking yard, your primary objective is to collect and sell metals.

Items you need:

To get started, there are things you need to prepare. One of which is a magnet. It doesn’t have to be too big. Something the size of a penny will be enough. It can be a magnet from damaged earphones or speakers. You don’t need to spend anything on it. Another thing you need is a container for your collected metals. It can be a sack, a barrel, or a truck, depending on the quantity of metal you plan to collect and the sources you will be frequenting.

Distinguishing ferrous and nonferrous metals:

Metals can be ferrous (containing iron) or nonferrous (does not have iron). The former is attracted to magnets while the latter is not. It is recommended focusing on the metals that stick to your magnet because they tend to have higher value. This is why you need to prepare a magnet before you head out to collect scrap metal.

Cleaning and sorting your collection:

Buyers of scrap metal prefer clean items. If you bring uncleaned scrap, it’s unlikely it’ll fetch a good price. That’s why it’s recommended tidying your collection. Cleaning does not mean washing the metals with detergents or disinfectants, though. Cleaning here refers to taking away attachments or objects that are not part of the metal. For example, if you have copper with insulators or brass attachments with it, it is not considered clean. Hence, you have to spend some time removing the unwanted components. The unnecessary parts bloat the weight—something buyers would somewhat exploit to reduce their pricing drastically.

On the other hand, you can also get higher pricing if you group the same metals before you take them to the buyer. Put your similar scrap in separate bags. Copper should be in the same container as other copper scraps. Steel should be with steel. You need to self-educate yourself in identifying metals. Fortunately, there are many guides or tutorials online that can help you. You don’t need any specialized training.

You don’t necessarily have to make scrap metal selling your main livelihood. It’s just something worth experiencing. There are many, though, who have found the sale of metals so good an opportunity that they eventually ventured into becoming the buyers of scrap metal themselves.

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Environmental Air

Why Environmental Air and Noise Monitoring Is Really Worth Families Health

The pollution of air and sound is abruptly increasing in this modern-day age. Exposure to environmental noise from traffic and construction work is now a common occurrence in many urban areas and has been linked to increased risk of adverse health effects. These bustling traffic sources of noise also produce air pollutants that also ups the risk of these dreaded illnesses with cardiovascular morbidity at the top of the list. Associations between environmental air and sound pollution vis-a-vis health outcomes must be studied and monitored because of their ability to impact health. Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is anything that produces unreasonable noise that disrupts the flow of daily life. It can be a jackhammer pounding incessantly by your office window during the day, the annoying buzz of the flowing traffic, or the noisy restaurant beneath your apartment. There are many sources of noise pollution in this technologically advanced world, and it would just continue to increase with each passing day if not monitored. The most common reason for measuring noise pollution is to respond to a specific nuisance problem. It could pertain to an industrial process in a nearby area that impedes your productivity. The second reason for conducting noise monitoring is to provide data. These gathered and collated nuggets of information support many planning applications in terms of normal business administration and even legislation, which are known for implementing control against noisy offenders. You must not take noise pollution lightly as it can impact your family’s health. Establishments and houses facing major through fares are subject to undue stress, which have serious health consequences. Disturbance of sleep is the leading cause of hypertension and heart attacks. Those who work in jobs that are exposed to environmental noise suffer the possibility of hearing loss. Clearly, unreasonable noise must never be taken for granted, which is why monitoring systems must be set up for the protection of families. Environmental Air Pollution: Between the two, people are more familiar with the effects of air pollution. Typically, people are alarmed when they see air pollution with their naked eyes in the form of black fumes emanating from cars or factories. On top of that, there is second-hand smoke to contend with, which is very harmful to the lungs of anyone that is unfortunate enough to inhale them. But what’s even more alarming is the air pollution that you cannot see because you are complacent while it unknowingly slowly kills you. Air pollution levels in major urban cities are actually at an all-time high. With fumes from cars, manufacturing facilities, cigarette smoke, restaurant exhaust systems, and the like, there are just too many particles present in the air that humans breathe. That’s why there must be monitoring systems in place to keep air quality in check because if not taken seriously, air quality can lead to a host of illnesses, even death. Smog is, unfortunately, ever-present in the modern world. It consists of various chemicals, particulate matter, and hazardous elements that can lead to respiratory diseases. It is now no longer a wonder why many people suffer from allergic rhinitis and asthma flare-ups because the quality of modern air is so much worse when compared to the air quality of the days gone by. Indeed, progress does have its price. Sadly, the people who have to pay and suffer for it are the many families who are exposed to the pollutants. Monitor Air and Noise Quality Index: If the world is serious about dealing with environmental air and noise pollution, agencies like the Threshold Environmental Brisbane must be put in place to constantly check the air and noise quality index of places, especially urban communities that are more susceptible to these pollutants. Vigilance is necessary to continue to protect families, especially younger children and the elderly who have naturally lower immune systems due to their age. As a citizen of the world, you also have the responsibility of monitoring your air and noise consumption. Become more aware of the noise you emit each day. On top of that, your choice in home heating and your transportation fuel has an impact on air quality. Contribute in your own way by having your home fuel system and car transmission inspected regularly to make sure that they pass air and noise quality standards. On top of that, opting for more sustainable transport is the more responsible choice. For instance, you can do days where you walk, bike, or take public transportation to do your own part in reducing the world’s noise and carbon footprint. Read Also: Importance Of Environmental Protection Less Waste – Something You Can Do For The World Dangers Of Chemical Spills On Humans, Buildings, And Environment

soil stabilization

What’s new in soil stabilization

With increasing urbanization, population growth and the need for reliable infrastructure, it’s not surprising that the need for a diverse set of soil stabilization techniques suitable for a variety of soil and project conditions has seen matching growth. In 2017, the global soil stabilization market reached a massive US $22 Billion, and is expected to reach US $29 billion by 2023. Here we take a look at some of the soil stabilization techniques leading the field in innovation and market growth. Chemical stabilization through the addition of Lime: The addition of lime, lime kiln dust or quicklime is a popular form of soil modification and stabilization for all types of soft soils, especially wet, fine-grained and clay soils. Essentially it reacts with clay molecules, which hardens and dries out the soil with which it is mixed, improving stability and soil compressibility. Lime is the oldest soil stabilization technique still in use today and can be greatly advantageous for particularly muddy construction sites which make accessing the site difficult, and it’s also cheap. It does, however, have several disadvantages too. The production process is very energy intensive, resulting in large CO2 emissions, as high as 1.2 tons of CO2 per ton of lime produced. Achieving homogenous application is tricky, there is risk of environmental toxicity, and application over very soft soil is problematic due to the heavy earth-mixing equipment required for application. Mechanical soil stabilization through the use of Geocell engineering: Although geocells have been around since the 1970’s, the increasing global demand for more environmentally sustainable and cost-effective construction techniques has seen renewed interest in their use. Geocells – a type of geosynthetic – are constructed from strips of a novel polymeric alloy called Neoloy, which are welded together to form a honeycomb-like grid when stretched out on site. They are then filled in with local granular materials that are readily available, such as sandy soils or even recycled asphalt paving (RAP). The main environmental benefits include the ability to utilize local granular materials for infill rather than hauling in high-quality aggregates from quarries, a reduction in the required pavement thickness, improved durability of projects, and the ongoing cost benefit of reduced maintenance requirements. While awareness of this technology remains its biggest challenge, it is gaining a reputation as a good option for projects with poor soil or challenging environmental conditions. One prime example of this was the construction of an all-weather access road for MEG Energy in the Muskeg peat bog, which made use of geocell engineering in Canada. Some of the challenges facing the engineers on site included moving vehicles and materials around on the saturated, acidic soil, as well as subzero winter temperatures, extremely poor drainage and heavy rains which meant much of the site was essentially a swamp – described, in fact, as an ‘engineering nightmare’. An example of the less than ideal working conditions – geocell layer visible in back Because the peat bog soil was too deep and poorly drained for soil replacement, it soon became clear that the use of heavy-duty Neoloy geocells was the only feasible solution. Local geocell experts designed a reinforced road using one to three layers of Neoloy geocells, depending on the saturation level of the area in question. Once in place, the geocells were filled in with sand from locally available borrow pits and then compacted. The geocell layers formed a semi-rigid mattress, or a ‘floating road’ over the swampy soil. The benefits of geocell mechanical soil stabilization include: reducing stress by distributing vertical loads and extending the life of the road – meaning that even heavy rigs and construction equipment could now traverse the peat bog on a regular basis. Compaction grouting for sinkhole remediation: Building much-needed apartment housing is one thing but doing so on an area of land which is essentially one giant sinkhole is another matter altogether! This was the challenge facing contractors trying to put up a new five story complex in King of Prussia in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Understandably, no work on the apartment building could begin until the underlying dolomite subsoil was stabilized. The solution they arrived at was the use of compaction grouting, which involves drilling columns in a grid-like pattern, and then injecting a low-mobility soil-cement grout into the holes at high pressures. This process compacts coarse-grained soils and displaces fine-grained soils, allowing the construction site to withstand higher bearing pressures and reduce settlement – both very important in an area to prone to sinkholes. Under normal conditions, a soil profile increases in strength with depth – but on this site, the dense clays were on the surface, with weaker soils above the bedrock – hence the tendency for sinkholes to form. Drilling down to reach the unstable layer was therefore the best solution in this scenario. To complete the stabilization, the contractor - Compaction Grouting Services, Inc. or CGS - needed to drill 626 separate holes, and pump in 820 cubic yards of grout at an average pressure of 300 psi. And despite a number of challenges, including snow, rain and muddy conditions as well as a small sinkhole which opened up in an area which hadn’t been grouted – they managed to finish a day ahead of schedule. 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Climate Change

Sustainability Expert Vikki Gerrard La Crosse Explains How You Can Still Help Climate Change In Your Golden Years

We all know that climate change is a huge problem. And it's one that we need to start solving now. But what can we do? We're not all scientists or politicians with the power to make significant changes. According to sustainability expert Vikki Gerrard La Crosse, we can still make a difference even in our golden years. We can do many small things to reduce our energy consumption and help the environment. Here Are Some Steps To Help You Climate Change In Your Golden Years: Here are a few of her suggestions. 1. Reduce Electricity Consumption The easiest thing we can do for the planet is to be conscious of the energy we waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average U.S. household wastes 10,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. This is the equivalent of leaving a 100-watt light bulb on for 10 hours a day. Households can reduce their electricity consumption and lower their electricity bill with simple changes. Turn off the lights when a room is not being used. If it's daytime, take advantage of natural light. Unplug electronics that don't need to stay on when you leave the house, like the TV, coffee maker, and computer. These devices use energy even when turned off, so it's important to unplug them completely. Using a power strip makes it easy to do this because you can turn off the power strip when you leave instead of unplugging each device individually. Related Resource: Follow These Simple Steps to Compare Electricity Rates Online 2. Take Advantage Of Public Transportation Take advantage of good public transportation if you live in an area with good public transportation. It's not only good for the environment, but it can also be a nice break from driving. Public transportation can decrease your carbon footprint because buses and trains emit less pollution per passenger mile than cars. Some areas, like more prominent cities, even offer discounts on public transportation for seniors. Check with your local transit authority to see what's available in your area. The American Public Transportation Association reports that if every U.S. household took just one trip on public transportation each week, we would save 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline annually. This would also avoid emitting 27 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If public transportation isn't an option, Vikki Gerrard La Crosse suggests carpooling or biking for an eco-friendly way to get around. 3. Plant Trees And Gardens Trees and plants are natural carbon dioxide absorbers. They take in the greenhouse gas and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, one tree can remove up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide yearly. You don't need a lot of space to make a difference. Even a small garden can have an impact. If you don't have a yard, you can grow plants in containers on a balcony or patio. Gardening has many other benefits, too. It can help you relax, connect with nature, and get some exercise. And, of course, you'll enjoy your labor's fruits (or vegetables). 4. Recycle And Compost Recycling and composting are great ways to reduce waste and help the environment. When you recycle, you're keeping materials out of landfill. And when you compost, you're creating natural fertilizer for your plants. You can recycle many items that you use every day, like paper, plastic, and glass. Most communities have recycling programs, so it's easy to do. Vikki Gerrard La Crosse recommends checking with your local municipality to see what's accepted. Composting is a little more work, but it's worth it. You can compost food scraps and other organic material, like dead leaves and newspaper, to create a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your plants. Many different containers make composting easy, even for small spaces. 5. Use Less Water Water is a precious resource, so it's important to use it wisely. We never really think about it not being readily available, but climate change is affecting water availability in many parts of the world. There are a few easy ways to conserve water at home. Turn the faucet off while you're brushing your teeth or shaving. Don't let the water run the whole time while doing the dishes. And water your plants during the cooler hours of the day to minimize evaporation. If you can, consider adding a rain barrel to your garden. This will save you money on your water bill and is a great way to water your plants during dry spells. To reduce water usage, you can also install low-flow fixtures, like faucet aerators and showerheads. These devices restrict water flow without affecting performance, so you'll still get a good clean while using less water. Finally, consider supporting organizations that are working to conserve water resources. One example is the Waterkeeper Alliance, which is a nonprofit organization that works to protect and restore waterways worldwide. They have more than 300 local chapters in over 40 countries, making them one of the largest environmental organizations in the world. The Waterkeeper Alliance uses a grassroots approach to advocacy, working with individuals and communities to uphold the rights of waterways. They also work with the government and industry to ensure that water is protected for future generations. Final Thoughts Even in our golden years, we can still make a difference regarding climate change. Educating ourselves about the issue and taking small steps to become more sustainable can significantly impact the world. Try implementing some tips above to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment. And don't forget to spread the word to your friends and family. We can all make a difference! 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