Top ways that tech keeps us entertained

Published on: 14 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

Could you live without tech? We all like to imagine that we don’t really need it. Indeed, a lot of people like to imagine that they don’t need modern civilization at all and could get by perfectly well living in huts that they’d made and been eating food that they’d caught for themselves – all well and good, but it would get a bit boring, wouldn’t it? The fact is that technology has massively enriched our lives. These are just a few of the ways that it serves to entertain us. 

1. Playing games :

Thirty years ago, it would not have been possible to imagine having hundreds of games at your fingertips. Now, you can play thrilling adventure games or solve limitless puzzles at your leisure. You can join in games with millions of other players all around the world. You can play FreeLotto and have fresh chances to win prizes every day (check out the Free Lotto site). Even classic games such as chess are available online, and you’ll never want for an opponent.

2. Watching movies :

Once you had to go to the cinema to see new movies, which wasn’t much fun if you lived someplace where you’d be lucky to find two new ones showing each month. Now, you can watch them at home or even while you travel – and of great quality. You have access to thousands of different movies and some great TV shows through streaming networks that really put you in control, and it’s far more affordable than the old way of doing things.

3. Finding new music :

There has never been as much great music available as there is today. The challenge is sifting through it to find new things that you like, but digital radio gives you the chance to find DJs whose taste you share, and platforms such as YouTube and Spotify mean that you can check out what your friends are listening to and give it a try. You’re not limited to what the big record companies like, as more and more musicians put their work online directly.

4. Playing with robots :

Sometimes, virtual fun extends into the physical world. Whether it’s a cute little mechanical friend for your kids or a drone for you to fly around and take photographs with, the world of robotics has something to entertain everyone, and it’s always coming up with new inventions. This is an area that’s set to expand as both artificial intelligence and engineering are making big advances.

5. Being social :

If you spend a lot of time enjoying your tech, then you might find that people tell you to get out and socialize more. It’s a strange attitude, as technology lets you be more social than ever before. Now, you can keep up with your friends wherever they go, and it’s much easier to meet new people. Even if getting around is difficult due to childcare responsibilities, disability or shortage of money, you can socialize whenever you want.

Why retreat from technology? It has brought a lot of joy to our lives. Some people just don’t know when they’ve got it good.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Planetshakers Melbourne Church

Planetshakers Melbourne Church: A Place Where Everyone Is Welcome

Are you searching for a church community where you can feel at home, regardless of your background, beliefs, or life journey? Look no further than Planetshakers Melbourne church. Nestled in the heart of this vibrant Australian city, Planetshakers has earned a reputation for being a warm and inclusive haven for people from all walks of life. Our Commitment To Inclusivity At Planetshakers Melbourne Church, we firmly believe that every individual is God's valuable and unique creation. Regardless of your age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious background, you are welcome with open arms. We believe that love and acceptance should be extended to all, just as Christ did. Our commitment to inclusivity is a statement and a way of life. We strive to create an environment where diversity is tolerated and celebrated. This diversity enriches our community and allows us to learn from one another. We believe that unity in diversity is one of the most powerful ways to reflect God's love. A Diverse Congregation Our community reflects the rich tapestry of Melbourne's cultural diversity. Step inside our doors, and you'll find individuals and families from various ethnic backgrounds coming together to worship and grow spiritually. The beauty of our diverse congregation lies in the unity we see in our shared faith. Our multicultural congregation brings together people from different parts of the world who speak other languages and have unique traditions. Yet, we are bound together by our shared love for Jesus Christ. This unity in diversity is a testament to the inclusive spirit of Planetshakers Melbourne Church. A Place Of Worship And Connection Planetshakers Melbourne Church offers a dynamic and contemporary worship experience. Our services are designed to inspire, uplift, and empower. Whether you're a seasoned Christian or someone exploring spirituality for the first time, you'll find our worship services engaging and relevant. Our worship is not just about songs and sermons; it's about encountering God accurately and meaningfully. The music is vibrant, the messages are practical, and the atmosphere is welcoming. You'll find a diverse group of people passionate about worshipping God and growing in their faith. In addition to our Sunday services, we have midweek gatherings, prayer meetings, and special events that provide opportunities for you to connect with others on a deeper level. Building meaningful relationships is essential to your spiritual journey; we allow those connections to flourish. Connecting Beyond Sunday We understand that church is not just a Sunday event. That's why we offer a variety of programs and groups to help you connect with others and deepen your faith journey. Whether you're interested in joining a small group, participating in community outreach, or seeking counseling and support, we're here to walk with you. Our small groups cover various topics and interests, from Bible study and prayer to fitness and parenting. These groups are where you can find support, share your experiences, and grow with others who share your interests and values. Community outreach is another integral part of our church life. We believe in making a positive impact on our city and beyond. Whether feeding the hungry, supporting local schools, or partnering with organisations to address social issues, we are committed to being a force for good in our community. Youth And Children Families are essential to our community, and we have dedicated programs for children and youth. We believe in providing a safe, nurturing environment where young people can encounter God and learn about His love. Our Sunday School classes are age-appropriate and engaging, designed to teach children about the Bible and the foundations of the Christian faith. We also have youth gatherings and events that allow teenagers to connect with their peers and grow in their relationship with God. Music And Creativity Planetshakers is quite popular for its vibrant and inspiring music ministry. Our talented worship team, known for its globally recognized music, leads us in heartfelt worship every week. If you are passionate about music or creative arts, you'll find a place to express your talents and contribute to the church's vibrant culture. We believe that music and creativity are powerful tools for conveying the message of God's love. Whether you're a musician, a vocalist, a dancer, or an artist, there's a place to use your talents to glorify God and inspire others. Get Involved Becoming part of the Planetshakers Melbourne Church community is easy. Simply join us for one of our services, and you get a warm welcome by friendly faces eager to help you feel at home. We also encourage you to explore our website for information on upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. One of the best ways to get connected is to attend our Newcomers' Orientation, where you can learn more about the church, meet our pastors and leaders, and discover how you can become a part of our vibrant community. Conclusion Planetshakers Melbourne Church is not just a place of worship; it's a place of belonging. You are welcome here regardless of where you've been or where you're going. Come as you are, and let's journey together in faith, hope, and love. We can't wait to meet you and welcome you into our loving community at Planetshakers Melbourne Church. Read Also: Ways To Improve Children’s Parties 6 Delicious Cakes That You Must Try This Winter

Addiction & Recovery Worth Watching

7 Documentaries About Addiction & Recovery Worth Watching

Documentaries and films on addiction discuss substance abuse disorder, recovery, and the increasing drug problem America faces today. It helps people understand the effects of alcohol and drugs on their lives. Documentaries about addiction may help you or a loved one struggling with addiction understand what you're facing and see the different lives addiction has changed. 7 Addiction Documentaries That You Must Watch These documentaries show that you can live a drug-free life. They are stories of hope, survival, and change that can inspire others with their own recovery journeys. Here are some documentary recommendations from After seeing this, you will understand the stages of recovery from addiction.  1.  "Recovery Boys" "Recovery Boys" is a documentary about the American opioid crisis. The film focuses on the struggles and triumphs of four men trying to regain sobriety.  It shows their perspectives on the whole process, including the highs and lows. It also shows how they managed to regain their lives and reconcile broken relationships.  2. "Montana Meth " "Montana Meth" is one of many documentaries about methamphetamine addiction. It delved deeper into the lives and struggles of people in Montana struggling with addiction.  It told the stories of three people: a young woman who traded sex in exchange for drugs, a high school athlete who had straight As but quit after using meth for a year, and a tribe member who began using meth when he was 11 years old. "Montana Meth" revealed the physical effects of methamphetamine addiction, including tooth decay, brain damage, and skin lesions.  3. "Drugged — High on Alcohol " "Drugged - High on Alcohol" demonstrates the harm alcohol can do to the body. Ryan, a 28-year-old man who can't live a day without three pints of vodka, is the topic of this documentary.  It tells of his descent into alcoholism and the different tests he takes to help him figure out his drinking problem. Ryan began drinking shortly after the death of his father, an alcoholic. Despite knowing how dangerous alcoholism is and its severe damage to his body, he still chooses to drink every day.  4. "Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict " The addiction documentary "Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict" is a must-see. It follows the story of Ben Rogers, a young man who developed an addiction to heroin.  He captured his struggle to get clean from heroin addiction. There are multiple poems about addiction and recovery. And this documentary is no less than that. Ben began using heroin at the age of 16. He was a gifted student and was raised in a wealthy family before he became addicted to heroin. He realized he wanted to lead a sober lifestyle after 18 years. This video is the diary of his struggle to overcome addiction and make amends.  5. "Addicted: America’s Opioid Crisis " Apart from the documentaries previously mentioned, "Addicted America's Opioid Crisis" is another addiction documentary worth your attention.  It begins with different children discussing the effects of their parent's addiction on their lives. Children also spoke out about their distressing situations, including abandonment and fear. "Addicted: America's Opioid Crisis" is an essential addiction documentary to watch because it goes deeper into America's opioid crisis. It covered the following topics: People struggling to abstain from opioidsOverdoses have caused the death of many parentsAgents of drug enforcement stopping drug cartels from delivering opioidsOverwhelmed drug counselorsA whistleblower who exposed the practices at Purdue Pharma LP This documentary about addiction also exposed the chief engineers from the project and pharmaceutical firms whom every filmmaker believes are behind the nation's opioid epidemic.  6. "Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street " This documentary about addiction is one you should not miss. This documentary focuses on the lives of heroin addicts between 18 and 25 years old. Uncensored, "Black Tar Heroin - The Dark End of the Street" shows the dangers heroin addicts face: AIDSIncarcerationOverdosesCrimeRapeProstitutionDeath The documentary also features the families of five heroin addicts. Family scrapbooks were kept that showed their lives before heroin became a major part of their lives. The documentary also showed the pain felt by the families as they watched their loved ones' lives waste away.  7. "The Anonymous People " The primary purpose of "The Anonymous People" is to end the stigma associated with addiction recovery. It examined the increasing substance abuse issues millions of Americans are experiencing and followed the recovery of addicts who lead different lives, from volunteers to executives. The documentary shows that recovering addicts can form meaningful relationships with one another, as evidenced by the addiction recovery documentary.  It aims to change how people view substance abuse and addiction recovery and how people respond to their loved ones struggling with addiction. Key Takeaway Inspiration and motivation to get sober can come from different places. Sometimes, it comes in the form of stories from people with the same experiences. Watching documentaries is one way to view these stories and their revelations, the struggles, and the hope the subjects have to recover from their addiction. Additionals: Overcome Addiction in California3 Key Steps Of Addiction Treatment To Help You Get SoberImportance of Addiction Rehab Centers for Addicts in ColoradoFriendships Up in Smoke? 6 Ways Addiction Affects Relationships

drone racing

Top 10 Tips for Drone Racing

Are you looking to become a perfect drone racer? Then read this article to the end. With the knowledge you are about to receive, becoming a pro will not take long. Especially when determined. If you are reading this article. It will be for either of these two reasons. You just started drone racing or you are just looking to get better at racing. Either way, both of those reasons commonly mean you lack the ultimate control and understanding of an fpv quadcopter. Getting this control and understanding will help improve your flight time, maneuvering, speed, and other necessary features to become one with the best drone maneuvers. Drone racing : Before we move into the tips, let’s discuss the competition. Drone racing is a new competitive sport, played in several technologically advanced cities. Generally, cities that use drones in their daily activities. Cities like New York, Germany and so on. The sport involves several players in the control of quadcopters. Each of the quadcopters has a camera fixed to it. This enables them to view what the drone sees as if they were the drones itself. This is possible due to the 3D display which shows live feed directly from the camera. The goal of each player is to complete the set course the fastest way possible. The race involves you making twists, turns and tearing through open spaces all in great timing, in order to escape obstacles for laps after laps. Usually, these maneuvering leads to the pilot breaking his controller stick. It’s really an intense sport. Being a pro is not an exception. Drone racing league : The drone racing league (DRL) is an official competition or sports media company. Similar to Formula 1. The difference is the use of drones to race. The DRL host games to be played by professional drone racers all around the world. It is as popular as other sports like the formula one, yet. But as time goes by there will be more interest. The media company itself is making efforts to increase its awareness by teaching newbies how to play the competition. DRL hosts competitions like the preseason gates of hell, level 1-5 and the main event, the world championship. Like any other sport, the DRL has a system of awarding each of the points gained by its players and assessing of their performances during the race. Before you are able to race in the DRL, your skills will have to be assessed. This is to be the sport of the future that will soon be adored and enjoyed by billions. Getting better at drone racing will be a great plus. As the sport is growing in recognition. Being a professional drone racer by the time drone racing is very popular will earn you lots of money. After reading the tips, you can see the racing drone review. In case you are interested in finding one. Tips for flying FPV racing drone : Get more batteries for more practice : By getting more batteries, I don’t mean piling up equipment or purchasing quality batteries will make you an instant professional drone racer. But what I do mean is, as you practice your flying your battery runs down. Once it does you will be able to replace the battery, since you’ve purchased enough batteries. The aim is to have uninterrupted training sessions. This tip is practiced by most professional drone racers. This scenario approves of the saying “practice makes perfect” and as a drone racer, you should hold to this. The more you fly, the more familiar you get with controls, the more tricks you get to develop and pile up. This will lead to you becoming a professional drone racer. The process is as simple as this, you start with learning how to take-off and land. Then you move to fly and hovering around large open places far from residents in order to prevent violation of the law and accidents. From there on, you advance to flying in a challenging environment which is similar to a set course. You could maneuver around obstacles in the park or woods, like the trees, walls and so on. With time and enough training, you should be among the best FPV drone maneuvers. Join a group : Being a part of a group wanting to achieve the same goal will make you good at what you do. Join a drone flying group is a step forward to becoming a perfect drone racer. Having a group is perfect for training especially if you are in a place where there is no drone racing.  You could make a home-made course with your group and race together. The big plus is, you will achieve a lot with a group than alone. Visit drone Racing Events : Attending racing events will is a sure bet at making you good. Competing with the best from different places will give you more experience whether you win or lose. Each time you participate in an event, you will learn something new. Update yourself on the knowledge of flight and board software Learning the flight board software and how it works generally. There are several models of the flight board but understanding the system is important. It enables us to use the flight board. If you are good at programming, it is a big plus, because you get to set the board to your preference. This will improve your understanding of your drone. Conclusion : Following these tips are sure to make you a pro. Follow them with determination because nothing works without determination. Read Also : 6 Coolest Uses For Drones Today