Are the World’s Largest Sectors Doing Enough to Minimize Single-Use Plastic Usage?


11 February 2021


Single-Use Plastic

For a number of years now, businesses around the world have been aligning themselves with a common goal: to minimize their contribution to the devastating levels of single-use plastics being sent out into the environment.

While it remains the case that many of the world’s leading culprits for plastic waste are not yet doing as much as they could in order to reduce the levels they contribute to landfill and oceans each year, the path forward is not quite as simple as it may seem to those on the outside. Read more below.

Marrying Sustainability with What is Sustainable is its Own Challenge:

Sustainable practices must prioritize the environment, but that is only half the story. By definition, pursuing sustainability means pursuing practices that can feasibly become the norm. It would be futile to pursue practices that are, on the face of it, ‘sustainable’, but which cannot last us for the next year, decade, century, etc.

In other words, we need to be selective about where we focus our efforts.

One prime example of this lies in the medical world – in particular, in the field of surgery, where single-use plastic and unrecyclable by-products are par for the course on any given day. Metal cannot replace the strong and flexible medical grade plastic used in the indispensable surgical retractor, just as eco-friendly fabrics will prove costly – and inefficient – replacements for disposable PPE.

The same goes for any other sector, although the medical world represents one of the most extreme examples, where sustainability cannot be achieved at the expense of patient safety, or individual hospital budgets.

Identifying Areas Where Progress is Possible – and Maintaining Focus on Them:

Identifying Areas Where Progress is Possible – and Maintaining Focus on Them

For many industries, identifying areas where progress is possible – and ensuring that progress is being made – is proving to be far more difficult than it may at first seem.

Take, for instance, the food distribution industry. In the fight against single-use plastic, much of our attention continues to be brought to plastic packaging on perishable foods, such as vegetables, meat, and fish – whereas, just a few years ago, we were hellbent upon ridding our routines of single-use plastic bags.

While it would make a considerable impact, ridding the supermarket of single-use plastic packaging is much less feasible than it may at first seem, and our distraction has derailed the initial effort against single-use plastic bags. In the UK, for instance, the leading supermarket chains sold 1.58 billion reusable plastic bags in 2019 – which equates to nigh-on sixty bags per household, and far more than the average family requires if they are reusing these bags indefinitely.

While much more needs to be done in order to mitigate the impact single-use plastics are having on the environment, a distinction is made in order to ensure that our efforts are focused in the right direction. A wholesale approach to plastic reduction will only prove unsustainable, and the only way to ensure lasting change is to be a little more selective about the areas in which we attempt to instigate mass change.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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3 Tips For Cheaper Funerals

When planning a funeral, financial costs always comes into play because expenditure will affect most of the funeral arrangements. This includes processes like paying the funeral home, catering for guests, as well as buying necessary items like flowers and caskets. Sometimes, one may want to plan a cheap funeral because it guarantees affordability. It also means that the funeral planners or the funeral director will have an easier time making arrangements that are not as extravagant. To arrange a cheap funeral, the most important thing is finding ways to cut costs throughout the process. This will end up reducing the overall budget. Below are some suggestions on how this can be done. Find ways to raise funds Before making an allocation as to how funds can best be used to conduct an affordable funeral, it is important to actually have the funds available. There are several ways in which this can be done while still ensuring that the money spent is minimised. One suggestion is to save up for funerals and such events. Some people prefer to set up a fixed deposit account where the funds can accumulate for use on a rainy day. Others may take out funeral insurance which can be a very wise idea. The money is paid in the form of a premium to an insurance company, and the funds are paid back during the planning of the funeral to cover costs. Lastly, the planners of the funeral can hold a fundraising ceremony, where relatives, friends, and well-wishers can donate to the funeral funds. All these methods will help in greatly reducing the cost of the funeral. Creating a favourable budget Once the funds have been raised, the next step is to specify how they will be used in the funeral process. The perfect budget for a funeral is one that allocates money in a way that reduces overall costs while still ensuring that the funeral goes as planned. This can involve prioritising what the money will be spent on and using it there first, to avoid depleting the funds before doing the important things. The right budget should also pick quality over quantity. Money spent on, say, quality funeral decorations, will save money in the end, than money spent on more items that have poor quality. Save on the funeral process itself There are ways to save money on the funeral process itself, and not compromise the ceremony. For example, cremation is a much less costly process than a burial. Services that are held in church, cost less than those held in a hired-out space. Of course, planning cheap funerals does not mean overlooking all the important funeral procedures. Everything possible should be done to ensure that the wishes of whoever the funeral is being planned for are respected. Any budget cuts should be done in line with this. Also, it is important to look at multiple options before settling on one, because that will ensure there is an alternative to choosing the most affordable one. All in all, a budget funeral does not have to mean a substandard one, and there are several ways to ensure that the ceremony is still beautiful and memorable.

Edgar Allen Poe

Scholarly Essays On Edgar Allen Poe

During his lifetime, Edgar Allen Poe wrote hundreds of stories, many of which are considered some of the best in the genre. He was known for his Horror tales and Detective stories, and his influence on modern writers is still seen today. Career Among the first and foremost writers to develop the style known as horror fiction, Edgar Allen Poe was also a poet and critic. His writings inspired the French Symbolists of the late 19th century to alter the direction of modern literature. Despite his literary ability, Poe had to work to support himself. He wrote for several journals, including the Gentleman's Magazine and the Evening Mirror. His poems and short stories often featured criticism and analysis. He was a leading figure in the "art for art's sake" movement. As a youngster, Poe had a close relationship with his foster father, John Allan. Their relationship was strained by Poe's excessive gambling and drinking. He became an editor for the Southern Literary Messenger, a periodical based in Richmond, Virginia. Aesthetic philosophy Various scholarly essays on Edgar Allen Poe have explored his aesthetic philosophy. These include such pieces as "The Raven," "The Philosophy of Composition," and "Poetry and Resurrection." Each of these is a systematic account of Poe's writing process. For example, the order essay on "The Raven" discusses the poem's merits in terms of its setting, brevity, sound, and theme. It also examines the values of the refrain. The essay on "The Raven" also introduces some of the main concepts of the aesthetic. These include the idea that art requires a delicate philosophy and careful and deliberate plan. Furthermore, these elements must all work in harmony. This is the same for a story since all aspects must be repeated to make a coherent whole. The essay on "The Raven" presents some of the philosophical concepts that Poe used when he wrote this piece. He explained that the poem's structure is based on themes, memory, and sounds. He describes how each element of the poetry contributes to its effect. He also elucidates his conception of versification. Detective stories Described as the father of detective fiction, Edgar Allan Poe is responsible for many of the features still used today. His first detective story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," was published in 1841. It was also the first modern detective story written in English. The story tells of two Parisian women who are brutally murdered. While the identity of the crime is not essential, the solution is. The main character, a detective, uses "analysis" to find the answer to how to buy essay. This concept is often used in future detective stories. Among Poe's many accomplishments, his creation of the elusive but not necessarily true detective story is considered one of the most impressive. His first detective story, "The Murders In The Rue Morgue," was the first modern detective story to be published in a magazine. Horror tales During his life, Edgar Allan Poe wrote dozens of stories. He is best known for his gothic writing style. His works are dark and disturbing. He is credited with developing several types of horror fiction. He is a prominent American author. His influence is felt in the art, music, and drama worlds. His stories address such issues as death, murder, and violence. Often, his stories deal with subconscious mental activities that cause ordinary people to commit terrible deeds. The main philosophical concern of Poe was the relationship between material and mental existence. He believed that madness was a natural part of the human condition and that a person could fall into it at any moment. However, he also thought a wholesome physical and mental life was necessary for a peaceful existence of a good argumentative essay. Influence on modern writers Throughout the 19th century, the influence of Edgar Allen Poe on modern writers was immense. Poe was considered one of the greatest writers of all time and greatly influenced many authors. He is famous for his writing style, macabre imagination, and detective stories. Several studies have been conducted to explore the influence of Poe on literature and the arts. Poe was the most influential writer in the United States during his lifetime. However, in the late nineteenth century, his influence spread to other countries. In particular, French writers recognized his unique genius and embraced his works with specific resonance. In addition, he influenced members of the French symbolist movement, which altered the direction of modern literature. Edgar Allan Poe was a prolific writer and editor. He wrote nearly 1000 articles, essays, and critical notices. He also served as a magazine editor and critic. His reviews often included technical examinations of the work. Moreover, he was the author of numerous books and poetry collections. Additional: What Is An Essay? Definition And What Are Its Parts 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process Student’s Guide: 14 Essay Types from the Easiest to the Hardest One Tips To Enhance Your Academic Performance From An Expert Writer Tutor John W From DoMyEssay | Сontentrally


Are You a Taurus? 8 Things to Know About Yourself

Are you Taurus? then What words come to mind when you think of a bull? Strength. Power. Intensity. Sublimity. All of the above!? Contemplating the character of this immense animal is a useful first step to understanding the qualities of a Taurus too: that illustrious second sign of the Zodiac that bears the symbol of a bull. Here are some quick facts for you. Taurus's are born between April 20th and May 20th. Their element is Earth. Their planet is Venus. Their lucky gem is an emerald. But what does that all mean for you? What are the specific Taurus traits that might shed some light on you and your personality? Let us help! Keep reading to find out the 8 key traits of this particular star sign. 1. You're Independent: Any Taurus-born is fiercely independent. Strong and resourceful, Taureans can walk through life confident in the knowledge that they have the qualities required to handle any challenges that arise along the way. Taurus doesn't need to rely on the support of others in such situations. They can quite happily navigate any obstacles alone. That said, they have strong social ties too. Their magnetism and strength of character draw valued friendships and bonds between loved ones. 2. You're Hardworking: Taureans are known for their hardworking characteristics too. Bulls symbolize work ethics, strength and power. All of these traits translate into an individual who strives to do their utmost to succeed in a task. Their resilience under pressure and willingness to achieve, all stacks up to create someone utterly committed to working hard. There's a reason we talk about 'grabbing the bull by the horns'. It speaks to initiative, perseverance and seizing the day. Through hook or crook, a bull will get you to where you need to go. 3. You're Dedicated: There's no going back once a Taurean decides on a particular path. We've already seen how you've got a hardworking nature. But it's possible to work hard for a short period of time, before quitting. That isn't in your character as a Taurus! Far from it. Think of a bulldozer. Why do you think it's called that? The image of this mechanical beast pushing, breaking and overcoming obstacles is the exact image that comes to mind when a Taurus gets its teeth stuck into a task. Simply, there's no stopping them. 4. You're Patient: Nothing will stop a Taurus from achieving what they set out to. This is partly to do with their dedication and commitment. But it's also thanks to the quiet patience that runs like a thread through their personality. A Taurus knows what they want and that one day they'll get it. And they're willing to both work hard and wait for the privilege of that achievement. Taureans are patient with people too though, and, for that matter, in almost all other aspects of life. 5. You're Sensual: Taurus is one of the most sensual of star signs. There's a hedonism to their pursuits, making sensory pleasure paramount. From touch, taste, sight, smell, and sound, Taureans place a high value on sensory gratification. There's an intensity to a Taurus. Beauty is big; satisfaction is sought-after. As you might expect, love-making is passionate and important (check out these tips on how to improve your sex-life). There's a tendency to fall hard for someone though, which can lead to challenges for the smitten Taurus. Without due care, the intensity behind their emotions can lead to a neediness that can harm the relationship. Sound familiar? Consider checking out your Taurus horoscope for clues on how to navigate the situation. 6. You Can Be Stubborn: Taureans have a reputation for being stubborn and bull-headed at times. Which makes sense, given the star-sign! Ever tried to get a bull to back down? It's no mean feat. It's the same with a Taurus. However, there's a fine line between stubbornness and extreme commitment. Some might argue they're two sides of the same coin. That's definitely the case with a Taurus. You're extremely committed, but that can easily be misconstrued as stubbornness. 7. You Can Be Lazy: You might be wondering how someone can be hardworking and lazy at the same time. It's a fair question! But Taureans pull it off adeptly. Again, think about a bull. Can you imagine trying to get a bull to do something it doesn't want to? Conversely, with the bit between the teeth, try stopping them from getting what they want! A Taurus creates their own destiny. They're utterly dedicated and committed to their own endeavors and they'll do whatever it takes to succeed. The issue comes when someone else's needs enter the equation. Operating under authority can be a challenge. It's difficult to persuade these zodiacal bulls to behave in the sole interest of others. It isn't malicious. It's simply a conflict of interests between the needs of self and other. 8. You Can Be Indulgent: A Taurus' independence and hardworking nature often lead to the ability to earn a lot of money and be self-sufficient. Think of it as the antidote to your hardworking nature. There's a hedonistic side to you. It feels good to indulge in decadence and material pleasures. You're prone to treating yourself. From long spa days and lust-filled encounters to eating rich, beautiful foods and so on, you like to feel satisfied. Do You Possess These Taurus Traits? There you have it: 8 Taurus traits to help you understand you and your star sign. A Taurus is an intense individual with a life characterized by extremes. Your positive qualities far outweigh the negative though. You're hardworking, dedicated, sensual, patient and independent. You're high achieving and exceptionally popular to be around as a result. Your internal drive can make you stubborn though. Your commitment to your own goals can make you seem lazy to others as well. And your hedonistic desires can lead you to overindulge at times. However you walk through life, you can be sure of having an adventure! Hopefully, the information here will have helped you understand yourself a little better. We'd love to hear about it if so! Can you see these traits reflected in who you are? Which one do you relate to most strongly? Let us know in the comments!