Looking For The Best YouTube To MP3 Downloader? Here Are 5 Things To Note

Published on: 04 April 2020 Last Updated on: 07 April 2020
Youtube to Mp3 downloader
  • Have you come across a new beat by a famous DJ on YouTube to MP3 downloader and want to save it in MP3?
  • Do you want to create something on your own using the best and want easy access to the audio?
  • Are you aware of great software that helps you convert YouTube videos into MP3 audio files?

In this article, we will look at why millions of people around the world are looking at YouTube to MP3 downloader. We will also help you choose the best one for your personal use. 

However, before we begin, let us look at some of the advantages of using Youtube to mp3 downloader. 

Advantages of a YouTube Video to MP3 Audio Converter

1. Overcome poor internet connectivity-

If you want to stream videos in high resolution, you need a super steady and powerful internet connection. However, with the Coronavirus lockdown, most people are using the internet on an increasing scale. This means that buffering and streaming videos have become very difficult. 

If you are using a YouTube to MP3 converter, you can keep all these problems away. Simply enter the video URL in your extension and get your audio file downloaded. 

2. Fix YouTube’s No-Background Streaming problem-

Every time we try to look up a new notification on our phone screen, YouTube stops playing. Millions of people all over the world have expressed dissatisfaction over YouTube not playing in the background. 

With a YouTube to MP3 downloader, you can save yourself from this frustration, for the last time. Simply download the video, convert it into an audio file and play it on your phone’s media player. 

3. No Video Loading means ‘Time Saved’-

If you want to watch a video, you need to click on the play button on YouTube and wait for the video to buffer. This problem is compounded if you have a poor network. If you cumulate all the time that you have kept waiting for videos to buffer, you could have learned how to play the guitar!

If you have a great converter at your disposal, you can save so much time. You can utilize all the time saved productively in some other manner. 

5 Things to Note before choosing a YouTube to MP3 Converter: The List

  • Select software that does not come with bundled extras-

Most YouTube to MP3 downloader on the market come with additional software that you will never need. This not only defeats the purpose of the converter but also irritates you when it comes to getting unnecessary updates all the time. It is best to stay away from such software. This also leads to obtrusive ads, pop-ups, and many more problems. 

  • Go for a reputed and trusted brand software-

You need to consider security when it comes to such software. It is impossible to keep a track of what you are giving the software access to. However, if you are working with reputed brands you can ensure that they are safe enough to be trusted. They would not want their names to be dragged into any data security issues. 

  • Choose software that converts from all Social Media platforms-

You might be using the converter primarily for YouTube, but it is always best to have one that works on Facebook and Instagram as well. This will help you convert videos from all the social platforms with ease into video as well as audio. You will get convenience, ease of usage and many more benefits. 

  • The Converter Software should not have a limit or some time restrictions-

While there are many options out there when it comes to converters, nearly all of them suffer from one single problem. They impose some form of time limit or the number of videos you can download and convert. This will give you complete peace of mind when it comes to downloading or converting as many videos as you want into video and audio formats. 

  • Choose a converter software, which is not slow-

It has been found that some conversion software gets unnecessarily slow after some time. While the reason for the same cannot be pinpointed, it is often the result of slow server speeds. This is why it is best to work with reputed brands, which have their own servers. This does not allow the process to slow down at any time. 


People download and convert videos from YouTube and other platforms for many reasons. To help them personally learn a new skill for saving entertainment for some special occasion. No matter what your requirement a good conversion software will help you attain your goals. 

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Viral Content

The Art Of Creating Viral Content On TikTok For Marketing Apps

Did you know that TikTok users spend an average of 90 minutes daily on the app? Making it a perfect platform for those wondering how to market an app successfully. Whether you're a content creator or a brand aiming to expand your reach, TikTok offers a vast pool of potential users. Particularly for mobile app marketers. Consider this: Over 60% of TikTok users belong to Gen Z, a tech-savvy generation that prizes authenticity and creativity. The gender distribution on the platform is almost even, offering a broad spectrum for targeting. A whopping 90% of TikTok enthusiasts access the app daily on their mobile devices, emphasizing the synergy between TikTok users and potential mobile app consumers. Numerous apps, such as the popular Duolingo, have harnessed TikTok’s power, witnessing exponential growth after trending on TikTok. If you are looking to launch your app or are simply looking to find new users then it is crucial to master the nitty-gritty of TikTok content. Understanding the Art of Creating Viral Content The statistics speak volumes about TikTok's potential for mobile app marketing, especially if you're figuring out how to market an app. But the question remains: how can one truly harness this potential? To get the answer, we turned to Inigo Rivero, Managing Director at a reputed TikTok Agency. House of Marketers is a powerhouse in TikTok marketing. Their illustrious track record showcases successful campaigns for industry giants like Jodel, and Euroleague Basketball. They specialize in influencer marketing and paid media campaigns, as well as more. We reached out to them to ask: What makes TikTok content truly authentic, and how do you ensure this authenticity when crafting content for brands? How do you prioritise engagement over direct promotion on TikTok, and what strategies have proven most effective for you and your partners? What is the importance of storytelling in TikTok content, and how do you weave a brand's narrative seamlessly into the platform's ecosystem? With the ever-evolving trends on TikTok, how do you strike a balance between leveraging what's trending and maintaining a brand's unique voice? Let's dive deep into the strategies behind content that not only trends but also leaves a lasting impact on TikTok. The Blueprint for Viral TikTok Content for Marketing Apps Here are the insights they shared with us: In our years of experience at House of Marketers, we've found that the heart of TikTok lies in its authenticity. When we collaborate with brands, our primary focus is to craft content that feels genuine and resonates with the TikTok community. It's not just about promoting; it's about creating a narrative that TikTok users can connect with. We agree TikTok isn't the platform for hard sells. When you showcase genuine user experiences, behind-the-scenes looks, and real stories, your ideal user naturally gravitates toward your content. Instead of trying to follow a formula, let users see the humans behind the app. Can you reverse-engineer viral content? The answer is yes and no. The thing is that creating or re-creating viral content on any platform requires a bit of trial and error and a lot of dedication. But fear not, we asked the experts to help us figure out the blueprint for viral content. But how do you create content that not only entertains but also serves a marketing purpose? Let's delve into the anatomy of viral content, starting with understanding the cogs that power this massive platform. Engagement Over Promotion TikTok thrives on spontaneity and real moments. Unlike other platforms where polished aesthetics are the key to success, TikTok values raw, genuine interactions. This is the platform's unique strength and the key to crafting content that stands out. While leveraging trending sounds or challenges is effective, it's vital to infuse your unique brand voice. How does the trend align with your app's value proposition? Whether it's a challenge related to your app, a poll, or a Q&A session, interactive content boosts engagement and fosters a sense of community. Highlight the problems your app solves, but in a fun, TikTok-friendly manner. “Whenever we strategize for our partners, we focus on achieving entertaining the audience, whilst seamlessly (but directly) promoting the brands. TikTok isn't the place for hard sales. It's a platform where brands can build genuine relationships with their audience. We always advise brands to be a part of trending challenges, use popular sounds, but most importantly, to be authentic." - House of Marketers Understanding the TikTok algorithm is the cornerstone of creating viral content. Over recent years, the platform's algorithm has evolved, reflecting a deeper commitment to user experience. Brands like Gymshark have optimized their approach by posting consistently and using trending sounds, thus amplifying their visibility. Read the in-depth case study on the House of Marketers website, here. The TikTok algorithm functions primarily on the 'For You Page' (FYP), a curated feed personalized for each user. A few factors heavily influence content visibility: User Interaction: This includes likes, comments, shares, and even the account follows stemming from your content. Video Information: Details like captions, sounds, and hashtags play a role. Using trending sounds and relevant hashtags can boost your content's discoverability. Account and Device Information: Although lesser-known, TikTok uses device type and account settings to serve content. In a nutshell, the more engagement your content garners, the higher its chances of being propelled to many more FYPs. But remember, it’s not just about visibility; it's about striking a chord. Storytelling: The Backbone of TikTok Marketing Interactive content, like polls, Q&A sessions, and challenges, boosts engagement and fosters a sense of community. It's about making the audience a part of the brand's story. "At House of Marketers, we believe in the power of storytelling. Every app has a unique story, and our job is to tell that story in a way that captivates the TikTok audience. Whether it's showcasing user testimonials, behind-the-scenes looks, or the journey of the app, it's all about creating a narrative." - House of Marketers If there's one golden rule in marketing, it's this: Know your audience. While global trends can be tempting to jump on, local nuances play a critical role. For instance, while a dance challenge might be viral globally, regional humor or cultural trends can offer a unique spin, making your content more relatable to a specific audience segment. Defining Your Users: Are they teenagers looking for entertainment, or professionals seeking productivity apps? Understand their interests and behaviors to fine-tune your content strategy. Content Alignment: Ensure that your content speaks directly to your target audience. If you’re marketing a fitness app, trending dance routines can be an apt choice, showcasing app features while keeping it fun. A clear vision of your audience is akin to having a compass. It might not dictate every step, but it ensures you're heading in the right direction. Read House of Marketers' in-depth guide on how to use storytelling for your app growth here. Strike a Balance between Trend and Originality While it's essential to tap into trending challenges and sounds, it's equally crucial to infuse content with a brand's unique voice. It's about finding the perfect balance between what's trending and what's true to the brand. "At House of Marketers, we often say that riding the wave of trends is essential, but it's your unique touch that makes the ride memorable. While trends provide momentum, it's originality that ensures your brand leaves a lasting imprint. Every time we collaborate with a brand, our goal is to intertwine the essence of the brand with the pulse of TikTok's trends, creating content that's both relevant and distinctive." - House of Marketers. Originality and authentic ideas stand out. Be genuine and let your brand's unique voice shine through. Jump on trending challenges or sounds, but always with a twist that aligns with your app. An engaging story keeps users hooked. Even if it’s a short video, build a storyline that captivates. Crisp visuals and clear audio can make a significant difference. Invest in good equipment and editing tools. While there's no fixed formula for virality, mixing these ingredients with a pinch of creativity can help you craft content that drives success. Read more about how to market to your audience in this guide. Harnessing TikTok's Tools for Maximum Impact TikTok isn't just about 15-second clips; it's a platform brimming with features that can amplify your message. But the trick lies in knowing which tools to use and when. With TikTok now allowing videos up to three minutes in duration, brands have a larger canvas to tell their story. It's crucial to keep abreast of such updates. For instance, longer formats might be ideal for showcasing a detailed app tutorial or a user testimonial. Optimizing with TikTok's Inbuilt Features Effects & Filters: TikTok constantly releases new effects. For app marketers, this is a golden chance to frame their content innovatively. For instance, use the 'green screen' effect to showcase your app's interface or features in an engaging backdrop. Music & Sound: TikTok is as much about listening as it is about watching. Leverage trending sounds: Often, trending sounds are synonymous with viral content. Embed these in your videos, making sure they align with your message. Create your sound: Originality can set you apart. If it fits, consider producing a catchy jingle or soundbite related to your app. TikTok's array of tools can be overwhelming, but master them, and you'll be a step closer to crafting content that resonates and reverberates. Amplifying Your App through Engaging Narratives Direct selling on TikTok is a no-go. The audience seeks engagement, not advertisements. Every story has a hero. In the context of app marketing, the hero could be the user benefitting from the app. Crafting narratives around user transformation, say, someone becoming fit using a fitness app, can create a more personal connection. How then, does one subtly introduce an app? Integration over Promotion: Rather than overtly showcasing your app, weave it seamlessly into popular formats. If it's a meditation app, maybe a calming 60-second morning routine video could subtly highlight its benefits. TikTok Challenges: Create or tap into existing challenges. Challenges are TikTok's crown jewels, and they can virally promote your app if executed right. For example, if your app is about photo editing, launch a challenge where users transform an ordinary picture into art using your app. Celebrate User-generated Content: Encourage satisfied users to share their experiences with your app on TikTok. It adds authenticity and relatability. Every app has a story. It’s not about selling; it's about sharing that story in the most engaging way possible. Tapping into the Power of Collaborations No man is an island, and in TikTok's universe, collaboration can be the bridge to wider audiences. Collaborations not only boost visibility but also ensure the brand's ethos is communicated effectively. Influencer Partnerships: Identify and collaborate with TikTok influencers whose audience matches your target demographic. Their endorsement can lend credibility and expand your app's reach exponentially. Duets and Shoutouts: Engage with the community. Duets can be a fun way to interact with popular creators or users, while shoutouts (especially from larger accounts) can offer significant visibility boosts. Sponsored Content: While organic reach is golden, don't shy away from sponsored collaborations. They're a guaranteed way to place your app in front of a vast audience. In TikTok’s ecosystem, collaborations aren’t just beneficial; they’re often essential for rapid growth. Beyond TikTok: Cross-Promoting Your Content While TikTok is a potent tool, combining its forces with other platforms can amplify your impact. Platforms like Instagram have different user bases and algorithms. While TikTok thrives on spontaneity, Instagram values aesthetics. When cross-promoting, tweaking your TikTok content to match the platform's vibe can yield better results.  Here's how you can cross-pollinate your content for broader reach: Integrate with Other Social Platforms: Share your TikTok videos on Instagram Stories, Facebook, Twitter, or even LinkedIn, depending on your audience. This not only drives traffic to your TikTok profile but also increases the chances of your app being noticed. Embed in Blogs & Websites: If your business maintains a blog or website, consider embedding popular TikTok videos. This offers an interactive way for visitors to engage with your content. Newsletter Inclusions: Regular newsletters? Highlight engaging TikTok content or campaigns. It adds a fresh element to your communications and drives subscribers to your TikTok page. Engage with Communities: Join forums or groups related to your app's niche. Share your content there, but ensure it adds value to the community discussions. In the vast digital universe, your TikTok content is a star. Make sure it shines across the galaxy. Success Stories: Analyzing & Iterating The digital landscape is rife with stories of brands that changed course based on feedback. Coca-Cola's 'Share a Coke' campaign, which began as a small test, exploded in popularity. TikTok is no different. Brands that heed feedback and aren't afraid to iterate, often find greater success in the long run. Now that you've crafted and shared your content, how do you measure its impact? TikTok Analytics: Dive deep into your profile's analytics. Observe metrics like video views, followers, and engagement rate. This data is a goldmine, offering insights into what's working and what's not. Feedback is Gold: Engage with comments on your videos. They are raw, unfiltered feedback. Users might even share suggestions or desires related to your app. Adapt and Evolve: Digital landscapes, especially TikTok, change rapidly. Stay adaptable. If a strategy isn't working, pivot. If a new trend emerges, consider how you can align it with your app. Remember, success on TikTok isn’t just about virality; it’s about sustained growth. Regularly reviewing and iterating is the key. Final Thoughts on Viral Content on TikTok On TikTok, where trends come and go with the wind, the art of creating content that resonates lies in striking the right chords of authenticity, engagement, and originality. As we've journeyed through the intricacies of TikTok content creation, one thing stands clear: if you want to learn how to market an app, you need to learn to strike a balance between leveraging trends and maintaining a brand's unique voice. A special shoutout to the experts at House of Marketers for their invaluable insights and proven strategies. Their mastery in blending the art and science of TikTok marketing serves as an inspiration for brands aiming to make a mark on this platform. If you’d like to work with House of Marketers, then this is your chance. Get your free app marketing campaign proposal here. Read Also: Content Marketing: Tips For Better Results Get TikTok Unblocked: How To Unblock TikTok From Anywhere? Where can you seek support if you need to promote your page on TikTok in the shortest time possible?

Use A Captive Portal

How To Use A Captive Portal As A Beginner -Be Everything You Need To Know!

If you are new to using certain business technologies, learning the ins and outs of the best way to prioritize your day and boost productivity is key. If you're concerned about the outreach methods to help your business, target new customers, and reach your ideal target market - things need to change. To perform these all, the internet is the predominant helper, right? Hence, you will need a secure wifi connection for sure. If you do not reach your ideal consumer and you find that your sales are plummeting, you need to change fast so you can keep your business afloat and broadcast your products and services in the right way. But how can you do this? How can you gain information about your target market to prioritize your advertising efforts and reach the most important people? We have the answer here! Use a captive portal to help your business succeed! First thing's first - what is a captive portal? Chances are you have been to a coffee shop or a museum before and you have seen that you need to input certain information so you can log onto the local Wifi network. This is usually not a problem, as it takes just a few seconds, and then bam! You are connected to the rest of your trip. You may not have realized it, but this is a captive portal. A captive portal is a login page or a loading page that requires customers and patrons to input certain information so they can move on to the next page and enjoy the free Wifi. Typically, you will find this wifi method at local business and public spaces, such as hotels, cafes, museums, retail centers, and airports. The steps to setting up a captive portal If you're new to use a captive portal for your business - like you just opened a cute cafe on the corner of the main street in your town - you need to know the steps of how to use a captive portal to offer your customers! Turn on the captive portal for your network so you can provide wifi access to your customers. You can usually start doing this by locating your access point menu. Next, make sure you customize the settings of your captive portal by going to the Profile and the Settings section so you can create a unique name for your captive portal, create the password for your captive portal, and redirect the captive portal to a web page - such as your business home page. The next step in setting up to use a captive portal is being able to customize what the users will see and what they choose to log into your wifi network. Typically, you can choose something that relates to your business, such as the logo of your business, a coffee cup or your cafe, or an important event coming up for your business. You can choose and customize all aspects of this page, such as the font size and color, the background, any logos or pictures, and the messages that will confirm they have successfully logged into your captive portal wifi. Now you have successfully enabled your captive portal and other users can use a captive portal of yours. Conclusion As you can see, to use a captive portal, the setup is easy for new businesses! By following these steps, you can offer free wifi to all of your customers. Read Also: Best Performing Routers In 2021 Maintaining Productivity: The Basics of Industrial Safety How To Reduce The Operating Cost of Your Business?


Solve assignment problem in UK

Universities from the UK are popular among the youngsters around the world. A lot of students from the UK and foreign countries go for these universities as they aim for making it big in life. Studying in the top universities of the UK gives them a good experience, but they also get very busy as they don't just study but also get occupied by internships and part-time jobs, especially foreigner student. That's why they get less time to enjoy their hobbies or to go out with friends. So, finding time to write their assignment is also something that they find hard. This article focuses on the same issue of how to solve the assignment problem in the UK. So, read on to find out more. Assignment Help You may also be having this type of problem. However, skipping assignment is not an ideal option as you would not like to waste all the hard work you have done the whole semester and all the money you have spent. But spending a bit more money could solve your assignment problem in the UK. As you know that the internet is something that plays a significant role in our daily lives today, people are connected to each other through the internet, lots of trading is being done around the world using the internet and there are individuals who are using the internet for educational purposes, and assignment help online is one such way. The inception of assignment help online has proved beneficial for students from the UK and around the world in many ways. All you have to do is spend some money and get your assignment done sitting at home. These assignment help companies have a bunch of qualified assignment experts who have familiarity with the craft of assignment writing and also possess excellent English writing skills to tackle your assignment problems. You could say that it seems like these companies are doing business but that cannot be completely true because these assignment help providers have set a reasonable price for assignment help so that lots of students could make the full use of this service and enjoy the healthy academic experience. Allassignmenthelpuk is also one such website and it has made its presence felt in the UK when it comes to providing first-class assignment help online. We have got highly-qualified assignment writers on our team who are well-read and are aware of the ways to deal with your assignments in various subjects. Our assignment experts are also good at referencing your assignment in different formats such as APA, MLA, and Harvard. Plagiarism is something that is not acceptable in your assignment by your professors in the universities of the UK, so our company ensures that you get plagiarism-free assignment from us. You can avail our assignment help online at an affordable price by simply going to our website allassignmenthelpuk. So, don't get bothered if you are faced with assignment problems. Just try our assignment help online and get the delightful experience of assignment help.