18 Surprising Celebrities with Braces

Published on: 18 May 2018 Last Updated on: 20 December 2021

When you think of celebrities, it’s likely that glamour, beauty, and perfection are the first things that come to mind. So when we see celebrities with braces on, it’s completely understandable how jarring that can be to the pre-convinced images in our head.

But the fact of the matter is celebrities are people just like you and I. They put their pants on one leg at a time. They love their dogs and work for a living, just like everyone else.

And sometimes they need the help of orthodontic work to perfect their famous smiles.

So who are some of these stars that have lived out their oral treatment for the world to see? Let’s look at 18 celebrities that have gone through the process… Some of them may just surprise you.

1. Prince Harry :

Royals may be thought of as perfect and regal, but they aren’t necessarily born that way. Prince Harry proved that even royalty sometimes need the help of orthodontic treatment to achieve a smile fit for a prince.

2. Emma Watson :

Proving braces aren’t just for muggles, Emma wore braces for several months while she was in her early teens, which was well into the filming of the Harry Potter movie series. It showed you don’t need a magic wand to have the perfect smile, all you need is just a good orthodontist.

3. Gwen Stefani :

The singer has never been afraid to show off her eclectic sense of style. Which was especially true in the 1990s when she sported a set of traditional braces as merely a fashion accessory. She may not have needed them to perfect her smile, but they definitely helped perfect her rocker chic look.

4. Tom Cruise :

The actor was well into adulthood when he decided to get braces for the first time. At the age of 40 years old, Tom showed the world that the perfect smile isn’t mission impossible, but mission accomplished.

5. Estelle :

After she had already become famous, singer Estelle received braces when it was rumored her PR team advised her to do so. Though she denied that, stating she wanted to correct her smile in case she should ever win a Grammy. Either way, the results were indeed award show worthy.

6. Beyonce :

The superstar singer had so much love for her fans in 2011 that she sported a set of braces in support of all those who have had to wear them. Now, how’s that for dedication to her fans? Girls may run the world but it also proves this orthodontist helps a bit too.

7. Dakota Fanning :

Dakota was only a child when she started her acting career, which meant growing up in the spotlight. So once she got her set of braces, they were shown off at movie premieres and every event she attended.

She went through the full gamut of braces, head-gear, spacers, and retainers. But once her treatment was finished, she emerged with her movie star smile.

8. Faith Hill :

Another celebrity who decided to get braces as an adult is the singer, Faith Hill. At the age of 45 years old, the country beauty admitted to having braces when she was younger but didn’t keep up with wearing her retainer. This time, the second time was the charm.

9. Cindy Crawford :

Even supermodels are not immune from the need to wear braces. Cindy Crawford, perhaps one of the most famous supermodels of all time, was an adult and sported her orthodontic look in a Pepsi ad during the 1990s.

10. Danny Glover :

Perhaps being the king of proving braces know no age, the actor received his braces at the age of 59 years old. He can even be seen wearing his braces in the movie Shooter. It just goes to show, better late than never.

11. Faye Dunaway :

But if you think 59 years old is late in life to get braces, actress Faye Dunaway has that beat. She was in her 60’s when she began her treatment with traditional braces!

12. Ariel Winter :

Growing up on a successful tv series meant growing up for the world to see. The actress received her braces while continuing to film the popular tv show, Modern Family. She didn’t let it stop her though, her real-life braces fit in perfectly with her tv character.

13. Kendall Jenner :

Another celebrity who admits to not properly wearing their retainer the first time around is Kendall Jenner. When her teeth had shifted back, she opted to wear Invisalign braces to correct the problem. With her supermodel smile, she has won a billion hearts of her fan.

14. Nicolas Cage :

When he was between movie projects, Nicolas Cage decided to wear braces on his lower teeth, becoming yet another celebrity adult to sport traditional braces.

15. Chelsea Clinton :

How many people can say they wore their braces in the Oval Office? Chelsea Clinton sure can. While growing up in the White House as the First Daughter, she publicly sported her traditional braces.

16. Justin Bieber :

The pop singer is another one who opted to treat their smile with Invisalign braces, but he wasn’t afraid to show or admit it. He even made a video in a YouTube clip to show fans, wearing the braces for about a year before his treatment was finished.

17. Drew Barrymore :

Beginning her acting career during childhood as well, Drew grew up in the spotlight. It wasn’t until after filming the movie E.T., at the tender age of 12, she also joined the traditional braces club.

18. Kate Middleton :

For her royal wedding, Kate Middleton wanted to make sure her smile was fit for a future princess. For a short time before the ceremony, she wore invisible braces.

Celebrities with Braces Can Give Us All the Good Feels :

Dealing with braces can be stressful, make us feel anxious, and can be painful. But when we see one of our favorite celebrities with braces on as well, it can give a sense of comfort and be belonging that we are all in this together in some way! And doesn’t that just feel good?

Want to know how taking care of your oral health can impact your general health? Be sure to check out our blog post on it!

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The Healthy Effects Of Shrooms On Your Mind

Magic mushrooms are known to affect peoples’ minds. But, when you talk about its effect, what usually comes to mind is the hallucinations. Others would even think of just having a good time. It’s not wrong to see shrooms as hallucinogens. This is considering they are psychedelics, but they’re more than that. The effects mushrooms have on your brain, and your mind goes beyond your typical “shroom trip.” There are also many beneficial effects shrooms have on your mind. What Are Shrooms? The common term for Shrooms is magic mushrooms or Psilocybin. This is a popular specific type of mushroom that has a hallucinogenic effect on the mind. But the main side effects of the Shrooms have on the people’s mind. It triggers perceptions and has long-term effects on the mind and thought process. The main active ingredient of the Shrooms is Psilocybin. So when this is going to react with your body cells, it is going to produce Psilocin. This Psilocin is the main responsible factor that is affecting your nervous system. The research uncovered many things about shrooms’ effects on the brain. Although, science still has much to learn about shrooms. For example, shrooms are found to help rebuild neural networks. This neurogenesis psilocybe cause is another possible benefit that can come with taking shrooms. How To Find The Shrooms? The magic mushrooms are look-alike the other mushrooms. But when you are going to look at it with more contractions, you will find the differences. The most common difference is most of the shrooms have golden tops with blue meanies. The regular edible mushrooms are available in monotonous white and cream colors. But the shrooms are more like the poisonous mushrooms. So it is better to keep it in the ground. If you do not differ with the poisonous mushrooms, it is better to keep them away. The shrooms are available in capsule forms. And a dried form of shrooms and synthetic psilocybin is available in powder form. And it can proceed into the tablets. Neurogenesis And The Current Body Of Knowledge Neurogenesis pertains to the process in your brain where neurons are formed. This is a significant part of brain development, as it helps create the neurons that make up the human brain. So, this process also leads to the formation of neural connections. According to Yale researchers, giving psilocybin could help induce neurogenesis. Based on their research, psilocybin produced a 10% average increase in neural connections. It’s worth noting that these were a result of a study done on mice. But despite having mice as the test subjects, these results showed a lot of promise. But what does that mean for people? Well, current studies revealed that psilocybin also has potential in treating depression. In some studies, it showed that giving psilocybin was as effective as antidepressants. What’s more, psilocybin had more lasting effects compared to antidepressants. So, What Now? Mental illnesses are known to cause a decrease in neural connections. Examples of these illnesses are depression and chronic stress. This explains why many people suffering from these conditions experience memory loss. Treating depressed patients with psilocybin can reverse these losses of neurons. This could help rebuild and strengthen their neural networks. This would mitigate the memory loss effects that they would experience. This could then help better treat patients with depression. It gives them more effective and lasting treatments. The potential shrooms are invaluable. This comes to improving and revolutionizing medical treatments. However, psilocybe mushrooms are still far from being completely understood. Studies only continue to show the good that mushrooms can do. This is the same with psilocybe-induced neurogenesis.  Conclusion: The shrooms are available in different forms and shapes. But the magic mushrooms look like poisonous ones. It is always best to take it in capsule or tablet forms. Many times the doctors prescribe these active ingredients to keep the mental health strong. For keeping the nervous system calm and relaxed, shrooms are most effective. Read Also: Top 5 Facts To Know About Geiger The Kratom Botanical Family Juice Press – About, Specialities, Menu, Location (Full Guide) How Is Kratom Helpful In Living Life At Its Best?

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse

As told by science and modern research, marijuana addiction is a chronic illness, and like any other chronic disease – hypertension, diabetes, asthma – long-term treatment is needed. However, marijuana addiction always has a possibility of relapse. The relapse rates of substance use disorders are between 40% and 60%, which are highly comparable to other chronic medical conditions. However, don’t be under the impression that relapse can’t be prevented just because it's common. An alcohol or drug relapse can quickly waste a lot of rehab work and can also be fatal. But don’t worry. If you’re struggling or if you know someone who’s struggling to avoid a relapse, then continue reading this article to learn about the steps you can do to prevent it from happening. Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse: Stages of Relapse: You should know that relapse does not happen overnight; it’s a process. For you to understand how to avoid relapse, you’ll have to know its three stages. Relapse begins a few weeks or months earlier before it reaches its final stage. Here are the three stages of relapse: Emotional relapse – In this stage, your mind does not consider using marijuana again. However, your behavior and emotions are setting you up for a possible marijuana relapse. Here are some signs of an emotional relapse: Poor sleep and eating habits Isolation Anxiety Defensiveness Intolerance Mood swings Anger Mental relapse – It this stage, your mind will be torn about the dos and don'ts. There will be a part of you that wants to use marijuana, but there’s also a part of you that doesn’t. In the early stage of mental relapse, you’d idly think about using it again, and this gets worse as the mental relapse continues. The signs of mental relapse are: Lying Fantasizing Thinking about relapse Glorifying past use Hanging out with friends that use Physical relapse – In this final stage, you’d be physically using marijuana again. Some people only use once after realizing that they’ve made a mistake and try to focus again on recovery and moving forward. Unfortunately, there are others that will continue to use. In such a case, getting help is the best option. Avoiding Relapse: Here are 5 steps to avoid marijuana relapse: 1. Know and identify how to manage relapse triggers: Relapse triggers can be anything. They can come from a similarly scented substance or simply just being with people that use. The triggers can also be a specific place, person, or emotion. These things can make you crave, think about, and use alcohol or drugs. You can easily identify these triggers with the help of therapy sessions. A relapse therapist can teach you effective ways to cope up with triggers, keeping you away from drugs or alcohol when your cravings are fortuitously triggered. There are treatment centers in Los Angeles that provide recovery services, such as Nexus Recovery; these services can help you identify and manage relapse triggers and monitor your progress. Here are some tips to manage or avoid triggers: Change your daily route and avoid passing through places that cause a trigger. Keep a list of people you can call when you’re feeling triggered. Practice relaxation techniques. Avoid triggering situations such as becoming stressed, lonely, tired, or hungry. 2. Follow a healthy lifestyle: Avoiding relapse needs long-term commitment, and this commitment includes building a new and healthier lifestyle. This can be a long and difficult process, but making significant lifestyle changes has been seen to decrease the risk of relapse. These lifestyle changes include learning and utilizing healthy coping methods for mental pressure and negative emotions, recognizing and managing mental illnesses if any, and promoting positive activities such as meditation, exercise, and art. Here are some healthy lifestyle ideas: Avoid having too much caffeine or sugar. Plan and prepare healthy snacks and meals in advance to avoid becoming hungry. Write a journal and keep track of your mood and daily thoughts. Be active. Engage in sports or work out. Drink plenty of water. Practice gratitude. Find a new hobby. 3. Use appropriate medications: With the ever-evolving addiction research, the development of medications that help patients to avoid relapse and manage their cravings was made possible. These medications, such as buprenorphine and methadone, when adequately used under supervision, can significantly decrease cravings and relapse urges. For some, taking these medications is the key to their relapse prevention and recovery. Talk to your doctor about taking such medications. 4. Undergo long-term treatment: Just like any other chronic disease, your recovery will not be quick and easy, especially when recovering from substance abuse. Doing two months of therapy or medication will not guarantee that you’ll not start using it again. For better long-term results, getting involved in an intensive treatment within a suitable period of time will surely help you. Participation and engagement in long-term addiction treatments have been known to help decrease the risk of relapse. A study involving more than a thousand patients found out that relapse rates decreased for patients who had continuous treatments, aftercare, and support group engagement. 5. Get a support group: It’s essential to know that going through the process alone may not provide desirable outcomes in recovery. Keep your supportive friends, loved ones, and family close. Do your best to surround yourself with people who really care for you and people who don’t use drugs or alcohol. A crucial factor in your road to recovery is social support; it can significantly help you to recover fast and resist relapsing. Here are some tips on how to create a good support network: Engage in recovery groups – You can search the Internet for marijuana recovery groups near your area, such as Marijuana Anonymous. Find a sponsor – A sponsorship is one recovering person sharing and talking to another recovering person. You will attend recovery group meetings regularly, discuss issues on the recovery, and work on recovering together. See a mental health or addiction counselor. Closing Thoughts: If you're under treatment or recovering from substance abuse, you should be realistic and understand that a relapse can occur anytime. However, you should also do your best to avoid it by following these steps. In addition to these, always make sure to work with your counselor or therapist in developing an effective relapse plan. By following this plan in case of a relapse, you will be able to minimize its negative consequences. Read Also: How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

Seizure Disorders

Seizure Disorders: How To Recognize, Respond, And Provide Help

With the regular electrical activity of the human brain, electrical impulses are coordinately discharged to the nerves, muscles, and the spinal cord. However, seizure disorders may arise when the brain's electrical activity is disrupted. The most common picture of someone having a seizure is losing consciousness and uncontrollable shaking. Seeing someone with these symptoms could be terrifying, but by knowing more about these conditions, you can recognize, respond, and even provide help and support to the affected individuals. Understanding Seizures and Seizure Disorders There are two major types of seizures: epileptic and non-epileptic. Epileptic seizures are unprovoked seizures that happen without a trigger. It’s also commonly called epilepsy. Factors that may have caused epilepsy include stroke, tumors, and structural abnormalities, among other brain disorders. The condition is called “symptomatic epilepsy.” This condition commonly affects newborn and old individuals. To manage this condition, a healthcare professional may first prescribe you low-dosage medications like Klonopin. Your doctor may adjust the dosage until your seizures are well controlled. To save on this medication, check out Klonopin Discount Coupon you may use in many pharmacies across the county. Conversely, non-epileptic seizures are provoked by temporary conditions that irritate the brain. The triggers could vary from a head injury, a reaction to a drug, or an allergy. Individuals already diagnosed with a seizure disorder are more likely to get seizures if they are sleep-deprived, intoxicated, under excess emotional or physical stress, or if they have suddenly stopped drinking or using sedatives. Recognizing the Signs of a Seizure A person about to have a seizure will feel what they call an “aura” or unusual sensations. The symptoms may include butterflies in the stomach, abnormal smells and tastes, déjà vu, jamais vu, and an intense feeling that a seizure is about to happen. Phases of a Seizure A seizure has three phases: aura and prodrome (beginning), ictal (middle), and postictal (end). The beginning phase includes the prodrome stage beside the aura. In this phase, an individual about to get a seizure will experience anxiety, mood changes, difficulty sleeping, lightheadedness, and difficulty staying focused. In the middle phase, also called “ictal,” common signs include memory lapse, confusion, twitching, loss of muscle control, body convulsions, trouble breathing, repeated movements, and racing heart, among other signs. In the last phase, or “postictal,” the epileptic person would experience fatigue, headache, confusion, lack of consciousness, shame, sore muscles, and thirst, among other experiences.  Responding to Seizures: Dos and Don’ts It is safe to offer help if you have mastered the guide on responding to the situation and know what to avoid when offering support. Equip yourself with knowledge by reading this guide: Dos To help someone with a seizure, here are safe things you can do: Compose yourself Set a cushion to support their head Check if they have an epilepsy card or any identification that can help you with your next steps Remove any obstructions in the area that can injure them Lay them on their side Loosen their collar and other tight clothing Record how long the convulsions lasted Place them in a recovery position when the convulsions stopped Don’ts These are the things you shouldn't do when helping an epileptic individual: Do not put anything between their teeth during convulsions Do not hold down the person Do not feed them or give them a beverage Do not leave them Providing First Aid During a Seizure You must ensure a safe environment and remove any potential hazards when providing first aid. For instance, if the person is in the middle of the road, you should move them, but if they are in an enclosed space, don’t try to carry them and transfer them to a bed. Just clear the space by removing the furniture away from the person. As you ease the person to the floor, you can slowly turn them into one side to help them breathe. If the person is wearing glasses, remove them from their face. You should also time the seizure and call an emergency team if it persists after five minutes.  A first aid & CPR course teaches an individual how to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, providing immediate assistance until professional help arrives. It’s also important to observe them while having seizures so you can give the medical team more information on what happened. Seeking Medical Attention and Diagnosis To detect the cause of seizures and diagnose epilepsy, one must undergo evaluations like a neurological exam, blood tests, and genetic testing. To know more about these tests, read the information below: ● Neurological Exam This evaluation covers testing a person’s motor abilities, behavior, and mental functions, among other areas. This could help your doctor determine what type of epilepsy you may have and diagnose your condition. ● Blood Tests With blood tests, your doctor can detect if you have infections or genetic conditions that may have caused the seizures. ● Generic Testing Generic Testing is commonly administered to children to give more information about the condition so doctors can come up with ways to treat it. Conclusion Some epileptic individuals feel embarrassed about their conditions, as some still think that epilepsy is contagious or something that makes a person less capable of doing things and thinking on their own. Through this blog, we hope many would promote epilepsy and seizure disorder awareness, debunk misconceptions about this condition, and willingly offer help to individuals with epilepsy. 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