18 Surprising Celebrities with Braces

Published on: 18 May 2018 Last Updated on: 20 December 2021

When you think of celebrities, it’s likely that glamour, beauty, and perfection are the first things that come to mind. So when we see celebrities with braces on, it’s completely understandable how jarring that can be to the pre-convinced images in our head.

But the fact of the matter is celebrities are people just like you and I. They put their pants on one leg at a time. They love their dogs and work for a living, just like everyone else.

And sometimes they need the help of orthodontic work to perfect their famous smiles.

So who are some of these stars that have lived out their oral treatment for the world to see? Let’s look at 18 celebrities that have gone through the process… Some of them may just surprise you.

1. Prince Harry :

Royals may be thought of as perfect and regal, but they aren’t necessarily born that way. Prince Harry proved that even royalty sometimes need the help of orthodontic treatment to achieve a smile fit for a prince.

2. Emma Watson :

Proving braces aren’t just for muggles, Emma wore braces for several months while she was in her early teens, which was well into the filming of the Harry Potter movie series. It showed you don’t need a magic wand to have the perfect smile, all you need is just a good orthodontist.

3. Gwen Stefani :

The singer has never been afraid to show off her eclectic sense of style. Which was especially true in the 1990s when she sported a set of traditional braces as merely a fashion accessory. She may not have needed them to perfect her smile, but they definitely helped perfect her rocker chic look.

4. Tom Cruise :

The actor was well into adulthood when he decided to get braces for the first time. At the age of 40 years old, Tom showed the world that the perfect smile isn’t mission impossible, but mission accomplished.

5. Estelle :

After she had already become famous, singer Estelle received braces when it was rumored her PR team advised her to do so. Though she denied that, stating she wanted to correct her smile in case she should ever win a Grammy. Either way, the results were indeed award show worthy.

6. Beyonce :

The superstar singer had so much love for her fans in 2011 that she sported a set of braces in support of all those who have had to wear them. Now, how’s that for dedication to her fans? Girls may run the world but it also proves this orthodontist helps a bit too.

7. Dakota Fanning :

Dakota was only a child when she started her acting career, which meant growing up in the spotlight. So once she got her set of braces, they were shown off at movie premieres and every event she attended.

She went through the full gamut of braces, head-gear, spacers, and retainers. But once her treatment was finished, she emerged with her movie star smile.

8. Faith Hill :

Another celebrity who decided to get braces as an adult is the singer, Faith Hill. At the age of 45 years old, the country beauty admitted to having braces when she was younger but didn’t keep up with wearing her retainer. This time, the second time was the charm.

9. Cindy Crawford :

Even supermodels are not immune from the need to wear braces. Cindy Crawford, perhaps one of the most famous supermodels of all time, was an adult and sported her orthodontic look in a Pepsi ad during the 1990s.

10. Danny Glover :

Perhaps being the king of proving braces know no age, the actor received his braces at the age of 59 years old. He can even be seen wearing his braces in the movie Shooter. It just goes to show, better late than never.

11. Faye Dunaway :

But if you think 59 years old is late in life to get braces, actress Faye Dunaway has that beat. She was in her 60’s when she began her treatment with traditional braces!

12. Ariel Winter :

Growing up on a successful tv series meant growing up for the world to see. The actress received her braces while continuing to film the popular tv show, Modern Family. She didn’t let it stop her though, her real-life braces fit in perfectly with her tv character.

13. Kendall Jenner :

Another celebrity who admits to not properly wearing their retainer the first time around is Kendall Jenner. When her teeth had shifted back, she opted to wear Invisalign braces to correct the problem. With her supermodel smile, she has won a billion hearts of her fan.

14. Nicolas Cage :

When he was between movie projects, Nicolas Cage decided to wear braces on his lower teeth, becoming yet another celebrity adult to sport traditional braces.

15. Chelsea Clinton :

How many people can say they wore their braces in the Oval Office? Chelsea Clinton sure can. While growing up in the White House as the First Daughter, she publicly sported her traditional braces.

16. Justin Bieber :

The pop singer is another one who opted to treat their smile with Invisalign braces, but he wasn’t afraid to show or admit it. He even made a video in a YouTube clip to show fans, wearing the braces for about a year before his treatment was finished.

17. Drew Barrymore :

Beginning her acting career during childhood as well, Drew grew up in the spotlight. It wasn’t until after filming the movie E.T., at the tender age of 12, she also joined the traditional braces club.

18. Kate Middleton :

For her royal wedding, Kate Middleton wanted to make sure her smile was fit for a future princess. For a short time before the ceremony, she wore invisible braces.

Celebrities with Braces Can Give Us All the Good Feels :

Dealing with braces can be stressful, make us feel anxious, and can be painful. But when we see one of our favorite celebrities with braces on as well, it can give a sense of comfort and be belonging that we are all in this together in some way! And doesn’t that just feel good?

Want to know how taking care of your oral health can impact your general health? Be sure to check out our blog post on it!

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Best Sports To Lose Weight

5 Best Sports To Lose Weight Fast in 2020

Sports can be a fun way to learn new things, make some friends, relieve stress and get some regular exercise. It is a great way of losing weight as you lose calories really fast while enjoying yourself. There are many best sports to lose weight but you need to pick those sports which will suit your body. Here are some of the best sports to lose weight: 1. Basketball: To lose weight, the calories spent should be more than the calories consumed. The number of calories you burn playing basketball cannot be accurately calculated. It depends on a lot of factors such as your age and gender, but most importantly, on your weight. An average person with a bodyweight of around 155 lb can lose up to 300 calories in just half an hour of playing whereas someone with a greater weight of around 185 lb will have to put in a lot more effort and can spend 355 calories in the same time! There is no fixed formula, but multiplying your weight in pounds by a factor of 3.6 will give you an estimate of how many calories you burned per hour. 2.  Tennis: Tennis can become a very competitive sport pretty soon if you are passionate about it. But if you are getting into it with the sole intention of the best sports to lose weight, you might be discouraged at first as you will not see much results. This is because, if you are not serious, you will be slacking off pretty often. Tennis can be a full-body sport if you make it a point to always keep moving. Play singles so that you have the whole side to defend and run around. Play with a single ball so every single time you miss, you have to go get it. Maybe play with a better player, that way you will be on your toes a lot! Make sure you have put enough effort in to be dripping sweat by the end of the game. 3. Rollerblading: Rollerblading is an aerobic exercise that uses your own body weight against you. To balance on the wheels, you might not realize, but you are using most of the muscles in your body. While it is a very similar sport to walking or hiking in terms of benefits, it can be a lot more fun. Many factors such as the terrain and your speed influence the ultimate quantity of calories you will burn. Adding more difficulty to the sport such as using wrist weights and involving more arm movements, can increase the number of calories you burn. Going up against an incline rather than plane surfaces can also help. A person with a bodyweight of 160 lbs can burn over 900 calories in a one-hour session of rollerblading. 4. Football: This is a full-contact sport that will make you run up and down about a hundred yards after a ball that everyone is fighting for. How is it any different than just running then? Well, first there's stakes. You gotta win! Then, it's not just plain running, kicking the ball, jumping, dribbling, every activity increases the number of calories burnt. if you are not already a sportsperson, having the stamina to complete a game might be a bit difficult. Slowly trying to gain stamina over a period of time by jogging, stretching and doing cardio can help. In the end, not only will you be losing weight by the day, but also you will learn a cool new sport! 5. Racquetball: Similar to squash this sport requires you to be moving continuously. As soon as you hit the ball, you have to get back to the position and be ready for the next. It requires speed and agility making it a great way for the best sports to lose weight. A person of 160 lbs should be able to burn over 500 calories in just an hour of moderate-intensity racquetball and over 637 calories for a person of 200 lb. Having a motivation other than just weight-loss, like winning a game, can take out the frustration of the journey making it easier for you to reach your goals. You can find quality basketballs discussed on this. Read Also: Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Lose Belly Fat Shocking Expert Tips On How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Cocaine Addiction

What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction and Can It Be Treated?

Cocaine Addiction is a highly potent substance that has been glamorized for decades as being a party drug, mainly because it makes users feel “larger than life” in social situations. Being the center of attention or enjoying popularity may seem like an attractive incentive for taking cocaine but the risks are significant and can include death. According to a study of cocaine rehabilitation centers, the substance is one of the most common people are treated for in America today. Cocaine is so addictive because it is fast-acting, creating euphoric sensations in the brain. Users are often so impressed by the effects of taking cocaine for the first time that they can quickly become dependent on the substance to give them an extra energy boost at work or extra confidence in social situations. Because the high cocaine creates lasts only around thirty minutes, users find themselves reaching for more. Often alcohol is involved in the mix, which can actually combine with cocaine to produce toxins in the body that are extremely dangerous. Another reason cocaine is highly addictive is because the intense "down" users feel when the drug wears off. The crashing depression some feel can be so intense as to "force" them to use again to buoy themselves up again. The extreme mood swings cocaine produces through its influence on the brain's neurotransmitters can cause significant psychological damage, making cocaine addiction particularly complex to treat. Symptoms of Addiction to Cocaine: It is more common to notice a change in behavior in a person abusing cocaine than it is to see physical signs. When someone is in a pattern of abusing cocaine despite the harm it is doing in their lives, it is a clear sign they no longer have control over when they use. The following are some typical signs of addiction to cocaine: The person uses more cocaine than they planned to They drop out of family or work commitments in favor of using Intense feelings of guilt emerge after using the substance Financial difficulties result from continued cocaine use A developing preoccupation with buying and using cocaine Depression, anxiety, and paranoia Lying about how much or often cocaine is used when confronted Sluggishness and extreme aggression when not using How Is Cocaine Addiction Treated? There are several different approaches to treating cocaine addiction including those with holistic components that work in combination with intensive counseling. Unlike other substances, cocaine addicts don’t necessarily have to go through detox although they are recommended to be supervised through withdrawal when they decide to quit. Just as cocaine is fast-acting, its influence is quick to leave the body and the bulk of the damage done is likely to be more emotional and psychological than physical. That said, prolonged use of cocaine can lead to serious health conditions and potentially death depending on how the drug is taken. A major danger of cocaine is that it is manufactured in illegal labs that are unlikely to be sterile and then cut with other substances to boost the dealer’s profit margin. This means it is possible to have a potentially fatal reaction to taking cocaine. There are almost one million Americans abusing cocaine at the current time. Nevertheless, treatment for all types of cocaine addiction has been shown to be highly effective in restoring balance in a person’s life, particularly when a holistic recovery path is chosen. Residential Cocaine Rehab Is Recommended: With a drug as powerfully addictive as cocaine, it is always recommended people seek specialist rehab and aftercare drug treatment, especially if they have developed serious problems. When people start using cocaine, they often find themselves moving in different circles and going to different places where drug use is considered the norm. This can lead to people being enabled to continue abusing cocaine because they lose their sense of perspective about what is normal and what is not when in drug-taking environments. Peer pressure also comes into play as others encourage cocaine use by indulging in it themselves. The fact is that users can never be sure they are buying cocaine that hasn’t been mixed with detergent, talcum powder, baking soda; or worse. Every time an individual uses cocaine they are throwing the dice on their future and every year, more and more people run out of luck. Cocaine rehabilitation centers take people out of their home environments so that they are able to immerse themselves in their healing. Although it may not be practical for everyone to dedicate three months of their time to get better, the rewards of being rehabilitated from a crippling cocaine addiction are infinite. Cocaine rehabilitation centers are considered preferable for cocaine users not only because it provides a drug-free environment where they won’t be enabled to use by others but also because aftercare is often provided as extra support for the rest of their lives in recovery. How Holistic Therapies Are Effective in Treating Cocaine Addiction: Cocaine has particularly damaging effects on a person’s state of mind because of the way it interrupts natural brain function and because holistic therapies focus on a person's overall well-being, they are effective in treating this type of substance abuse. The main challenge faced by individuals in cocaine rehab centers is addressing the root causes that caused them to form an addiction the substance in the first place. For example, the person seeking a confidence boost to make them a party animal may have self-esteem issues or an underlying mental illness. It is always important to assess each individual entering holistic cocaine rehabilitation centers to determine the most appropriate therapeutic approach to their treatment. Holistic therapies including meditation, yoga, massage therapy, experiential treatments, aromatherapy, nutritional awareness, and aftercare drug treatment have all been shown to be extremely effective in promoting long-term recovery. Essential coping mechanisms can also be learned in holistic cocaine rehab centers that provide recovering addicts with an arsenal of tools to maintain their sobriety. Read Also: Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips To Find The Best Rehabilitation Center 9 Signs You Have A Prescription Opiate Addiction

Temperature & Sleep

The Relationship between Temperature & Sleep

Summer 2019 is in full swing, which means hot days and warm nights. Temperature & Sleep has a close relationship with one another. While a nice sunny day is something that can be easily enjoyed in the shade and under an umbrella, sleeping in a room that is too hot at night is extremely uncomfortable and may affect your sleep! Below is some interesting information about how temperature affects your sleep. Assuming you’re a living, breathing human like me, your body temperature is higher during the day and then declines at night. The innate ability of your body to control internal temperature is through a process called “thermoregulation.” As you get ready to sleep, your body starts to cool down through this process. The process of cooling starts around 2:00 PM to prepare you for sleep and around 5:00 AM is the lowest body temperature your body will reach. Temperature & Sleep has a close relationship with one another. A cooler temperature is associated with sleep, while a higher temperature is wakefulness. This is super counterintuitive but even though you may feel like a slug in a warm environment, you could be able to actually get to sleep better in a cooler environment because our bodies cool down during the dream state. Keeping your body’s internal temperature lower while sleeping has been shown to support a longer and deeper quality of sleep. Cool temperature & sleep are co-related with one another. Your body starts to work overtime to cool itself when it becomes too hot. This is because the body associates heat with activity. Increased body temperature will alert your internal clock to be more awake and alert which disrupts all stages of REM sleep. Oppositely, cold comfort may deliver a better sleep. This is due to the fact that your body will be able to lower its internal temperature early in the sleep cycle. So you may want to think twice before you load up with all those comfy and fluffy blankets that we all love so much! Research shows that 60 to 65 degrees is the ideal sleeping temperature and anything higher or lower than this ideal range can make it more difficult to fall and stay asleep. Additionally, varying temperatures outside of the ideal sleeping temperature seem to cause our bodies to struggle to reach the ideal body temperature for sleep. A Dutch study from 2008 evaluated this phenomenon by hooking up participants to thermostats and found that very small changes in temperature could prove useful to manage disturbed sleeping patterns. The benefits of sleeping in a cool room include falling asleep quickly, promoting anti-aging, and reducing stress levels. Cold bedrooms can promote the increase in melatonin, which regulates all of the body and governs many of the body’s immune, cardiovascular, microbiome, metabolic, psychological, and detox functions. In order to catch the best and most restful snooze, you might need to send the right messages to your body that it’s time to go to sleep by keeping a cool environment in the hours that lead up to sleep. Try out some of the following simple solutions to prepare yourself for a nice night’s sleep: Try to allow your body time to adjust and prepare for sleep. Make sure you give your body two to three hours before bed to start to cool down. A hot shower seems to be ideal when taken two to three hours before bed. Make a good investment in your bed, fur blanket, and be sure to keep it clean. Natural materials are best and are most likely to keep you comfortable. Make sure you keep your hands and feet warm. Keep your bedroom at roughly 65 degrees. In addition, there are several wonderful sleep gadgets out there to help make sure your bedroom is an oasis and you’re ready for sleep. Check out this article to learn more about various sleep gadgets that may be able to help regulate your bed temperature. Gadgets could be a great way to start improving other aspects of your sleep that you may be experiencing trouble with! So all in all, Summer 2019 might be about catching some rays and working up a sweat on the beach, but once you get back inside starting to cool off for the rest of the night might be your best bet to feel refreshed and energized for the next day. It seems as though the temperature has an important effect on sleep. Try to take a look back at your most recent sleeping patterns and see if your rest is being disturbed by the temperature of your room. Perhaps start a Temperature & sleep journal to keep track by writing a blog entry about your last sleep in the morning. We all could use a better-shut eye at the end of the day! Read Also: How To Sleep Better When You Have Cancer Ways To Sleep Well At Night As You Age 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep