7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture

Published on: 23 January 2019 Last Updated on: 24 June 2021
employee productivity

Most people will spend roughly 40 hours per week at their workplace. Yet despite spending so much time at the office, the average worker is only productive for less than three hours per day.

Less productivity means wasted time and less profit. Additionally, an unproductive workplace is often caused by a lack of happiness.

If your office is struggling with employee productivity, it may be time to look at some ways to boost it by creating a positive culture

7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture:

Here are seven ways you can promote a happier, more productive workplace.

1. Set a Good Example Through Body Language:

When it comes to office decorum, we often think about things like polite conduct.

But one of the biggest signs that employees are unhappy may not be verbal at all.

Often, unhappiness manifests in physical ways, such as body language.

Psychologists believe that the way we present ourselves physically through our body language has a major impact on how others see and interact with us — even if we aren’t always aware.

If you’ve noticed a change in employee morale for the worse, set a good example by focusing on creating a warmer, happier environment through physicality.

Something as simple as making eye contact to show interest or smiling can have a big impact on the work environment.

2. Facilitate Team Activities:

Team Activities

To reach peak potential, an office must be a well-oiled machine. Every employee must do their part to put out the highest caliber of a workday in and day out.

For some, though, they may feel less like a team and more like a series of individuals.

Reinforce teamwork through regular group activities. Once a month or so, take the team out for a night out.

Getting to know one another in a semi-professional manner outside of the office can instill a sense of belonging that many offices lack.

3. Provide a Space to Relax:

The day-to-day grind can wear even the most dedicated of employees down.

According to the American Institute of Stress, workers are more stressed than ever, with 46% of workers chalking their stress up to a burdensome workload.

You can combat workplace stress by providing a safe, relaxing environment where employees can take a quick break.

Consider building a rec room. For those who prefer fresh air, implement a community garden or talk to Shelters Direct about smoking shelters.

4. Let Employees Voice Their Opinions:

A good employer is someone who listens to what their employees have to say.

Make sure that employees feel they can voice their opinions and that they feel heard by their bosses.

5. Offer Incentives:

Another great way to encourage employee efficiency is to offer out-of-office incentives.

Partner with local businesses like gyms and health clubs to offer discounts or free memberships to employees. Perks matter more than employers think.

6. Choose Team-Building Language:

Many managers aren’t sure how to treat employees. Should they be stern or friendly?

While the solution lies somewhere in the middle, how an employer talks to their employees does, in fact, matter.

Use team-oriented language with words like ‘we’ and ‘us’ to create a stronger sense of community.

7. Give Employees The Tools to Succeed:

Productive employees can only be productive if given the proper tools.

That includes providing a clean and safe workspace, as well as up to date software and hardware.

If you’re not sure what employees need to be as productive as possible, simply ask.

Improve Employee Productivity With These Great Tips:

In order to establish a happy, efficient workplace, where employee productivity is at an all-time high, you’ll want to follow these tips.

Remember, you as a manager have the ability to make a difference, so the change starts with you.

For more great tips on how to lead by example, check out our post on people management tips.

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Friends With Your Co-Workers

Should You Be Friends With Your Co-Workers?

An average person spends about 90,000 hours at work. These hours are equivalent to one-third of a person’s life. During this time, there are higher chances that an individual will meet new people at work. There are also chances that an individual would want to make friends with their colleagues. Making or not making friends with co-workers can be an individual preference as both decisions come with an array of advantages and disadvantages. Being friends with your co-workers has been proven to help increase job success. At the same time, many strongly believe that people who work in a toxic environment should avoid making friends with colleagues. The question arises: should you be friends with your co-workers or not? If you want to know, read on. Job Satisfaction Undoubtedly, many people spend most of their time at work, which is tiring. That is why many people try to diversify the working process with friendly relations. Findings have shown that when people make friends with their co-workers, it helps increase job satisfaction. Moreover, it helps perform better at different designated tasks and can motivate people to want to take part in other projects. Making friends with co-workers can bring higher morale, so you are always motivated to perform at your best. You will want to show more commitment to your work and the organization as a whole. Your colleagues will always motivate you whenever you feel down or tired about a specific task. Even when you are off from work, they can always cover for you, especially when you have an unfinished project that is due. Mutual Trust, Care, And Respect Beyond discussing workplace-related matters, there is more to getting along with your co-workers. Think about a nice time after work hours. Spending some time at the cinema or doing outdoor activities at the weekend can positively impact your friendship. You can enjoy a better work relationship by asking each other questions freely, discussing ideas, and solving issues. Indeed, the friendship you build at your place of work can sometimes last for a lifetime whether you remain in the organization or not. A workplace friendship built this way will create more respect, trust, and care. You would always want to check and look after each other. According to the Australian Institute of Management's poll, good relationship with co-workers is an integral part of finding friends for a long time. Read Also: 7 Fun and Simple Outdoor Activities for Your Child Under Ten Employee Engagement Friendship with co-workers can be a great way to increase employee engagement. Seeing a close friend who is busy with tasks assigned to them can motivate you to engage more. This is backed up by a workplace study by Gallup in 2012 where employees who worked in the same place with their close friends admitted that seeing their best friends at their workplace helps them engage better in the working process. When workers became more professional at work, they ignored friendships. Psychological And Social Support Findings have shown that women are more enthusiastic about making friends at their workplaces to get emotional and social support whenever they are stressed. Men, on the other hand, want to make friends with co-workers that will benefit their careers. They also want to make friends to help them finish pending tasks or job duties whenever they arise. If you have friends at work, you feel happier and more supported which results in the improvement of your psychological state. You can always ask for help or advice, or just tell something that is bothering you. If you want to make friends at work but do not know how, find phone numbers or emails of people you work with. You can do it on Nuwber, BeenVerified, or AnyWho. Try to find their social media accounts and send them a nice message. Why Should You Not Make Friends With Your Co-Workers? Too many benefits lie in making friends at the workplace. However, you may also be doing more harm than good if you do not know how to handle being friends with people you work with. Here are some reasons why workplace friendship may not be good for you. 1. Fallout Can Be Unpleasant To be honest, if you prioritize socializing with your friends at the workplace over your office duties, your work process will suffer and may lead to unproductivity. You will make a smart move if you do not mix personal interests with office duties because when the friendship hits a rock, the outcome will be negative. What if you divulge career-related information to the wrong person? The outcome may be more terrible. It may take a toll on your emotional being and overall wellness. If you do not make friends with your co-workers, you will not have an emotional attachment to gossip at the workplace. You will not be concerned with unnecessary discussions or workplace politics. You can then focus better on assigned tasks. Do not forget that you can always enjoy your job even when you are not closely related to those you sit with within the cubicle. 2. Co-Workers Can Question Your Motives This is another reason why being friends with your colleagues is not worth it. In some cases, if you have a good rapport with your boss, co-workers may accuse you of being a favorite worker, especially if it is related to being promoted. This is why it is often better to remain neutral and not build strong friendships. Every step you take becomes suspicious and co-workers may use anything against you that may cost you your promotion, especially if you have gossiped about your boss in the past. 3. Jealousy May Set In There are chances that you will have one jealous person among your fellow employees. Take, for instance, if you are someone that loves nice wear. Others who have no taste in fashion may think you are trying to stand out. Even if this does not relate to the way you dress, jealous colleagues will not hesitate to hate you for anything when you are doing well. Conclusion Making friends with your colleagues can be good and at the same time something that should not be worth considering. In most cases, it is best to stay neutral. However, both decisions come with pros and cons. When you decide to think about whether to make friends at work or not, compare all the benefits with the drawbacks and make your choice. Additionals: Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants 5 ways employee perks can dramatically enhance your personal life

Quebec’s Education System

Cégep 101: Everything You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System

It is mandatory in every education system to establish a primary and secondary program for all children in the state. However, there are differences involved in the system when talking about tertiary education. A unique feature of the education system in Quebec is the implementation of a transition program that serves as a bridge that students should take after finishing high school and before entering the university. Essential Things  You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System This pre-university education is publicly funded and provided by institutions called CEGEPs, which stands for Collège d'enseignementgénéral et professional. Typically, it is considered a general and vocational education system. Everything You Need To Know About Quebec’s Education System College: One should not confuse it with a university education since it should be taken before being admitted to a bachelor’s program. This pre-university program, which they term as college, is established to compensate the required 12 years of studying to be admitted in a university or a post-secondary institution. This is because Quebec is the only province in Canada that allows the student to graduate from high school even after 11 years of studying in compulsory education. There are several CEGEPs institutions, one of which is CEGEP Garneau Formation Continue. These institutions offer several college programs: 1. Pre-university education program: This program has a 2-year duration. It aims students to prepare for the lessons taught in the university that will, later on, guide them to get the Diploma of College Studies. It also fills the required knowledge that will be helpful in pursuing university studies. which are not included in the secondary curriculum. Students who take this program path usually attend the university, skipping the first year, and often considered as a sophomore. They might also earn extra credits or a higher standing upon enrolling in the university. Courses taught in this program are geared towards what the students will choose as their major in the university. 2. Technical training program: This extensive training program is designed for three years. The objective of this program is to provide knowledge and expertise to students that will enable them to work after completion and will make them ready for employment. Students from this program are expected to enter the job market after graduation. Courses taught under this program are specialization courses which depend on what students want for their future careers. Completion of this program also provides graduates with a Diploma of College Studies. Some of the programs under this are: Theater Nursing Electronics Computer Science Programs involving construction and building infrastructures Future careers of the students who completed this program are HVAC technicians, actors, IT specialists, computer technicians, and others. 3. Short term technical training program: This program is a shorter version of what is mentioned above. Around 500-1000 class hours are allotted for these short term programs. It also aims students to be equipped in the professional world after completion of their program. The only difference of this program to the technical program is the absence of a core curriculum. Adults can also take it as an additional knowledge for their chosen careers. Some programs under this category are: Real Estate Marketing Upon completion of this program, students are provided with Attestation of College Studies. University: Before one can be admitted to a university, a requirement needed is the Diploma of College Studies. Students who are under the pre-university and technical training programs have the privilege of continuing education in the university. The system of tertiary education in Quebec is similar to any universities in the world. The interesting feature of university education in Quebec is that one can complete a bachelor’s degree after three years, compared to other universities that usually requires four years the least. This is because of the pre-university programs that they have. Upon receiving a college diploma, the student can have the choice to pursue a master’s degree, which usually lasts for 1-2 years, and a doctoral degree, which is 2-3 years in duration. Universities in Quebec also offer some non-degree programs, which are usually short courses. Completion of these short term university programs will give the students specialized certificates and diplomas. Conclusion In general, the educational system of Quebec provides outstanding advantages to its students. It offers educational excellence, great environment, and infrastructure and technologies which make it certain that the province is providing its people a high-quality education. There is an increased number of international students studying in Quebec because of these factors. The unique features of Quebec’s educational system were strategically implemented to ensure that all CEGEP institutions produce highly competitive and outstanding students that will, later on, be future leaders and successful individuals that will strengthen the economic standing, not just the province, but the country as well. Read Also: 4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector Academic Writing For UK Students – Why It’s Important?

How to Choose a Career

The Secret To Finding A Career That You’ll Actually Love

If you’re still in the phase of life where you’re figuring out the best job for you, there’s probably a lot on your mind. It takes a lot of “soul searching” and research to decide on a career that you’ll love. Contrary to some people’s beliefs, loving your career can be important. So here are some tips on how to choose a career. Explore Your Interests As you’re thinking about what to do for a career, think about the kinds of things that pique your interest. For example, you might be really into dentistry and want to find out what a career would be like. Explore what kind of jobs are available in that field. Whether you decide to become a dentist or study a dental assistant program. Knowing that you’re interested in a specific industry can help you narrow down your options.  Ponder On Your Passions When it comes to your passions, there could be clues in there. You could find that there are career choices that align with your passions and that could actually be ideal for your future. Perhaps you love a good debate, and you’re always found debating some topic or another.  In this type of scenario, you could always consider getting into law or something similar. The kind that puts you in touch with the kind of experiences that you already enjoy having. It doesn’t hurt to be passionate about what you do to make money.  Think About Your Skills Your passions and interests are clues to the type of career that could interest you. If you’re looking to narrow it down even more, you may want to think about your talents.  If you know you have a knack for words, something that aligns with that skill could be an ideal fit. Maybe you’re a musical person? Getting into a career where your skills allow you to be naturally good. It is also something that makes your future career a lot easier.  It helps to use your talent in your work because even if you have to study for a degree to succeed at it. Therefore, you’ll have an easier time at it than someone who may not have the natural skills that you do.  Talk To Experienced Mentors As you try to decide what work would be best for you, talk to experienced mentors. They can help you know which way to go by providing a road map of what has worked best for them.  This could be someone you know who has had a long career in the field you like. Or it could be a mentor from your school’s mentorship program.  Either way, speaking to a person who has experience in a career you’re considering can be beneficial to you and your decision-making.  Try Interning Before understanding how to choose a career, you can always dip your toes into different career options. Internships are one of them! While most people will do an internship as they are close to graduating from school, you could always try for an internship just to try out certain jobs. As long as you already have some natural skill or know-how in it.  You may not receive a lot of pay, but at least you gain the insight to know whether or not it's the job that you want in your future. It doesn’t hurt to explore options before deciding on the ultimate career path for you. It’s a big decision, don’t be afraid of not taking it lightly.  From internships to mentors, exploring your passions, skills, and interests, and making a decision on your career.  However, it can be simplified by pondering the concepts mentioned above.  Life is long, and so is a career, so take your time making a decision like this one. How Professional Career Counseling Can Help Deciding what you want to do with your life can be tough, even in the best of circumstances.  Fortunately, there are experts who are ready to help you make sense of it all. If you’re wondering how to figure out what career is right for you, a career counselor can steer you in the right direction. Here’s why. Understanding Your Aptitude Career counselors know how to help people tap into their own wants and needs when it comes to understanding what kind of work will spark joy. They’ll ask questions designed to uncover the activities that energize and excite you most in life. Then, show you how those things connect with potential careers that could be incredibly fulfilling. It Will Be Personal To Your Needs Another good thing about career counseling is that it’s individualized. Career counselors won’t give you a general answer to a generalized problem.  They’ll focus on your specific character, strengths and weaknesses, desires, and problems. From there, they can assist you in figuring out what careers would work best for someone with your qualities and abilities.  Regardless of whether you need to pick a vocation interestingly or are pondering about an alternate one. This is when customized guidance can represent the critical moment in your prosperity. Direct Assistance (Whenever You Are Lost) Career advisors are additionally incredible for offering direct assistance.  They also help you improve your resume, act in interviews, and even fruitful organizing aptitudes, all of which can be significant when hoping to get a new position or to find employment elsewhere. Plus, if you’re not even sure what kind of qualifications you need, or education, for that matter, career counseling can help with that, too. They will basically map out exactly what you need to do, from checking out different degree options to see what is best for you at the time to figuring out where the market is headed. It’s all in their master plan for you! Ultimately, career counseling exists because people need help making educated decisions about their careers.  If this looks like it’s impossible to navigate your way without some sort of guidance (let’s face it, some of us really don’t have a clue), then a career counselor could be your key. Why try to figure it out on your own and get overwhelmed when there are professionals who can make that twisted path straight? Read Also: Building Your Conceptual Skills A Guide for Career Growth What Does A Career In Anesthesiology Look Like? Click To Know