Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit


09 May 2017


Best Foods

Everybody agrees that food is a crucial part of a person’s daily living and functioning. Without it, people will cease to exist. People built civilizations for the purpose of providing equal amounts of food to everyone.

In the ancient city of Mesopotamia, people settled close to the rivers and valleys that are known as the fertile crescent. These lands were considered ideal for growing crops such as wheat, barley, and corn.

Food is such a crucial building block in building the lives of people, critical enough that everyone must have primary access to it. In prosperous countries, food may not be a problem. For other impoverished and war-torn regions around the world, organizations such as “The World Food Programme” provide goods for people in those areas.

Read also: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health

Now, a lot of people take for granted the fact that they can easily get anything to eat. Born out of this reality, is that people tend to eat unbalanced meals and become unhealthy in the way. It is an alarming trend that is evident in most developed countries. Due to the rising numbers of obesity and severe lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

However, eating behavior is not solely responsible for these worrying signs. The modern pacing of everyday life is one reason why people have distorted eating habits. The world in which we live requires people to be constantly on the go.

This concept means that a proper meal can rarely be present on the dining table. Fast food and other unhealthy options become the choice because 1, they are easy to buy, and 2, most of them appeal to a lot of taste buds.

Consuming pizza and the occasional country fried chicken isn’t that bad at all. In fact, it is encouraged that people should eat the food they love. There is a catch though. People should eat the food they love, in moderation. The famous saying “Too much of a good thing is already bad for you” was born out if this idea.

For a lot of people, eating right is the same as a prison sentence; sad, boring, and tough. However, proper knowledge in choosing the right food, amount, and its ways of preparation can remove that negative thought. For some, eating healthy is a hobby, as they enjoy being fit and satisfied at the same time. Here are some foods that people can eat to be physically and mentally fit.

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Deep sea dwelling fish such as tuna have essential oils called Omega-3 fatty acids. River fish like cod also rival the quality and quantity that tuna brings when it comes to producing omega-3 oil.

These oils are essential because they are high-density lipoproteins (HDL), a.k.a. “The Good Cholesterol.” HDL is responsible for absorbing and flushing away LDL or low-density lipoproteins, a.k.a. “Bad Cholesterol.” LDL causes plaque and buildup which in turn causes stroke and heart disease. Daily intake of cod liver oil and eating steamed fish can be great ways of getting the most omega-3 oil. 



Protein is widely known as one of the building blocks of life. Protein is responsible for muscle growth and development. Sources of protein can come in a lot of ways: from chickens, cattle, pigs, and in some exotic cases, even insects provide protein. However, protein can contain high amounts of fat especially if they are not lean meat.

Lean Meat is the ideal source of protein. The best way to get protein out of a lean piece of meat is by correctly grilling it. Also, it aids in avoiding carcinogens due to overcooking.

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Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

A famous cartoon character with the name Popeye encouraged many kids to eat spinach for a good reason. Spinach and other leafy greens contain high levels of folic acid that are responsible for that feeling of well-being. Dubbed as “glow foods” these veggies provide a lot of vitamins that boost immunity from most illnesses.

A lot of vegetables can even be eaten raw, provided that they are washed thoroughly due to the presence of insects and pesticides.


Contrary to popular belief, Food is what makes the world go round. Essential nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the keys to a happy individual. There are some cases that diet and exercise cannot sustain the needs of males and females.

In such cases, males can take supplements that come from reputable sources like  to provide those essential nutrients. Females also have supplements like “opti-women” which also give women those vitamins.



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Solid Foods

How to Get Your Baby Started on Solid Foods

From the first time they smile to their first tooth, everything that happens to your baby should be documented as a milestone. Getting your baby off exclusive breastfeeding, and started on solids is a feat that you should get right at the first go. The fact is solid food is not breast-milk.  It has to contain all the elements that will make it nutritious, delicious and palatable for your baby. Another thing you need to know is if your baby is ready for it. While doctors recommend that you feed your baby breast-milk for six months, some babies are ready to take solids sooner than that. So, how do you know when your baby is ready? There are some tell-tale signs that will give you an incline whether to start solid foods or not. Some Signs your Baby is Ready Good head and neck control When the baby is able to sit up in a chair They reach out for food When they weigh twice their birth weight Normally, when babies are not ready for solids, they do not have the ability to swallow. At this point, you see them push the baby cereal back with their tongues. When your baby is ready for solids, they gradually start to lose this tongue-thrusting reflex. The moment you see these signs, you should know that your baby is ready for more than breast-milk. How do you start? One thing you need to remember is your baby’s health and nutrition are the priority. You can start out with iron-rich baby cereal. It is best you feed your baby the cereal with a baby spoon, rather than in a bottle. No matter what, solid foods, or, cereal, should be fed after you breastfeed your baby. This way your baby still enjoys the goodies of breast-milk and at the same time, can get acquainted with solids. You may be tempted to introduce veggies and other foods immediately after the first success. But, you need to wait and give these foods gradually. Sometimes your baby may be allergic to these new foods, and giving them all at once will not help you identify the allergen. Another thing about giving your baby solid foods is you may need to serve it in small forms. There are a lot of great and nutritious recipes for your baby you can try. You may be itching to ask if you can give your baby fresh fruit juices. Fruit juices are an absolute big no for babies. The reason is that they pose to be more harmful than good. Juices add extra calories and sugars without giving your baby the needed balanced nutrition. In addition, drinking too much will cause diarrhea in babies, lead to tooth decay, and excess weight. It’s That Simple Breastfeeding your baby, although very beneficial, is tiring, especially if your baby nurses a lot at short intervals. If your baby is between 4-6 months, and 6 months to 1 year, giving solids is only meant to supplement breast-milk, not replace it. Read Also: You Need To Avoid These Foods For Breakfast 7 Surprising Benefits Of Alkaline Foods Eating Good Quality Foods For Diet


Stay away from these foods to remain healthy

There are two types of bacteria present in our body. The good bacteria can make you healthy and the bad bacteria can make you sick. Both the types of bacteria create a balance in your body and your immune system. This balance in the body is known as Microbiome. What is microbiome? The microbiome is bacteria present in your intestines and they influence everything from the immune system to the metabolism to your mood as well as behavior. If there is a perfect balance of the microbiomes, you will feel balanced. If there is an imbalance, your mood and health will suffer. When you harm the good bacteria or remove them from your body, you have severe health consequences and there are many foods which do that. It is best to stay away from them to ensure good health and well being. Foods you should avoid to maintain the microbiome balance Sugar: A lot has been spoken and written about the effect of sugar on your body. There are no health benefits of sugar on the body. It only expands your waistline and will rot your teeth in the long term. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria and allows them to get stronger and multiply. You will feel unhealthy and sick due to the increase in bad bacteria. Sugar in every form is bad for your health and body.  In order to satisfy your sweet tooth, you can choose sweeteners like dark chocolate and honey. You should only consume them in small amounts. Processed foods: Junk food is bad for your health in the same way as sugar. It allows the bad bacteria to multiply and will make you sick. When you consume processed food, it wipes out any bacteria that is present in your gut and will deteriorate your health. The more species in the immune system, the better health you enjoy. It is never a good idea to wipe off calories from your body. It can also lead to heart problems and the blockage of your arteries. You can replace the fried foods with oven baked foods or choose a healthier oil version. Gluten: A lot of people are going gluten-free these days and a lot of them are doing it for their good health. Gluten is a form of protein found in grains and wheat. It breaks down inside the stomach and will loosen the walls of the intestine. Since the walls are weak, it is easier for cavity and bad bacteria to attack the immune system of the body. It will leave you vulnerable to many diseases and infections. It is best to limit gluten intake. will guide you on how to maintain the perfect balance of good and bad bacteria ideal for your body. Red meat: It is a well-known fact that red meat can increase the risk of heart conditions and also colon cancer. It is not the best food to consume in large quantities. It wipes out the good bacteria and feeds the bad ones. You should choose only high-quality organic animals that are fresh to eat. Eggs: An ideal source of protein, eggs are consumed by everyone from young kids to adults. Most of us consume chicken eggs and they are fed antibiotics which makes the eggs difficult for digestion in the human body. If you must eat eggs, look for organic eggs that are produced by healthy chickens. Dairy: The same reason is applicable in case of dairy as in eggs. Farmers give antibiotics to the cows and the same is transferred into the cheese and milk produced. They wipe out the bacteria and damage your immune system. You can choose organic yogurt in place of curd. It will feed good bacteria and will work against the bad ones. It might seem like a long list of foods you need to stay away from. However, there are endless options you can choose for your daily intake. Even if you take one step at a time and replace one food with a healthy, organic option, you will notice the difference in your health and body in no time. The body will respond well to the diet changes you make and it will allow you to remain healthy and happy with the right food and drinks. Your overall health will be improved and you will be able to stay away from doctors and medicines. Read Also :  The Top 10 Best Foods To Eat In Early Pregnancy Foods To Eat On A Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet


Lift Your Home Cooking: Mysteries From HMD Bar And Grill’s Kitchen

Have you ever wondered how restaurants are able to churn out amazing dish after dish that tastes like it was prepared by a culinary master? The secret is out – professional chefs have tricks up their sleeves that take cooking to the next level. At HMD Bar & Grill, the team works hard behind the scenes using expert techniques and methods to create memorable meals for customers. Take a look at the kitchen masters who shared their cooking secrets with us: In this series, you’ll get an exclusive backstage pass into the kitchen to unlock mysteries behind popular ingredients, explore useful cooking hacks, and pick up skills that will inspire you to become a home cooking hero. Your friends and family won’t believe the dishes you’re able to whip up after learning the pro tips and secrets in these articles. Get ready to lift your home cooking game to new heights! Secrets from the Professional Kitchen •Marinate meats for maximum flavor. Chefs marinate proteins like steak, chicken, and fish for at least 24 hours to infuse them with complex flavors. Try a tangy citrus marinade, an herbaceous chimichurri, or an Asian-inspired mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, and spices. •Sear, then finish in the oven. For extra tender and juicy meats with a crisp exterior, our chefs first sear cuts of meat on the stovetop in a hot pan with oil. Then they finish cooking the meat in a moderate oven. This works great for thick pork chops, beef roasts, and whole chickens. •Add umami boosters. Ingredients like soy sauce, miso, Parmesan cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, and mushrooms enhance the savory umami flavor of dishes. Chefs incorporate umami boosters into sauces, rubs, and marinades to create bold, crave-worthy flavor. •Finish with fresh herbs. A sprinkle of just-chopped parsley, cilantro, basil or mint adds a burst of freshness and vibrant color. HMD chefs garnish many of their dishes with fresh chopped herbs right before serving. This simple step makes a big impact on flavor and presentation. •A touch of sweetness. Chefs know that a bit of sugar or fruit can enhance savory and spicy flavors. They’ll add a spoonful of molasses or honey to barbeque sauces, a diced mango to salsa, or a bit of maple syrup to a mustard glaze. Just a touch of sweetness is all you need. Cooking and Presentation Secrets To make your home cooking shine like the pros at HMD Bar & Grill, it's all about technique and presentation. First, master the art of seasoning. Taste as you go and season gradually until flavors pop. For extra flavor boosts, use fresh herbs, citrus zest, or chili peppers. Balancing sweet and savory, spicy and tangy is key. With proteins like steak, chicken, or fish, brush on flavorful sauces or crusts before cooking and garnish artfully after. For example, brush grilled shrimp with garlic herb butter and garnish with lemon wedges and fresh parsley. Elevate side dishes with special touches too. Toss roasted or steamed veggies in browned butter, toasted nuts or breadcrumbs. Or top mashed potatoes with crispy shallots, chives, and cheese. For desserts, focus on height, color, and texture. Layer cakes, stack cookies, or get creative with toppings like crushed candies, chocolate shavings, or whipped cream. With professional techniques and artful presentation, your home cooking will become a masterpiece. Dive into the mysteries of flavor balancing and garnishing to make every bite as stunning as the food at HMD Bar & Grill. Your guests will think you have a secret culinary double life! Insights into HMD Bar & Grill's Kitchen 1. Ingredient selection The quality of ingredients is key. HMD chefs handpick the freshest produce, sustainably sourced meats and seafood, and artisanal cheeses from local providers. At home, choose organic and in-season whenever possible. Premium ingredients make a world of difference in flavor and texture. 2. Balancing flavors A dish should have a balance of flavors - sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami (savory). HMD chefs carefully calibrate flavors in each dish. For example, a sweet glaze might balance a bitter vegetable, or a tangy citrus pair nicely with a rich cut of meat. Think about how you can achieve flavor balance and contrast in your own cooking. A squeeze of lemon or lime juice is an easy way to brighten up and balance the flavor of many savory dishes. 3. Presentation How a dish looks is just as important as how it tastes. Here chefs artfully arrange each component on the plate to make an attractive presentation. At home, pay attention to color, texture, and negative space on the plate. A sprinkle of chopped herbs, a swipe of sauce, or an edible garnish can elevate your dish from homestyle to restaurant quality. Presentation is the first impression, so make it count! Following the techniques and tips from the pros in Bar & Grill’s kitchen is sure to make you a better home cook. Experiment with premium ingredients, practice balancing flavors, focus on attractive presentation, and your cooking skills will reach new heights. Your dinner guests will surely be impressed! Elevate Your Culinary Game To elevate your home cooking, start by investing in high-quality ingredients. Fresh, seasonal produce and artisanal ingredients will make a world of difference in flavor and texture. Shop at local farmers' markets or specialty stores for the best options. Learn proper cooking techniques. Things like properly searing meat, making pan sauces, and using herbs to garnish can take a dish from good to restaurant quality. Study cooking shows or take a class to master techniques. Get the right tools. A good chef’s knife, kitchen shears, immersion blender, and other gadgets designed for home cooks will make cooking more enjoyable and help you achieve professional results. Experiment with different flavors and cuisines. Try making dishes from various culinary traditions to expand your repertoire. Combining flavors from different cultures in one dish, known as fusion cooking, is a great way to be creative in the kitchen. Pay attention to the presentation. How a dish looks is just as important as how it tastes. Use garnishes, interesting plateware, and thoughtful plating to make your home cooking look polished and appealing. Practice. The only way to really improve your cooking skills is to do it often. Try cooking the same dish over and over again. Check out the cooking and serving tips. Over time, the more you work at it, the better your skills will be. High-quality products, cooking methods, proper equipment, attention to detail, and consistency are the keys to professionalism. Your friends and family will be amazed at your power! Conclusion That’s all, friends. The secret behind the delicious food at HMD Bar and Grill is no longer a secret. With expert advice, you can take your home cooking to new heights. Be creative, try new flavors, and don’t be afraid to venture out into the kitchen. Invite your friends to try it. You might make a good home cook! Practice, explore, and enjoy your culinary skills. Read Also: How To Cook Sausage That Tastes Like Heaven 8 Baking Essentials For The Home Cook How To Cook And Eat Frozen Squid