The Role of Communication in Employee Retainment


30 April 2022


Employee Retainment

One of the biggest challenges of running an organization is maintaining your employee base or employee retainment. If a company has frequent turnover, it may struggle to maintain its momentum.

Nothing derails a company’s bottom line like having to train new employees frequently, as experienced employees perform better, but only skilled managers can keep employees long-term.

How do you prevent employee turnover? Engaged employees are more likely to have good relationships with customers, and they’re likely to work better with teams.

A lived-in dynamic is something you can’t replace. To keep employees happy, you need to make them feel valued and keep them from slipping into a slump.

Here are a few ways to boost employee engagement and retention.

5 Important Roles of Communication in Employee Retainment

1. Communicating Strategic Decision Making

1. Communicating Strategic Decision Making

Do your employees feel invested in the day-to-day decision-making of the company?

If they feel like they’re simply carrying out someone else’s plan, they won’t be motivated to do their best.

One of the best things that a company can do is keep its employees in the loop, whether it’s about major game-changing decisions or minor policy shifts. Making your employees feel like insiders will make it easier for them to invest in the company’s success.

However, this provides some logistical challenges, especially for companies with a large number of employees. One of the best ways is to have an integrated in-office communications system, such as a VOIP or Voice over Internet Protocol network.

This replaces an outdated phone system with a digital phone system that can be used anywhere. And if you asked, is there a free VOIP service? There are even free VOIP software and application options for companies switching over for the first time.

2. Communicating Motivation

Communicating Motivation

A motivated employee is willing to go above and beyond for the company.

While some employees are motivated solely by pay and benefits, it’s more common for people to be seeking some higher fulfillment in their job.

Many employees who don’t feel motivated might quit and raise their employee turnover rate. Still, it’s more common for unmotivated employees to simply do the bare minimum and not give the company the kind of bold ideas you’re looking for.

So how does a company keep its employees motivated? The first step is realizing what they bring to the company and encouraging it.

If an employee is showing skills in a specific area, point it out and give them the opportunity to use and hone those skills.

Let them play a role in determining the company’s direction in those areas. You’ll have employee retainment with more motivation to succeed and a team that benefits from their expertise.

3. Communicate Success Publicly

Communicate Success Publicly

It’s easy for employees to become disenchanted with a job if they feel like they’re giving their best and never getting anything back.

Employees need to feel the higher-ups value them, and this can be as simple as a thank-you or acknowledgment from the boss once in a while.

However, when it comes to bigger wins – such as the conclusion of a major project or the signing of a big contract – bosses who don’t celebrate appropriately take the risk of massive resignation.

Remember how much it meant in elementary school when you completed a major project and the class had a pizza party?

That instinct for a reward to close out a challenging period persists into adulthood, and the rewards don’t need to be elaborate.

What matters most is that the employees realize you see their success, you appreciate it, and you want to encourage them to keep giving their best to the company.

4. Communicate Feedback

Communicate Feedback

No one looks forward to the annual performance review, but employees must know where they’re succeeding and where they could still use some work.

What matters is how it’s delivered.

Too many companies deliver either generic feedback or focus too heavily on the negative and risk their employees leaving the meeting demoralized.

Proper feedback is usually delivered within specific contexts, focuses on job expectations and responsibilities, and comes with concrete suggestions and ideas for how the employee can boost their skills.

This not only leaves the employee with a positive impression but gives them something to work towards as they enter the next phase of their employment.

5. Long-Term Success

Long-Term Success

The employee retainment challenge is that you often don’t know there’s a problem until they leave. That’s why it’s important to be proactive. These four tips will help to create a happier and more motivated workplace.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Why OKRs Help Businesses Grow and Improve

Building a thriving business is far from easy. It will take quite a bit of work, dedication, commitment, and a little bit of luck for the best results. But did you also know that it requires the right planning, effective team members, and a relevant and actionable growth plan? It is surprising that many businesses fail to understand the importance of implementing measurable goals and growth-based plans of action that make sense for the firm. The truth is that many companies do not have clear-cut objectives and thus fail to set the right goals and then flounder their way to an eventual demise. But what if you can streamline these aspects and create a business that matters? It would be best if you still accounted for aspects that may get in the way of keeping your company healthy and robust. Indeed, over time, inefficiencies do crop up and can eat away at the company. Further, different objectives may come to the fore and lower the growth of the overall business. The critical point here is that structure matters for your business. It is what helps you to get from point A to point B. Sure, you may face difficulties along the way, but you will know that you are organized and able to overcome challenges. That is where OKRs come into the picture as they can help you grow your business in a clean, streamlined, and effective manner. You are able to measure what matters in your business and manage your team to meet those objectives regularly. See this blog to know the greater benefits of using OKRs in businesses. Here is what you need to know about why OKRs help businesses grow and improve. OKRs Address The Critical Aspect of Focus: See this blog contends that a lack of vision destroys companies. It is true that a lack of vision leads to a lack of focus. A wide variety of distractions can lead to the destruction of value and eventual deterioration. Indeed, that would mean that a significant portion of time is wasted, human capital is drained, and no real value is generated within the firm. A successful business will use OKRs to ensure several points: Projects contribute to the growth and well-being of the company One can quantify the value of the project to the company's growth objectives Projects are efficient and of high-impact See This Blog States that OKRs Are About Prioritization: The fact is that OKRs help with prioritization and alignment and are universal components in a successful business. These factors matter for large organizations and small, nimble organizations as well. The point is that OKRs are instrumental in clarifying thought, helping with strategic alignment, goal setting, and overall prioritization. It is a tool that also helps implement a framework that sets actionable and quantifiable goals that can do wonders for any business's growth. OKRs Help Optimize Operational Inputs for The Best Outputs: Your organization can turn to OKRs to take each step ferociously with critical decisiveness. Remember that each ferocious step will require clear objectives, continuous focus, accountability measures, and overall dedication. By taking advantage of OKRs, you can set measurable goals, find company alignment, and have efficient growth that surpasses your competition. Most successful companies use OKRs to instill a performance-based culture as it focuses on growth initiatives and minimizes hassles. Remember that performance metrics through OKRs call for effectiveness and efficiency, minimizing waste. Read Also: Top Ways Video Marketing Will Help Your Business Grow What Is The Future Of Digital Marketing In Regards To Shaping Up Small And Large Businesses? Benefits of Pay Per Click Services to Your Business

Dutch Translation Services

How Do I Make Sure I Get The Best Dutch Translation Services?

In today's modern internet age we often come up against language barriers. Communicating with people all over the world is so much easier than it has ever been, plus we can get objects shipped from all over the world to our doors, or watch videos or listen to music from other areas. A whopping 23 million people speak Dutch, but this does not even put it in the top ten spoken languages across the globe. This means that if you need to communicate with clients, customers, coworkers, or other people in Dutch, you may need Dutch translation services. However, with all the translation options available online, people wonder how they can make sure that they are getting the best translation services that they can. Let's look at the ways you can tell whether a translation service will be what you need. Humans vs computers One of the biggest questions when looking for a translation is whether to use a human translator or one of the many translation software packages that are available. Translation software is very popular, particularly because it can be very much affordable - some of the translation software available, such as Google Translate, can even be free. However, the results you get from translation software can be very much a mixed bag. This is because computers typically translate by looking at individual words or short phrases, rather than looking at the whole passage - this, in turn, leads to very stilted, awkward phrases which are technically correct but which sound so wrong. If you need a truly great Dutch translation, it is always recommendable to use a professional human translator. Native tongue translators Once you have decided to go to a human translator, it can still be hard to find the right translator for your needs. One thing to look out for is native tongue translators. This means people who speak your target language natively - so if you want a translation from English to Dutch, you could look for a native Dutch speaker. Using a native tongue translator has some major benefits over using someone who is merely fluent in a language. Native speaks are more likely to be accurate with their translations, and they are also more likely to get the right nuance and flow in the translated document. While you might think good is good enough, a native-speaking audience can often tell when a translation has been handled by someone who does not speak their language natively - again, it can seem stilted, slightly off, and difficult to read. Having a great translation can help increase customer trust, so it is very important to get it right. Specialist translators Another thing to consider is the additional skills and experience of the translators you use. Just as you should use someone well versed in Dutch, you should also look for someone well versed in the type of content you need to be translated. For example, if you need medical documents such as medication information sheets translated, it makes the most sense to find someone who has experience working within the medical field. This is because they are more likely to be familiar with the specialist terminology and proper layout of these kinds of documents, which, again, gives you a better chance of having a perfect translation. Freelancers vs agency There are so many people out there offering their services as translators that it can be hard to pick. One of the biggest aspects to chose between is whether someone is a solo freelancer, or whether you should go to an agency. This can be down to personal preference, but there are some benefits and letdowns. A solo freelancer is only one person and cannot have the same specialist experience as a whole team, so an agency may be better able to help get you an experienced translator. Final thoughts Getting the right Dutch translation services for your written or spoken documents is a vital step to making sure that your message is received properly. While there are plenty of options to choose from, following the steps above can help make sure that you get a great translation every time. Read Also: 4 Factors to Consider When Hiring Legal Language Translation Services What You Should Know before Hiring A Translation Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business 7 Common Green Card Application Mistakes You Need To Avoid Making

Corporate Hackathon

Corporate Hackathon: Benefits To The Employees

Hackathons are becoming a growing hit in the business world as a tool to encourage employee innovation and collaboration. A hackathon is an event where employees from different departments come together to work on specific projects. It is usually a time-bound event, ranging from a few hours to several days. The objective is to come up with creative solutions that businesses may use and leverage. Hackathon events offer various advantages to workers. In this post, we'll talk about a few of these benefits and how they might raise an organization's general productivity and efficacy. Virtual Hackathon Platform An online platform that allows businesses to hold hackathons remotely. Regardless of their geographical location, it offers a digital environment for participants to interact, share ideas, and work on projects together. Benefits of Virtual Hackathons Flexibility: Virtual hackathons can draw a more excellent range of participants from different locations. Businesses hosting a Corporate Hackathon where employees are globally located benefit from Virtual hackathon platforms. As it involves multinational teams, participants can work from anywhere with an internet connection. Scalability: Compared to physical events, virtual hackathons are not limited by venue capacity or logistical problems.  Supports collaboration: This includes video conferencing, chat rooms, project management tools, and real-time feedback mechanisms. Exciting and engaging experience: It makes sharing ideas, working together, and building innovative solutions easier. In general, virtual hackathons offer a practical and effective approach to organizing hackathons. One of which is corporate hackathons. With a virtual hackathon platform, businesses can use the power of cooperation and creativity to advance their operations. How to Host a Hackathon at Your Organization? Set specific goals and objectives for your hackathon. Decide on a theme or problem statement to focus on. Invite participants from across your organization. Think about opening up participation to outside parties as well. Choose the right hackathon software to facilitate the event. Consider from idea submission and team formation to project management and presentation. Provide appropriate resources and support, such as access to technology, mentors, and refreshments. Encourage teamwork and communication amongst participants. Set realistic deadlines for the hackathon. Ensure that teams have enough time to develop their ideas. Plan for a post-hackathon review and feedback. Determine future steps to be taken. Benefits of Corporate Hackathons to Employees Advancement in the Workplace Corporate hackathons are an essential tool for the professional development of employees. Through hackathons, employees can acquire new skills and approaches that can help them advance in their careers. Here are some of the ways that corporate hackathons can promote professional growth: Exposure to new technologies: Participants can learn about new technologies and hackathon software, which can broaden their skillset and improve their problem-solving abilities. Project management: Hackathons often have tight deadlines, which can help employees learn to deal with pressure and improve their resilience and adaptability. Leadership development: Leading a project during a hackathon allows participants to develop their leadership abilities and hone their decision-making skills. Encourages Creativity and Innovation In today's fast-paced corporate world, it's easy for employees to get bogged down with daily tasks and lose sight of their creative potential. However, hosting a hackathon can provide a platform for employees to unleash their creativity and come up with innovative ideas. By using hackathon software, employees can collaborate and build on each other's ideas. Together, they can generate unique and novel approaches. This kind of environment creates a space where employees can think beyond their comfort zones. It allows them to push the boundaries of traditional problem-solving methods. Additionally, a hackathon can help identify the creative members of your team and encourage professional development in those areas. Example: A company wants to improve its customer service experience. Employees from several departments collaborate to enhance customer support's efficiency and engagement. One employee introduces gamification components to make the experience more interactive. Another employee suggests utilizing chatbots to respond to frequent consumer inquiries. Then the team combines these ideas and creates a prototype for a chatbot. This chatbot uses gamification to make the customer service experience more enjoyable. Advocates Cooperation and Teamwork Teamwork and cooperation are vital for a successful and productive workplace. Corporate hackathons provide an opportunity to promote these values and foster a collaborative culture. Corporate hackathons provide a platform for networking ideas. This exposure to various viewpoints and skill sets can lead to new solutions. Thereby, directing to a better understanding of business operations. Employee skill development is possible through this cross-functional cooperation. It promotes a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing. For example, a developer may learn about the user experience from a designer, whereas a marketing employee may work with a software engineer and learn to code. The team-building component of a hackathon enables staff members to train in resolution techniques, enhancing interpersonal competencies. Employees can leverage their individual strengths to achieve a common goal. This saves time, considering the pressure of time constraints and the need to produce a functional prototype. Employees feel good that their ideas and contributions are acknowledged. They will likely have a positive attitude toward their work and the company. Favors inclusion and diversity. By encouraging participation, hackathons can help break down barriers and promote a more inclusive work environment. Boosts Morale and Motivation Participating in a hackathon can be a great morale booster for employees. They feel satisfaction in their work and a sense of success. Staff members are motivated to put in more effort and advance the company. Hackathons also provide employees with a break from their routine work. Staff members get to work on something different and exciting. This is helpful in reducing boredom and burnout. Increased job fulfillment and employee retention may also follow from this. Hosting a corporate hackathon demonstrates the organization cares about its employees' growth and creative potential. Creating a fun and exciting work atmosphere can increase employee engagement. Safe Space: Hackathons give workers a place to try out novel ideas and take chances without worrying about failing. Employees from discriminated groups who might be reluctant to speak up in traditional workplaces may find this beneficial. Summing Up Corporate hackathons are a remarkable resource for professional development overall. Corporate hackathons are a fantastic method to promote innovation and creativity among employees. They offer a distinctive setting for workers to cooperate and devise original answers to challenging issues. Employees can gain new talents, improve their interpersonal skills, and network with coworkers from various departments. It is a powerful tool for promoting a culture of inclusivity in the workplace. The benefits of hosting a corporate hackathon include professional development, innovation, collaboration, employee morale, and diversity and inclusion. Hackathon software has made it more exciting and enjoyable for participants. Moreover, hackathon software allows companies to make these events more accessible and streamlined. Hosting a corporate hackathon has advantages for businesses trying to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business world. Read Also: 5 Intelligent Sources to Boost Business Strategies all Over the World Are There More Doors Or Wheels In The World? Business To Business [B2B] Content Guide