Lift Your Home Cooking: Mysteries From HMD Bar And Grill’s Kitchen

Published on: 28 August 2023 Last Updated on: 31 August 2024
Home Cooking

Have you ever wondered how restaurants are able to churn out amazing dish after dish that tastes like it was prepared by a culinary master? The secret is out – professional chefs have tricks up their sleeves that take cooking to the next level. At HMD Bar & Grill, the team works hard behind the scenes using expert techniques and methods to create memorable meals for customers.

Take a look at the kitchen masters who shared their cooking secrets with us:

In this series, you’ll get an exclusive backstage pass into the kitchen to unlock mysteries behind popular ingredients, explore useful cooking hacks, and pick up skills that will inspire you to become a home cooking hero. Your friends and family won’t believe the dishes you’re able to whip up after learning the pro tips and secrets in these articles. Get ready to lift your home cooking game to new heights!

Secrets from the Professional Kitchen

Marinate meats for maximum flavor

Chefs marinate proteins like steak, chicken, and fish for at least 24 hours to infuse them with complex flavors. Try a tangy citrus marinade, an herbaceous chimichurri, or an Asian-inspired mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, and spices.

Sear, then finish in the oven

For extra tender and juicy meats with a crisp exterior, our chefs first sear cuts of meat on the stovetop in a hot pan with oil. Then they finish cooking the meat in a moderate oven. This works great for thick pork chops, beef roasts, and whole chickens.

Add umami boosters

Ingredients like soy sauce, miso, Parmesan cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, and mushrooms enhance the savory umami flavor of dishes. Chefs incorporate umami boosters into sauces, rubs, and marinades to create bold, crave-worthy flavor.

Finish with fresh herbs

A sprinkle of just-chopped parsley, cilantro, basil or mint adds a burst of freshness and vibrant color. HMD chefs garnish many of their dishes with fresh chopped herbs right before serving. This simple step makes a big impact on flavor and presentation.

A touch of sweetness

Chefs know that a bit of sugar or fruit can enhance savory and spicy flavors. They’ll add a spoonful of molasses or honey to barbeque sauces, a diced mango to salsa, or a bit of maple syrup to a mustard glaze. Just a touch of sweetness is all you need.

Cooking and Presentation Secrets

To make your home cooking shine like the pros at HMD Bar & Grill, it’s all about technique and presentation.

First, master the art of seasoning. Taste as you go and season gradually until flavors pop. For extra flavor boosts, use fresh herbs, citrus zest, or chili peppers. Balancing sweet and savory, spicy and tangy is key.

With proteins like steak, chicken, or fish, brush on flavorful sauces or crusts before cooking and garnish artfully after. For example, brush grilled shrimp with garlic herb butter and garnish with lemon wedges and fresh parsley.

Elevate side dishes with special touches too. Toss roasted or steamed veggies in browned butter, toasted nuts or breadcrumbs. Or top mashed potatoes with crispy shallots, chives, and cheese.

For desserts, focus on height, color, and texture. Layer cakes, stack cookies, or get creative with toppings like crushed candies, chocolate shavings, or whipped cream.

With professional techniques and artful presentation, your home cooking will become a masterpiece. Dive into the mysteries of flavor balancing and garnishing to make every bite as stunning as the food at HMD Bar & Grill. Your guests will think you have a secret culinary double life!

Insights into HMD Bar & Grill’s Kitchen

Practice Mindfulness

1. Ingredient selection

The quality of ingredients is key. HMD chefs handpick the freshest produce, sustainably sourced meats and seafood, and artisanal cheeses from local providers. At home, choose organic and in-season whenever possible. Premium ingredients make a world of difference in flavor and texture.

2. Balancing flavors

A dish should have a balance of flavors – sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami (savory). HMD chefs carefully calibrate flavors in each dish. For example, a sweet glaze might balance a bitter vegetable, or a tangy citrus pair nicely with a rich cut of meat. Think about how you can achieve flavor balance and contrast in your own cooking. A squeeze of lemon or lime juice is an easy way to brighten up and balance the flavor of many savory dishes.

3. Presentation

How a dish looks is just as important as how it tastes. Here chefs artfully arrange each component on the plate to make an attractive presentation. At home, pay attention to color, texture, and negative space on the plate. A sprinkle of chopped herbs, a swipe of sauce, or an edible garnish can elevate your dish from homestyle to restaurant quality. Presentation is the first impression, so make it count!

Following the techniques and tips from the pros in Bar & Grill’s kitchen is sure to make you a better home cook. Experiment with premium ingredients, practice balancing flavors, focus on attractive presentation, and your cooking skills will reach new heights. Your dinner guests will surely be impressed!

Elevate Your Culinary Game

To elevate your home cooking, start by investing in high-quality ingredients. Fresh, seasonal produce and artisanal ingredients will make a world of difference in flavor and texture. Shop at local farmers’ markets or specialty stores for the best options.

Learn proper cooking techniques

Things like properly searing meat, making pan sauces, and using herbs to garnish can take a dish from good to restaurant quality. Study cooking shows or take a class to master techniques.

Get the right tools

A good chef’s knife, kitchen shears, immersion blender, and other gadgets designed for home cooks will make cooking more enjoyable and help you achieve professional results.

Experiment with different flavors and cuisines

Try making dishes from various culinary traditions to expand your repertoire. Combining flavors from different cultures in one dish, known as fusion cooking, is a great way to be creative in the kitchen.

Pay attention to the presentation

How a dish looks is just as important as how it tastes. Use garnishes, interesting plateware, and thoughtful plating to make your home cooking look polished and appealing.


The only way to really improve your cooking skills is to do it often. Try cooking the same dish over and over again. Check out the cooking and serving tips. Over time, the more you work at it, the better your skills will be.

High-quality products, cooking methods, proper equipment, attention to detail, and consistency are the keys to professionalism. Your friends and family will be amazed at your power!


That’s all, friends. The secret behind the delicious food at HMD Bar and Grill is no longer a secret. With expert advice, you can take your home cooking to new heights. Be creative, try new flavors, and don’t be afraid to venture out into the kitchen. Invite your friends to try it. You might make a good home cook! Practice, explore, and enjoy your culinary skills.

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit

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proper way to cut an onion

The Importance Of Proper Cutting When Preparing Meals

When you're preparing meals, there's a lot to get done. You might not think too much about how you're cutting up the foods that you use, but it can make a difference in how your dinner looks and tastes. Some of the reasons why it's important to make sure you're using proper cutting techniques when you're prepping foods include the following. If you are planning to cook something, you probably will need to chop onions! onions play an important role with regards to bringing flavor and crunch to the dish. You can cut the vegetables into nice little cubes along with vertically chopping the food. Read about the different ways in which you will learn to cut the onions along with keeping yourself safe! See that you don’t cut yourself. Keep Yourself Safe When Cutting Of course, safety should be a top priority when you're preparing meals. Knowing how you should cut an onion can help keep you safe. When you are cutting any vegetables, using the right techniques keeps your fingers out of the way, so you can cut every piece of the vegetable without getting your fingers. This could save you from a trip to the hospital or being out of commission for a while as you let your hand heal.  Make Sure Pieces Are Uniform In Size It is important to make sure the pieces you cut are uniform in size, as this can help make sure the food all cooks evenly. There are many different methods for cutting carrots, but with any of them, if you cut some pieces large and some small, the small ones will be done cooking long before the large ones are finished. This can lead to the food not tasting as good as well as to the meal being served with some pieces that are overdone and some that might not be cooked all the way through.  Food Cut Properly Looks More Attractive Cutting the food properly and making sure they're the right size can make the food more attractive. When you use safe cutting methods, you can do unique shapes or cut them in ways that are a little more fun or add to the presentation. Since food that looks better tends to taste better, making sure you're cutting the foods properly can mean everyone enjoys your meals more.  Make Sure Portions Are Precise When the cut foods are plated, if there are some that are much bigger than others, it can mean that it's more difficult to get the proportions right. The plate might look more full with bigger pieces on there, but you might not be getting as much because you're only having a few of the big pieces instead of lots of the small ones. If you're portioning your plate for weight loss, this can be even more important, as you'll want to make sure you are eating enough healthy foods.  Ensure The Meal Tastes Right Along with being more attractive and tasting better, if the pieces aren't cut properly, it can impact the overall taste of your meal. When you cut pieces that are too large for the recipe or too small, they will cook differently, even if they're all the same size. Smaller pieces when cooked may impart more flavor to the meal, so your soup could end up tasting a little too much like onions and you won't be able to taste the other flavors as much. What Are The Types Of Cutting Techniques That Every Chef Must Know?  In the previous sections, we have discussed the important aspects to consider with the proper cutting technique. If you are a chef taking intensive training, you have to consider some of the most important aspects linked with proper technique techniques. Therefore, you have to consider some of the important aspects linked with cutting techniques. However, here are some of the top cutting techniques that you  need to master as an evolving chef So let discuss them here in this very section to get a better understanding of the entire subject.  Dice  Cut Are you looking for a proper way to cut an onion? Then you may master this very technique effective;y to get it done. This is a classic cutting technique. It involves making the fruit or vegetable small squares. In this process, you need to integrate the onion by slicing it horizontally along with keeping the roots intact! Significance Of Cutting Onions In Different Ways! One of the most important vegetables, onions is used in about every dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner! We also use onions in a lot of snacks, hence, you should learn how to chop onions. The flavour of onions plays an important role in chopping the pieces along with cutting them into strips. Mincing is the first way of chopping which you can use to cook soups, raita, Manchurian balls and marinades. If you do not want to learn how to mince onions, you can use a food processor to finely mince the onions. Chopping is another process where the size of the onions is medium. This is mostly used in dal, stir-fried veggies as it gives a delicious and nice flavour to the overall food intake. Dicing is another process where the onions are used in cutlets, dosa stuffings, paratha stuffings and omelettes. When onions are diced, there is prominence in the dish along with the flavorful deliciousness of food. we often use half-moon cutting which is of the layer from thin or thick based on your requirements. This is mostly used in sandwiches, burgers and salads. Furthermore, the onions can be used to add a crunchiness to the food item! Onion rings are one of the most popular food items as a lot of people eat it as a snack! You can peel the onion trim the edges and then cover it in a flour batter with salt, spices and pepper, thus creating rings of onions. When it is fried, the deliciousness is great because it can go with any sauce. Conclusion To sum it up, it is an important part of cooking especially when knowing the right way of chopping vegetables. If you are a cook, you will know the significance of chopping vegetables along with adding them in the form of strips. Onions are an important part of most food items, be it a sandwich, be it any protein, starting from chicken to meat, to dressing of other food items, onions are a must! After you read the article, there are six ways to know the proper way to cut an onion and accordingly, they will help you cook different recipes. You can cook soups with onion chopping hence, after reading the article, get to learn about these different ways. If you'd like to improve your meal prep, start by learning how to cut vegetables and other foods properly. Knowing how to cut them and the different methods you can use can help keep you safe, help ensure the food is uniform in size, and help ensure your meals always taste amazing.  Additional Reading: 8 Campfire Cooking Essentials For a Camp Kitchen That Crackles 10 Unique Kitchen Hacks to Save your Time in Kitchen and Cooking Lift Your Home Cooking: Mysteries From HMD Bar And Grill’s Kitchen


Grilling Guide: Choosing the Right One

A grill is the centerpiece of any outdoor kitchen, so choosing the right one is not a decision to be taken lightly. Grill buying is more complicated than some people might assume, with multiple fuel sources, sizes, and features to choose from. This article will simplify the process to make it a little easier. Portable or Stationary? The first thing to consider when choosing the best outdoor grill is whether it should be stationary or portable. As a general rule, portable grills are better for yards that have no other outdoor kitchen infrastructure, while stationary grills are preferred by most outdoor kitchen designers. However, there is no hard and fast rule here, and homeowners need to consider the intended uses of the equipment. Fuel Source Arguably the most important factor to consider is the fuel source. It used to be the case that just about all grills burned charcoal, and many homeowners still prefer this traditional grilling method. However, there are now gas and electric models to consider. Here's what to know about each option. Charcoal Grills Charcoal grills are inexpensive, easy to fuel up, and perfect for those who love that classic grilling taste. It's easy to find charcoal briquettes, and they burn for a long time. It can be difficult to light charcoal grills, though, and they tend to take a while to build the necessary heat. They also need to be monitored carefully and cleaned after each use. Gas Grills Gas grills are quick to heat up and offer greater control over the grilling temperatures. They can also be used to cook different foods at once, which makes gas grills a versatile option. The primary downside is that gas grills are more expensive both in terms of initial investment price and repairs. Some people also miss that char-grilled, classic BBQ flavor, but there are ways to compensate. Electric Grills Electric grills feature maximum versatility. They're usually portable, and unlike gas or charcoal grills, they can be used indoors. Homeowners sometimes find that electric grills are more difficult to cook on outside, which can be a big drawback for those who are looking for the perfect grill for an outdoor kitchen. Grill Sizes Most portable grills come in standard sizes, although there are exceptions to the rule. Built-in grills found in outdoor kitchens tend to come in a greater range of sizes because there's no need to worry about ease of maneuverability. For those who prefer to work with more precise recommendations, look for grills that are at least:  216 sq in for up to three people 288 sq in for four people 360 sq in for five people 432 sq in for six people It's usually better to err on the side of caution and buy a grill that's a little too big than it is to risk getting one that's too small. Crowding too much food onto a grill can have a pretty dramatic negative impact, no matter what kind of fuel it features. The Importance of Quality When it comes time to look at individual grill models, the most important thing to remember is that homeowners will get what they pay for, at least in broad terms. Going for the cheapest grill available is usually unwise. Prioritize quality and look for grills made by known brands that have reputations for quality. Additionals: Small Kitchen Storage Ideas Different Styles of Kitchen Cabinets Know About The Type Of Kitchens According To Different Size How To Choose the Right Brass Range Hood for Your Kitchen