How to Conduct an Interview – What Should I Know Before My First One?

Published on: 08 October 2024 Last Updated on: 15 October 2024
how to conduct an interview

You’ve been asked to conduct a job interview for the first time—exciting, right? Worrying about how to conduct an interview?

Whether you’re a manager, HR professional, or part of a hiring committee, interviewing someone can feel a bit nerve-wracking if you’ve never done it before. 

But guess what? 

You don’t need to be an expert to do it well. With some preparation and the right approach, you can conduct a smooth, professional, and even enjoyable interview.

Let’s walk through how to make it a success from start to finish.

Step 1: Know What You Want

Step 1_ Know What You Want

You can’t exactly hire the right person when you’re not sure who that is. Don’t be too vague or unclear about what you’re looking for. If your expectations for the employee are constantly changing, they will never have a fair chance of meeting those expectations.

So, when you begin interviewing with the right skills, you should know what skill you are looking for.

Most importantly, do not look for one candidate with all the skills. They will all have their strengths and weaknesses. It is you who must filter and understand what is needed with the role.

Here are some of the skills that you should investigate when preparing to conduct an interview.

Technical Skills: What knowledge or skills does the candidate need to perform the job? This might include things like a coding language, specific design experience, knowledge of certain software tools, etc.

Soft Skills: Are any exceptional communication, collaboration, or problem-solving abilities needed for this role? Consider the conceptual skills that will make someone stay and fit within your team and company culture.

Company Values: Every company has its own culture. Do you want someone who aligns with your organization’s values? This could be creativity, innovation, teamwork, adaptability.

By keeping these in mind, you can design questions around them during the interview.

Step 2: Create Your List of Interview Questions

Step 2_ Create Your List of Interview Questions

Now that you know what you are looking for, it is time to develop a list of questions. You will want to ask questions that evaluate technical as well as soft skills. 

Please don’t make one of these common interviewing mistakes by asking dull and generic questions – you’ll get equally dull and generic answers!

Plus, fail to make the most out of the interview, trying to understand your candidate’s potential.

Here’s how to word your questions

Leaning into the Role

Start with some icebreakers—easy open-ended questions like.

“What made you consider applying for this job?” or 

“Tell me a little about yourself.”). This helps people get comfortable and sets the stage for them to tell their stories.

Behavioral Questions

A must in gauging soft skills. 

“Can you describe a time when you worked under pressure?” 


“Tell me about a challenging project you managed and how you handled it” are great questions to see how candidates react in scenarios they’re likely to encounter.

Role-Specific Questions

When preparing to conduct an interview, always ask questions directly applicable to the job. 

For example, if you’re hiring for a marketing position, ask something like, “What’s been your most successful campaign, and why?” Use this time to understand their practical knowledge. 

Cultural Fit Questions

These are often overlooked but critical for long-term success. Especially if you plan to keep the candidate for a long-term job role.

You can ask, 

“How do you like to collaborate with others?” 


“What kind of work environment helps you thrive?” You’re looking for answers that align with YOUR company’s culture!

Step 3: Create a Comfortable Environment

Step 3_ Create a Comfortable Environment

The interview is not only for you to assess the candidate, but also for the candidate to see if they would like to work with you.

It doesn’t matter how much you are offering as a CTC. If candidates sense a hostile environment, they might not be comfortable returning!

Feeling comfortable will help bring out their true self and you don’t want to make someone uncomfortable, do you? 

This is one of the reasons why we need to make some of the 

Not too casual, just friendly – this will lead to much better conversations. After all, you wouldn’t want to lose a promising candidate because of a bad experience.

Start with small talk: A simple “How was your commute?” or “Have you ever been to this part of town before?” can help make things more casual from the get-go.

Explain the structure: Take a second to let candidates know what will happen. Are they expected to walk you through their resume? Will there be time for them to ask questions at the end? Giving them an idea of the agenda will help everyone feel more at ease.

Active listening: It’s important to show that you’re listening by nodding, smiling, and making eye contact. This will also help your candidate feel more at ease, and hopefully, they will give more honest and open answers.

Step 4: Listen and Observe

Step 4_ Listen and Observe

This one seems simple enough, but it’s big!

A lot of first-time interviewers get so caught up in what they’re going to ask next that they don’t really hear the candidate’s reply. 

A successful interview is partly about asking the right questions and partly about hearing the answer (and non-answer) to the question you asked.

Here are a few additional tips on how to conduct an interview!

Take notes: Don’t be afraid to jot down key points as the candidate speaks. It helps you remember important details and can guide your follow-up questions.

Look for red flags: Pay attention to inconsistencies or vague responses. For example, if a candidate can’t provide clear examples of their experience, that could be a red flag.

Step 5: Allow time for questions

Step 5_ Allow time for questions

This is something that many interviewers (and especially first-time interviewers) tend to miss. 

The kinds of questions that candidates come prepared with can tell you much about what’s on the forefront of their minds.

Especially where they’re at with their understanding of the role. Here are some of the unique interview questions that potential candidates might ask you.

Good signs: A candidate who asks thoughtful questions about things like company mission, team dynamics, or opportunities for personal growth is generally someone who is thinking long-term and has a genuine interest here.

Red flags: I would be cautious if a candidate starts off too much about perks, vacation and salary. Maybe their priorities are not on align with the role or company values.

Step 6: Wrap Up the Interview Positively

Step 6_ Wrap Up the Interview Positively

When the interview is almost over, you have a chance to give candidates any last-minute information that might be important to their decision-making process. 

Plus, it’s just polite and keeps your employer’s brand intact.

Explain the next steps: Let the candidate know what will happen next. Will they hear back in a week? Is there a second round of interviews? Giving them a timeline helps manage expectations.

Thank them: It’s always a good idea to thank the candidate for their time and interest in the position. A little courtesy goes a long way.

How to Talk About “Futureproofing” in Interviews

One thing hiring guides don’t usually teach you about is futureproofing!

In an age where entire industries are in flux, you need someone who can change along with it. Remember, you’re not hiring for the role today—you’re hiring for where your company will be a year from now. So, how do you know if someone has what it takes to grow and adapt?

Here are some future-proofing questions you can ask:  

“How do you keep up with new trends and changes happening in your industry?”

“What about a time you needed to learn new skills or adapt to a big change at work? What steps did you take?”

“What do you think is an area you will need to develop professionally in over the next few years?”

Are you happy with your evaluation processes and tools in place that can evaluate a candidate’s psychological inclination to engage in learning activities?

If not, please adopt aptitude testing as a form of your interview. 

Step 7: Evaluating and Comparing Candidates

Step 7_ Evaluating and Comparing Candidates

After the interview, assess candidates while everything is still clear.

Skills and experience: How well-matched were their skills and experience with your must-haves and nice-to-haves? Were there any areas in which they surpassed your expectations?

Personality and culture fit: This is perhaps the most critical factor. Ask yourself if you think they would be a good fit for your team. Did they have values like those of you or your company when it came to work?

Scoring system: I’ve heard of some interviewers who use a 1–5 scale (rating candidates on experience, skill set, communication and others in their interviews. Plus, this helps them make an objective decision, especially if you conduct multiple interviews.

Take a Deep Breathe!

Conducting a job interview for the first time doesn’t need to be nerve-wracking. Preparation, active listening, and creating a comfortable environment are the keys to success. 

Remember, an interview is a two-way street: you’re assessing the candidate, but they’re also evaluating whether they want to work with you.

Don’t forget the growing importance of future-proofing. Asking questions that talk about the candidate’s adaptability and desire to grow can help ensure you’re hiring someone who’s ready not just for today’s challenges, but for tomorrow’s as well.

You’ve got this! Follow these steps of how to conduct an interview, stay calm, and trust the process. Your first interview will be a success.

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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Medical Careers

Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Are you looking for a stable, rewarding career that allows you to help others, while still making good money? If so, then a career in the medical field may be right for you! Many people scoff at the idea of switching to a career in medicine. This is because when many people think "medical career" they think "doctor". And that, of course, leads to people to think that the only way to make it in the medical field is to give up ten plus years of your life for school while going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. However, there are a lot of careers that you can do in the medical field that don't require years and years of schooling and money. And, people often get just as much job satisfaction from these careers as doctors do. What careers are we talking about, exactly? Read on to learn about the top 10 medical careers to check out for those looking for a career switch. 1. Ultrasound Technician: Working as an ultrasound technician is perhaps one of the least stressful medical careers out there. And, it's super fulfilling. Even better, it pays well and does not take that much schooling. As an ultrasound technician, you get to witness one of the most joyous moments in a person's life- seeing their baby for the first time! However, your job will consist of a lot more than just showing future parents their babies on an ultrasound machine. Your job will also consist of using the ultrasound machine to identify blood clots, diagnose tumors, evaluate heart conditions, and more. For an entry-level job, you will need an associates degree, a diploma or a certificate. Job growth in this field is at a healthy 17 percent, and you can expect to make around $70,000. 2. Biomedical Engineer: Are you looking for a career in the medical field that is less patient focused? If so, a career as a biomedical engineer may be for you. As a biomedical engineer, you'll get to use your skills in science and math to further the medical field. You will be in constant contact with other scientists, doctors, and nurses to repair and improve upon various medical devices. You may even get the chance to help develop an artificial organ. Some other biomedical engineers work to develop software for medical devices, research emerging technologies, or design new devices. In this career, you may find yourself working in a lab, hospital, or university, or government agency. You will need a bachelor's degree in engineering in order to enter this career field. However, if you are going back to school, you may not need to redo your generals. Therefore, you could knock off a year or two of schooling. As a biomedical engineer, you can expect to make close to six figures. 3. Phlebotomist: We've all had our blood drawn at a doctor's appointment or for a blood drive. The person drawing your blood in these situations is a phlebotomist. A lot of people think phlebotomists only draw blood. However, they do a lot more than that. However, due to the fact that many people are afraid of needles, your job will also involve putting your people skills to the test. Calming down and soothing patients will be a regular part of your job. If you work blood drives, you'll also be responsible for screening patients to ensure they're fit to give blood. You can also work towards other applicable certificates as a phlebotomist, such as a bloodborne pathogens certificate. You can find more info about that here. Training to become a phlebotomist takes as little as 8 months. And, school is often a couple of nights a week. Therefore, this is a career that you can easily transition to while still keeping your old job. 4. Medical Illustrator: A medical illustrator is a career that very few people know about. This is a shame, as this job can be super exciting and fascinating. If you're someone who is equally right-brained and left-brained oriented, this career may be for you. Medical illustrators work to create graphic representations and drawings of different parts of the body. Their "artwork" can be used for a variety of purposes, including legal proceedings, posters, and textbooks. You will use extremely precise graphic design software to create these images. The images you create will help educate students, patients, doctors, and nurses. You will need to get a Masters in Medical Illustration in order to enter this field. But, those two years will quickly pay off, as you can expect to make close to six figures. 5. Radiologic Technologist: Physicians and medical professionals rely on imaging technology to diagnose and treat patients. The images they use don't just appear out of the blue. They are created with the help of a radiologic technologist, also commonly known as an x-ray technician. In this role, you will use imaging technology to create highly-sophisticated images of patients' body parts. Once you've created the images, you will be responsible for updating the patient's file accordingly. This is another great career field that offers great pay and low stress. The average salary for this position is around $60,000. You will need an associate's degree to qualify for work. 6. Nutritionist: The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, which means we could use more nutritionists to get us on healthier diets. As a nutritionist, you will get the opportunity to educate patients about what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this role, you will design a nutrition program for your clients to follow in order to meet their lifestyle goals. You could work with a patient with Type II diabetes, creating a diet plan for them that will help them lose weight. Or, maybe you'll work with someone who has Celiac's disease to create a healthy and diverse diet plan that won't make them sick. This is another medical career that is extremely low-stress. And, you only need a bachelor's degree to do it. Are You Ready for One of These Medical Careers? As you can see, there are a lot of medical careers out there that have nothing to do with being a doctor. Now, all you need to do is choose one that you'd like to pursue. However, before you make the leap, be sure to check out this article about the top things you should know before entering a medical career. Read Also: Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course What They Don’t Tell You About Freelance Careers

Is Quality Assurance A Good Career Path

Is Quality Assurance A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is Quality Assurance A Good Career Path in 2021? How many jobs are available in the quality assurance industry? What are the best paying jobs in the quality assurance sector? Let’s discuss these in detail.  Quality control officers may also be referred to as samplers, inspectors, and testers. A rise in the demand for software products has given a lift to tech businesses like never before. Individuals who are specialized in quality assurance can be guaranteed a steady and reliable job. The job of quality assurance is to prevent bad software from being seen by customers or users. Quality assurance engineers are responsible for making sure the code other developers write is up to a certain standard. Let’s discuss the same in detail. What Is Quality Assurance? Quality assurance is the process of evaluating a product to determine its ability to meet requirements. Those individuals who work in quality assurance discover a process for creating and testing products before production or release. Businesses either small or big, need quality assurance experts in order to meet the needs of the audience. A good quality product can increase your brand visibility and trust in the long run. Popular firms who are willing to stay ahead in their business cannot afford the absence of quality assurance experts. So they make sure that other developers meet their deadlines and inform other developers of issues in their code.  What Is Quality Assurance Used For? The main objective of quality assurance is to distinguish bugs and potential problems within the software. The primary role of QA engineers is to: Document test cases Track test results Perform manual and Automated Testing Identify any issues that users may encounter Create policies and standards to ensure high-quality code Discover problems or bugs within a program Create software test plans Code automated tests   Types Of Quality Assurance Quality assurance engineers oversee feature testing and system testing. If you are willing to grow your career path in quality assurance, then you must consider the following types of quality assurance engineers and their duties: i). Usability Testing Quality assurance engineers test the usability of the product before its release. This test lets the team view how well the product is received and make all the end changes before the product is launched. Moreover, this test makes sure that the product functions in the way a customer expects.  ii). Feature Testingsting Feature testing is done before an application is updated. The engineers who are performing this work must find any problems or bad user experiences that come from the updated software.  iii). Integration Testing Integration testing is another type of Quality assurance that explores the several components of an application. At first, it evaluates how the individual component works and how it is tested as a whole. This is usually done before system testing. iv). System Testing This testing is a form of quality assurance that is done on a full project. It is actually the last test done before the product is released into the market. Moreover, it ensures all components of the software function properly. Is Quality Assurance A Good Career Path In 2021 The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Quality assurance is a good career path in the long run because this testing is in high demand, and testers get good pay.  If you have good experience in the quality assurance industry, you can upgrade your profile as well as your skills. It is also relatively easy to come back after a career gap. These specialists are very important in an organization because they help in making the reputation of a brand grow and prove its dedication to excellent goods and services.   If you have decided to become a quality assurance, then the first thing you need to consider is how much education you need. You may discover that other jobs can also help you to become a quality assurance.  How Many Jobs Are Available in Quality Assurance Industry? According to our research, about 55k openings for quality control inspectors are projected each year, despite declining employment. Moreover, demand for Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers is expected to go up with an expected more than three lakhs jobs filled by 2029. Now, let’s discuss the best paying jobs in the quality assurance industry in 2021. i). Test Engineer A test engineer develops assessments that firms use for all production processes. They also create effective plans for evaluation with the design and testing team. These engineers develop proper documentation guidelines in order to make sure that the teams can replicate results.  ii). Project Manager Project Manager is another best paying job in the quality assurance sector. These managers oversee the entire production process. They develop a project plan, goal, requirements, and necessary resources to meet the company’s objectives. At the same time, they monitor their progress, assign project tasks, and plan to their team. iii). Quality Assurance Tester A Quality Assurance Tester performs evaluations to identify defects in a product.  They use debugging programs to help identify issues in thousands of lines of code and communicate results to the rest of the team to get the solutions.  iv). Quality Assurance Analyst Quality Assurance Analyst is one of the best paying jobs in this sector. These individuals oversee the complete testing process for products. They prepare for possible external audits and executes internal auditing tests. Also, they make sure that the products produce the right results.  The Final Verdict  Is Quality Assurance A Good Career Path In 2021? You have now got an answer to this question with top reasons why you should pursue this industry in the long run. Quality assurance professionals are required by all manufacturers to make sure that all products are of premium quality. Read Also: Is Major Banks A Good Career Path? Is Consumer Non-durables A Good Career Path? Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path? Is Finance Consumer Services A Good Career Path? Is Telecommunications Equipment A Good Career Path? Is Photography A Good Career Path?

Highest Paid Remote Jobs

5 Of the Highest Paid Remote Jobs

Remote jobs are the hottest trend in the workforce. At present, around half of the total working Americans have done remote work in the past year. And this trend will continue to grow in the years to come. The convenience it brings, as well as the benefits of using up lesser overhead operational costs, can make it beneficial for many businesses. If you are an employee looking for remote job opportunities, then you may be discouraged if you see that some positions do not offer a full-time salary. However, this isn't true. There are a lot of options available that could potentially replace or even exceed the salary you once had. In this article, we will be looking into the top highest-paid remote jobs in the market. 5 Of the Highest Paid Remote Jobs 1. Cyber Consultants : In case you're wondering, consultants have one of the highest salaries in the remote marketplace. This is because a lot of businesses are looking for actionable advice about certain areas for growth. For example, startups find marketing consultants who can devise solutions on how to increase their brand awareness as well as promote their products. Financial consultants deal with individuals who want to stay on top of their investments. Consultant salary in 2018 is expected to increase as the demand rises, with some earning up to $100,000 a year, depending on the expertise. 2. Customer Success Support Engineer : When it comes to marketing, it is important to ensure customer success. Top e-commerce websites like Amazon and eBay hire customer success support engineers to create systems that make sure that the onboarding process is easy. These highly paid engineers make sure that the system also generates results, such as subscriptions, payments, and all other processes needed to make revenue for the companies. Since businesses cannot physically persuade clients, they have to make sure that the user experience will lead to higher rates of customer success. 3. UI-UX Website Designer : Many of the highly paid professionals deal with the technical aspects of building a website. User interface and user experience website designers are also some of the top earners who can do their work remotely. They are experienced in coding languages such as HTML 5, Javascript, as well as CSS. These coding languages help make the best websites with the optimal loading speed and easy-to-navigate interface. They also partner with the customer success team to provide the best results. To get this kind of job, you must know coding languages and have some form of portfolio or experience to begin with. 4. District Sales Manager : Sales aren't just about meeting people upfront. In fact, you can easily work in a remote setting as long as you have prior experience leading a team. District sales managers are some of the top-paid workers in the sales management team. They are responsible for training sales associates. What's great about this job is that district sales managers can train their employees remotely, where they can set up virtual courses, give assignments, or provide online communication that would suffice for actual training. 5. Senior Medical Writer : The healthcare industry is gradually streamlining from traditional means to digital information transfer. This is why senior medical writers are highly in-demand as they would need to conduct research, transcribe information, and present medical reports to esteemed healthcare companies and hospitals. The information that the medical writer creates is highly technical, and a lot of professionals in this field require experience in medicine or the healthcare industry. These examples prove that working remotely doesn't mean slaving off for minimum wage. Through training and years of experience, many employees can benefit from work-at-home opportunities with a hefty paycheck. Author Bio: Adrian Rubin is a full-time graphic designer and freelance writer. Read Also : Hotel Jobs In NYC – Top Reasons To Explore This Opportunity Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018! Traditional Job Interviews Will Be Dead By 2020