Am I Drinking Too Much? 5 Subtle Signs You Are (Even If You Don’t Think So)

Published on: 14 March 2019 Last Updated on: 27 June 2021
am i drinking too much

Binge drinking is defined as consuming 4 or more drinks for women, and 5 or more drinks for men in a single outing.

If you read that and asked yourself, “Am I drinking too much?”, it may be time to take a step back and think about the role of alcohol in your life.

Read on for our top five signs of drinking too much and what you can do about it.

1. You Constantly Push Your Limits:

If one drink constantly turns into four, five, or even more, this could be one of the major signs of drinking too much.

You know your limits, but that might not be causing you to wonder, “Am I drinking too much?”. Instead, you just keep throwing them back without thinking of the consequences.

If you’re constantly blacking out, making poor decisions, and just losing yourself in general, you could be drinking too much.

2. You Use Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism:

Alcohol is becoming something that you depend on if you’re going through a difficult time. Maybe you’re finding yourself faced by more of those “difficult times” lately.

If you’re turning to alcohol to deal with stress, boredom, or everyday responsibilities, this could be one of the major signs you drink too much. Alcohol should be something you enjoy during times of leisure. You shouldn’t be using it as a coping mechanism to deal with your life.

3. Your Loved Ones Are Commenting:

While you may think you’re just out having fun, the people closest to you are starting to mention signs of drinking too much. Your loved ones want what’s best for you and you shouldn’t take their concerns lightly.

Maybe you’ve come right out and asked them, “Am I drinking too much?” If they’re telling you yes, then it’s vital to take a step back and examine what you’re doing.

You can ease their mind by seeking treatment for alcohol dependency. Sometimes you just have to admit that you’ve lost control and need help.

4. Your Plans Rely on Drinking:

Ordinary events just aren’t doing it for you anymore. Looking for booze whenever you go out can be a sign of drinking too much.

While you may view drinking as a social activity, it shouldn’t be the center of all your socializing. If you depend on drinking to be social, that’s when it becomes a problem.

Take a look at the people around you. Are you the only one with a drink in your hand? That could be a major indicator that you’re depending on drinking too much in order to have a good time.

Try investing yourself in new, healthier hobbies. Taking on something like a new fitness routine can be a welcome distraction from a growing drinking habit.

5. You’ve Asked Yourself, “Am I Drinking Too Much?”

You’ve noticed signs of drinking too much in your everyday life. You’re constantly waking up hungover, you’re depressed, and you’re finding yourself reaching for a drink more and more often.

If you are looking at your circumstances and wondering “Am I drinking too much?”, the answer is probably yes. That gut instinct that causes you to question yourself is usually right.

Final Thoughts:

If you asked yourself “Am I drinking too much?” and concluded that the answer is yes, it’s never too late to slow things down. By taking the right actions to combat a drinking problem, you can regain control of your life.

For more lifestyle advice, check out our blog.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Romantic Gestures

7 All-Time Romantic Gestures That Never Go Wrong

Loving your partner is one thing and showing them that you do is another. Men need to appreciate the importance of their women and vice versa. You will be surprised at how a small positive gesture towards your partner can change the way they see you. The reason why your relationship was so much fun at the beginning is that you did most things right. Your goal was always to impress him or her. If you wanted to find the best date night ideas in Las Vegas, you would have to be creative and also do some homework. The same approach applies when you want to be romantic. Here are 7 romantic gestures that will never get old: 1. Being flirty : Flirting is one of the most effective ways of keeping a relationship interesting. You don’t stop doing it once the relationship advances. It’s probably one of the reasons why your significant other fell in love with you. Flirting creates a buildup that makes your sex life more interesting. It also helps strengthen your bond. 2. Giving her your jacket : Nothing makes a woman feel wanted than always trying your best to make her feel comfortable. Giving her your jacket shows that you care. It’s also a good way to show your protective side. So next time it gets cold throws your coat around her shoulders. This move will always have a romantic undertone to it. 3. Holding hands : This gesture signifies friendship and love, and it’s also been proven to be beneficial to your health. When you hold hands, the nerves in your skin communicate with your core nervous system. Then hormones are released that make you feel warm and pleasant. It’s also a good way for the two of you to communicate with other people that you are in an exclusive relationship. 4. Flowers : Few acts of giving can brighten a woman’s world quicker than bringing her flowers. Many people think that this is a gesture that should be reserved for special occasions. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s an old-school move that will always make her melt. She will absolutely love the thought behind it. 5. Going on dates : This is one area that many couples are missing out on. Going out on a date does not necessarily mean spending hundreds of dollars, so you really have no excuse. As a couple, you should always seek to deepen your bond and how much you understand one another. Dates also enhance the quality of your relationship because they are fun activities. 6. Dressing to impress : Always seek to wow your partner with how you dress. It’s a good way to communicate that you care enough to put your best foot forward as far as trying to impress her is concerned. It doesn’t mean that they won’t accept you when you are not too impressively dressed. Like they say: It’s the little things that make the difference. 7. Compliments : Giving a compliment not only benefits the other person but you as well. If a person is handsome or looks beautiful, let them know it. Don’t just think it, say it. In this era of social media, people have reduced compliments to merely “liking” other people’s pictures or pages. Don’t let that happen in your relationship. Being in a romantic relationship has many benefits. However, in order to maximize these benefits, you must always seek to maintain the spark. These seven gestures should help you keep that fire burning and bring you and you're significant other closer than ever before.

Healthier Life

Must Have Appliances for a Healthier Life

A healthy lifestyle starts in the kitchen. Obviously enough, it is also very important to be active, but without proper nutrition, you cannot expect your body to look and feel good. Unfortunately, nowadays we are surrounded by unhealthy food, and most of us have come to depend on processed food. But things don’t have to be this way. There are simple ways in which you can develop some healthy eating habits, and with the right appliances, you can do this with minimum effort and without spending too much time in the kitchen. Here are a few basic appliances and tools that will help you eat better: 1. The bread maker : Whether it is normal, gluten-free or whole-wheat, most of us eat bread on a daily basis. The problem is that store-bought bread is full of preservatives and synthetic ingredients that most of us haven’t even heard of. Even the bread that comes from your local bakery can contain unhealthy ingredients. So, if you want to have full control over the ingredients that are used in your bread, consider investing in a quality bread maker. There are several models on the market, so do some research in order to find one that can handle your bread preferences. Go to to compare the best bread makers of the moment, and see which one is better suited for you. 2. The Juicer : If you don’t know how to include more fruits and veggies in your diet, consider buying a quality juicer. This appliance will give you the opportunity to diversify your diet with countless fruits and vegetables, that might otherwise be difficult to include in your diet. However, be careful, as fruits contain a lot of fructose and you don’t want to exaggerate with them, so use more veggies in your juices and only use fruits for flavor. 3. The blender : A blender is an ideal solution for those busy mornings when you don’t have the time to prepare a healthy breakfast. With the blender, you can use any types of fruits and veggies, but unlike the juicer, the blender also gives you the opportunity to throw in other healthy ingredients like milk, yogurt and all sorts of spices. 4.  The steamer : Steaming is the healthiest way of cooking vegetables, aside from grilling, but you can’t always grill everything. However, unlike boiling, steaming allows the vegetables to cook properly, without losing most of their nutrients. Moreover, it is also a fast and convenient way to prepare a healthy meal. You can use it with vegetables, but also with grains, meat or seafood. Make sure to invest in a steamer with several shelves, so that you can’t prepare more dishes at the same time. 5. A kitchen scale : Whether or not you plan on losing weight, it is important to always be mindful of the size of your portions, and you can easily do this with a good kitchen scale. Moreover, with a scale, you can also experiment with sophisticated recipes that require fixed ingredient quantities. 6. A spiralizer : As delicious as pasta may be, it is not the healthiest food in the world, so if you are looking for a way to cut down on carbs, a spiralizer is just what you need. From cucumbers to zucchini and potatoes, you can spiralize mostly any vegetable, and use it as a substitute for pasta or noodles, or simply as a way to make your salads look more appetizing. 7. An electric grill : As we already mentioned, grilling is one of the healthiest ways to prepare food. Not only is it healthy, but grilling also retains most of the food’s flavor. The problem with traditional grills is that you depend on good weather to use them, and you also need an outdoor space. However, with an electric grill, you can grill indoors whenever you want to enjoy a healthy, flavorful meal. Read Also: When You’re Buying Furs, Get The Best 4 Tips For Choosing A Good Kitchen Tap

Bacterial Amylase

The Difference Between Bacterial Amylase and Fungal Amylase

If you are looking for an enzyme that degrades starch, then you should know the difference between fungal and bacterial amylase. Both enzymes function to break down starch and inhibit its recrystallization. Bacterial amylases are more effective than those from fungi. a-Amylase The purified enzymes exhibit a pH range of 6.5 and an optimum temperature of 60degC. Outside these ranges, the enzyme loses activity. It has minimal activity at 35-40degC and no activity at 2.5-3.5 pH. However, at 60degC and a pH of 6.5, the enzyme retains 50% activity. A-amylase is obtained from Bacillus licheniformis, which has a trading name of "Termamyl". Microbial a-amylases are generally used in industrial processes and detergent applications, but they are also being studied for their potential as bioethanol biocatalysts. Hyperthermophilic amylases offer even greater bioethanol production capabilities. The TAKA-amylase has a characteristic a-amylase fold and contains an insertion domain with a calcium-binding site. This enzyme is similar to a bacterial amylase but contains a distinct fold. Its b/a8-barrel insertion domain and C-terminal b-sandwich domain were studied using inhibitors to identify the active site. The crude extract of -amylase contains approximately 59 kDa. Amylase expression increased with cell density. Protein synthesis is largely performed in the log phase, a stage where cellular constituents are synthesized at a constant rate. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase predominantly catalyzes the endohydrolysis of wheat starch. In addition, it may act as an a-exo-amylase. This enzyme changes the starch structure and results in an increased release of maltose and glucose. A-amylase increases the rate of fermentation by providing additional substrates for yeast cells. Additionally, it extends the time of productive fermentation by shifting the yeast metabolism. Despite its similarity in molecular mass, the a-amylase from sorghum grain is insensitive to high salt concentrations, making it suitable for use in starch conversion processes. Foods often contain high concentrations of salts to improve flavor and stabilize them. a-Amylase is a starch-degrading enzyme Amylase is a family of enzymes that hydrolyze starch to oligosaccharides. The enzyme a-amylase degrades starch by hydrolyzing its 1,4-a-glucoside bonds, while b-amylase degrades starch to release b-maltose. Amylase activity is measured by the change in the color of starch in the presence of iodine, which is a substrate of the enzyme. Its activity is quantified by two different kinetic methods, using the enzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and iodine. AmyPDSBD is a member of the a-amylase family, and its B domain is one of the smallest. This elongated architecture restricts substrate access, and it forms a structural lid above the active site. Moreover, AmyPDSBD has an extended cleft that points away from the catalytic site, and it is possible that this cleft is necessary to promote the degradation of raw starch granules. The a-amylase family of enzymes has four subtypes: endoamylases, exoamylases, and transferases. The a-amylase subgroup hydrolyzes starch molecules at boiling and high temperatures. As a result, it creates maltose, glucose, and maltotriose. AmyP is a raw-starch-degrading enzyme with potential applications in green fuel and food processing. It preferentially digests rice starch. AmyP has a specific activity of 118.5 + 0.6 U/mg at 40 degrees Celsius, which is higher than other raw-starch enzymes. AmyP hydrolyzes ten mg of rice starch in four hours. Similarly, it takes one hour to hydrolyze 80 mg of rice starch. Amylase starts the starch digestion process by breaking down the long-chain saccharides into smaller pieces. Each starch chain contains two to three glucose units. Amylase is a member of the glycoside hydrolase family 13 and is produced in the pancreas and saliva. a-Amylase is a fungal amylase A-Amylase is a natural enzyme produced by the fungal genus Aspergillus. It is a fast hydrolase that is active in the neutral, acidic or mildly alkaline pH range. However, it is not as heat resistant as bacterial amylase. A-Amylase has many applications in diagnostic and analytical chemistry. It can be used for the determination of fungus pathogens. Many species of Aspergillus and Rhizopus are used as sources of a-amylase. A-Amylase is useful in fermentation and in commercial starch modification. It is also used in textile processing and cleaning compounds. In addition to these uses, it can also be used as a feed supplement to compensate for a deficiency in endogenous amylase in young animals. Fungal a-amylase hydrolyzes starch and turns it into fermentable sugars, most commonly maltose. Amylases are enzymes that break down long chains of starch to form simple sugars. In particular, a-amylase converts amylopectin into maltose and maltotriose. Amylases are found in many plants and fungi. NFAmy13A is a thermostable a-amylase that is active at a 60-degree temperature range. These properties make NFAmy13A a suitable candidate for use in the ethanol and food industries. It is also safe, which makes it an attractive candidate for a-amylase production in the biotechnological industry. Amylases are a vital component of many industries. They can convert starch into sugar syrups and produce cyclodextrins for pharmaceutical applications. Moreover, they are cost-efficient and consistent and require less space and time for production. In addition, amylases are widely used in the food and bioprocessing industries. a-Amylase inhibits starch recrystallization A-Amylase is an enzyme that causes the degradation of starch molecules and reduces them to short-chain dextrins. It acts on the a-1,4 glycosidic bonds in starch polysaccharides and requires the presence of calcium ions for stability. Hence, it inhibits starch recrystallization by preventing the formation of double helices in starch. A-Amylase is an enzyme that is present in our digestive system and breaks down carbohydrates from our diet. It catalyzes substrate hydrolysis through a double replacement mechanism involving the formation of covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediates and oxocarbenium ion-like transition states. The active site contains one carboxylic acid that acts as a nucleophile and a second carboxylic acid that is used as an acid/base catalyst and stabilizes the transition states during hydrolysis. The presence of CBM and SBS on the a-amylase surface influences its starch-binding ability. Specifically, the aromatic residues are required for interactions with the partially negatively charged hydrogen atom of the substrate. These aromatic residues must have a specific topology and conformations that are stable. While the presence of CBM and SBS does not affect catalytic activities towards short-chain polysaccharides, they are essential for the hydrolysis of long or insoluble starch. Barley a-amylase is a 45 kDa enzyme that plays a vital role in starch degradation during germination. It releases sugars that provide energy to the plant embryo. It also contains a 19.6-kDa bifunctional protein called BASI. BASI inhibits both AMY2 and subtilisin family proteases, and it may protect the seed from pathogens secreting these proteases. While a-amylase is useful for starch conversion, its use is limited by economics and the availability of high purity enzymes. However, some applications may require the use of a-amylase to improve the quality of products such as bread. a-Amylase is a multifunctional enzyme A-Amylase is an enzyme that has several independent functions. These enzymes are also called promiscuous enzymes or moonlighting enzymes. They are capable of catalyzing unrelated but complementary side reactions. They are usually slow compared to their main activity and exhibit relaxed substrate specificity. These enzymes are beneficial to live organisms as they help them to survive and respond to changes in the environment. Amy63 is a multifunctional enzyme produced by the marine bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus 63. Amy63 is an a-amylase with additional carrageenan and agarase activities. Amy63 shares seven conserved regions with typical a-amylases and clusters with similar enzymes from the GH13 family. Amylases are multifunctional enzymes that break down starch into maltose and maltotriose. They are found in plants and fungi and are derived from various biological sources. Amylases are produced from different sources, including animal pancreas, yeast, wheat, and barley. Some are produced by large-scale fermentations of Bacillus and Aspergillus species. Amylases are metalloenzymes and require a metal cation as a cofactor. Calcium is one such cofactor. Different enzymes have different requirements and this needs to be taken into account. Analytical scales with a sensitivity of 0.0001 g are usually required for measurements. Analytical scales with lower sensitivity are also available. Although most studies on the a-amylase enzyme are conducted on a laboratory scale, there is no guarantee that the enzyme will perform in any given situation. The best way to ensure that a-amylase is as safe and effective as possible is to ensure its purity. A-Amylase enzymes are used in a variety of applications, including conservation. However, they have several disadvantages. Often, their concentrations are too high and cause them to become inactive. Additionally, the enzymes are inactivated by hot water or ethanol, which disrupts their tertiary structure and terminates their hydrolytic activity. This can leave residues on the artifact. Additionals: How to Prevent Mold Damage In a Building How Does Children's Health Impact Parental Lifestyle? Mold Growth At Home: What You Should Know And What You Can Do