4 Key Concepts on Making Signage an Effective Strategic Investment

Published on: 28 May 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Strategic Investment

Have you ever asked yourself how effective your signages on igniting consumers’ interest? Or you simply place them so you could have something like an interior or exterior design? Do not tell you just place signs outside your store because others have them.

Come on. We invest money to earn more, not to lose. Let us get you started out on the right foot on doing an effective strategic business investment with these four rule of thumbs on signage making.

1. 3 ½ Second-Rule

Three and a half second rule is a rule of thumb that gives business owners a chance to deliver their messages to passing motorists thru their signage within three and a half seconds before another car whizzes right on by.

It is difficult to read your message when you overcrowd your sign with many lines of texts and words. Another, overstated ideas on signs could look busy and decrease the reading speed of your signage. Your goal is to let your sign have optimal visibility within three and a half seconds.

How to increase your signs reading speed?

First, add borders on signages. Borders tend to increase signage reading speed by 26%, especially when your target is automobiles audience. It could manage the reading space that let viewers directly focus on the center of the sign.

Second, do the math when choosing the most efficient letter size on your signs. Distance and speed are the two essential factor when selecting the right measurement. Answer these guide questions: How far away do you want your sign to be readable? How fast people or cars could pass through the sign?

2. Typefaces

A typeface or font is considered as a part one’s company’s signature. Every distinctive letter style on various signage from different infrastructures offers contrasting feelings. You could reinforce brand recognition in your place when you can choose the right typeface for you.

Most customers are not conscious of typefaces. However, fonts subconsciously affect a signage’s style, way of delivery, and crispness of your message. Think of font styles as themes that would represent you and your business.

There are two categories for typefaces. First is that signs could be friendly, warm, and casual like that of McDonald’s. Another could be formal, serious, and traditional like some of those by Shieldco business signage.

What are the don’ts that I need to avoid?

Do not use fancy designer fonts like Script Style fonts on signs that are not visible from a distance. Better use it on stationery or business cards. Avoid using different letter styles in a single design, too. Do not overdo layout that your main message would not stand out.

3. Optical Center

Optical center is the area when human eyes tend to enter a design or page. Our vision typically gravitates toward a spot that is slightly above the mathematical center. If there is a logo above and information below in a sign, nudge the logo higher within the boundaries of a layout.

Another example is when placing a sign in a center vertically and mathematically accurate, it will look low. To solve this, again move the signage a little bit higher to correct this visual anomaly.

4. Power Kerning

You might never have heard about it, but power kerning is a powerful tool on signage making. It scales letters for better visibility. Proper scaling, perfect sizing, and precise spacing are prominent factors in designing. The same goes on signs.

How Kerning works?

Human eyes, with the help of our brain, could quickly notice irregularities on patterns. This is why perhaps most people could immediately point out mistakes, rather than good stuff. The thing is when there is asymmetry such as too much space, or little space between characters of a word, a reader’s eyes tend to stumble.

Proper kerning would fix this unevenness through adjusting the space between letters, making each character of a word together into a single unit. Consequently, a smooth flow of details from the text would be easily delivered to one’s brain.

Nowadays, many applications that could easily do the job of kerning for you. However, instances like do it yourself signs would let you address kerning issues manually. When doing it by yourself, there are a few things to remember.

First, uppercase characters are spaced to fit the following ceding lowercase characters. Next, big headlines require spacing adjustment to attain better visual consistency. Last, over kerning is done when doing some layout effects.


Minimal content could adequately carry out the meaning of your business.  Emphasize only the essential meaning. Remember that the fewer your words are, the higher understanding customers would get. You will know that you had reached your audience successfully when you delivered your message clearly and concisely to the customers.

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Marketing – What’s Right for Your Business?

When it comes to running a business, marketing plays a huge role in your day to day operations. Regardless of how big or small your business may be, it still needs a solid marketing strategy to help it grow and expand. However, with so many different types of marketing available these days, it can be difficult knowing which one is right for you. Here, you’ll discover how to decide which marketing method is right for your business. Though no matter what type of marketing your business pursues, finding the right DAM solutions to store all of your marketing content is important. Online marketing options : If you aren’t yet focusing your efforts into online marketing, you’ll definitely want to start! Digital marketing has become an integral part of modern business. As the majority of consumers turn to their smartphone to buy from and research local businesses, at the very least your company should have a website. Regardless of which type of business you run, you’ll definitely want to set up a social media account for marketing purposes. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram all provide fantastic marketing opportunities. However, you need to ensure you’re choosing the right one to match your business. You need to go where your target market is, so researching where your ideal customers hang out the most will help you to determine which platform to focus on. As well as social media, cold emailing paid ads and content marketing are all worth considering. Offline marketing : While online marketing is definitely huge right now, don’t underestimate the power of offline marketing too. Take leaflets for example. When targeted correctly, leaflets can prove to be a very powerful marketing tool, especially for local businesses. You don’t need to actually deliver the leaflets yourself either. You can hire companies like Leafletdrop.co.uk, to distribute the leaflets for you. Simply select where you’d like the leaflets delivered and they’ll take care of the rest. They can even design and print the leaflets for you. Consumers are much more likely to respond to direct offline marketing methods than they are to an email for example. You can also increase the chance of conversions by properly researching your target market and ensuring the leaflets only get dropped off at your ideal customer’s homes. Other offline options you may find useful include radio, newspapers and magazines. However, for the most part, leaflets tend to be the most successful and affordable option out there. Why a mixed approach is often best : If you’re looking to create the most successful marketing strategy, ideally, you’ll want to focus on a mixture of online and offline methods. That way, you’re going to target the largest number of consumers. Digital marketing is largely successful for millennial and middle-aged audiences, while offline methods work better at targeting the older generation. Overall, it doesn’t really matter which type of business you run, both online and offline marketing strategies can help grow your brand and capture new customers. The trick is to do as much research into your target market as you can to establish where they hang out and where your efforts are best focused on. Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO Digital Marketing: Utilize Facebook To Support Your Hospitality Business How To Deal With Debt By Doing Business Marketing Smartly?

Email List

3 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email List

The email marketing industry is expanding and there is growing competition between brands: they all want to get people’s attention. Sometimes, acquiring more subscribers seems hard. If you are looking to grow your email list, we have three easy ways maybe you never thought of.  Whether you offer a service, product or content is the product, use these tips to add more subscribers to your database and become more successful at email marketing. Why you should grow your email list There are good reasons to build your email database. It can be an instantaneous way to reach the people who want to hear from you. Also, it’s cheaper than advertising or mass mailings. Every marketer wants a large email list which is understandable. In general, the more people you reach, the better results and this has never been more true than with emails. The typical ROI for email is $42 for every $1 spent. However, before you try any email list growth strategy, remember it’s not always about the numbers. You want true engagement and a long-term relationship with your audience. To build that, focus on adding real subscribers to your list – people who genuinely want to connect with your brand. How do you do that? Let’s get into three ways to grow your email list without much effort. Is it easy for someone to sign up? Many organizations and freelancers have only one sign-up form and you’d be surprised how much you have to search the website to find that form. So, the first tip: make your email sign-up visible and easy to find. For instance, you could place it at the top of your website and not buried down by the copyright notice. Also, avoid making the text so small that someone can’t read it. Instead, let your signup form be the first thing people see when they land on your platform. Are you promoting your email list on your social media channels? Maybe you’ve been working hard to gain followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. There’s certainly inherent value in this, but a lot of marketers make the mistake of not cross-promoting channels. Who’s to say that someone can’t follow you on Facebook and be a subscriber to your email list? Just remember that people will frequently leave social media channels for one reason or another. You don’t want them forgetting about your brand and what you offer, so do your best to get them on your list. Post periodically on social media and invite people to subscribe to your emails. Your newsletters’ content should have real value and be unique from your website or social media content. This is a great incentive to gain an email audience. Plus, you can think outside the box to gain new followers. Maybe you can run a contest or offer a freebie, such as an e-book to anyone who signs up – whatever you think would entice your audience. Do you include an email subscribe button in every email you send? Word of mouth is the best marketing.  If someone on your list really likes your email and forwards it on to a friend, they need an easy way to subscribe. A “subscribe” button makes it simple by saving them the trouble of looking you up, going to your website, and finding your form. So, at the end of every email you send, include a call-to-action. It could be as simple as: “Did you get this email from a friend? Get yours” + “Subscribe” button. The more convenient you make it for people to subscribe, the faster your email list will grow! Also, it doesn’t hurt to encourage your subscribers to forward your email. Some of them will do that and that’s a great way to grow your audience. It’s not all about numbers Now that we’ve gone over a few easy ways to grow your email list, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not all about numbers. There is another aspect to growing your campaign: email list quality. Gathering lots of subscribers is great for email marketing, but you have to make sure those subscribers are real. You may be asking, “Well, why wouldn’t they be?” In the world of email marketing, there are quite a few types of emails that degrade your sender reputation. A sender reputation is a score that every email sender has. It’s the rating Internet Service Providers use to determine your behavior as an email sender. Some of the factors that influence your sender score are: your bounce rate your overall engagement: open and click-through rates are vital metrics the number of spam complaints and unsubscribes you get Bad email addresses you could have in your list All these factors are in direct connection with the quality of your email list. Unfortunately, every organization or marketer will acquire some bad email addresses over time. Some of the most damaging yet prevalent ones include: Fake email addresses: for a number of reasons, people sometimes provide fake email addresses. Sometimes they just want to take advantage of a freebie and have no intention of being a subscriber. Abuse emails: some people are malicious and others just careless. Abuse email owners have a habit of marking emails as spam, even those they signed up for. You don’t want these people on your list because they will hurt your sender reputation. Temporary email addresses: would you believe there are websites that exist for the sole purpose of generating temporary emails? These email addresses are sometimes called disposable because the person uses them for a day or two and never again. Then, they only cause your bounce rate to go up. On top of these, we can’t forget there’s always natural decay of the list. People simply change email addresses. Some people use their school or work email and they graduate or quit. You must get those email addresses off of your list. Use an email verifier to keep your database clean Thankfully, there is a healthy way to grow and maintain your list. The first thing is to never buy or trade email addresses to add to your list. First of all, it’s illegal to email people without their consent. Furthermore, a purchased list isn’t likely to result in anything positive and most likely the people you add will mark you as spam. The simplest way to keep your list healthy is to: The first clean it in bulk using an email verifier then, install an email verification API on your sign-up forms. Clean your list in bulk If you already have a substantial number of contacts in your list, but are not sure about their validity, run your list through a bulk email verifier. The process is simple and doesn’t take much time: you upload your list into the system and get it back clean within hours or even minutes. Install an email verification API This simple piece of software checks every new email address in real-time. It grants permission to good emailers and keeps out any of the problematic accounts mentioned above. Once your list is clean, consider adding the API to all your sign-up forms to ensure it stays in good shape. The sky’s the limit You would be surprised what a difference email marketing makes. It’s the most personal way to reach people and is an incredible tool to communicate the story of your brand and service. Using careful planning, creativity and email verification tools you are on the right path to growing your email list and getting good results. Read Also: How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore

Online Store Sales

Getting Help from an E-Commerce Expert to Boost Your Online Store Sales

Every new online store comes with subpar sales, at least in the beginning. While this may make you want to give up, remember that there's still a chance for you to generate more sales and earn more money. All you need to do is seek the help of an e-commerce expert like Matthew Lepre. With his years of industry experience as seen in tons of Matthew Lepre reviews, he can help you perform the following tips that can help boost your sales: Be Visual A picture paints a thousand words. This is especially true when it comes to online selling. Since the client cannot see or touch the product for himself, he needs to have a good visual reference. You can provide this through captivating photos. While you may not be a photography expert, you can still come up with pro-grade images. First, use a good backdrop – a plain white one would do. Next, mind the lighting when you take a picture. For this, you can use softbox lighting. There are several more things to consider, so make sure to refer to these photography tips for beginners. Enhance Communication E-commerce experts believe in good communication, something you can promote with a live chat feature. This can be a chat screen that automatically pops up on your site. You also have the option for a more subtle clickable button. So, what makes live chat good for the business? For one, it addresses the issue of urgency. Some of your clients may have concerns regarding specific products. With live chat, you can answer them right away, and this swiftness might be the push they need for the purchase. With 77% of customers refusing to buy from a store with no live chat features, it's essential to have this feature installed right away. Ease the Checkout Process Clients go online shopping because of the fuss-free experience. As such, you stand to lose several customers when you complicate the buying process. A lot depends on the UI, UX, and hosting when it comes to easing and accelerating the speed of checking out. Using a Magento Hosting helps in improving the speed of the experience and allows the final payments to be made in a fraction of seconds. This helps in improving the overall user experience. Because of this, e-commerce experts recommend easing the checkout process. This can be done by offering a guest checkout option. That way, eager buyers don't have to fill out several forms to complete their purchase. Simplifying the process should not be limited to guests, though, as you need to deliver the same service to your existing subscribers. One way to hasten the checkout process is to reduce unnecessary form fields. You can do this by having a tick box that allows the program to use the shipping address for the billing address. Adding a progress bar is a worthwhile consideration as well. With this, the clients are informed of all the steps they have to take to finish the purchase. Improve Client Trust Trust is the foundation of relationships – whether personal or business. This is why gaining your clients' trust is vital if you want to continue transacting with them. Fortunately for you, an e-commerce expert can help you promote trust through every part of the funnel. The best way to do so is through social proof, that is, adding customer reviews to your product pages. Apart from the product description, the review is another aspect where clients base their decisions. If the product comes with many rave reviews, the buyer will be more convinced to click the checkout button. It's also important to show your badge of honor for payment security. Remember, identity theft is not an issue to be taken lightly. It affects approximately 14 million individuals or 1 out of 15 people. With the many payment badges available, it's best to use those that generate the most trust. So far, the most popular seals include: PayPal Verisign McAfee Truste Better Business Bureau Apart from showing these badges, putting in client testimonials will help boost sales, too. Like reviews, this can help assure your clients that they're making a safe purchase decision. If many others have bought from you securely, why shouldn't they? Utilize Email Marketing Many people believe that email marketing is dead, but e-commerce experts are quick to point out how mistaken they are. You get to earn as much as $42 in ROI for every $1 you spend on email marketing. You can capitalize on email marketing in several ways. If you don't have a list yet, you need to do a promotional bit to collect email addresses. For example, you can give discounts or a free shipping coupon in exchange for newsletter signup. Now that you have a couple of emails under your belt, you can use them to boost your sales. One technique that e-commerce experts recommend is cross-selling. This is where you promote products that are related to or complementary to the client's purchased items. Another way to boost sales is to send promotional deals during hot dates, like Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Make sure to appeal to the client's fear of missing out by offering limited-time offers such as one-day sales or flash sales. Launch Paid Ads The term 'paid' may make you queasy, mostly if you have already spent a great deal establishing your online store. That said, this should make you consider paid ads even more. Despite its name, paid ads are cost-effective ways of generating sales. And you don't have to necessarily spend a lot to get started. You can test the waters for as low as $50. An e-commerce expert can also help you gain a clear understanding of your target audience. This will help you hone in on the group that's more likely to buy your products. That way, you gain the best value for your money. An e-commerce expert can also help you run multiple campaigns with different ad variations. According to Matthew Lepre reviews, this is important because social media channels help generate the most leads. More importantly, an expert can also help you monitor and interpret the metrics that come with the ads. That way, you get to focus on the campaigns that bring the most revenue. Optimize Your Website To grow your sales, it’s essential to optimize your website’s loading speed and uptime. If your website doesn’t load quickly there’s a high chance that the visitors may bounce away without even checking your products or services.  Your expert may recommend using reliable Magento hosting solutions that can help boost the loading speed of your e-commerce website. Additionally, the web hosting provider also determines the uptime of your website. The expert will help you find a host who has minimal downtime to ensure that your website remains online all the time. E-commerce experts can help you boost your sales. With the many benefits they can bring to your business, it's high time that you contacted one today. Read Also: CRM and ERP Combination for Business Solutions 5 affordable e-commerce shopping carts for small business The Right B2B E-Commerce Platforms to Sell Your Used Machinery