Garden Edging for Beginners

Published on: 12 April 2021 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024
Garden Edging

Edging offers a beautiful touch to your garden, but many people think of edging as expensive and time-consuming. It also protects the flowerbeds, lawns, and other plants by creating a boundary for them. Edging makes the perennials and annual flower beds look clearer and more polished. Also, you can paint the brick and concrete edging to create a color theme for your garden.

However, you need to consider the plan and design of the garden before creating an edging, and it can be challenging for beginners. Let us know more about edging for beginners that they can use for their home garden.

Consider the available space:

The amount of available space plays a special role in designing garden edging. For instance, it would not be good to choose large slabs of boulders to create an edging in a small garden. Small brick edging, metal sheets, and plastic sheets are more suitable to use as edging in small gardens.

However, if you have sufficient space or a large garden, you can go with any type or style.

Make your garden look new by using the most creative edging solutions. Once you are able to decide on what will work best, you will be able to completely transform the garden space and wow everyone who sees it.

Plan your budget:

You need to plan the budget for your garden because it’s a way to narrow down your options. Planning your budget also helps you to save time as you will exactly know what things you can buy within your budget. Now let us know various types of edgings that you can use in your garden.

Edging trees might look simple enough, but a lot of things can go wrong if you are not familiar with the processes. If you are looking to make the most out of your budget, you can consider Tree Service Arlington for garden edging. They are professionals that will get the best work done so that you do not have to keep thinking and worrying about overgrown trees on your property. Using funds and spending them on experts will also help you save on expenditures over the long run.

Steel, Aluminum, and Plastic:

The simplest and most subtle edge of the landscape that effectively separates a lawn from a garden is made of steel, aluminum, or plastic strips 4 inches deep. The metal lawn edge easily bends into beautiful, smooth curves and prevents grassroots from spreading.

However, painted aluminum and steel provide the most elegant and sophisticated look of garden edging as it almost disappears into the grass and garden bed. Plastic garden edge types have a prominent black bump on the top edge. They all work best on a reasonable basis; If you have a lot of drops and climbs, it’s easy to install a paving edge.

Plastic edging:

The plastic aging may not look so glamorous, but it is relatively simple and highly convenient to install. As it’s available in small sections, you can easily stall one part at a time that requires you to dig the ground with a trench to sink in the edge. The primary benefit of plastic edging is that it is inexpensive and long-lasting.

Paver stones:

Paver stones

Concrete pavers are another form of material that have a long life and are nearly indestructible. One disadvantage of paver stones is that they are heavy to handle and take time to install. So, you need to take off from work for a few days to perform heavy digging and installation of paving stones. Paving stones are durable and last longer than any other material available for edging.

Natural rock:

Mother durable material after paving stones that you can use to create an edging. They are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They are very easy to install as all you need to do is the edges of each garden bed.

However, as they have irregular shapes, you need to choose rocks of similar shape and size to create the most pleasing visual impact. You can visit a garden center for a nursery to buy natural rocks for your garden.



Black stones are available in a variety of shades and thicknesses. You can directly place the flat species of flagstone along your garden edge or stack them to create a retro-style look for your landscape. Most local nurseries and garden centers offer some varieties of flagstones. They look pretty in your garden and last for years to come.


Bricks are easily available in every area and are very convenient to install any landscape. All you need is to lay the bricks keeping their wide side down. The challenging part of the installation of bricks is to level them right. A simple way to level them is to use a string or line level or a rubber mallet. Bricks last longer and are relatively cheaper than other materials.

Mazzega’s landscaping offers premium-quality landscaping materials for residential and commercial use in Kelmscott. If you are located in or near Kelmscott, they can help you in choosing a suitable garden edging solution and offer landscaping materials. In addition to a physical store, they also have an online shop where you can order products on their website.

Final Words:

These were some garden edging tips for beginners. Creating garden edging is not difficult if you take help from a professional landscaping service. The difficulty level of installation depends on the type of material you choose for landscaping. Following these tips can help you to create a garden edging for landscape owners.

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how to harvest cilantro

The Best Time and Method to Harvest Cilantro for Maximum Flavor and Aroma

One of the most used herbs in the world, cilantro, is also referred to as Chinese parsley or Coriandrum sativum. Fresh and zesty, cilantro gives your recipes a flavor boost. Mexican, Middle Eastern, Indian, Mediterranean, Chinese, African, and even Scandinavian cuisines use it extensively. Even cilantro microgreens are grown from it! Since cilantro itself doesn't keep well and loses aroma and flavor once dried, most people prefer to use it fresh. To have cilantro on hand, you should also have a few plants in the garden. You can harvest the plant for its flavorful cilantro seeds, also known as coriander, even if you don't use the leaves in your recipes. The leaves of the cilantro plants come throughout the spring and summer. Allow them to go to seed at that time since they grow easily in the garden! You must know how to harvest cilantro properly if you want to have a steady supply. Keep reading to find out all you need to know about harvesting cilantro. Harvesting Cilantro: Overview Most people either love or hate the flavor of cilantro leaves. However, you should still think about cultivating a few coriander plants in your garden and saving the seeds for a range of culinary uses. Most people in the US grow this delicious herb for its leaves. But the tasty coriander seeds are also worth harvesting. They have a distinct flavor from cilantro leaves. This fragrant herb of the cool season, cilantro, quickly goes to seed in the long, sweltering summer months. As the plant reaches higher in the sky, its rounded, lobed leaves become feathery. Pretty clusters of tiny white blossoms quickly emerge. Many pollinators are drawn to these nectar- and pollen-rich blossoms, particularly syrphid flies and honeybees. Little round coriander seeds with a kelly green color emerge as the blossoms start to fade. What To Expect from Cilantro? The distinctive flavor of coriander is citrusy and slightly nutty. It goes incredibly well with rice, beans, lentils, and roasted or grilled veggies. You can pick the seeds while they are still young and vibrant green. Or you can wait until they start to turn brown. Since green coriander seed is only found in gardens, it is better to harvest them when they are still green because of their stronger, more distinct flavor. You will not find them in the farmers’ market or the grocery store. If the seeds are kept in a glass container with a lid, then they can be refrigerated for several weeks and frozen effectively as well. Wait until most of the seed turns brown if you want to harvest the mature brown seed for winter grinding or planting next year. Next, trim off a few inches of stalk and the seed heads, then hang them upside down in a brown paper bag. The seeds will drop out of the heads and land in the bag's bottom once they are completely dry. The dry seed should be kept in a dry, cool place in a glass jar with a lid. For optimal flavor, grind it just before using. The flavor difference between freshly ground coriander seed and the pre-ground variety typically found in stores will astound you. Try adding green coriander seeds to dressings and marinades. Frequently adding an equal amount of ground coriander to recipes that call for cumin makes the flavors of the two go particularly well together. How to Harvest Cilantro? The most exciting aspect of growing plants is undoubtedly harvesting. Pick individual cilantro leaves if you plan to use a small amount. It is best to leave at least 1-2 inches of stem above the soil's surface when harvesting larger quantities of cilantro. It is preferable to leave a few lower leaves on the plant to support the herbs until they grow back. To cut the stems cleanly, use harvesting snips, long reach harvesting snips, or sharp, sterilized garden shears. To guarantee that your herbs regrow, it is best to remove only a small portion of the plant at a time. Furthermore, when the cilantro plant blooms and sets seed, the herb may start to taste bitter. So, when wondering how to harvest cilantro, it is preferable to harvest before the plant bolts because the leaves will be less appetizing at that point. When is The Best Time to Harvest Cilantro? When the morning dew has cleared and the sun hasn't set, it's the ideal time of day to harvest a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, including cilantro. This way you can lessen the stress on your cilantro plant and give the fresh stock cuts enough time to dry before dusk, which lowers the risk of illness. Before it bolts, harvest cilantro when it is 6 to 8 inches tall. The flavor of cilantro leaves significantly decreases after they have bolted. The lifespan of the cilantro plants can be increased by careful and routine harvesting. It is crucial, though, to wait for your plant to become established before beginning to harvest. The plant develops numerous long, thin stems as it grows. They are ready to be harvested when the stems are long, and the leaves have a lacy appearance. The cilantro herbs are about ten to twelve inches tall at this point. Gather your cilantro in the spring and into the first part of the summer. Your plants may bolt to seed if summertime full sun conditions prove to be too hot for them. The best time to harvest cilantro is early morning. You can either choose to harvest it once a week or source just individual leaves whenever you need them. Most of the time, it takes about 2-3 weeks for regrowth, so you must harvest accordingly. You must remember that regular cut-and-come-again harvesting is the most ideal while the plant keeps producing foliage. How To Store Fresh Cilantro? Part of knowing how to harvest cilantro is also knowing how to store them. It's best to know how much you should take from the garden before you harvest. You will need to learn how to store cilantro if you do not intend to use the leaves right away to extend its shelf life. There are several approaches to try. Storing Cilantro in Water To keep the cilantro leaves dry, wait to wash them after harvesting. For storage purposes, store the stem ends in a glass or jar with 1 to 1.5 inches of water and refrigerate for a few days. At a minimum, change the water once a day. Use a plastic bag to cover the top loosely to preserve the humidity surrounding the herbs. Storing Cilantro in The Freezer Freezing cilantro is another low-maintenance way to store it. Shake off any extra moisture and rinse the leaves to get rid of any garden soil. Tear the leaves into small pieces and stuff them into ice cube trays, covering the herb with just enough water to barely cover. You can pre-measure if you'd like to ensure that you know precisely how much is in each cube for recipes in the future. After the cubes are completely frozen, place them in a freezer bag. Add as needed to marinade, smoothies, soups, and sauces. You can freeze cilantro for up to six or eight months. Read More: Everything You Need To Know About Harvesting Basil How To Dry Cilantro? There are two methods for drying cilantro. You can use the oven to dry cilantro. Since hot air can greatly affect the flavor of the finished and dried herb, you might want to avoid using heat if you want to enjoy flavorful dried cilantro. Air drying or hanging drying is a better way to dry cilantro. Gather the stems of the herbs into a small bunch and secure them with a string. Place the bunch in a dark, well-ventilated area and hang it upside down. Alternatively, you can wrap the bunch in a brown paper bag to keep the cilantro from getting dusty. After the bunch has been hanging for about a week, begin to check its level of dryness every day or two. It's ready to be crushed or powdered and stored for later use when it crumbles when touched. Cure the cilantro ahead of time to reduce the possibility of mold growth. Put the dried cilantro in a glass mason jar to cure. Open the jar and give it a good shake every day to let fresh air into it and mix the contents. This will assist in achieving moisture content parity. If you'd like, you can also include a moisture-absorbing packet. How To Harvest Cilantro Seeds? You can harvest the coriander seeds even if you don't like cilantro leaves. The plant can grow to 20 inches when it flowers. This requires temperatures above 75 degrees. Pods will form once they have flowered, and the flowers will fade. Before being harvested, these should be green to brown in color. These pods release the mature seed when it's ready. Tie the stems with the seed pods still attached into a bunch. Next, hang them upside down in a paper bag in a cool, dry place to harvest the seeds. With time, the seeds will sprout and drop into the bag. Store your seeds in a dry, cool place in an airtight jar. Unground dried seeds can be kept for three to four years in storage. Before using dried seeds in your recipes, grind them for the best flavor. How To Harvest Cilantro So It Keeps Growing? If you sow cilantro seeds every two weeks from spring until late summer, you can be sure to always have fresh leaves available. We advise chopping them up and firmly packing them into an ice cube tray filled with water. Then, just place the tray in the freezer. These can then be added directly to hot pans when preparing soups or sauces. Or they can be dropped into hot or cold water for cooking or drinking. What To Do If Cilantro Bolts? It's time to collect and preserve your own coriander seeds once your plant produces seeds. Picture each of those tiny white blossoms turning into a flavorful spice for your cooking or seeds for the following year! In addition to being aesthetically pleasing and tasty, cilantro flowers are also excellent pollinators.  There is a short window of time when the growing seasons of cilantro and tomatoes coincide. This proves they go well together. It usually happens that my tomato and pepper plants are just starting to take off when my cilantro plants bolt, sending forth gorgeous white flowers. To maximize the amount of fruit your plants produce for you, beneficial insects that are feeding on your cilantro flowers will collide with your fruiting plants, vibrate their leaves, and assist in pollination. Ladybugs, butterflies, and bees all love cilantro flowers. It truly is a win-win! Choose Slow Bolt Seeds Seek out seed packets labeled "long-standing" or "slow bolt cilantro," as these varieties have been cultivated to endure longer in the garden. You can find your go-to slow bolt seeds that are 100% certified organic from Seeds of Change. Finding a local seed producer is another smart move. Buying local seeds means you'll be growing a climate-adapted variety of cilantro, which increases the likelihood that you'll keep it longer. Harvest Cilantro Regularly Regularly chop your cilantro leaves. This preserves the health of the plant and guarantees that the leaves of this herb are fresh when you use them. Your cilantro will continue to produce new leaves from the center of the plant if you regularly harvest it by chopping off the older outer leaves. Additionally, your chances of cutting off those immature flower stalks increase with the amount of cilantro you harvest. This will aid in postponing any bolting.  Since cilantro is incredibly obstinate, you can delay as long as you can. Cut that thick center stalk as soon as possible. After that, the plant will start to send outside shoots, giving you a little extra cilantro before it eventually bolts completely. For sun protection, surround your cilantro with tall plants. Plant Taller Plants Around Cilantro for Sun Protection Encircle your cilantro with large warm-season plants (like tomato or pepper plants) so that the taller plants can shade your herbs slightly and help keep the soil cooler as the temperatures rise. After all, four to six hours of sun is sufficient for cilantro to grow. To increase the lifespan of your cilantro in the garden, interplant it with larger plants. Wrapping Up You will need to have patience if you want to collect the seeds for your cilantro. Before seeds can be harvested, cilantro needs to blossom. Before harvesting, the resulting seed heads need to be allowed to dry on the plant for a while. Harvesting the seeds is then as simple as shaking them into a paper bag or chopping off the entire seedhead and placing it inside the bag. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about how to harvest cilantro, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! 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Concreting Solutions

Ideal Concreting Solutions For Your Home

Choosing the right concreting solutions is a cornerstone in the journey of constructing or renovating your home. It not only guarantees durability and structural integrity but also elevates the aesthetic appeal of your living space. Concrete, with its unmatched versatility, stands as a pillar in residential construction, marrying the qualities of strength, longevity, and design flexibility. As we delve into the realm of concreting solutions suitable for various facets of home construction, from the foundational elements to decorative finishes, it becomes evident how these solutions significantly enhance both the functionality and appearance of our homes. Understanding Different Types of Concrete Concrete comes in various forms, each suited to specific applications in home construction. Here's a look at the primary types: Standard Concrete: The foundation of most construction projects, known for its strength and durability, suitable for driveways, sidewalks, and structural foundations. High-Strength Concrete: Offers enhanced durability and load-bearing capabilities, ideal for areas requiring superior strength. Lightweight Concrete: Used where less structural mass or better insulation is needed, it provides thermal efficiency and is easier to work with. Decorative Concrete: Enables aesthetic customization for home exteriors and interiors through options like colored, stamped, or polished concrete. Benefits of Concrete in Home Construction The benefits of using concrete in home construction are manifold. Its durability stands up to extreme weather, heavy traffic, and the wear and tear of daily life, ensuring structures that last generations. Concrete's thermal mass contributes to energy efficiency, helping maintain consistent indoor temperatures and potentially lowering energy costs. Moreover, its versatility allows architects and builders to explore creative designs, molding concrete into various shapes and finishes to complement any architectural style. Innovative Concreting Techniques for Homes Innovative concreting techniques, such as stamped concrete, polished concrete, and concrete overlays, push the boundaries of traditional concrete applications, offering homeowners unique ways to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their exteriors and interiors. Stamped concrete introduces textures that mimic natural materials, while polished concrete floors bring a sleek, high-gloss finish to any room. Concrete overlays provide a fresh look for existing concrete surfaces without the need for complete replacement, making them a cost-effective option for renovations. Choosing the Right Concrete for Your Project Selecting the appropriate concrete for your endeavor requires a thorough assessment of your project's unique demands, whether it's for construction or renovation. This entails evaluating the visual goals you aim to achieve, the structural requirements essential for stability and safety, and the adaptability of the materials to the specific climate conditions in your area. Additionally, financial considerations are pivotal in this selection process. The cost implications of various concrete types and their associated finishing methods can significantly influence your final decision. Engaging a Perth concreter, such as Project Concrete, ensures expert guidance in navigating these considerations, guaranteeing that your choice aligns with both your aesthetic preferences and budgetary constraints. Maintenance and Care for Concrete Surfaces Maintaining concrete surfaces is straightforward, involving routine sealing to protect against moisture and stains, regular cleaning to preserve appearance, and prompt repair of any cracks or wear to prevent further damage. Such care ensures the longevity and beauty of concrete installations, contributing to the overall value of your home. Disadvantages Of Concrete For Home When building concrete slab foundations, constructors are aware of the reason why it needs to be freezed. Apart from the worry that the foundation might crack, there is also concern about cost savings. One  thing that you might not have to worry about at all is when you use concrete for your home, it is quite safe. There is no problem when it comes to the base of the house and how it might decrease the risk of damage with regards to the instances of buying or building a home with concrete. There are several benefits which we have already mentioned, however, there are some drawbacks as well. You need to go through the disadvantages of using concrete so that you can consider all pros and cons. This will help you in understanding the need for concrete or should you choose another option when building a home. Read about the drawbacks that are described below in detail. You can decide on your own regarding making the choice of whether or not you would like to choose concrete as your choice for the house site! Labor Not everyone knows how to use concrete and accordingly, they know how to implement the concrete and tools that will help in building concrete structures. It is quite common to understand that you will need to learn about how concrete works and efficiently work on looking for laborers. These laborers must know how to use concrete and the tools or else it might be difficult especially when the process is expensive! Cost Using concrete is one of the most expensive ways of building a house! There is labor, material costs, transportation costs and market competition. When evaluating the conditions based on which you are building a house, there can be serious concerns regarding the expenses of a traditional home. Several factors influence the way your house is built! I agree that there are long term benefits to the use of concrete however, it can significantly impact your costing and budgeting when building a house. Pests With concrete becoming the foundation of your house, there can be a chance that there can be pests such as roaches and termites. Considering the house is closer to the ground, the insects and pests can easily enter through the walls accessing the infrastructure of the house. It will severely impact the woods across the house along with concerns if you sit on the ground! Heating And Cooling If there is a unit for air-conditioning or there is a furnace installed, there is a high chance that it will affect the concrete. These devices when installed in the ground floor will take up room directly impacting your purpose. Slab Cracks One of the most potential concerns when using concrete is that there can be cracks in the concrete! Now that we have already discussed about it being costly, it can be expensive to repair the house especially when there are cracks. It will look bad! Do you wonder how these cracks have developed? Earthquakes, frozen ground or tree roots are common concerns due to which the cracks in the concrete appear. Conclusion In conclusion, concrete offers a versatile, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution for home construction and renovation projects. By understanding the different types of concrete, their benefits, and the innovative techniques available, homeowners can make informed decisions that meet their structural and design needs. Whether laying a new foundation, upgrading a patio, or seeking durable and stylish flooring options, the right concreting solutions can significantly enhance the livability and appeal of your home, ensuring it stands the test of time. Learn More About: 10 Points To Remember If You Are Building A Residential House Home Decoration At Its Best: 7 Key Ideas To Recreate Your Home Making Your Home Strong From Within: Tips To Build A Sturdy House

spiky plants

10 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your House

“Flowers are for Tinder dates. Plants are for soul mates.” Growing up, I watched with awe how my mother would convert any space, indoor or outdoor, with some love and a whole lot of plants. While some plants are your usual Begonias and Fuchsias, what attracted me the most was the collection of spiky plants my mom was obsessed with! So it was only natural when I moved to my own place, my ideas on the decor were heavily inspired by my mother’s natural tastes. I couldn’t help filling spaces in my home with plants, and I soon realized I had developed a specific taste for plants that are spiky. But, of course, I refuse to believe that I am alone with my tastes. There have to be more people like me, and this article is for your guys! Keep reading to find out more on the same. Click Here Read Out: 10 Best Aesthetic Plants To Buy In 2022 10 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your House: “Don’t let the fear of limited space keep your from buying plants.” Exactly! If you are wondering about the limitation of space, don’t! Because I am here to help you out with alternatives to outdoor spiky plants - if there’s no space inside, hopefully, you will make some outside for these babies. Scroll down to find out the top ten spiky plants for decorating the outside of your house. 1. Agave A native American plant, the Agave thrives the best in arid and hot conditions. The best part? This dark green plant can tolerate droughts and also happens to love the sunlight - perfect for keeping outside your home, and it doesn’t even require a lot of care. Another great thing about this plant is that it lives for nearly three decades. Since there are several species of the Agave plant, it is a little difficult to tell you the approximate growth level of these spiky babies. However, on average, these plants grow somewhere between six to ten feet. But smaller variations might grow up to only four feet. 2. Golden Barrel Cactus Scientifically known as the Echinocactus Grusoni, the Golden Barrel Cactus is a cute addition to any home garden. These cuties are plants with spiky leaves and can grow up to 3 feet on both sides (length and width). Also, the woollen hair in white colour on top of the yellow needle-like spikes only adds to the visual effect of the plant. Although these Golden Barrel Cactus need plenty of watering, sunlight exposure, for some strange reason, is hardly a requirement. In fact, while planting these spiky plants, you will find out they are avoiding the sun by themselves. So it is wiser to plant these in a space place in your garden. 3. Holly Plant Popular as a Christmas symbol for many years, the Holly plant is a classic hedging plant that often provides both shelter and food to the wildlife. Even birds like Robins or Blackbirds feed on the red berries of this spiky plant. And if that was not enough, this plant also happens to be a great source of nectars and pollen for attracting bees. The holly plant is a pretty cool feature for your garden because it brings in so many aspects. Moreover, the spiky leaves act as a deterrent for intruders. Also, since these plants grow slowly, they can easily go up to 30 or even 40 feet in some cases. Holly plants thrive best in well-drained soil that’s slightly acidic but not dry under the sun. 4. California Fuchsia Are you up for some blooming, red addition to your outdoor garden? Then California Fuchsia is probably the best alternative for you especially if you are looking for some low-maintenance plants! The plant radiates the whole summertime floral vibes that can improve anyone’s mood exponentially. And if you are living in some dry area, then this one is surely meant for your garden. The best part? California Fuchsia is primarily known for its flowers which keep growing through Spring, Summer, and straight into Fall. A colourful garden for most parts of the year - isn’t that what gardening dreams are made of? Just one thing - you need to be careful of the vertical spikes in the flowers. Read More: 10 Best Foliage Plants To Buy In 2022 – Must Read! 5. Crown of Thorns Don’t go on its name because Crown of Thorns is one of the most appealing spiky plants out there. The best part about these plants? The Crown of Thorns can easily tolerate droughts and resist heat, making gardening these babies very convenient. In fact, try to avoid overwatering at all costs! Popularly known as the Euphorbia Milii, the Crown of Thorns happens to be the Christ Thorn since it is one such succulent with actual spiky leaves, which are thick, fleshy, and shaped like tears. Native to Madagascar, these spiky plants can grow nearly five to six feet tall. 6. Bougainvillea Plant You already know how beautiful a Bougainvillea plant can be and especially as outdoor decor. But did you know that these are great for security reasons too? Someone once told me how all beautiful things have thorns, and these beautiful Bougainvilleas are no different. The dense, thorny branches of the Bougainvillea plant can keep intruders at bay while adding color to the outdoor decor of your home. Moreover, these tall spiky plants can easily resist droughts and, in fact, thrive well under sunlight. 7. Devil’s Walking Stick Scientifically known as the Aralia Spinosails, the Devil’s Walking Stick is literally named after its characteristic sharp, stout spikes prevalent on its leafy, green stems, branches, and stalks. Native to the forest areas of America, the Devil’s Walking Stick is popular for the clusters of umbrella-like white flowers. This is literally a Devil’s Walking Stick that can grow up to 30 feet on average - the long stems, the orange prickles, the spiny leaves, and the white flowers are all characteristics of these spiky plants. Not only can these tolerate several urban pollutants, but they also can thrive well in a wide variety of soils. 8. Honey Locust Did you know that these spiky plants that go by the name of Honey Locust can grow somewhere between 60 to 100 feet, on average? Aren’t these perfect for stabbing some intruder and boosting the security around your home? In fact, the black or dark grey barks can easily camouflage the thorn once the sun goes down. - perfect foliage plants for your home! The best part? The Honey Locust is a plant that can easily adapt to any situation and thrive well under urban conditions. These can resist droughts and grows well in soil that is well-drained as well as moist! You May Love To Read This: 10 Best Trailing Indoor Plants To Buy In 2022 9. Honey Mesquite Plant Scientifically known as the Prosopis Glandulosa, the Honey Mesquite Plant is native to deserts located in Northern Mexico. Not only can these plants resist droughts, but they can easily survive under conditions that are dry and hot. The best part? Those beautiful yellow flowers and the twisted trunks only add to the aesthetic pop outside your home. The plant is characterised by rough barks and long thorns, both of which help in making these plants the perfect defence hedge for your home. 10. Porcupine Tomato Native to Madagascar, the Porcupine Tomato has a refreshing vibe, especially when it blooms in Summer with that beautiful purple tint. The leaves might fool you with beauty since it’s more like a cover-up for the upright thorns the plants are best known for. The Porcupine Tomato is one of those spiky plants that thrive the best in well-drained soil and sun exposure. You can always plant it inside a container and strategically position the plant in different areas of your garden, creating a sort of surprise for any unwanted visitor. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Q1. Why Are Desert Plants Spiky? The spines and hair on a dessert plant prevent moisture loss by stopping the wind-effects. These can also help by casting little shadows on other plants. Moreover, the shininess of these spiky parts also helps in reflecting away the sun's rays.  Q2. What Is The Name Of The Spiky Plant? A popular spiky plant that has been used for decor as a houseplant for several years is the Dracaena plant. Popularly referred to as the Spike Plant, the Dracaena plant is now competing with other varieties of spiky plants.  Q3. What Are Lucky Plants? The best lucky plant that you can opt for is the Feng Shui plant. This plant is popular because it is considered lucky in terms of love, fortune, luck and prosperity. The other alternatives to lucky plants are Orchids, Bamboo, Rubber plants, and the like. Wrapping Up: “Home is where the plants are” Now that you have a fair idea of some cool spiky plants names perfect for decorating the outside of your house, what are you waiting for? It’s time to bring in some new, spiky members home. Get yourself a beautifully thorny cactus or some much-needed Bougainvillea for the safety of your property - or opt for any other spiky plant! Don’t forget to let us know in the comments below your thoughts on the same. Read More: 10 Best Tall House Plants To Buy In 2022 Grow these flowering plants in your home garden 5 good luck plants that deserves a place in your home