Instagram Marketing Statistics You Should be Aware of in 2019

Published on: 30 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Instagram Marketing

Instagram continues to be a massive influence on consumer habits. It is a platform where brands and influencers can directly reach their customers every day at a relatively low marketing cost. To make it in today’s market you have to engage with your target audience on social media, and to make it on social media you have to constantly adapt and stay ahead of the curve.

Instagram is still the third most used social media platform just after Facebook and YouTube, making it a must-have marketing platform. These Instagram statistics will give you some deeper insight into Instagram trends and help you optimize your Instagram marketing campaigns.


  1. The most popular Instagram brands get a 4.2% engagement rate per follower. This is about 58 times more than they get from Facebook as well as 120 times more than they get on Twitter. This shows us the powerful potential of using Instagram correctly. Marketers can get amazing results and interaction if they use Instagram in an effective way. This stat was sourced from Hootsuite and you can improve these stats using Acheter des Followers Instagram.


  1. The most active brands on Instagram are of course media brands. The least active and least represented brands are services in business and finance and also consumer goods that sell at rapid speeds. With Instagram’s business side still being relatively new we are only now starting to see a normalization in the frequency that brands post, this allows us to start measuring the rapid increase that has occurred. A survey showed that 41% of the online marketers also use videos on Instagram and about 44% say they are still planning to use videos on Instagram. These stats are sourced from Simply Measured and


  1. Out of all the Instagram users, 90% are under the age of 35. This makes it abundantly clear that Instagram is the perfect platform to reach the millennial target audience. Another survey found that out of all the teenagers who use Instagram, 32% of them felt that there is no other social media platform as important as Instagram. Also when it comes to genders, woman is 38% prone to make use of Instagram compared to men at 26%. Sourced from ScienceDaily.


  1. In 2015 product content received the highest numbers of engagement by far at a rate of 60%. This is more than 20% higher than the second category on the list namely lifestyle. Marketers welcome this news because it means people already know and are fine with it that brands will push their products. This makes it easier to offer your products and services. Sourced from Hootsuite.


  1. In terms of engagement, tagging your Instagram posts in a location or with some other user receives much higher rates. Tagging a person gets 56% higher engagement and tagging a location gets 79% higher engagement. People seem to be more intrigued and more inclined to contribute when a post also revolves around a location they know or when it is in a more social setting like with someone else. So it is a valuable habit to tag the where and who. Sourced from Simply Measured.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Instagram Marketing

6 Instagram Marketing Tips for Business

The internet generation of today may or may not spend time with their families, but they definitely spend some quality time online. So your business needs to be noticed on their palms first. If you have a business but not having an account on Insta, I am hoping you have a good excuse for it. With countless likes distributed here each day, you must scoop some up for your business too. If this is not the case with you, you’ve come to the right place. Though late in the social media game, Instagram is a commanding marketing tool with 1 Billion active monthly users and 80% of them are following businesses. So you need to make sure, your business falls one among them. Here are ways to get you heard. These are the ones that work anyways: 1. Keep it strictly business! Creating a business profile is the prime rule of ‘Gram’ marketing. If you already have a general account, simply go to settings and click on ‘Switch to Business Profile’. A business account comes with tactical benefits at zero additional costs. This provides access to Instagram’s analytics tool ‘Insights’. You receive crucial metrics like reach and reactions to your posts, break up of follower’s demographics, engagement data, etc. It provides detailed insight concerning people’s interactions with your page thus helping you formulate better strategies. 2. #tag that: Hashtags are resourceful in attracting your target market and securing visibility. It is crucial to have good followers, ones that participate in your posts and make purchases. Use hashtags that are targeted and relevant to your images instead of many random ones. If you are starting a campaign, create your own brand hashtag. It could be your company’s name, a new product, or a special offering created for the campaign. Branded hashtags are easier to track, help you monitor public opinions, and measure the success of your efforts.  3. Entice, don't push! Spamming their feeds with posts will chase away your fans. The following techniques work wonders in any industry. Product Teasers using striking imagery fire up wants and make buyers come running. You tease and entice, rather than push them into buying. It also gives your company more of human touch and less corporate-like. So be a show-off, but a subtle one. Another effective maneuver is creating Sponsored Ads through the ‘Ad Creation’ tab. You select a number of ads and control the budget you would like to expend towards it. This feature attracts the target audience beyond the users of your account. Read here Twicsy info for more in respect of the target audience. 4. Timing is everything: On that note, deploy Instagram Insights to monitor traffic and assess the best time to post. As per surveys conducted by, the following trends were observed: Best Times- throughout Wednesday and 10-11 am on Friday. Safest times- Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Least circulation-late night and early morning from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. When you are on time, you definitely get real Instagram likes and exposure from real people. Your products and services are in front of the people who want to leverage them. 5. It’s Story Time! One out of three of the most viewed Stories is from businesses. Stories are an interesting Instagram feature that offers countless benefits. They are visible for 24 hours, in the same stream as entered, after which they appear above the follower’s feed. Don't rely on tools like TreeFrogSocial. Experts say that is a scam you should avoid. They help brands add a narrative to their makings and experiment with radical content, which may or may not be complementary to the appeal of their products. It also allows marketers the liberty to communicate informally and use a string of media, instead of just one post having to say it all. Stories can also be used to tag other brands you are collaborating with or for shout-outs targeting potential influencers. 6. Befriend cool kids: Cue the social media influencers, VIPs of the internet whose approval of your brand can translate to trust and purchases from their followers. Their endorsement is the fastest jump start you need to build your fame. While choosing an influencer to be mindful of the audience you are seeking to attract. Just having a huge following isn’t enough; they need to lure the relevant mob. Influencers can be swayed by free gifts or by money. Sometimes, brands can also collaborate and market each other, forming mutually beneficial agreements. Instagram is dominant in the world and if you know how to tame this beast, the world is yours. We hope these strategies will help your business rise, and we are sure it will. Read Also: 34 Best Instagram Bots to Auto Like & Auto Follow Safely in 2020 How To Get More Likes On Instagram Is Instagram Turning Into A Way Of Life Now? Importance Of Storytelling In Social Media Marketing Will Instagram remove likes from posts in 2020?

Instagram Presets

What are Instagram Presets

Instagram presets (or Lightroom presets) allow you to edit photos in a click of a button. More than that, you get a professional-quality edit. The best part of it all is that you can easily do it from your phone. There’s no need to transfer the images to your computer. In this article, we will talk about how Instagram presets are different from Instagram filters, how they work, and which ones are better to choose. How is Instagram Presets Different from Instagram Filters? In short, advanced Instagram presets work in a similar way that an Instagram filter would. The main difference is that the presets are more advanced. Once you apply an Instagram filter, you can’t customize it. You can only choose its strength as a whole. However, you can most definitely adjust Instagram presets. All of the settings are still available to you. You can see what the photographer has done and learn from it as well. Another huge difference is that professional photographers wouldn’t use Instagram filters. However, they either buy or create their own presets because that allows them to save tons of time. How Does Instagram Presets Work? To put it simply, Instagram presets copy preset settings that a professional photographer as created. Once you apply the preset, everything gets applied that the photographer would if he or she would have done for the images. So, the clarity, tone curve, split toning, shadows, whites, and all the other settings get applied. The best part is that you can still add your own settings if you want to. Hence, you are completely free to express your creativity. By adjusting exposure, you won’t mess up the tones of the image. You would only make the photo brighter or darker. If you don’t overdo it, you can add a nice personal touch to the photos after the presets are applied. What Kind of Presets Should You Choose? First of all,  just check out the other people’s Instagram feeds and note what you like and don’t like. Do you find some presets too bland or too saturated? Are certain colors irritating you? A preset is a celebration of your style. It allows you to explore your own creativity. Hence, everything goes down to personal preference. Once you select the style you want, the preset is basically created for you. That’s why made sure to create many different ones. Hence, you can definitely choose the ones that fit your personality. However, there are a couple of things that you may want to pay attention to. For example, Minimal presets work best for lifestyle influencers, urban photographers, and people who love minimalism. Their main idea is to reduce the number of colors in the picture. That being said, if you are planning to take loads of photos in nature, there are better presets for you. Traveling photos look best with their country's presets. For example, has created multiple presets for specific cities. E.g., Santorini, Barcelona, Paris. Each of these presets have a certain vibe to them. What to Pay Attention to While Choosing the Presets? Ideally, after the presets are applied, you wouldn’t need to make any changes. However, it’s great that you have the option of shifting things around because then you can easily personalize the presets. Read the reviews. Many times people post their own images with the photos that have preset applied to them. Check how many presets variations you get with one preset. gives you multiple presets for a reason. You may shoot in different lighting conditions, but you will still want to keep the same style, Read Also: Will Instagram remove likes from posts in 2020? 6 Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money! Instagram Marketing Statistics You Should be Aware of in 2019 How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes

Instagram Followers

6 Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money!

With over billions of users worldwide, Instagram has outgrown its impression as a fun, interactive, and impressive platform for content marketing, networking, audience building, and selling things. If stats are to be believed, over 200 million active monthly members are sharing over 40 million images and having around 1.6 billion likes every day. Impressive, isn’t it? But, Instagram has quite a lot of competing for content, which often gets unnoticed by many users.  You can call the platform as an ocean of followers that are waiting to get their post get noticed. So, if you want to be an Instagram unicorn, your goal should be growing real followers that care and engage with your brand. Here are Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money: 1. Optimize Your Profile: The most important thing that grabs the user's attention is your Instagram profile. If it isn’t optimized, you are giving the wrong impression who looks at your website, as people like to look into someone’s profile, before they follow them. And with a shabby profile, you will end up losing a lot of audiences. Incredi Tools lists different services to use to grow your Instagram. Also, make sure that your username is simple, and your profile is clear. Keep the bio engaging and things up-to-date. Your story highlights should also be engaging and impressive. 2. Have A Community: Get a community for your business; though it will take some time, it can turn Instagram users into engaging followers. Also, find common ground, as it will help people follow you back and you will get more likes for Instagram. Ask other users to submit content to let it share through your account. To start with, engage with other users and comment, like, and respond consistently. Be on the search for like-minded people and follow them. 3. Hashtags: When it comes to hashtagging, go creative! But, do you know how many hashtags would be beneficial for the account? Which ones should be more beneficial for your ad? Well, Instagram hashtags are quite helpful because they let people find your posts and stories. Just make sure to use popular hashtags, so that your post doesn’t get lost. You can research by simply typing the right keyword to see which hashtag autogenerates. Before picking, pay attention to the number of posts or check what hashtags are your competitors are using. 4. Giveaways And Contests: Of course, running an online contest or giveaways isn’t a new thing, you can’t deny the fact that giveaways help to boost post engagement. Let's think this way, if you are offering free wine for a month to make your hotel business popular, who wouldn’t easily like, share, and even post your content. But, is running contests a worth return if you barely have any real insta followers on the account? That’s when combining with a business that already has big followers is going to help you. This way, you will be able to gain likes, comments, and followers with ease. 5. Have A Descriptive Caption: It's not just a picture that attracts, but also a descriptive caption will help you gain more followers. Make a habit of storytelling by using creative captions and create engaging posts. You can try things: Use Important Words At The Top: Captions in the field often cut off once the lines are finished, so put the most compelling words at the top. Ask questions: Asking questions will compel the audience to leave a comment on your post. Also, this will make your account visible to the wider audience. Emojis will help: Emojis play a huge role in attracting people on social media platforms. They can help draw the reader’s eye toward your account. 6. Run Ads When Your Audience Is Most Active: Instagram easily allows you to schedule the time when your ads appear. This will help you advertise to the right audience. Think of this way, if you are an online seller when doing your audience shop online? Of course, it is difficult to gauge upon the time when your audience is most active, knowing them is where you can start. So, now that you know the tips to get real followers and likes on Instagram go forth and take your business to new heights. Read Also: Is Instagram Turning Into A Way Of Life Now? Getting Familiar With The Types Of Instagram Contests A Guide To Running Your Instagram Marketing Campaign 5 Marketing Tips To Help Grow Your Business On Instagram