What To Do If You’re Losing Your Hearing

Published on: 25 July 2022 Last Updated on: 19 February 2025
Losing Your Hearing

Nearly one in five Americans have some degree of hearing loss, making it one of the country’s most common health conditions.

The causes of losing your hearing are as unique as the people who suffer from it, with the best treatment depending on a person’s lifestyle and other factors.

If you’re having trouble hearing, the most important step is to schedule a hearing test and a professional evaluation.

Why Is It So Important To Treat Hearing Loss?

Treat Hearing Loss

While unaddressed hearing loss affects learning, social engagement, and linguistic development in children, it can lead to a decrease in communication and a diminished quality of life in adults.

For those nearing retirement age, hearing loss is linked to psychological and physiological issues such as depression, decreased mobility, and cognitive impairment. Regardless of age, it’s important to seek proper treatment if you’re losing your hearing.

1. Treatment With Hearing Aids

If a hearing care specialist has recommended hearing aids, they’ll be fitted to your ears and degree of hearing loss. While hearing aids don’t restore hearing, they do amplify sounds in certain ranges.

Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aids are highly customizable, accentuating important sounds and minimizing outside noise. While they’re no substitute for natural hearing, they work well for most people with minimal to moderate hearing loss.

2. Using Cochlear Implants

For some people, hearing aids don’t offer enough sound amplification—which makes cochlear implants a great option.

Although surgery is required, people of every age can obtain this type of treatment. Unlike in-ear and behind-the-ear hearing aids, implants are typically covered by insurance.

3. Auditory Rehabilitation and Training

Whether you’ve received cochlear implants or hearing aids, auditory rehabilitation may retrain your brain to process sounds properly.

auditory rehabilitation

Some exercises must be done in a specialist’s office while others, such as the use of smartphone apps and audiobooks, can be done at home. These and other rehabilitative treatments can make it easier and less frustrating to deal with hearing loss.

4. Using Assistive Devices

While implants and hearing aids are enormously helpful, they’re not right for everyone. Assistive listening devices, or ALDs, can make it easier for people to listen to music, talk on the phone, or watch TV.

These devices may include amplified phones, smartphone apps, and loops that connect to hearing aids.

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5. Tinnitus and Hearing Loss

Tinnitus is an early sign of hearing loss, and it’s quite common among older people.

Fix hear loss problem

Many hearing aids include masking features that help wearers tune out the constant ringing in their ears. Other treatments are available, so talk to your care provider.

6. Sudden vs. Gradual Hearing Loss

Acute onset (sudden) hearing loss is a condition that requires prompt attention. If you’re experiencing rapid hearing loss, schedule an appointment with a specialist immediately.

Those whose hearing test results come back normal, but still have trouble hearing, may suffer from what’s known as gradual or hidden hearing loss. These patients may be able to benefit from the use of hearing aids in noisy situations.

Help for Hearing Loss is Available Although hearing loss is a common condition, it doesn’t have to change your life. With advances in technology and the availability of medical treatments, now is the right time to get help for hearing loss.

Visit Hearing Health Solutions on social media or call today to schedule an appointment.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Bad Habit That Reduces Brain Power

Top Bad Habits That Hurt Your Brain Power

There are certain habits you can form which will enhance your brain power such as using scrabble word finder to enhance your performance at the game. But there are also other habits that are purely detrimental to your brain power and mental fitness at large, and such are the habits you have to put an end to if you desire to continue harnessing the incredible power your brain has. Some of these habits may appear normal, routine and harmless, and unless you consciously make the decision to stop them, you will be doing more harm than good to your brain. They include the following habits-I: Sleeping for less than eight hours: It is recommended that everyone should get at least eight hours of sleep every night, and there is scientific evidence that this is the required number of sleep for optimal health. But it is not just your health that is on the line if you don’t sleep for this recommended hours. Your mental faculties will also be affected, and you will have very high risks of suffering from cognitive impairment. If you make it a habit of not getting enough sleep every single night, brain degeneration may soon occur and with such, you will never tap into the immense powers your brain has. Worrying too much cab reduce your brain power: Though stopping to worry is easier said than done, this is a mental state you don’t want to dwell in for a long time, especially if you are interested in sharpening your brain and getting the most out of your mental faculties. It is always recommended to get rest and do away with the worry so that the habit doesn’t become chronic, because when it does, the levels of hormone cortisol will spike in the brain and this will make the brain cells to lose synapse – this is like the bridge that connects one brain cell to another. This is a form of brain damage that will make it really difficult for you to create a memory or even retrieve what had been stored. Spending too much time indoors: If you are noticing a lapse in your mental faculties and you have been keeping yourself indoors, then be informed that one of the causes of the relapse is because you are not getting enough exposure to the sun. Sunlight is very important to the human health for a number of reasons. It is one of the best sources of vitamin D, and whose deficiency or lack thereof can lead to a decline in the cognitive functions. Even if you are spending more time indoors using scrabble word finder to enhance your brain power, it is still imperative to get outdoors and be exposed to the sun as much as possible. Trying to multitask: You may be tempted to think that you are doing more in a short time by multitasking and you may see it as a way to get things done faster. But if you know that this is always at the expense of your brain power, then you would stop it and you would learn to concentrate on one thing at a time. This is because the act of doing many things at the same time has been found to lower the grey matter density of your brain, and the result of this is poor cognitive and emotional control. For example, individuals with the habit of using their mobile gadgets as they do other things don’t have the ability to concentrate effectively or recall information as fast as compared to those who don’t have such habits. Poor nutrition: Good nutrition is not just great for the physical health, but also important if you want to become a Picasso at the use of your mental faculties. It is a fact that there are food ideal for brain health and others are simply not recommended if you want to get the most out of your mental faculties. As such, it is imperative for you to know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. The common culprits when it comes to foods that damage the brain include caffeine, alcohol, processed and pre-cooked foods. Always stick to healthy homemade foods for better health and enhanced cognitive functions. Being anti-social: The brain is designed to help us get social and it is important that we be in contact with other people for our brains to function properly. Research indicates that those who social much tend to post better performance on cognitive tests compared to introverts or those who don’t socialize at all. Socializing makes it possible to take a break and avoid any chances of getting stressed. Besides, it will expose you to new people, ideas and challenges that will all work together towards improving your mental acuity. Listening to loud music: When the music is too loud, it ceases to be music, and it turns into noise. This is not just good for your entertainment, but also have direct health impacts such as damage to your eardrums. Additionally, loud music has been associated with a myriad of memory problems, and this is why it is recommended that if you have to listen to the music, let it be at very moderate volumes. Avoiding any form of exercising: You don’t have to be hitting the gym every single day or train for the marathon to aid in your brain health. But complete lack of any form of exercise is not good for your physical health, and most importantly, for your mental health. It is true that not so many people love to exercise due to its physical demands, but this is something you can’t completely avoid if you desire to stay at the top. Several studies have been conducted into the effects of exercising on mental health, and a common conclusion amongst most of them is that exercising can help to improve the memory function of the brain. It doesn’t have to be something really demanding, but going for walks, cycling, or doing some yoga is just sufficient to help you maintain your memory function in a good state. Read More:  5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health Five Benefits of Meditation That Will Change Your Life

pay for care

Do you have to sell your home to pay for care?

Finding the money to fund long-term elderly care can be a worry but as this article shows, you do not need to sell your home in order to pay for care. Financing long term elderly care can often be one of the most stressful aspects of organizing care for either yourself or a loved one. There are a variety of care options available depending on your circumstances but none of them are cheap and when it comes to something as important as the right elderly care; you will want to pay for the best care possible. Research by the Live-in Care Hub suggests that many service users have sold, or considered selling, their homes in order to ensure that they have enough finances to comfortably afford long term elderly care for a loved one or for themselves. However, this doesn’t always need to be an option. There are other options available and other financial routes you may take. Financial help from your local council If you or your elderly relative do not have large amounts of savings to fall back on to help pay for elderly care then you may be able to apply for social care benefits which will help you to pay for care. This money can be put towards the cost of residential care homes or help to pay for domiciliary of home care services. When there is a medical need for elderly care, the NHS may cover the cost of nurse care. If your elderly relative has savings of below £23,250 then they may meet the requirements for financial support for their care from your local authority. Your care needs will be assessed by your local social services to determine the level of care required before any benefits are paid. The amount you receive will also depend on how much you can comfortably afford to pay towards your care yourself as well. Alternatives to expensive care homes Residential and nursing care homes are without a doubt the most expensive elderly care options. Although your relative may reach a point where they require round the clock support and care, this does not always have to be within a care home setting. Live-in care services are an excellent bridge between casual support and residential care homes. A carer will move into your or your relative’s property in order to provide care and support for as much time as is required. This will allow your relative to remain in the comfort of their own home which can help with many aspects of both physical and mental wellbeing. Live-in care is also a much more financially viable care option for many families as costs are markedly lower than the cost of moving into a care home or having domiciliary carers coming into the property in shifts. Live-in care agencies can work with you and your financial budget to find a care plan that suits your needs and your budget. Any social care funding that you are entitled to from your local council can also be used to fund this type of care package which will help to further ease any financial burden so that you do not need to sell your home to fund your elderly care. Read Also: How to Successfully Choose Medicare Plans Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey Practical Ways To Help Your Elderly Parents

Sympathy Gifts

Appropriate Sympathy Gifts for the Deceased’s Family

Losing a beloved family member or a friend isn't easy. Their death signifies a huge loss in your life that cannot immediately be replaced. A person must grieve and realize that they need emotional support from their loved ones. Sometimes, a person can lend a shoulder to cry on and sometimes provide the grieving person with a gift that shows they care about them and are ready to help them overcome their sadness. If you want to provide an appropriate gift for the deceased's family or a specific member, that's an option that you can explore. However, if you need proper guidance about what gift can suffice, you can consult with the funeral professionals at www.carrollandcarrollfunerals.co.uk, and they can guide you accordingly. Here are some appropriate sympathy gifts you can consider giving during the wake or memorial service. 1. Flowers You can always send flower arrangements or funerary wreaths to express your sincere condolences on their loss if you're the traditional type. You can choose an appropriate flower that can help memorialize the deceased. 2. Food basket  Another traditional offering to the grieving family is a food basket. In several cultures, accepting food will help sustain the people who participate in the wake. Any leftovers can also help those who don't have time to cook because of their mourning. You can send a basket of snacks and refreshments, or you can also leave behind a home-cooked meal that will feed those in attendance for the wake. 3. A cleaning service gift card If you wish to go the non-traditional route, you can give the bereaved family respite from cleaning their own houses while they're at the funeral home. Giving them a cleaning service gift card will allow them a place to withdraw after the burial that's clean and ready to provide comfort in their time of loss. It may seem strange to give this card as a sympathy gift, but the thought of arriving at a clean house after such a grueling event will always be welcome. 4. A memorial guestbook  The wake usually is a blur for most family members, so it is pretty appropriate to send them a memorial guestbook that would help ease their pain. Those coming to the service can sign the book and perhaps share a memory and a photo of the deceased. The personalization of the guestbook will help provide closure for the family when they read about how other people remember their loved ones. 5. A gift for the kids Another non-traditional gift is a present for the kids. Children are often unacknowledged when people grieve, and most don't realize that death can also affect them terribly. If you know the deceased left behind kids, try to think about what can comfort them during their mourning. A stuffed toy, activity book, journal, or even a video game can be a great gift to help them pass the time. Conclusion There are several ways to express that you're one with the family in their time of loss. Giving them a gift that can help them overcome their grief will be a great thing that you can do for them. Read Also: Top 3 Gift Ideas For Men – Cool Gifts That Will Impress Any Guy How To Find A Perfect Birthday Gift For Someone Special? A Fashion Gift Guide for Special Occasions