I’m Being Overworked by My Employer – What Should I Do?

Published on: 28 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

In our society, it can often feel like the only choices are working yourself to the bone, or death. In some cases, that may even be true – with all the inequalities people face in the workplace, it is hard not to find yourself in a position where you go to work, come home, sleep, then wake up and repeat. You have no time for anything else. Your constant exhaustion is not a figment of your imagination – you are being overworked. 

In times like this, you might feel powerless. You need money to live comfortably, and you can only make money when you work. You do not want to lose your job and be faced with the daunting task of trying to find a new work in this economy. However, you do not have to take it lying down. There are things you can do to combat overworking in the workplace.

1. Job Search

If you truly feel you are being worked to the bone and do not see a light at the end of the tunnel, the first step is to consider searching for a job while you are still employed with your current job. If you find something suited to your skillset that sounds more flexible, then apply there so that you will not need to worry about not having work at any point. Find a field that works with your knowledge, but tends to have a high satisfaction level.

For instance, home health agencies overworking their employees is a common occurrence. If you have any medical skills and wish to stay in that field, consider looking elsewhere. There is a dire need for medical services – you may be able to find something that works better for you.

2. Speak to Your Manager/Supervisor

Often, you might feel like just a number to your employee. The sad truth is that that is how it is at some companies. However, before taking drastic measures, talking to your supervisor may be the first step to lessening your workload and getting yourself a chance to breathe.

All managers are different, but if you speak with a superior about feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, they may be able to re-designate workloads so you can take a breath without sacrificing your job.

3. Make Lists

Prioritize your work. This is another “first step” after you have realized how much your work is affecting you. If you can list everything you need to do in order of importance, you will have the makings of a plan on how to accomplish your goals in a timely manner that is not overwhelming.

If you have multiple projects due all at once, that is a sure sign to speak to your supervisor – you should not have endless piles of work on your shoulders simply because you are good at your job.

4. Learn to Say No

You need to know your limits. Even if you feel like just a number, you have to know when you are near your breaking point.

Sometimes, setting boundaries and protecting yourself means that you just have to say “no” when you are asked to take on more than is reasonable. If you have multiple supervisors, talk to the one(s) you are most comfortable with, or the ones that seem to have the best reputation. Tell them about how you are feeling, and if new projects fall on your lap that feels out of your control, talk to them before you even start. It will give them a chance to reassign if they can, and it will give you one less thing to focus on.

5. Consider Legal Action

If you feel like you are being worked beyond what you’re agreed upon duties are, or you are constantly forced to work overtime without compensation, you may have grounds for legal action. This is, of course, the last case scenario, as it will cost money and damage to the reputation of the workplace. However, if you truly feel it is warranted, it is an option to consider.

Overall, there are a few things you can do when you feel you are being overworked. Start small, like prioritizing and talking to managers, and if no change occurs, then it may be time for more.

Remember: you are more than a number, you are a human being who deserves respect and a safe work environment. 

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Why Skilled Workers Will Own the Future

Unemployment is something that most people try to avoid. To facilitate these people have tended to avoid industries that appear to be, at best, uncertain. The result has become a lack of skilled workers. This is becoming obvious in certain industries, such as manufacturing. Because this has been a volatile industry young people have not been interested in learning the skills. However, the older workers are now retiring and a huge gap in the skill set is starting to become exposed. This means that skilled workers will be able to dictate their own terms as the need for them will be much greater than the number of them available. This may cause some businesses to struggle which is why it is essential they take steps today to rectify the issue. This is one reason why skilled workers, like those you can hire at the Brix Projects are increasingly in demand. There are several other reasons why skilled workers will own the future: Lack Of Retention : For many years firms have been taking on employees with little experience and training them while offering a low wage. This has helped the companies to be competitive and profitable. However, once the employees are fully trained they are likely to move on to another firm where their pay package is greater. In fact, there has been a large number of skilled workers who have taken their skill set out of the country altogether. This simply shrinks the pool of available talent making it very difficult for a company to get the right skilled staff. The consequence is that the employment market moves to favor the employee as opposed to the firm. Training : While some firms are happy to take on inexperienced workers and train them, this is not true of all firms. Add to this the flexibility of the market which ensures that many are not completing their training. The result is a lack of investment in developing skilled workers and an ever-increasing gap in the workforce. This is a gap that cannot easily be filled! Flexibility : More and more firms are relying on specialist contractors to handle specific jobs. This is in a bid to drive costs down and be more efficient. However, as fewer people training in skilled trades, it will become harder to locate someone when you need them. The result could be an interruption to your business when you really don’t need one. The only solution will be to use a skilled tradesperson; regardless of the cost. This is the real crux of the matter. The lack of skilled workers means that they will be able to charge what they wish for their services. But, this is certain to have a knock-on effect on other companies and their profitability. The ones who survive will be those that start to prepare today; training and encouraging more young people into skilled careers is the only way to resolve this issue in the long term. Read Also : Ways To Take The Employee Appreciation To Next Level In Your Company People Management Tips From A Successful UK SME

Is Photography A Good Career Path

Is Photography A Good Career Path?

Is photography a good career path in 2021?  How many jobs are available in the photography industry?  What are the best paying jobs in photography?  There are many routes you can go if you are thinking about pursuing your career in the photography industry. You can get into photography in both traditional and non-traditional ways. Many start their own photography business while others get a degree in photography and then start taking photography classes. There are many individuals who believe that photography is just a way to make money and nothing else. However, you should not put this into your thoughts. Photography is an art and a passion for many. And to become a successful photographer, you need to have detailed knowledge about modern photography as well as traditional photography.  Is Photography A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. This is one of the fastest emerging career choices among millennials not only in the United States but all over the world.  Some basic skills required to become a photographer include observation power, natural instinct, intelligence, a great degree of discipline, curious and perceptive mind. The photographer must have the talent to intermingle the details with the imaginative ability to capture a great picture in the camera. Images play a vital role in our lives because they give us the ability to imagine things better.  Besides, photography is truly a rewarding career because there are endless opportunities available, and at the same time, you can get high pay as a professional photographer. But according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for photographers is a -4% decline through 2029. What Do Photographers Do? Photographers use their composition skills, creativity, and technical expertise to create and preserve images that tell a story or record an event. To reduce your time and effort, we have listed the important work of photographers. Archive and manage imagery  Maintain a digital portfolio to analyze the work Use photo-enhancing software Improve the subject’s appearance with artificial and natural light Capture subjects in commercial-quality photographs Use several lighting equipment and photographic techniques Plan and analyze the composition of photographs Market and advertise services to attract clients. How Many Jobs Are Available In The Photography Industry? In California alone, you will find more than five thousand jobs available in the photography industry. According to our research, the number of people employed as photographers has been increasing at a rate of less than one percent from 2018 to 2019. As of 2021, there are more than 2.5 lakhs people employed in the photography sector. Now, let’s discuss the top photography career paths or best paying jobs in the photography industry in 2021. i). Scientific Photographer A scientific photographer takes the art of photography and implements it in industrial, medical, research, and academic disciplines. They possess extra knowledge in areas such as chemistry, biology, medicine, or engineering that assist them in photographing scientific events. ii). Freelance Photographer Freelancing has been the most common career choice among photographers. Freelance photographers must-have business management skills in order to do photography freelancing in weddings, scientific, advertising, fashion, etc.  iii). Fashion Photographer A fashion photographer is one of the best areas in the photography industry. The bulk of fashion photography is carried out in several places around the globe. This industry is high in demand, and it is undoubtedly going to hold your attention for a while. iv). Advertising Photographer As an advertising photographer, you can offer freelance services in one or more industries. They are connected with the photographic departments of photographic studios and advertising agencies. Besides, you might be tasked with taking photos that can help to sell a specific service or a product. v). Wedding Photographer A wedding photographer can be an amazing choice for you in the long run. The demand for a wedding photographer is high, and the number is certainly going to increase in the future. At weddings, naturally occurring interactions happen, and you need to capture those beauties. vi). Commercial Photographer Commercial or Industrial photographers take pictures of the interiors and exterior of factories, merchandise, and machinery indoors and outdoors. These can be utilized for advertising, selling, annual reports, and company brochures. vii). Lifestyle Photographer Lifestyle photography is also one of the best careers in the photography industry. The job opportunities in lifestyle photography will mostly be self-created. You can grow your portfolio in this sector and become more established.  How To Become A Photographer? Anyone with a camera can be a photographer! However, in order to become a professional photographer, you need to know how to operate your camera’s frames so that your subject is highlighted professionally.  Now, let’s discuss the effective steps to become a photographer.  a). Find A Passion For Photography Many photographers create a love for their art and craft as teenagers. It doesn’t matter what type of photographs you take; you must have a passion for capturing an image that reveals its core.  To become a photographer, cinematography and film should be an early passion. These are expressive forms of photography.  b). Academic Training You must seek out formal training once you’ve established that you are driven to be a photographer. In this training, you will understand the importance of discipline in your art form. Moreover, you will learn how to print and manipulate your photographs, the properties of light, the technical aspects of your camera, etc.  c). Internship You need to work as an intern to gain the maximum experience required to become a professional photographer. You can do an internship with a commercial photographer who spends the entire day shooting products for catalogs.  d). Career Paths Once you have built your experiential learning and formal training, you can look out into the professional world. After understanding the key elements of the photography world, you can start your own startup.  On the other hand, you can work as an employee for a marketing firm, magazine, and newspaper.  The Final Thoughts Is Photography A Good Career Path in 2021? A Photograph explains emotions and contains the humanity of the moment. There are potential career paths in the Photography industry, and you can become a well-known Photographer if you are truly determined to be. 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Is Major Pharmaceuticals A Good Career Path

Is Major Pharmaceuticals A Good Career Path In 2023?

Is major pharmaceuticals a good career path in 2023? What are the best-paying jobs in the pharmaceuticals industry? How many jobs are available in the pharmaceuticals sector? Let’s discuss these queries in detail. Depending on your career goals, there are different degree programs in pharmaceuticals. The sales representatives in this industry provide an important link between pharmacies and drug manufacturers to spread potentially life-saving medicines. Pharmaceuticals sales representatives get higher salaries, and this increases with skills and experience. Therefore, choosing a career in the pharmaceutical sector can be your best decision because you get many benefits in the long run.  Major Pharmaceuticals - What You Need To Know? Major Pharmaceuticals means any person engaged in the biotechnology or pharmaceutical industry.  This Company means a company that is engaged in the business of selling Pharmaceutical goods, whose revenues from such sales were in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars.  Major Pharmaceuticals is a reputable company where you can enhance your skills and knowledge to a great extent. The salary potential of Pharmaceuticals increases with the passage of time and experience. Their primary task is to inform clinicians about the medical benefits of dosing patients with their company’s goods. There are many firms that hire pharma reps to target and follow potential new customers within a selected geographic region. Is Major Pharmaceuticals A Good Career Path In 2023? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. The US alone consumes around 75 percent of the world’s prescription drugs. New Pharmaceutical achievements being adapted from high-tech manufacturing are extended in the list of FDA-approved drugs too.  If you like to serve people, then it is an ideal career option for you. For example, the job of a pharmacist involves dispensing prescribed medicines to patients and providing data concerning their safe use of them.  There are various career opportunities in Pharmaceuticals, and you can choose any according to your skills and interests. The best part about this field is that it is a secure choice for those who are looking for a bright future.  How Many Jobs Are Available In The Major Pharmaceuticals Industry? In the United States, more than 800,000 individuals work in the biopharmaceutical industry and in various occupations, including scientific research. Thus, this industry supports 4.7 million jobs across the US.  Now, let’s discuss some of the best paying jobs in the Pharmaceuticals industry in 2023. i) Quality Control Chemist Quality Control Chemist is a close area in manufacturing but has crucial differences. QC is a bundle of activities planned to evaluate the new products. Moreover, it is a role that needs attention focus, and the confidence to make decisions.  A Quality Control Chemist is also responsible for testing the products and making sure that QA processes work. They test and prepare samples from all phases of manufacturing. They have the goal to determine if the substance meets the required standard. ii) Patent Attorney Patent Attorney is another best paying job in the Major Pharmaceuticals industry. Pharmaceuticals is not a small business. New discoveries need to be made, and the company’s intellectual property must be protected.  Here’s Patent Attorney comes into play. This attorney will typically work for a specialist consultancy, advising many clients within their area of specialization. This is a rewarding career that requires a huge understanding of the legislation.  iii) Medicinal Chemist These Chemists draws graduates from a wide range of areas. A career in this field involves working on the testing and development of potential therapeutic compounds.  Both in the private and public sectors, Medicinal Chemists can find themselves working with Regulatory Affairs. The primary role of this position is to evaluate the quality controls, manufacture, and chemistry to support the goods for government approval. iv) Product Developer Product Developer Scientists individuals work in several sectors, including medical device manufacturing, pharmaceutical science, food, and biotechnology. Product Development is a satisfying career path for graduates who like problem-solving, innovation, exploration, and teamwork. You need to research injectable drug formulations for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer.  v) Sales & Marketing Sales and marketing jobs are for those who have a deep understanding of marketing structure and how it works. If you enjoy people-focused work helping clients and customers find useful solutions, this can be a great career path for you.  After working in research and development, sales and marketing can be your next step beyond the lab.  vi) Regulatory Affairs Regulatory Affairs can be a fulfilling job for graduates seeking a rewarding career outside the Lab. They can stimulate their career in regulatory affairs by increasing their knowledge in the areas of finance, negotiation, project management, etc. These individuals understand how changing regulations can impact the industry. As a result, the demand for these professionals is high and going to increase in the long run. vii) Foreign Scientist Foreign Scientist is one of the best career paths in Major Pharmaceuticals, and you can consider the same for yourself if you have the required skills.  If you love to uncover mysteries, then, believe me, this can be a rewarding career option for you.  Essential Skills For A Successful Career In Major Pharmaceuticals In today's competitive job market, a career in major pharmaceuticals offers promising opportunities for those who possess the right skills and qualifications. To thrive in this dynamic industry, individuals need a combination of technical expertise, interpersonal abilities, and adaptability.  Here are some of the skills that you need to have for this career: 1. Scientific Acumen  A fundamental prerequisite for a career in major pharmaceuticals is a strong foundation in scientific knowledge. Candidates should have a deep understanding of biology, chemistry, and pharmacology to comprehend the intricate processes involved in drug development and testing. Being well-versed in these areas enables professionals to analyze data, make informed decisions, and contribute effectively to research and development projects. 2. Analytical Skills  Pharmaceutical professionals must possess excellent analytical skills to interpret complex data sets, identify trends, and draw meaningful conclusions. These skills are crucial when conducting experiments, evaluating clinical trial results, and ensuring the safety and efficacy of new drugs. Professionals with a knack for critical thinking and problem-solving are highly sought after in this industry. 3. Regulatory Knowledge  Navigating the labyrinth of pharmaceutical regulations is essential. Professionals must stay updated on ever-evolving rules and guidelines from regulatory authorities like the FDA. This knowledge is vital for ensuring compliance, obtaining necessary approvals, and maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety in drug development and manufacturing. 4. Communication Skills  Effective communication is paramount in the pharmaceutical industry. Professionals need to convey complex scientific information to diverse audiences, including colleagues, regulators, and the general public. Being able to articulate ideas clearly, write precise reports, and collaborate seamlessly is indispensable. 5. Project Management  Pharmaceutical projects often involve numerous stakeholders, tight deadlines, and intricate details. Strong project management skills, including organization, time management, and resource allocation, are essential for ensuring that projects progress smoothly and deliver results on schedule. 6. Adaptability The pharmaceutical landscape is constantly evolving due to scientific advancements and market shifts. Professionals must be adaptable and open to learning new techniques, technologies, and approaches. Flexibility is key to thriving in this dynamic field. 7. Attention To Detail  In pharmaceuticals, even the smallest oversight can have significant consequences. Professionals must exhibit meticulous attention to detail to ensure the accuracy and safety of their work. This quality is critical in various roles, from laboratory research to quality control. 8. Ethical Judgment  Pharmaceutical professionals often face ethical dilemmas related to patient safety, data integrity, and corporate responsibility. Strong ethical judgment is crucial for making morally sound decisions and upholding the industry's integrity. 9. Teamwork Collaboration is at the heart of pharmaceutical research and development. Professionals must work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, drawing on each member's expertise to achieve common goals. Being a team player and fostering a positive work environment is highly valued. 10. Continuous Learning  The pharmaceutical field is characterized by rapid advancements in science and technology. Professionals must commit to continuous learning and professional development to stay relevant. Pursuing additional certifications or advanced degrees can enhance career prospects. The Final Verdict  Is Major Pharmaceuticals A Good Career Path in 2023? I hope you have an answer to your question. So, Pharmaceuticals is an excellent career path, and you can consider the same for yourself in the future. Besides, if you have any doubts, you can mention them below in the comment section. Related Reading About: Is Energy A Good Career Path? Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? Is Consumer Durables A Good Career Path? Is Electric Utilities Central A Good Career Path?