What Can A Professional Sewer Line Camera Inspection Do For You?

Published on: 19 November 2022 Last Updated on: 01 August 2024
Camera Inspection

Sewer cameras are heaven-sent for plumbers. As the name implies, the device helps plumbers inspect hard-to-reach plumbing lines underground without needing to dig.

It is a simple contraption consisting of a long, snake-like rod with a miniature camera attached to the end. The slinky design allows plumbers to navigate the camera into the pipes and lets them see if there’s damage or leaks in the pipelines without going underground themselves.

What Is Involved in a Sewer Camera Inspection?  

What Is Involved in a Sewer Camera Inspection?

In the days of yore, inspecting a sewage system was no easy feat. Plumbers would have to get dirty and go underground themselves just to check if there’s anything amiss in the system. Sometimes, plumbers would have to do this several times to ensure they covered everything.

With the development of sewer cameras, sewage system inspections are done much more efficiently and conveniently. A sewer camera inspection can quickly identify any problems in your sewer pipes, eliminating any guesswork and allowing plumbers to identify and resolve minor plumbing problems before they worsen.

Types of Sewer Cameras

Types of Sewer Cameras

There are currently two types of sewer cameras, and both are listed below.

 1. Reel-Based  

This camera is equipped with a large-sized cable reel. Plumbers often use it when they inspect sewer and long drain pipes. The cable can be connected to a video recorder or a laptop through which the required pipe images are relayed.

 2. Hand-Held    

This sewer inspection camera is well-known for its portability. It is commonly used to check blocked drains in residential areas. Plumbers typically have this camera in their hands while they perform a sewage inspection. Since it is lightweight, plumbers can easily bring this camera around while they work.

Benefits of Using a Sewer Camera

Benefits of Using a Sewer Camera   

A Denver plumbing expert said a sewer camera inspection is the best way to find out what is happening beneath your house. Specifically, this modern plumbing device offers the following:

 1. Timely Repair

It is better to prevent plumbing issues than allow them to worsen and cause costly repairs later. A sewer camera inspection can help you achieve this. It can even be expanded so old plumbing fixtures can be included, and hidden issues can be detected.

2. Soil Assessment

One common problem in any plumbing system is a broken or leaking sewer line, which could be due to soil movement, as it can cause pipes to move and crack. A sewer camera inspection can help you determine this and fix the problem in no time.

3. Quick and Accurate Diagnostics  

Sewer cameras relay the images back to the overground monitor in real time. It means it will be a lot quicker than traditional inspection methods, where a plumber would have to get down literally and dirty. Diagnostic mistakes are also cut down to a minimum because plumbers can check several times just to make sure they have made the correct findings.

4. Lawn Protection    

Before sewer cameras, the only way to locate a crack in your water pipes was to dig a large hole through your lawn. Digging can cause damage to your grass, shrubs, plants, and trees.

As mentioned earlier, sewer cameras require no digging. This saves you money and time, but more importantly, you get to keep the beauty of your lawn.

5. Quick Clog Identification

The typical sewer camera can detect all kinds of blockages and identify the source. If the clog cannot be found in the drain area, it is usually located in a deeper part of the pipelines. Sewer cameras make it easier and faster for plumbers to locate the problem, even if it’s deeper underground.

6. No Permits

Previously, plumbers had to secure a permit before they could dig in your yard. These days, they can just use the sewer camera to see right through your pipes and identify the problem.

7. Better Property Appraisal    

A plumbing inspection is not necessary to determine a property’s value. However, it can help you better understand its true worth. Sewer camera inspections can help you identify potential plumbing problems and make any necessary repairs. A property with no plumbing problems can attract more potential buyers and increase the market value of your property.

8. Retrieve Lost Valuables

Although this can be considered a bonus, a sewer camera can locate valuables, such as an earring or a necklace that was accidentally flushed down the drain. If the plumber finds anything of value in your pipelines during an inspection, you can ask them to retrieve the item for you.

9. Future Problem Prevention  

Old plumbing pipes can cause irreparable damage to your walls and even your basement. This often remains unnoticeable until it is too late. A plumbing camera can perform a quick inspection of your home, identify a problem, and you can have it fixed before it becomes serious.

Key Takeaway  

Modern technology has enabled man to create many advanced equipment and devices. The sewer camera is a prime example since it has become invaluable in the plumbing industry, making underground sewage inspections much faster and easier.

A broken underground pipe that could only be reached through a dug hole in your yard can now be analyzed through a remote monitor.

This allows for a faster and better resolution of many plumbing problems and inspires many homeowners to contact a plumber when they need help with their plumbing.


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Vendor Management Software

8 Reasons Why Your Company Should Get a Vendor Management Software

Vendor Management Software is a tool that companies can utilize to track vendors, in this case, third-party service or good providers. This includes onboarding, performance monitoring and review, risk management and implementation advice. The goal of Vendor Management is to ensure that a company runs smoothly, minimise risks and maximise the Return on Investment (ROI). As your company matures and grows, you can’t avoid outsourcing or relying on outside help for some of the company services. It simply is one of the tricks of the trade and is unavoidable. However, managing these third-party providers (or vendors for brevity) can prove to be a major headache. Spreadsheets and notepads are not enough to consolidate their information nor is it recommended for growing businesses. Simply put, it would be too messy. For most companies, a staff or technology is dedicated to managing the vendors’ information. Vendor Management Software has become a must-have tool that will gear your company towards success. Reasons You  Should Have A Vendor Management Software 1. Consolidate Information A Vendor Management Software organizes all your vendors’ information while keeping it in an online system that you can customize to suit your business structure. This tool can allow its users to rate their vendors regarding their performance. Having this feature makes way for quick decision-making and lets you pinpoint who is performing poorly. Vendor Management Software provides an efficient way of storing, collecting, and analyzing vendor’s data. This reduces documentation errors which may lead to major mishaps. 2. Performance Review: By determining those who are delivering perfectly and those that are not, you can take appropriate measures that can maximise your Return on Investment (ROI). This could lead to renegotiation, renewal or end of contracts. The ability to identify problems, even before it becomes one, and opportunities, is one aspect that vendor management software has an advantage of as compared to having a staff dedicated to the job. This also ensures that all your vendors are meeting the agreed-upon Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which can boost vendor performance. 3. Reduce Risks and Compliance Costs: A Vendor Management Software guarantees that you reduce your company’s compliance cost. By having an internal management structure, you can pick off unnecessary expenditures while also having an automated checklist that ensures that your company does not run any risk of noncompliance or malpractice. It also has a comprehensive Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) system which allows you to reduce your inherent and residual risks. 4. Implement a Vendor Strategy: The ability to control your company’s costs can be a dream come true. A Vendor Management Software creates clear and effective Spend Management Reports that will help you make an informed decision regarding your vendors. Through the information collected by the software, you can devise a clear vendor strategy that can vastly reduce your expenses. This provides you an objective point-of-view on which vendors should you keep, and which ones should you let go of. 5. Simple, Quick, and Easy to learn: Despite being complex software, the user interface is easy to learn and provides all users a pleasant experience. No need to take a crash course. It may sound complicated and tedious but, it is not. There are ready-made templates that you can use for easy consolidation of data. 6. Improve Vendor Communication: You can directly communicate with your vendors through the Vendor Management Software. This ensures that all communications run through only one channel and does not become a messy ordeal. As it stores all communication with vendors, it also minimizes the risk of who said what should a problem arise. Having a direct communication channel can also improve your vendor relations. 7. Automated Reminders: A calendar that reminds you of deadlines, tasks, and renewals might sound like a small task, but it is not. By reminding you of your and your vendors’ responsibilities, you can reduce the number of missed deadlines and lapsed contracts. This will prove to be helpful especially during chaotic times when you don’t know which task to prioritize. The application of vendor management software can make things work for you in all aspects. 8. Data Storage: A Vendor Management Software allows users to store and organize documents making it easier to locate contracts and files should you need them. While it may seem rubbish or unnecessary now, there is a high chance that having an unorganized system may greatly affect your operations in the future. Read Also: How To Choose A Practice Management Software For Your Law Firm How To Enhance Stakeholder Management In Projects With Agile Integration Redmine Demo Vs. Trello Demo: Choosing The Right Project Management Tool

Steam Valves

Everything You Need To Know About Steam Valves

You cannot regulate steam and hot water vapor flow and pressure without using steam valves. Steam is employed in a variety of industrial processes. It is used to power turbines that generate energy, as well as to process food, chemicals, engine parts, and other products. Cleaning, humidification, and heating are all done with steam. Therefore, most applications necessitate regulation, and steam control valves play a crucial role in this. The most common use of valves with steam lowers the incoming steam pressure for process purposes. A state-of-the-art automated valve ensures maximum delivery and process efficiencies by adjusting steam pressure and flow. What Are The Type Of Valves Used In Steam Applications? Many various kinds of valves are accessible for use in steam operations. But each valve must meet the requirements of the specific application. For example, 3-piece ball isolation valves with PTFE coated stainless steel gaskets and seals. In a steam application, safe, high pressure steam valves are an essential component of equipment. These valves, also known as Pressure Relief Valves or PRVs, are created to be employed as a piping installation's safety element.  These have a pre-set strength rating to protect all gear in the pressure line if the pressure exceeds the valve's maximum permitted pressure. It works by releasing pressure and enabling steam to flow out from the line by releasing its set. Conversely, it will manually seal and preserve the specified pressure if it falls below the set pressure. 6 Major Applications: The circulation of steam from the origin (boiler) to the point where it will be applied is controlled by valves. Steam valves are being used to regulate the steam discharge amount and hot water vapor in a system. Below are some prominent applications of steam valves: 1. Processing Food processing facilities, along with special refineries, chemical plants, etc., all have steam heating applications. Process fluid heat exchangers, reactors, combustion air preheaters,  reboilers, and other forms of heat transfer equipment employ saturated steam valves as a source of heat. 2. Power Steam valves are used to power turbines linked to generators in coal, nuclear, gas, and solar power plants. In these operations, both superheated and saturated steam is utilized. 3. Atomization For segregating the liquids, steam valves can also be used to pulverize a liquid. Breaking up gasoline into tiny droplets to increase combustion efficiency is one example. 4. Moisturization Steam can be used to provide water to an operation while also providing heat energy. 5. Cleaning When it comes to industrial or residential MAINTENANCE & REPAIR, steam can be used to wash a variety of surfaces. Steam valves sterilize food prep gear at a high temperature. Steam treatment has long been used to clean grease and debris from manufacturing machinery in readiness for maintenance or painting. 6. Heating Low-pressure saturated steam valves are the primary heat source providing indoor heating in many big commercial and industrial buildings. Existing plant steam can be used by HVAC units and air handlers effectively to humidify the airflow for interior shelter and convenience of goods and equipment.  Additional notable steam valves applications include:     Steam forming engines for felt     Sterilizers with autoclaves facility     HVAC equipment     Fluid heat exchangers     Directing the sanitary heaters with steam injection     Ironers and press machines     Water treatment facilities available plants     Boilers & re-boilers     Keg cleaners     Commercial dishwashers     Power generating turbines 4 Essential Specifications For Steam Valves When choosing the right valves, many considerations must be taken into account. There must be concerns about the environment, connection, actuators, pressure, temperature,  and other service variables. After determining the right valve type and size depending on system pressure and flow requirements, valve bodies, actuators, connections, and component materials are chosen. Threaded, flanged, and compression-fit connections are used for steam valves.  Aluminum, cast iron, bronze, steel, copper, brass, and stainless steel are all possible construction materials. Steam valve and actuation are accomplished using standard valve actuation techniques such as:  A hand-operating system while wheel or crank is used to open or close manual equipment. Electric actuators are used in electric equipment. Electric and pneumatic valves are widely available, and they are activated by solenoids and air pressure. The opening and closing of a pneumatic valve are controlled by a pneumatic actuator or cylinder.  A temperature difference in the treated media activates thermally actuated valves. When a predefined temperature is attained, pressure and temperature relief usually occur. 5 Types Of Valves Despite the fact that most examples of steam valves may regulate steam flow, steam has unique service requirements in terms of temperature and pressure. Here is a list of the most regularly used valves: Ball valves Globe valves Butterfly valves Gate or knife valves Diaphragm valves Conclusion If you're completely new to the world of steam valves, we hope the preceding guide will be helpful. Only if you have the proper knowledge can you choose the best product. But for selecting the correct valves for your use. You have to pick the products which are matching up your exact requirements. So which types of valves are your current requirement? Comment back to us and let us know your opinion about valves. 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Communication Secure

3 Encryption Trends and How They Make Communication More Secure

Over the past three years, encryption has become a major concern for organizations of all sizes. Corporate hacks and Hillary Clinton’s email scandal have raised public awareness about the ubiquitous risks of unsecured data, and a growing number of businesses, government agencies, and individuals have started employing software that can effectively protect their communications from third-party surveillance. There are many reasons why the encrypted smartphone has become the tool-of-choice for those concerned about the risks of cyber attack, but one of the most significant is the fact that encrypted smartphones are constantly being upgraded to meet the latest threats. Here are three of the most significant ways that cutting-edge encryption software is evolving to protect communications: 1. More Sophisticated Encryption Algorithms Creating effective encryption solutions means staying ahead of hackers and cybercriminals, which is why the best encryption providers are exploring new, stronger encryption algorithms that can protect users from the newest malware, spyware, and hacking techniques. But in order for it to be effective for business communication, encryption also needs to be widely used and widely available. The latest encryptions solutions from companies like ChatMail Secure solve this problem by providing multiple levels of encryption. Users default to ChatMail’s proprietary messaging and parsing protocol when communicating with other ChatMail users, but they can also use the more widely available PGP encryption from the same interface. 2. Improved Ease-of-Use For most encrypted smartphones users, functionality is just as important as security. In the fast-paced world of business and government affairs, an encrypted smartphone that isn’t set up to allow for voice messaging, image sharing, and chat is an impediment to effective communication. One of the things that makes an up-to-date encryption tool like ChatMail different from older encrypted smartphone technology is its ability to provide a wide range of tools and a seamless interface without compromising the integrity of its encryption software (you can click here to learn more about the CAMP protocol’s unique approach to encrypted messaging). 3. Better Features In order for encryption software to provide adequate protection, it needs to do more than simply encrypt messages. It also needs to ensure that users have control over the encryption keys, and can easily generate new keys as needed. The latest encryption software from ChatMail Secure goes even further, allowing users to set automatic expiration dates for the messages they receive and favorite messages they want to keep beyond the automation expiration period, and provides options for remote wipes should a device be lost. The World Economic Forum listed cyber attacks as the third most likely threat facing businesses this year, and it is likely that it will continue to be ranked as one of the most serious threats in 2019. This is why it is important for businesses not simply to adopt encryption, but to adopt the most cutting-edge encrypted smartphones that can keep their communications safe from cyber threats on every front. Only encrypted smartphones from providers like ChatMail can guarantee secure, practical encryption solutions that can keep sensitive information confidential without impeding communication, which is why you should get in touch with an encryption provider today to explore how encrypted smartphones can make your communications more secure. Read Also: Securing Mobile App Development With Blockchain Technology Bitdefender Antivirus For Mac Review Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes