How Have Python Made Machine Learning Convenient?


25 April 2019

Dev & Design

Python Made Machine Learning

In the world of software development, Machine Learning also known as ML and Python are the two most popular terms that are in the current craze. Python is a high-level software programming language that has become the underlying base of many famous applications like Nextdoor, Instagram, etc. Machine Learning is a very important part of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Both of them target towards improving the many aspects of computer applications in their own different ways. Python is a programming language that is extremely easy to understand because of its simple syntax structure. As a result, developing the applications becomes a quite easy and simple yet strong framework. Machine Learning, on the other hand, helps an application to self-improvement without any prior programming.

Integration of Python with Machine Learning has offered a number of benefits to the candidates because of which, candidates are able to work in this field more conveniently and efficiently. In order to understand how Python has made things convenient for the individuals, it is important to understand the various facilities of machine learning with Python.

How Have Python Made Machine Learning Convenient?

Ease of Understanding:

As discussed above Python is one of the simplest forms of programming applications. Since, Machine Learning consists of complex algorithms, having one easy language to form the structure increases the code readability and decreases its maintenance.

Vast Libraries:

The huge volume of libraries that are available in Python for Machine Learning’s disposal is simply amazing. Some of the famous libraries are Numpy and SciPy for respectively for scientific computation and advanced ones. Data Analysis and Mining heavily rely on SciKit- learn. One framework named PyTorch is specially developed for Machine Learning. Other popular frameworks include Apache Spark, CNTK, TensorFlow, etc.

Better quality output:

Python is easy to understand and develop leaves the developers with plenty of time to increase the quality of Machine Learning application. The trial and error time on the complex algorithms is much less thereby providing plenty of space for improvement. The result of such an effort is usually very satisfying providing the end user with a pleasant experience.

Extensive Support:

The community of Python and Machine Learning Developers is ever increasing. In case, one stumbles in any area for their development, there is a horde of solutions available that are provided by the members of this huge community. Help is just a click away for any issues that one encounters during the course of development


The flexibility the Python provides in developing frameworks for Machine Language is just amazing. The numerous approaches that can be used in development are lucrative for the designers and the developers. Linking data is altogether quite different becomes very easy for Python based Machine Learning frameworks.

Name and Fame:

The popularity of Machine Learning with Python base is on high demand. As a result, more and more people are inclining to learn and use the combinations. Therefore, it is easy to get such trained individuals in the market and get the job done.

Higher Career Opportunities:

In the hindsight of the previous discussion, more and more companies and organization are changing their base towards Python based Machine Learning frameworks. Therefore, job opportunities are increasing. This results in getting better jobs where the pay is extremely good and rewarding.

Fewer Trials and Tribulations:

Since Python has such a huge number of libraries, there is no practical need to compile the language in the instructions of the Machine Learning beforehand. It can be directly used in the program. Needless to mention, it saves time and effort which the two essential factors in any development and delivery.

Cost Saving:

It is a known fact that Python is an open source language that can be used freely in the system without any licenses. This aspect saves a huge amount of money that is otherwise spent on licensing fees across numerous platforms. The cost saving is immense which increases the budget of the project thereby increasing the quality in general.

Dynamic Support:

Machine Learning is a fast-paced framework that needs dynamic support. There are very less number of high-level programming languages in the current market that can provide such support, except that of python.

Platform That Is Quite Independent:

The flexibility that Python provides urges the developer to use it in any Machine Learning platform. This independence of platform that can be seen in the case of Python is making it extremely handy for a Machine Learning project that leads to successful development.

Statistical Modeling:

The model that can be used to develop a Machine Learning framework can be many. Python helps to create statistical modeling for the Machine Learning that is easy to comprehend and maintain.

Data Set Maintenance:

The first step towards developing a successful Machine Learning framework is to maintain a strong data set. Data set can be defined as a collection of information that the Machine Learning uses to enrich its algorithms. Using Python to set up the data set for Machine Learning is extremely easy and hassle-free.

No Learning Hassles:

As previously mentioned Python is easy to understand. This causes no learning hassles for individuals. Therefore, creating able developers with Python knowledge for Machine Learning frameworks becomes quite easy and less time-consuming.

Easy Transition in Research:

The machine learning frameworks that are primarily developed for the research projects rely heavily on Python as their base. Research projects related to pattern recognition or data analysis do not have enough time or budget for complex development languages. In such scenarios, Python provides the best solution with its ease of understanding and easy comprehensiveness.

Customization Is Quite Convenient:

Python’s flexibility with its easy to understand programming syntax and platform independence actually helps it to be customized to any need. A solution fits in all the needs and requirements without much hassle.

Highly Adaptable In Nature:

Python is a programming language that is quite easy to comprehend. The range of its comprehension is on a global scale. Even a fourteen-year-old kid would be able to understand and code in Python. This aspect increases its adaptability in the numerous Machine Learning platforms that are widely used across various areas.

No Space Crunch:

Machine Learning is all about efficient data handling and the way an application with the use of available data can do a better performance without any human intervention. This requires a lot of server space to load various kinds of data to feed into the respective algorithms. Python’s easy code requires much less space as compared to others. Therefore, it saves precious server space to accommodate more data thereby increasing the Machine Learning performance.


The rising popularity wave of Python and Machine Learning will not go away that easily. Therefore, it is high time that both these aspects should be learned and implemented. Learning them would open different doors for numerous opportunities. Python because of its easy comprehensiveness will be the only weapon to code Machine Learning in the near future. It is always advised to future ready with an enhanced skill set.

Machine Learning will slowly have a huge impact on the world we live in. Understanding and controlling machine learning would be the only way to survive in the cutthroat competition. Using the weapon of python one should start conquering the area of Machine Learning. It is the best buddy that developers want to be friends. The benefits would be extremely rewarding when one integrates the programming language of Python with the various aspects of Machine Learning framework.

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Website Design

SEO Website Design Tips for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you may feel like you need to do everything at once. Build your site, generate great content, advertise, keep up with search engine algorithms, learn who your audience is, learn who your competition is – and on and on that list goes. At these stressful moments, it is important to step back and remember the adage “slow and steady wins the race”. Your business wasn’t built overnight, and neither will your digital marketing be. The key to effectively marketing your small business is knowing where to put your efforts first. Website design is one of the most important elements of that and is a great place to start. Once you have the basics of your web design ironed out, you can do more work here and there to complete your digital marketing strategies over time. Not sure where to start? Our Nashville web designers offer six tips for getting started. SEO Website Design Tips for Small Businesses 1. Learn how Google Crawls Your Site As you are building your website and planning for your future in digital marketing, it is important to understand how Google crawls your site. That means understanding what it is that Google looks for on websites when they rank them in search engine results. Google’s algorithms change routinely, but there are a few concepts that are always the same – such as SEO and website design. When ranking websites, Google looks at factors like: Utility and usability (user-friendliness, page load speed, graphics loading, etc.) Content (quality long-form content) Long-tail keywords Related key terms Backlinks Internal linking strategy Optimized media 2. Choose a Clean and Simple Layout As you get started with website design, one of the best ways to start is by choosing a clean and simple website layout. You want users to be attracted to your site and engaged with it, but you don’t want it cluttered or distracting. Choose a design that speaks to your brand and mission. Choose a color scheme that matches your logo and branding. Make sure your font is easy to read.  Use the same template style for all pages. 3. Make Sure Your Site Performs Yes, Google crawls and ranks based on SEO, but they also crawl and rank based on performance. That means you should make sure your site is optimized for fast page load speed, mobile use, and image speed. If your site only works on a computer, you will lose an endless number of possible mobile users. 4. Use a Consistent Layout and Formatting Web design is just one aspect of building your brand. You should make sure that your website layout and formatting is consistent with other marketing materials, such as social media. Being consistent helps you establish your brand and makes you easily recognizable to customers from various platforms. 5. Use Every SEO Opportunity Search engines match up results with websites based on their optimization and relevance to the search term. That means you should use every SEO opportunity you have. That means including your keyword in the page title, meta description, and URL. If your page is titled “Best Dog Toys”, your meta description should include that phrase, and your URL should be something akin to 6. Add Alternative Text on Your Images Alternative text, or ALT text, is an SEO tactic that seems small but can have big results. When you add an image to your webpage, you will have an option to add ALT text or an ALT tag. You want to put your keyword in that box so that search engines know that your image also links to your keyword for the page. Your images are indexed just like content. Put It All Together As you can see, there are many aspects to web design. For a small business, one of the best things you can do is to make a plan for where you will start and what goals you want to accomplish here and there. By using these six tips as you build your website, you will have a solid foundation for your digital marketing that will last a long time. For the latest trends and challenges in SEO click: Read Also: Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company How to Design an Effective Company Website 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design

Software development

Software Development Team

The development of any intellectual product is initially aimed at success in its implementation. In this regard, it is extremely important to ensure the proper quality of the software, application, or another result of the work. A properly selected Software development team is several professionals who can organize the work of creating software in a short time and at minimal cost to the investor, and also guarantee the relevance of the product. How to choose the correct development team? The level of professional training and work experience of specialists involved in the development of an intellectual product depends on the complexity of the work, as well as on the budget of the investor. Among all specialists actively offering their services on the market, development companies choose the following team members: 1. Universal specialists In the labor and services market, you can meet craftsmen who position themselves as highly qualified specialists who can solve any issues. As a rule, these people have extensive experience and knowledge in the matter under consideration. They can easily handle the development of a simple application. At the same time, when creating complex software, you will need deeper knowledge that generalists don’t possess. 2. Profile specialists These team members can be designers, programmers, content managers, or just engineers. They have the appropriate education and have extensive knowledge and experience in some competitive fields. They require the expert opinion, as well as full management of a specific part of the project, well-coordinated work in a team, and timely transfer of data and development results to related specialists. 3. Combined team Recruited to create the most complex applications or software. The team includes both generalists and specialized specialists. When developing an intellectual product, a horizontal control system is used. Each member of the team reports directly to the top management. When developing software, the worthwhile ideas of each employee are taken into account, and cross-checking is also provided. This project management technique is considered the most effective, as it allows you to minimize costs and achieve the expected results. Market experts and representatives of large IT companies recommend that when recruiting a team for a development team, ensure an approximately equal balance of generalists and specialized specialists. Moreover, each team must have either an official or an informal leader, who will be able to coordinate all tasks between other members of the collective. How to determine the optimal number of team members? There should be exactly enough team members to ensure the implementation of the project and the fulfillment of the technical task from the customer with the utmost accuracy, strictly on time. The following important factors influence the team size: The complexity of the task. The uniqueness of the development. Deadlines, defined by the customer and technical restrictions. The allocated budget for the implementation of the project by the investor. Provided resources to complete the task. In practice, to develop primitive software, no more than 2 – 4 people will be required. if it is necessary to implement a project of increased complexity, 7 or more team members may be required. What are the functions of team members? Most often, members of a pre-selected team perform the following roles in the development of a smart product: The key link is the investor or the customer of software development. It is he who provides information about what the final product should look like. Managing person – a team member who has experience in project management. He coordinates all specialists, combines ideas, draws up calendar schedules, conducts meetings, and issues final or intermediate results to the customer. The software architect is the most important specialized or generalist specialist. It provides the primary implementation of the general idea in strict accordance with the terms of reference. Subsequently, such a person is an assistant to the head, and he is sent for verification, as well as the assembly of all the developments of the work of the entire team. Engineers and ordinary developers – there may be several such members in the team. They are responsible for product development and software uptime. Designers – the area of responsibility of these specialists includes the design of attractive templates for users, as well as interfaces. Their work is related to how the product will be perceived by the end consumer. The main task of the designer is to create an easy-to-use and attractive product that will attract the interest of as many users as possible. The controller is a quality control engineer or an audit specialist. It checks the operability of the product, the compliance of the developments with the technical task, and also ensures the elimination of errors, which helps to improve the quality of the software. Analyst – a person who works in a team as an expert. He owns the needs of the market, as well as the industry for which the application is being developed. The demand for the software depends on this person, as well as its competitiveness, in comparison with other similar programs. Regardless of the assigned functions, the main degree of responsibility of the leader is to maintain a healthy spirit and friendly relations in the team. All team members should periodically come together for an online or face-to-face briefing, share results and problems. Upon discovering the first difficulties, each of the developers must notify all other team members about this. A focus on results is the main key to success. Requirements for the team in software development To achieve positive results, each team member must obey the internal regulations and follow the following important rules: Communication is carried out only in real-time, without delay in responding to a question or a task. All issues should be put up for public discussion – the principle of business transparency. All team members must trust each other. Each team member performs only their function. The composition of the team remains unchanged until the completion of development. In the collegiate discussion of questions, all of them are reflected on the board. Despite the above principles and examples, there is no single formula for creating an effective team in practice. To create a team, it is recommended to contact experts or recruitment agencies, and if the company already has the personnel, it is recommended to select developers not only according to the criteria of knowledge and experience but also according to the principle of psychological compatibility. An effective result is achieved only with a healthy spirit in the team and a competent distribution of tasks. Read Also: The Benefits Of Custom Software Development Ecommerce Software Development Trends Industrial Automation Software Development Big data software development services

Company Website

How to Design an Effective Company Website

A website for your business gives you a lot of benefits. It makes information dissemination a breeze, allows potential customers to find you easily, provides your brand with an excellent professional image, gives you brand visibility and credibility, provides a way to showcase your work or market your product and services, and best of all, it saves you money in the long run. That’s why a company website should be well-designed. It must be able to provide a great experience to your customers when they visit. Whether they use their computer, tablet or mobile phone, they should be able to access your website and use it without a problem. Most important of all, it must be able to serve and respond to your customer’s needs. Whether they want to check your price list, find a product, browse through your new collection, or ask you a question, your website must be able to provide what they are looking for quickly. But, to be able to serve your customers well, you must know what elements are essential to a company website. Here are the things you should put on your site: Customer testimonials: Nothing beats hearing satisfactory remarks and praise from your customers. You shouldn’t just keep this to yourself. You should let these be part of your website, and you can do this by crafting a customer testimonial page. Having customer testimonials gives your business more credibility since these reviews are unbiased. Furthermore, customer testimonials are free marketing, so you can have a broader reach and attract many potential clients in the future. About page: An about page is crucial since it shows your brand identity. It will make you appear more credible and authentic to your customers. It also allows visitors of your website to know more about you and your company. Especially if it is the visitor’s first time to enter your site, most probably, he or she will first click on the about page to learn more about your business first before anything else. Contact us page: Of course, you cannot forget to put your contact details. This is critical information your customers need should any of them want to reach you to address their concerns or queries.  Having a contact page will also make your business look good since it means you are readily available to attend to your customers’ needs anytime. List of products and services: You should enumerate all your products and services on your website so that visitors of your site are well-informed of the product details and specifications including the benefits they’ll get with the product. Blog: A blog gives you a way to make yourself a thought leader in the industry. Writing informative articles that offer tips or advice to customers who visit your website will make you look credible. It means more people will trust your company and it will boost your sales. These are the essential elements you should put on your website. If you are unsure how to integrate these into your site, you should ask an expert in website design in Oxford to show you how to do it. Read Also: What Can I Do To Make My Company Website More Profitable And Powerful? How To Use Video Animation On Your Website