How To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

Published on: 13 September 2020 Last Updated on: 29 October 2024
Air Conditioning Costs

For most people, summer is the most joyful of all seasons. There’s something precious about those warm evenings, whole days spent swimming, and enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, summer’s not all sunshine and flowers.

As a lot of homeowners know, during the summertime our bill tends to spike as our air conditioning costs keep piling up. But what if you could cut those costs by as much as half. In a lot of cases, high AC costs are the result of improper maintenance and malfunctioning AC systems. The experts at Howell’s were kind enough to share a few useful tips that can help you save this cooling season.

Look For Leaks In The Ducts

If your cooling bills unexpectedly start to spike, there could be a technical issue behind it. Central AC systems use ductwork to deliver any cooled air throughout your home. However, as they age ducts become more susceptible to tears and fissures. This not only makes the AC less efficient but demands more power to keep the required temperature levels in your home. This is usually the main reason behind increased energy bills. If you haven’t inspected your ductwork in a while and are paying more than usual, have a professional determine whether leaks in the ductwork are to blame.

Replace Your Air Filter

One of the things homeowners are most likely to forget about is the air filters in their AC systems. When is the last time you replaced or at least cleaned your filter? If your answer is “I don’t remember” now is the right time to do so. A clogged filter may make your air conditioner less effective as it struggles to push the cooled air through the filter. This will likely result in an increased energy bill, but poor air quality as well.

If you want to keep your energy bill low, make a habit of replacing your air filter at least once every two months. If you are not sure how to do this, you can always hire a professional.

Have A Professional Tune-Up

Another often neglected part of owning an AC system is having regular inspections and tune-ups. With a professional tune-up at least twice a year you can be sure your AC will be up to standards and working properly. This way you won’t spend a cent more than you need to in order to enjoy the comfort in your home.

A tune-up entails a professional testing every component of the system to make sure everything is working in harmony. If any part of the AC system is malfunctioning, professionals can detect this early and prevent expensive repairs down the line. Finally, they will clean the entire system, replace the filters, and offer valuable advice on proper AC maintenance.

Having your AC system running at optimal conditions is perhaps the best way to ensure that you don’t end up spending more money on it than necessary. As the old adage goes, sometimes you gotta spend money to make money; well, in this case, save money.

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Your Home

4 Ways To Bring A New Look To Your Home

One of the best ways of boosting your mood when you are at home is by changing up the décor. A fresh space, even if it’s the same home, can help you feel more relaxed and give you a greater sense of peace. Many believe restyling a home is expensive, but it doesn’t have to cost a lot. The key is to spend money in areas that count. Install a Home Lift Bringing a new look into your home doesn’t have to mean bringing in impractical décor. In fact, some of the best things to add are both functional and stylish. A home lift allows you to move between floors with ease, and today's lifts also come in many different styles, so you can find something to go with any home. The right domestic lifts UK business can help you choose something stylish. Change Up Your Bookshelves Bookshelves can add a lot of personality and color to your room, and they also offer insights into your personality. Still, getting everything into a pleasing arrangement can be harder than it sounds. You'll want to start by picking out the books you know you will want on your shelf. Consider skipping those with tattered covers. They can be stored out of sight, like in a basement. If there are dust jackets, consider removing those for a more classic look. Create a mix of horizontal and vertical rows of books and leave room between these stacks for another décor. Place stacks on different areas, such as the middle or left. You can then mix in eye-catching accessories, such as candlesticks, vases, or sculptures. You can use these items to hold up stacks of books if they are sturdy enough. Some items can be by themselves, and others can be grouped together for a pleasing look. Small items can even go on top of horizontal stacks of books. Rethink Your Art If you have had the same art on your walls for decades, it might be time to refresh it. Take some time to go through what you have on the walls and see what can be moved around. Have a room in mind and go through the house to see what might work for that specific room. It's easy to get so used to the art on your walls that you no longer notice it. Moving things around helps make your home look luxurious and also helps you appreciate the pieces even more. Change the Look of Your Furniture You don’t have to buy new pieces of furniture to get a new look. Investing a bit of energy and time allows you to give your home a new look. As you move pieces around, consider what you can do without. Having fewer pieces is often more, and a smaller collection makes the room feel bigger since there will be more open space. Consider putting pieces around the perimeter of the room instead of the middle of the room, as items in the middle can visually cut the space in half. Redecorating is just as much about taking away pieces as it is about adding new ones. Additional: 6 Expert Tips for Finding The Right Home to Buy 5 Home Decor Ideas for the Times when Kids’ Grow Up What To Leave Behind Once You Have Sold Your Home Leather Furniture is An Essential Improvement for Any Home or Office

Stainless Steel

Best Uses for Stainless Steel in Construction

Stainless steel is easily one of the most useful materials on earth. For several thousand years now, steel has been the standard choice for any purpose that requires extreme strength. Even though base iron may be harder, it is also more brittle and much more sensitive to oxidation (i.e. rusting). Stainless steel was a big leap forward because, for the first time, people had steel items that would not rust. Structural: Stainless steel isn't often what we think of as a material for structural supports, but it does an excellent job. If it were not for the fact that stainless steel is slightly more expensive than regular steel, it would probably be used for this purpose more often. There are many ways in which stainless steel can be used for structural purposes. Fittings from stainless steel are also very useful and reliable. For structural use, the best stainless steels to use are 304, 316, 409, 410-3, and 2205. These steels can be used for girders and other support members, as well as a rebar substitute for the reinforcement of concrete. Drainage Equipment: When it comes to rain gutters and downspouts, stainless steel is obviously your best choice. Its resistance to corrosion makes it uniquely suited for water-carrying purposes. Aluminum is a much more common material for this purpose, but it cannot even come close to matching the strength of steel. If you are adding gutters and downspouts to a large building, it is all the more important to use materials that will hold up to all of nature's abuse. Falling gutters and spouts can cause damage and injury to those below, so choose something that won't be ripped to pieces in the next large storm. Stainless steel is not only more attractive but also better-suited for this purpose. Barriers: Security is something that must be taken into account for any building project, especially if the building is located in a large city with a high crime rate. A stainless steel barrier is superior to most other choices in this regard because of its longevity, and also because it is very hard to destroy. For instance, you might want a few posts outside your building as a vehicle barrier, just to make sure that it isn't possible to ram a car through the front door. Concrete posts would work, but they will eventually crack from strain and weathering. This means you will have to pay for a new post. With thick stainless steel posts, you can be pretty sure that nothing short of a semi-truck is getting past, and that the weather will make no real difference. Roofing: Metal roofing has long been known as one of the best choices. Most homes are roofed with asphalt shingles that have an unpleasant habit of flying off in windstorms. Although they do a good job of shedding water, asphalt shingles just aren't very sturdy. They are only popular because of their low cost and high availability. Traditionally, tin has been the metal roof material of choice, but with the advancement of new and improved stainless steels, this is quickly changing. Check out this guide for the use of stainless steel in roofing, and you might be pleased with what you see. Read Also: Waterjet Vs. Laser Cutting: Which Is Worth The Hype? Maintaining Productivity: The Basics Of Industrial Safety

Foundation Moisture Maintenance

Foundation Moisture Maintenance: 6 Tips for Home Repair

Foundation maintenance is not something most homeowners plan for. It can be time-consuming, expensive, and complicated. It can also cause you great pain and aggravation if it is done incorrectly. Many homeowners make the mistake of trying to handle foundation repair on their own. You should also go towards the foundation maintenance services that help you to make your home safe and secure. Unfortunately, this can lead to even more problems than the original problems and can cost you much more money in the end. 1. Inspection: Foundation maintenance tips that include inspections are necessary because repairs can get costly if they are not done correctly the first time. This is because the damage could have been lessened if the repair was made properly. If you notice a crack that is slowly getting worse and appears to be getting worse, then you should call in an expert immediately. You should also make sure there are no other cracks that could be causing your home foundation damage. 2. Clay Soils: Another foundation maintenance tip involves inspecting your clay soils. Do you have clay soils in your yard? If so, you need to know what type of soil your foundation is built on and how to correct it. There are certain plants and trees that can actually damage your foundations and these should be avoided at all costs. 3. Repair Foundation Cracks: In addition to avoiding having your home foundation damaged, another way to avoid it is by repairing foundation cracks. There are different types of cracks including wooden cracks, concrete cracks, and more. Some homeowners prefer to repair their home foundation first and then worry about the type of cracks they have or the damages they may have incurred. It is important to repair any type of cracks that may be causing damage to your home. 4. Check Gutters and Sewage Systems: Along with foundation repairs, homeowners should also make sure their gutters, downspouts, and sewage systems are working properly. Gutters and downspouts should be checking on a regular basis to make sure they are not clogged with leaves, twigs, or other debris. Downspouts should be inspected for leaks that may cause damage to your home. There are many foundation maintenance tips for homeowners that include checking on the condition of these two vital components. 5. Hire Foundation Repairing Company: One of the most important foundation maintenance tips for homeowners is to hire foundation repair companies when it comes to checking for leaks around your home. Most of the time, leak detection can be completed without the help of an expert. One of the best ways to check for leaks around your home is to use an inexpensive non-intrusive infrared camera. If you find any areas around your home that appear to be leaking, this will be an excellent time to consult a foundation maintenance company. 6. Proper Drainage System: Homeowners should also make sure that they have a proper drainage system throughout their homes. Proper drainage allows materials such as liquids and grime to seep away from the foundation and stay away from being eroded by the soil. Many homeowners also underestimate the importance of proper drainage. Without the proper amount of drainage in place, there is a greater risk of foundation damage. A professional foundation moisture maintenance company will be able to determine if you do not have adequate drainage. Read Also: Improve Your Home With Concrete Lifting Services Why You Must Embrace Green Home Technologies? Safety Triangle: Three Things Your Soon-To-Be House Must Have