Introduction to StockEdge – Overview and important Feature

Published on: 16 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Introduction to StockEdge

1. Daily Updates :

Daily Updates

Who doesn’t like to get all the updates about financial markets at one place in a short and crisp manner? Stock Edge provides this feature in the “Daily updates” section. You just have to dedicate 5-10 minutes of your day to this section and you are ready with all the updates for the day.

It also helps those people who do not have much time to spare and still want to keep a track of the day-to-day activities of the markets.

2. Scans :



Scans make it very easy for the user to filter out stocks that he wants on the different basis. For example, if the user wants to filter out stocks on the basis of profitability, he/she can use the fundamental scans, and if he/she wants to filter out stocks on the basis of technical scans like simple moving average scans, Relative Strength Index scans (RSI) etc., and he/she can do so by using the technical scans.

Likewise, there are many other scans available in the StockEdge application like price scans, volume and delivery scans, futures scans and options scans etc. The user can select the scan that he/she finds suitable and make scans accordingly.

For more detailed knowledge about each of the section of the StockEdge application, click here

3. Learn Section :

Learn Section


There is even a “Learn Section” on the StockEdge homepage. In this section, many useful materials for your reference are available as shown in the image below.

Learn Section

These materials are free to use by anyone who is using the StockEdge application. This section is a combination of different content that has been developed to know the concepts of financial markets.

What does it include?

It includes basic and advanced levels of capital market and financial market. It includes both written material and videos by an expert.

4. Tracking FII/DII activity :

Tracking FII/DII activity

Who are FIIs/DIIs?

Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) refers to people from other countries who are investing in Indian companies and Direct Institutional Investors (DIIs) are Indian Institutional Investors who invest in Indian Companies like banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, mutual funds etc.

What do they signify?

These traders trade in huge quantities so they have the capability to influence the movement of the market. This data helps in tracking the inflow and outflow of the money in the Indian market.

With the help of this data, one can track in which segment of the market, these investors are investing their money in whether cash market, futures market, stock options or stock futures.

5. Tracking what big investors are doing :

Tracking what big investors are doing

This section gives you a list of all the investors that purchase shares of a company for long-term because they believe that the company has strong growth prospects in the future. Tracking these big investors helps in getting an idea of where should one invest their money in only after proper study and “doing your homework”.

Suppose, you want to track the big bull of India, i.e. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, all you need to do is type his name in the search box and you will get a list of people or institutions that are in any way related to Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. You can add all of them in your “investor group” and keep a track of them just by clicking on the group.

investor group

6. Search by Sector :

One can even search a stock by sector wise. For example, if you want to study how the automobile sector is performing, he/she can just click on the “sector” section and go to the automobile part. All the stocks are classified on the basis of the different sector which makes it easy for anyone to study a particular sector.

Search by Sector

Bottom Line :

Stock Edge is best for anyone who does not have much time to invest in the stock market and still wants to earn returns higher than the bank deposit. StockEdge helps you to be your own analyst by providing with all the data that you need to analyze a company.

How to download the StockEdge application?

For Android (Google Play Store)  users, you can click here to download the app.

For iOS users, you can click here to download the app.

You can also check out the video below for a better understanding of the application.


Stock Edge provides you with all the analysis you required for self-research. However, if you still feel that you need a more customized learning environment, we present StockEdge club for you.

This is India’s first virtual club for stock market enthusiasts. This club will have the following features –

Access to 12 paid webinars that we conduct on a monthly basis.

Invitation to become part of one workshop in your city or in the nearby city.

Become a part of a What’s App group where there will be continuous learning, continuous doubt clearing, and continuous question and answer so that you become a more knowledgeable and learned participant of the financial market in India.

To know more about this, you can click here.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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5 Ways First Time Traders Can Protect Their Bitcoins Against Thefts In 2021

Hacking is the new way of robbery that has happened in the digital world. If you think that your Cryptocurrency assets are safe just because it is online, then think again. If you are new to the Cryptocurrency industry, you must be aware that this industry lacks the same level of security that you get from the banks. Before you can move forward with your Crypto investment, let’s first understand how secure Cryptocurrency is. How Secure Cryptocurrency Is If you are thinking of investing in Cryptocurrency, you will be aware of the Blockchain technology backing the Cryptocurrencies. Blockchain technology records the transaction in the blocks with a timestamp. This process is quite lengthy and complicated, but the result is a secure digital ledger. The transaction also goes through two-factor authentication. While the security measures are in place, this doesn’t mean that Cryptocurrency is immune to any external threat. Although Cryptocurrency is considered the safest mode of transaction, its connection to the internet makes it vulnerable. Save Bitcoins Against Thefts - Protection Of Cryptocurrency There are various paths to safeguard and reduce the chances of stealing. For example, using a secure platform like bitcoin prime, you can ensure that your digital assets are safe and secure. Here are the other methods you can use to protect your Cryptocurrency assets. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #1. Use Strong Passwords Using a strong password is the key to safeguarding your digital assets. Never reuse passwords across your accounts, especially for Cryptocurrency accounts. Assume that all of the accounts will eventually face data breaches, and having the same password for all of them means all your accounts will be hacked. To ensure such a scenario never surfaces up, use different passwords for different accounts. This helps you keep other accounts safe in case one of your accounts gets hacked. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #2. Work With Reputable Crypto Wallet Before deciding a platform to use for their Crypto investment, you must take your time, do thorough research and select only the best Crypto wallet for trade. Make a checklist of the security features that the platform needs to have before qualifying as a safe call for investing. Using more than one platform can add an extra security layer as long as the two accounts have different strong passwords. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #3. Avoid Sharing The Secret Key The secret keys are used to validate the transactions. Hence, the secret keys should never be shared with anyone, even if you think that the person standing in front of you is trustworthy enough. The safest way to store your private keys is to store them in cold storage. Cold storage is the process of printing out your keys and erasing their digital footprints and traces. With how easily hackers can get access to the machine, keeping your data online is highly risky. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #4. Protect Yourself From Phishing Many people with Cryptocurrency wallets use mobile applications to trade. However, as their prices soar high, hackers target users using mobile phones to make transactions and trades. These social engineering attacks can come from any angle. For instance, you might receive unknown text messages, social media messages, or emails. Protect Bitcoins Against Thefts #5. Ensure Vendor Provides Indemnity This is related to the vendor’s error, failure to perform, and negligence in managing the platform. Having a strong indemnity provision added to the contract so that it protects your digital assets. When you are taking help from a platform, ensure that the platform is offering: A large balance sheet to back their indemnity. Insurance to cover financial harm you accrue due to their negligence. Conclusion Cryptocurrency is a dynamic industry. You need to be proactive to keep up with the changes. The same thing can be said for its cybersecurity. Digital assets being connected with the internet are more prone to risk than traditional assets. Hence, it is important to implement the right cybersecurity protocol to keep them safe. Read Also: Using Social Media to Promote Start-Up Businesses How To Become A Successful Cryptocurrency Trader In 5 Easy Steps HOW TO EXCHANGE BITCOINS AND OTHER COINS ON BINARYX?

Startup Funding

7 Foolproof Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding Startup Funding

Are you an entrepreneur hoping to build a thriving business backed by investor funding? Do you have an awesome business idea with product/market fit, but need angel investor funding to help your business scale? If so, you've come to the right place. There are a number of ways you can increase your chances of finding startup funding if you are strategic in your approach to making valuable connections. Gabriel Patterson, a Toronto based chairman at Bethmann Lombard Bancorp, is a dynamic businessman and certified Islamic finance specialist who has over 26 years of investment banking experience. 7 Foolproof Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding Startup Funding Below, he shares and encourages you to incorporate the following seven tips into your fundraising efforts to improve your chances of scaling your company. Confidence is Essential: Be confident when attempting to raise funds for your startup. Investors will often back an entrepreneur they believe in even if the entrepreneur's startup idea isn't strong. Investors know the entrepreneur can always pivot their startup to a more profitable business idea, but they want to be among the first investors to bet on an entrepreneur who exudes confidence and drive. Always be Networking: Make time for networking with potential investors regardless of how busy you are building your startup. Something as simple as schmoozing with angel investors and VCs (venture capitalists) on Twitter can help get your startup on their radar. Add valuable insights on Twitter conversations, don't overtly promote your startup, and continually tweet helpful content to build the startup ecosystem. Your efforts won't go unnoticed, especially if your business idea is appealing. Know Your Ask: Know what you want when pitching potential angel investors and VCs. An entrepreneur with a lukewarm pitch with no firm ask isn't going to survive long with seasoned investors. Know what you're asking for, be firm in your presentation, and be prepared to negotiate to keep the entrepreneur/investor relationship moving forward. Consider Smaller Rounds: Be prepared to accept a smaller round of funding than what you initially ask for from investors. You may have grandiose plans and think you need a major round of seed funding or Series A funding. This is a common trap many entrepreneurs fall prey to when raising funds for their startup. Even smaller amounts of funding can be quite helpful in moving your company ahead. If you learn to reduce your burn rate and spend your funding wisely, you'll be amazed at how far a smaller amount of funding can take you and your startup. Investigate Investors: Don't assume it's only big-name investors who can help grow your startup. Too many entrepreneurs think they're only successful if they raise funding from famous VCs and investors in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, or New York City. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can raise funds for your startup from investors anywhere, but you need to approach them with respect and understand their investment thesis. The more you investigate potential investors for your startup, the more likely it is you will find reputable financial backers for your business. Ethical Behavior Matters: Be careful how you portray yourself when in public. You never know who you might be chatting with at a networking event or who they might know. One slip-up in behavior or egotistical boasting could potentially cost you the financial funding you so desperately long for. Be an entrepreneur with ethics and a strong moral code and you'll increase your long-term odds of startup success. Appeal to Investor Emotions: Don't forget to appeal to investor emotions when seeking funding for your startup. You must know your numbers and offer a pitch deck that investors can believe in, but it never hurts to appeal to their emotional side too. You don't want to overplay this card, but a touch of emotion in your investor outreach efforts can go a long way. Remember these seven foolproof ways of increasing your chances of finding startup funding and you'll improve your entrepreneurial future. Raising funds for your startup is hard work, but the rewards can definitely be worth all the sacrifice and long hours. Read Also: 5 Steps To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Startup How To Attract The Best Talents For Your Startup 7 Reasons To Be An Entrepreneur In The Best Area: IT

Stocks Versus Real Estate

Stocks Versus Real Estate: Which Is The Better Investing Option?

For a long time, people are confused between various investment options that can help them get better returns. You may also have the same confusion in your mind: the best investment option that can help you achieve your goals. There are two primary kinds of investments; one is stock, and the other is real estate. A matter of fact is which is the better form of investment stocks or real estate, from where you can get better returns from your investments. The best thing that you can do from your end is to compare the two to understand the better possibilities of returns. Stocks Vs Real Estate From Where You Can Gain More- There are several forms of investments but selecting the best among them is the challenge. Stocks or Real Estate which one can prove to be better for you. Let’s explore the two investment options to get a better idea about them. 1. Creation Of Wealth: When you are investing your money in stocks, the chances of getting higher returns are there. The reason behind this fact is you are holding the share of a company. As the company grows, the return on your investment grows simultaneously. Now,  when you are investing your money in real estate, then chances are there that you can get a stable return from your investment but not higher returns. The process of wealth creation is slow compared to investments in stocks. 2. Paper Work & Stress: You have to do lots of paperwork if you want to purchase a real estate property. You have to handle midnight phone calls and have to use your references enough to sell or buy a property; the entire process is stressful and cumbersome. Whenever you wish to invest your money in stocks, you can do it easily through various stock trading apps, and you can contact a broker or a financial planner who can guide you to make your investments in the right way. Ensure that you give plans for the best stocks to buy. 3. Stability In Return: When you invest your money in stocks, you must be aware of the market risk and volatility.  The stock prices of the company can fall or rise as per their current profitability rate. You have to analyze the market well before you make your investments in the stocks. No such requirement of heavy market analysis is not there in the case of the investment in real estate. You just need to compare the prices of various real estate properties, and you can earn a stable return on your entire life without any stress or tension as the market volatility rate does not impact it. 4. Impact On Debt: If you have debt in the market and invest your money in the stocks, you are putting yourself in a high-risk zone where it is challenging to get over it. You have to plan things in the correct order to get better returns to pay off your debts. The market volatility rate of the stocks is high, so you may not get anything if the company suffers losses. In the case of real estate, you can enjoy a stable return from your investments. It can help you to get better returns to pay off the debts on time. Stable returns ensure better returns from your investments. 5.  Cash Flow:   Rent from real estate properties can help you get a steady return from your investments, and the cash flow of money remains smooth every month. You have to consider these facts while planning your investments. The returns from the market may become unstable if you face the loss from the company where you have invested your money as stocks. Keep these things in mind while you plan to make your investments. Key Take-Aways:   Hence, these are some of the crucial factors that you need to consider while trying to compare stocks and real estate. Remember that both can provide you the better returns from your investments, but the difference lies in the rate at which you get the returns from your investments. You have to think analytically while you are making your investment decisions. Read Also: Why Off-Plan Investment Is Beneficial For Expats Real Estate Syracuse NY Investment: Flipping Houses