Top Torrent Sites for Games Download

Published on: 28 August 2016 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024
Torrent sites

There is no age that defines an individual’s love for gaming. Some call it addiction while for some it is a passion to thrive and excel. All the gamers around the world look for endless collections and easy availability of games to play. In our search for good gaming sites, we often land on the sites of spams, viruses, malicious tools that fill the hard disc with never-ending adware and pests that damage out the operating system. This is something that calls for justice. Of course, there are many gaming sites on the internet but being safe is the priority before doing anything else.

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So in this post, we have done research and brought for you the top best Torrenting sites for games download. These sites are surely the easiest way to save money that you spend on purchasing game CDS. All these sites that we will be sharing in this post have a huge database of game torrents. You can download all kind of latest games for free. Some of these sites are well known torrent sites for all multimedia and especially suited for games.

Top Torrent Sites to Download Games for Free

All the torrent sites in this post have a rich database, free and safe to use. You will find a separate section where all the game torrents are listed on these torrent sites. You will find recent Games listed there.


Pirate Bay is one of the top torrent sites in the world today. Pirate Bay has been the top stop for gaming lovers since its release. The Pirate Bay is famous for delivering full versions of games and software with crack. It is currently ranked at 192 according to Alexa in 2016. Unfortunately, Pirate Bay has been banned currently in India, Pakistan, and many other countries. While looking for Pirate Bay you must make sure that you do not fall into the web of illegal activities. I would recommend you to use legal torrent sites according to the rules of your country. But still Pirate Bay is an amazing Torrent site to watch out for games download.


Bitsnoop is a safe and secure torrent site you will come across. This site has filters that verify the files for viruses and malware. You can download all your favorite latest and old games using this site. Bitsnoop like Extratorrent indicates the health of the torrent you want to download. This helps you in making a quick decision to find out which torrent will give you high download speed.


IsoHunt is a good and relatively new torrent site for downloading games. This website is simply a large portal for enormous games. has launched three years ago in the year 2013. Unfortunately, the owner of the site shut it down within one month of its launch. was launched to keep Isohunt alive. You will get latest games torrents uploaded right here. You can trust us with the great user experience on this site; you will feel blessed to have this site. The new version of the website has the same design and is as impressive as I found it in 2013.


It will not be wrong to call Kickass Torrents the leader of all torrent sites. Whether it is games torrents, or movie torrents sites or music torrents sites, the Kickass Torrent has everything that you would want to download. It does not matter if you are looking for PlayStation games or a game for Windows, every torrent will be located right here on this site. Its popularity has increased only since its launch and the working torrent links make this site worth for gamers.


Extratorrent is another Torrent giant and one of the biggest names in torrent site for games. On extra torrent, you can also see the health of the available torrents and choose which torrent to download. You can find games for all platforms including PlayStation, iOS, Windows, MAC, Android and more. You get full version games here that do not require any crack or license


TorrentSnack is a game torrent site dedicated to console and PC games. You can get games for various Categories like PC, XBOX 360, PS2, PS3, PSP, PS Vita, Nintendo WII and Nintendo 3ds.


With over 4.7 million torrents, TorrentHound is one of the largest players in the torrent P2P game. The site has been found easier by most readers. The comments counts are not included in the initial search results and you’ll have to click individual files to see reader comments.


With over 6 million torrent files this site is considered the second-largest torrent index on the Web today. Torrent Downloads publishes a filter to see only those torrents that have passed verification testing. The filters help you navigate through its database.

We hope that this post on top torrent sites to download games will help you. You can download the games of your choice with these torrent sites. It will save you time, and you will be able to locate easily download links of games of your choice safely and securely.

 Read also: 

Reference: Top 23 Torrent Sites


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The Basic Principles of Blockchain Fund Administration and E-Wallet

The topic of blockchain has received a lot of media attention in the past years. Thus, it is no wonder that this technology has completely transformed how firms and industries are running their businesses. Most industries have so far shown interest in blockchain fund administration and would want to explore how incorporating the technology would benefit their daily operations. When viewed at first glance, the technology of storing and recording transactions seems to be similar to the traditional database or ledger. Yet, in this case, the so-called blocks are unified cryptographically. This is the main way in which cases of fraud and corruption are kept at bay because of the formation of a secure and tight system. How The Blockchain Fund Administration Functions There is a set of information found on each block. This may include a transaction of proof of contract. A digital signature connects this information with the rest of the chain. Users can conduct virtual transactions which lack the presence of a middleman through blockchain fund administration. This technology is not so new in the financial space. It was first introduced in 2008 and the term Bitcoin gained popular recognition in 2009. It was not so widely embraced and it was finally used as part of many business practices almost a decade later. There is no need for a central authority and that is what makes this technology interesting. Transactions occur with complete transparency. It could have a real impact on the daily lives of people if it was applied in the following situations: Politics: incidences of corruption or discrepancies when counting the number of votes could be totally eliminated using this technology to run political elections. Fight against illicit activity: a permanent ledger in the system ensures accurate tracking of information. This would ensure no one would engage in the black market or fraudulent activity such as money laundering Financial services: with the elimination of transaction fees, customers and businesses could save a lot of money. It would also result in speedy transactions and greater This technology is benefiting both commercial and financial transactions. Since it could still be a new concept to interested parties and investors, there needs to be active engagement with the key players within the community of digital currencies. A firm that offers such services to its clients should be well equipped with a team of attorneys who will provide legal advice to clients on the basics principles of this technology. It is also important for clients to be aware of the legal issues that are likely to arise for companies who wish to incorporate the technology into their operations. A competent company will be ready to offer cutting-edge knowledge and guidance to clients. They should be guided from the first stage of exploration in which there are people who want to know more about the basic principles of the technology, to the ones who want to master all the insights for the integration of this technology. Clients can be advised in the following areas: Business compliance on the money services platforms it may wish to utilize Proactive insurance coverage Advice on artificial intelligence technologies Fund formation in Bitcoin Cybersecurity and other issues related to digital currency Money transmitting licensees Functions Of a Blockchain Wallet This e-wallet makes it possible for users to manage their digital currencies. They allow a user to store Cryptocurrencies and also manage their balance on digital currencies such as Bitcoin and ether. Creating a wallet is free and a user can quickly set up an online account. An individual will be asked to provide a working email address and a password. He will sue these details when logging into the account. The system will then send the account holder and automated email. He will click on the link provided in order to activate the account. Once the e-wallet has been created, a user will be provided with a wallet ID. It is similar to a bank account number. Wherever a user wants to access the wallet, they will log in to the blockchain website. Alternatively, a person can download the app and log it through their mobile phones. A user can be able to view his current balances; the most recent transactions and even make a request to the third party for a specific amount of Bitcoin. In case of a request, the system will generate a unique address to be viewed by the third party. The address is generated every time a user makes such a request. The interface has been actively used by users to buy and sell Bitcoin. A user can transfer the funds from his personal bank account or use a credit or debit card when making a purchase. The exchange rates are valid for only a short period of time. There is a small payment fee in case of bank transfers and the waiting period may be up to several days. In the case of debit or credit cards, there is immediate access to the Bitcoins although there is a large convenience fee. Wallet security is undoubtedly one of the main concerns for users. This is because when unauthorized persons access a user’s account, he may lose the Cryptocurrency. In view of this, there are three main levels of security provided: Level 1: it is designed to stop users from losing their accounts. A verification process is required whereby a user provides his email address and then set up a password hint. He will also need to create a password recovery phrase that will be used to access his account in case he forgets the original password. Level 2: it is mainly targeted at protecting a user’s wallet from others. A user is expected to link a phone number and wait for a follow-up text message that has a one-time password. Level 3: it allows users to block Tor requests. Read More: Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform Hiring a Blockchain Developer  

Google Play refund

Everything You Need To Know About Google Play Refund In 2023

“How can I get a Google Play refund?” Is this something that you want to know? If your answer to this question is a YES, then you have reached the right place. You'll desire a refund for your purchase whether it's a game that doesn't function properly or an app that doesn't suit your needs. Google makes the procedure of asking for a refund comparatively simple. This blog will be helpful if you purchased one of the newest and best Android tablets, downloaded the best Android apps like crazy, then decided later that you wanted a return. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about Google Play refund… How To Get A Google Play Refund With Ease?   Image Source: We've all experienced buyer's remorse at some point, whether it was after purchasing a pair of tight pants that make you look foolish or a new television that disappointed you when it first turned on. Physical goods can simply be returned or returned to the store for a refund. However, what should you do if you wish to exchange a digital purchase? Like the one that you made last week on Google Play? Well, if you want to know how to get a refund on Google Play, then you have reached the right place. In this blog that is exactly what I am planning to explain. So, without further ado, let us get started! How To Get A Google Play Refund On Mobile?   If you want to use your smartphone or mobile to get a refund, here are a few things that you can do: Go to the Play Store page of your purchased app and tap Refund. Click Request refund in the pop-up window. After confirming the refund, you'll receive an email confirming that your refund request was processed and the funds will be refunded. How To Get A Refund For An In-App Purchase?   Image Source: If you have made an in-app purchase, there are a few things that you can do to get a Google Play refund. Take a look at these: Open the Play Store and tap your profile picture in the upper-right corner of your screen. Tap Payments & Subscriptions from the pop-up window. Tap Budget & History. Tap your purchase and tap Refund. Confirm your refund by tapping Yes on the pop-up window. How To Get A Google Play Refund After 48 Hours Of Purchase?   If it has already been more than two days since you bought the app or game, then you’re going to have to go directly to the developer to request a refund. Here are some of the things that you need to do in that case: Open the Google Play Store app. Tap the three horizontal lines at the top left to open the menu. Choose Account > Purchase History. Find the app or game you want to return and tap View. Scroll down until you find Developer Contact and tap Email. This should open a new email in your email program. Explain that you want a refund and why. It’s best to be polite and explain your reasons fully, because it’s up to the developer whether to grant the refund or not. How To Get Google Play Refunds For Movies?   Image Source: There are many similarities when it comes to the returning rules for movies, TV shows, music, and e-books in the Google Play Store. The standard consensus is that you can return any product penalty-free within a week of buying it. This will afford you a full refund, as long as you haven’t downloaded or played the item. Sadly, you can’t ask for a refund through the Google Play Store app itself, so you’ll need to use your browser. Here are some simple steps: Navigate to your Play Store account in your browser and sign in to your Google account (you may already be logged in). Scroll down to Account in the left-hand menu and click Order History from the top menu. From here, search for the content you want to return. Choose to Request a Refund. Pick the specific reason from the drop-down menu and confirm by clicking Submit. You’ll automatically receive an email about your refund request, usually within 48 hours How To Get A Google Play Refund Using Desktop Or PC?   You can also request a refund through the Google Support page on the desktop. Visit the Google Play Help section that addresses refund requests. To request a refund, click. You are then sent to a page with a link to the return policy. At the bottom of the page, click Continue. To view your most recent purchases, choose Yes and then click Continue at the bottom of the page. You receive a link and a request to sign in to the appropriate Google account after choosing No and choosing Continue. To access a confirmation page, select the item you want to be reimbursed and click Continue. Click Continue after selecting the justification for your refund request. The explanation for your cancellation is also requested on the next page. However, before the Continue button turns blue, you must enter text into a field. To finish, describe your problem and select Request a refund. Bonus: What Is The Google Play Refund Policy?   Depending on the refund policies described below, Google may give refunds for some Google Play purchases. You can also contact the developer directly. If a purchase was accidentally made by a friend or family member using your account, request a refund on the Google Play website. If you find a Google Play purchase on your card or another payment method that you didn't make and that wasn't made by anyone you know, report unauthorized charges within 120 days of the transaction. If your refund request has been approved, see how long your refund will take. Wrapping It Up!   In case you wanted to know about the Google Play refund, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! More Resources: Best Business Meeting Agenda Examples How To Plan A Successful Corporate Event? Be Safe From Google Click Fraud: Read This Blog To Know How


Tips to Make a Solid Start with Fiori Development

SAP Fiori, the all-new UX from SAP offered a new opportunity for the SAP developers. Besides allowing unprecedented access to some of the most used SAP processes, this new UX strategy for the first time will allow focus on design more than anything else. When usefulness and user engagement remains to be the primary driving factor for the majority of app development and design processes, this new UX strategy will address both these aspects of the SAP environment. The key value propositions of SAP Fiori are performance and speed, productivity and cost advantage. Before offering some experience-driven tips for SAP Fiori developers let us familiarize ourselves with few of the guiding principles concerning SAP Fiori implementation. Start from business objectives and business process Fiori is delivered by SAP to add simplicity to your business apps and thus to elevate user experience. Thanks to Fiori apps the users can gain deeper access and engage with the business processes more. It is almost a reinvention of the business process with user-friendly apps. That sounds great and quite impressive. But the main challenge remains to implement this UX as a means to add value to the business process. This is why we are focusing here so intently on implementation part. Fiori Development with a 5D Approach 5D approach consisting of Define, Discover, Design, Develop, and Deploy can play a really effective role in SAP Fiori development. Basically, this approach simplifies the entire process and helps to create focus areas. Define: In this step, you can describe the objective, your target audience and desired impact from the app. Discover: In this step, you need to find ways to simplify user experience and user interface to ensure usefulness and user satisfaction. To find out or discover such ways you can take other Fiori apps or case scenarios as the reference. Design: In this step, you need to optimize user experience with design elements. You can create wireframes and introduce visual design elements, mock-ups, etc. You can follow some best app design principles or can consult users to make navigation, layout, typography, color scheme, and content flow look better and useful. Develop: Now this is the execution step involving actual coding. In this step, you need to develop the workable version of the app and then allow integration with the back-end system. Deploy: In this step, you will deploy your Fiori app after going through extensive unit and integration testing. Useful development tips that helps to build robust apps Finally, the journey of a developer with SAP Fiori app projects will invariably have some unique learning scopes. Let us offer below some useful tips from the developer’s point of view. 1) Know SAP Fiori design guidelines Go to the website of SAP Fiori Design Guidelines and read it to understand the design principles that this UX strategy works upon. There are few design-oriented aspects that you need to remember. SAP Fiori design elements are not accidental by any means. All design attributes are deliberate in character. By making use of different design controls, patterns and filters you can achieve your desired design for the app. 2) In-depth knowledge of sap.m and sap.ui library is necessary The Fiori developers of SAP were the first customers of the UI5 toolkit that includes a sap.m library with a range of controls. For the first few Fiori apps, these first batch of SAP internal developers used these controls for app design needs. For building clean and visually engaging apps they took the building blocks from this toolkit. Till date, this toolkit along with its sam.m library and controls offer a robust pool of tools for designing Fiori apps. Besides that, there are other useful libraries like sap.ui.layout. A Fiori app is designed by visual building blocks and they are only available at sap.m library. The letter's’ stands for "mobile", referring to controls for mobile-friendly responsive design. Another extensively used and helpful library is the sap.ui.layout library which offers grid controls to develop simple and engaging app layout. To know about the sap.m library controls go to the Explored app section in the UI5 SDK and the resource will give you a clear idea of how each control works with real app examples. You can also see the codes used in each case. 3) Understanding UI5 toolkit components and routing Obviously, as a Fiori app developer, you would like to include your app in the Fiori Launchpad to allow navigation to your app from other Fiori apps. Without understanding and integrating the UI5 toolkit components and without routing, you cannot do that. UI5 components and routing allow outreach to other Fiori apps. With these two elements, you stand at par and on the same platform with other Fiori apps. 4) Get help through MVC and XML MVC technically speaking is inseparable with Fiori development. There is a wide range of implications of an MVC based development approach and all of them are good. First of all, know how the app structure is built through invisible and some screen-sized controls. Then know-how within the structure various views relate to each other. Most of the lovable SAP Fiori apps used XML for producing definitive views of their apps. Through XML you can create declarative views in a crisp, efficient and clean way. 5) Manipulating both Chrome Developer Tools and UI5 Support Tool In this new arena of SAP Fiori development, both Chrome Developer Tools along with UI5 Support Tool offer an excellent debugging option to ensure glitch-free app performance and speed. Chrome offers the most developer-friendly editing tools. Having this tool will take many of your concerns as far as meticulous monitoring and editing are concerned. Manipulating Chrome Developer tools with support tools of UI5 can ensure superb development and consistent debugging and trace features. 6) Gain expertise in data binding Data binding is the specialty that allows frontend meeting the backend of an app. To master this skill set you need to focus on a few aspects. Let us have a look at them. Know the nuances in an object. Understand property and aggregation bindings. Understand and learn the intricacies of complex embedded binding syntax. Learn to specify factory functions, sorting, filtering, grouping, formatting, etc. 7) Learn from other Fiori apps Finally, it can be revealed to study other Fiori apps and the design practices they adhered to. Though it may sound generic, it actually works as an eye-opener and helps you learn things that you cannot learn otherwise. Learning from existing app instances, you can gain insights on the best practices and the aspects that you still need to master. Often by looking at other people’s code, you come across solutions that were otherwise invisible.