Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work

Published on: 10 November 2018 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024
Using Project Management to Maximize the Holiday Season at Work

Holidays are a stressful time for all of us. You are pushed and pulled to the limits to get everything done before the festivities can begin. This constant stress can push you to the limits at work, especially as you try to juggle multiple tasks before the year comes to a close.

Project management is the ideal way to gain control over your work responsibilities. The ability to manage your projects judicially will help you prioritize and complete what needs to be done before the holidays start.

No matter what the task is at hand, you can use project management skills to advance the progress at work while reaping the rewards of your time off during the holiday season.

Define the Scope of Every Project You Are Handed:

For starters, you need to look at the full scope of every project that comes your way now as well as into the future. This means that you have to decide if you have the time or the resources to complete what the project will require.

It can be tempting to jump in head first without fully understanding what you are getting yourself into. You need to stop and think before you start and determine if the project is really possible. Saying no to projects that will cause you more headaches than necessary is all right. Don’t beat yourself up over it as you have looked at the full scope of the project at this point and decided that the parameters are beyond your control.

Go Digital with Your Business Operations:

One of the easiest ways to make your projects go off without a hitch during the holiday season is to adopt a digital system. Papers are messy. They get lost and are no way to operate in this day and age. Take the time to evaluate a platform that will do it all for you.

There is a myriad of apps available today that can delegate and prioritize everything that needs to be done each day. These automatic systems will give you the time you need to focus on more pressing tasks and help you to maximize your day without forgetting an important detail or nuance.

Business Operations

Utilize Your Team and All of Their Skills:

Now that you have a digital system in place and you have defined exactly what needs to be done for an upcoming project, you need to get your team onboard. Assess where each member of your department can help you the most. Utilize their skills to your advantage to get the project done before the holidays hit.

You need everyone’s help at this point in the year, and most employees will be grateful to lend the helping hand. Taking on all the responsibilities of the office is not a wise way to manage your time. Get the help you need and do not be afraid to delegate. You too want some time off this holiday season.

Create a Plan That Works and Fits Your Timeline:

With everyone at the ready to help you with your projects, you need to develop a strong plan that will fit the timeframe you have left for the year. Think about every step of the project and the amount of time it will take to complete it. Can it be done in the time you have available? If you answered with a resounding “yes” you are ready to move forward and commence the project.

If you are unsure that it can be done, don’t take the risk. You will only disappoint others and end up with an unsatisfied client. Be upfront about how long a project will take and establish a friendlier timeline that will work for everyone involved in the project.

Access the Risk and Execute:

By now you are gung-ho on getting your project going, but you need to heed a little caution to make sure that you have thought about all the risks that could potentially occur. You may wind up over budget or exceed the time capacity you have outlined. Think about these considerations before you execute the project, so you are prepared to handle anything that comes your way.

With a little bit of patience and some forethought, you can avoid pitfalls that many projects succumb to over the holidays. Knowing in advance what can go wrong will help you ready for any issues that could crop up. When you are sure, you have thought of everything move forward with the project execution.

Close Out Your Project Before the End of the Year:

Now’s the time to get moving on your project. Time is of the essence, but you have utilized your project management skills to make the most of the time available before the holiday season gets here. Do not stall or procrastinate on your projects as this will only cause you to worry as you try to relax and have some fun over the holiday season.

Using these tips can help you close out those pressing projects before the festivities start. You will be able to leave the office behind and find that the project management skills you have put in place now will help you in the coming year.

You can make a difference in how you complete your projects and reduce the stress that befalls many during the holidays. So, get moving on your projects now and get ready to enjoy the holidays without work hanging over your head.

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13 Things To Consider When Choosing Fonts For Sales Posts

So you're writing a sales post, or want to? You've likely already considered the content of your article, but have you considered the fonts you choose to use? You can use beyond infinity font to create very good-looking designs for your projects. If not, here are some points that might help. 1) Make Sure They're Readable This is pretty self-explanatory, and I think we're all familiar with the idea. Nobody wants to read huge blocks of text that they can't even distinguish between letters, much fewer words, and sentences. 2) Be Careful About Using Too Many Fonts, Or Really Big Ones If you've got a whole different font in every paragraph (or worse: every sentence), it's going to be a headache for your reader. It's also going to look a bit ridiculous, especially if the fonts don't fit together prettily. 3) Stick With Popular Ones You may think having an artistic license to use whatever font you like is cool, but just remember that most people will want something accessible and easy to read. As a general rule, opt for ones you'd see in a novel or news site over the kinds you'd find in a video game or comic book. 4) Fonts That Fit Together Well Look Good This is one of the most important things to consider, and it may require a bit of experimenting. There are plenty of resources out there if you want to get started with choosing text fonts. 5) Serif Vs. Sans-Serif Fonts Can Be Tricky But Can Also Add A Stylish Flair Yes, there's no such thing as 'wrong' when it comes to using fonts (except maybe the ones I've mentioned in point 3), and you can get creative with this area of your posts too! One way is to go with serif or sans-serif fonts for your entire post, but another way is to mix the two, perhaps by using a serif font for larger titles and sans-serif for smaller ones. 6) Keep In Mind That Some Might Not Be Able To Read Certain Fonts This isn't something that I've personally experienced, but some folks have trouble reading fonts that contain a lot of curves and slants, such as cursive-type ones. Not a biggie if it's just your boss or professor you're sending the post to, but if it's going out to a large audience then it might be something to keep in mind! 7) Overusing Certain Fonts Can Be Annoying I do this too sometimes-- use a font or color that I like way more than I should, resulting in my having to re-do the post later on. It's not professional looking and it's hard for readers to focus on what you're saying when they're distracted by the pretty colors and fonts. Keep this in mind if you decide to use anything aside from the ones I've mentioned. 8) Use Them Sparingly You don't want to go overboard, even if you do it by mixing serifs and sans-serif fonts or using different fonts for titles/chapter headings etc. Like I said above, even though there are no 'wrong' fonts to use, you should still keep in mind what you want the post to convey. Be consistent, but also consider giving yourself some room for spontaneity/creativity! 9) Make Sure They're All Legible And Easy On The Eyes I know this is a repeat of 1, but it's worth reiterating-- not everybody wants to read everything in Impact. There are plenty of options out there, so test them out and see which ones work best. 10) Serif Fonts Could Also Be Helpful For Certain Audiences Kinda similar to the point I mentioned above, serif fonts are often considered easier to read for larger chunks of text (like novels). It may not hurt to use a serif font in your article if you're concerned that some people might have a hard time reading it! Whether it’s serif, sans serif, or script fonts you’re looking for, CreativeMarket has it for you. 11) Make Sure The Fonts And Colors You Choose Don't Clash This can be a really difficult thing to avoid and is often more of an art than a science. I usually try to look for styles that go together but aren't necessarily matching (think pastels vs. neons). Remember that text color can also influence how easy it is to read your fonts, so try to keep that in mind as well! 12) Leave Readers With A Good Impression This is probably what you're all thinking about regarding fonts, and it's totally true- the last thing you want to do is leave your reader feeling negative about your post or article because of something as 'small' as the text! It can be really difficult to achieve this sometimes but considering these points should help ease your mind. 13) Last But Not Least: Proofread! There's nothing that screams unprofessionalism more than a few typos or random letters scattered about your post. You may think this doesn't apply to you because it seems like such a small thing, but having your post read well is just as important as how it looks! Final Note The points above are just helpful guidelines. There's nothing wrong with using fonts that don't fall into any of the categories I mentioned here; it might even be what you're going for! The take-away point is simply to consider how your readers will perceive the text, and whether it should be kept, reworded, or scrapped. Read Also: 5 Ways to Prepare for Black Friday Sales Top User Tips For Getting Started With Salesforce


What Is Intrapreneurship? Definition, Meaning, Development, Challenges

Intrapreneurship is a trend in corporations these days. Large multinationals across the world are adopting the intrapreneurial model to ensure business development is happening seamlessly. On the one hand, it has its own perks while it’s embedded with challenges on the other. Wanna learn more about Intrapreneurship? Then scroll down and give the below sections a thorough read. What Is Intrapreneurship - Definition, And Meaning Let’s start detailing about it through a clear and compact Intrapreneurship definition. The term basically refers to the system allowing the employees of an organization to act like entrepreneurs. Intrapreneurs are proactive, self-motivated, and action-oriented people taking the initiative to pursue an innovative service or product. They agree on a common fact, and what’s that? “He knows that failure does not have a personal cost as it does for an entrepreneur since the organization absorbs losses that arise from failure.” To be very precise, intrapreneurship is just a step away from entrepreneurship. Wondering why? It’s because they can use what they have learned as part of a team to develop their own business. Types Of Intrapreneurship It was Lipptiz and Wolcott who prepared a pretty helpful taxonomy consisting of four generic intrapreneurship models. This could be differentiated into two specific dimensions. Organizational Ownership: Who has the primary authority for creating a new business within an organization. Resource Authority: A pot of money/resources/new business concepts every intrapreneur has. These two together generate 2*2 matrix including: 1. Opportunist The business has zero deliberate approaches to corporate intrapreneurship. All the external and internal networks drive resource allocation and concept selection here. 2. Enabler The organization provides senior executive focus and funding to the prospective projects. One prominent example of Enabler intrapreneurs is Google. If you want, you can learn more about it by going through a course for executive development in Singapore. 3. Advocate The advocates on the other hand strongly proselytize for corporate entrepreneurship. However, the business units in this case provide all the needed primary funding. 4. Producer Producers establish and support a full-service group. Here, there’s supposed to be a mandate for corporate entrepreneurship. How To Develop Intrapreneurs? A study from the University of Phoenix analyzed that 93% of adults think that they possess some entrepreneurial qualities.  Also, more than 50% say their organizations allow them to think and act like an entrepreneur. But how do they manage to do that? Well, here are some ways to nurture the intrapreneurship mindset among the employees: 1. Empower Them Empowered employees are valuable assets of any organization. It’s because they directly affect organizational performance. So it’s necessary to drive innovative thoughts by empowering the employees for solving problems, making decisions, and changing the projects. 2. Prioritize The Employee Relationships Employee relationship is that magic wand, waving which can bring the best results to any business. Oftentimes, the best ideas spark during an enjoyable interaction or good conversation. Having positive working relationships, therefore, improves team bonding. 3. Encourage The Employees To Enlarge Their Scope Of Work Stepping outside the comfort zone at work could be one of the best strategies to make them step outside their scope of work. Working on the same tasks every day can turn them to be less productive. 4. Conduct Useful Brainstorming Strategies Hosting brainstorming sessions for addressing organizational challenges can help encourage creative thinking. So, meet with employees frequently and conduct brainstorming sessions to ensure the strategies are well aligned. 5. Emphasize Individuality The work environment is a large factor to inspire people. However, not every workplace inspires every employee. As a result, a correct evaluation of the individual choices and catering to them is crucial. Challenges Involved Running a startup within the limitations of a parent organization is quite tricky. The concept and dynamics of intrapreneurship is around for quite a long time, but certain challenges are also involved in it: 1. Leadership Conflicts With respect to intrapreneurship, there are always multiple CEOs, at least 2 - the intrapreneur, and the actual CEO. When multiple CEOs or leaders are formed, conflicts start seeping in terms of priorities and strategies. 2. Strategy Conflicts Intrapreneurs generally start out by identification of previously or new missed opportunities for the main business body. Hence, issues in strategic alignment between the organization and the entrepreneur are quite common. 3. Resource Conflicts The intrapreneurial companies often face issues regarding capitalization as they are funded from corporate cash flows. This is great; no offense, however, introduces uncertainties outside the intrapreneur’s control. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Does Intrapreneurship Mean? Intrapreneurship is behaving like an entrepreneur amidst an established business entity. It’s basically creating a new venture or business within an organization. 2. What Is The Difference Between Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship? While an entrepreneur runs their own companies they have full freedom and responsibility for it. On the other hand, the intrapreneur is accountable for innovation within an actively running business. 3. Who Are Netpreneurs? Netpreneurs are people who deliver all the services or products over and over the digital networks. This basically means a very small start-up that’s completely internet-based without any physical office. 4. What Are The 3 Key Pillars Of Intrapreneurship? The dimensions of intrapreneurship are divided into 3 core pillars. These are as follows:1. Structure2. Management 3. Agents Finishing In This Way… That’s all we had to say about Corporate Intrapreneurship.  I hope you got that it’s a little quirky concept, and not every organization around the world is capable of adopting this. The implementation is also a bit critical, but if the model remains on the right track, it will deliver good results to any business. Getting any thoughts? Let me know in the comments section below.

Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs

How Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs Are Changing The World

If you have been following the news and are tuned to social media, you might have come across billionaires pledging sizable fortunes to charity. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and others have pledged to donate more than half their wealth to improving the condition of the less fortunate in society. You will know about how Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs are changing the world in this article. Entrepreneurship is not only about working hard and earning millions, but it is also about feeling good about doing something valuable. Yes, you might get satisfaction from buying supercars and private yachts. However, beyond a point, all those things fail to excite you. In this article, we will look at what entrepreneurs are doing to change their society, one step at a time. We will also discuss some lesser-known entrepreneurs who are silently engaging in meaningful philanthropy. Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy: Relationship The trend of entrepreneurs giving back to society is not a new phenomenon. America’s old billionaires like Rockefeller and Carnegie were famous for donating huge fortunes to uplift the deprived sections of society. Owning and distributing is one of the key tenets of philanthropy. Entrepreneurs know that they have benefitted greatly from the society that has allowed them to succeed. They also realize that giving back to society has a spiritual and otherworldly connotation to existence. You might see some of the top CEOs and Founders talk about meditating early morning and believing in things like ‘Karma’. In simplistic terms, it might be about feeling good about yourself. It can also be about not feeling guilty about enjoying some of the best things that money can buy. Most of the entrepreneurs are not from lineage. They are first-generation success stories. They have seen their parents struggle when it comes to food, health, education, and other middle-class challenges. Their sense of social responsibility to philanthropy stems from their humble background and origin stories. According to Forbes, philanthropy is about solving social problems that can help establish large enterprises. It needs disruptive ideation, innovative insights and a real zeal to engineer change. Entrepreneurs are famous for exhibiting the just-mentioned qualities. Entrepreneurs making a real difference to Philanthropy: While news stories about Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs doing the rounds usually concern themselves with big billionaires, many others are doing just as much. In recent years, entrepreneurs like Matt Redhawk are trying to benefit society in multiple ways. Matt Redhawk dons many hats. He is a writer, entrepreneur, producer, writer, and mentor. He is also a philanthropist who likes staying away from all the publicity. His publication, ‘Drought and Dreams: Stories of Resilience During America’s Darkest Time’ provides fascinating insights about American families and their struggles during periods like depression. However, the best thing about people like Matt Redhawk is the way they are inspiring similar entrepreneurs to follow a similar path. Conclusion Entrepreneurship and philanthropy should be considered as a journey, rather than a destination. Rather than considering it as a goal in itself, people should think of it as a continuous process. With so much strive, struggle and destitution, everyone should definitely do their bit in alleviating the situation in their immediate society. In this article, we looked at the intricate and varied relationships between Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs. We also looked at how entrepreneurs like Matt Redhawk are trying to change the world, one small step at a time. If you know of similar entrepreneurs, pleas mention them in the comments section below, You can also email this article to your entrepreneur friends to inspire them to take up the path of giving. Read Also: 7 Startup Ideas For Young Entrepreneurs Courses For Entrepreneurs Are Worth It – Here’s Why Green Business Opportunities For Eco-Entrepreneurs