How to Retain Your Top Employees While Growing Your Business

Published on: 27 December 2018 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Top Employees

Being the CEO of any business enterprise usually requires you to wear lots of different hats — one minute you are in charge of marketing, followed by accounting, and then customer service after lunch. However, the role that most entrepreneurs tend to struggle with above all others is hiring. The hiring process can be tedious and time-consuming, so once you have found the right person for the job it is imperative that you can retain their services for as long as possible. Of course, when you are trying to run a business, this is often easier said than done. Luckily, Victor Mitchell has listed some things that you can do to incentivize your best employees to stick around, such as:


As an entrepreneur, it is extremely easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the average work week. Before you know it, you have made it all the way to Friday, and you have barely spoken to your employees at all during the week. However, if you want to retain your best employees, you need to make a conscious effort to take some time out of your day to speak with them and let them know that they are doing a good job. A simple pat on the back can go a long way. You can even arrange a larger quarterly or annual awards ceremony where you hand out some certificates or trophies for added recognition.


Though employees and employers alike often try to ignore the issue, money is always going to be one of the main reasons why a person might decide to join or leave a company. This does not mean that you need to pay your employees way over market value to retain them, but it does mean that you should at least make sure that they are receiving a fair compensation package relative to the work they are doing. Markets shift and employees learn new skills, so make sure that their compensation package reflects their real value or they may begin to look elsewhere.


For many skilled positions, it isn’t necessary for the employee to be sitting at their desk in the office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As such, your employees are likely to be appreciative of a little flexibility when it comes to their work schedule. You could allow them to work from home occasionally, or will enable them to create their work schedule (within set parameters). Your employees are likely to find it difficult to replicate this kind of flexibility at another workplace, so they will be much more likely to want to stay in their current jobs instead.

Of course, it is important to remember that employee retention is an art, not a science. This means that you will ideally take the time to get to know the specific needs and desires of your employees before launching any retention initiatives. After all, there is little point in offering a raise to an employee who wants to be able to work from home more often. However, by speaking to your employees about their preferences and employing some of the tips contained in this article, you will find that your best employees are much happier and willing to stick around for much longer.

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Pop-Up Event

Creative Pop-Up Event Ideas for Your Business

As a marketer, you probably spend a lot of time trying to nail down abstract concepts to promote your brand. However, have you ever sat down to think about pop-up events? In a word, they can create a buzz in your marketing efforts if executed properly. This article introduces you to creative pop-up event ideas. When implemented with pomp and color, the ideas enable your customers to get up-close and personal with your brand. What is a Pop-Up Event? Pop-up events are temporary events, conferences, parties, or experiences that span a host of creative outputs. Examples of such events are pop-up dining events, a subcategory of their own. Additionally, spontaneous cooking contests, supper clubs, and speakeasies are other examples that attract attendees in large numbers. Pop-up event planning is a big industry worth more than $10 billion in sales. In reality, a 2018 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services survey showed that 93% of business executives prioritize hosting events. Fortunately, the events aren't only for large organizations but also small businesses. With this in mind, it's also crucial that you carefully choose the location of your pop-up event for a lasting impression. Depending on what suits your business best, you could rent a commercial kitchen, private cafes, storefront, cabana, theatre, or mansion. However, ensure to obtain the necessary municipal requirements like permits and licenses. Executing Your Pop-Up Event Ideas Next, put these creative pop-up shop ideas into use to pull the event off successfully: 1. Hire On-Brand Decor Your customers know your brand’s design through your website. As such, it’d help if you keep the decor of your pop-up event similar to your site's. Check with your local event-decor rental companies for on-brand decor. It'll be a bonus point if the decorations are photogenic to make it easy for your guests to post them on social media. 2. Ensure Your Pop-Up Event is Goal-Specific One of the significant factors for any pop-up event is having a crystal clear goal. Consequently, you'll be in a better position to choose the venue, creative design, and have metrics for measuring the event's success. For instance, your goal could be to: Conduct market research Provide your customers with an experience they'll gladly pay for through a product launch. Attract new customers Increase brand or product awareness Promote collaboration with the local community However, you could delve even further into the intricate details of the overall goal. As an illustration, consider the Japanese company Dohtonbori, known for its Okonomiyaki dish. This is a pancake the company makes from organic vegetables. Unfortunately, most of its customers didn’t know this. In order to promote itself as a healthy fast food company, it opened a pop-up shop in a Tokyo neighborhood. It then positioned itself as a "Fast Food Aid" stop, with the staff dressed in pharmacist white. They would then accept fast food receipts and exchange them for pill vials comprising crucial nutrients missing from most fast foods. On the temporary retail space walls were huge clear tubes holding a year's supply of supplements. Overall, the aim was to show customers the number of nutrients they don't get from other fast foods, but they're present in Dohtonbori’s offerings. Later, the company posted the short film on YouTube, attracting over a million views within the first few days. While the company sold nothing in the pop-up shop, the message was loud, clear, memorable, and effective. Traffic at this company increased by 125%. 3. Use Digital Signage to Attract More Customers Whatever venue you choose for your pop-up event, consider incorporating digital signage as one of your pop-up event ideas. Markedly, digital signage marketing is a trend that effortlessly enhances your marketing efforts. A Mood Media survey showed that 68% of shoppers are highly likely to purchase a product marketed through digital signage. Another 44% of the respondents said digital signage ads would draw them towards the promoted product instead of the one they initially intended to buy. With this in mind, it’s no wonder that you should use digital signage in your pop-up party. Its benefits include: Setting the tone by using attractive signage content to enhance the ambiance of your pop-up stores Promoting and enhancing brand awareness by immersing your customers in your brand's values. You can uniquely use one screen to display hundreds of images or branding elements. Boosting location-specific sales and offers, allowing for more control and flexibility over the content you display. Creating an interactive and memorable experience through digital signage apps like social walls. For example, your pop-up store visitors can post on social media platforms like Instagram. Then, display their posts on your digital display screens to boost customer engagement. Final Thoughts Holding a successful pop-up party is a matter of putting creative pop-up event ideas into use. With some planning, proper logistics, and much preparation, you can hold an event that your customers will never forget. Besides, it could be the one that spreads word and interest about your brand, bringing in more customers. Additional Reading: Creative Marketing Strategies to Put Your Small Translation Business Lucrative Business Ideas to start Near Water Bodies Six Low-Investment Business Ideas You Can Start Today


5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD)

Many characters have learned of a compound described as THC, which is the component in marijuana that makes users what they call "high." But lately, awareness has moved to a different mixture of marijuana named CBD and for real logic. While physicians can't appear to see past particular consequences of THC, CBD nugs do not seem to impersonate that dilemma, while data of CBD's therapeutic advantages remains to improve. Presenting you with five factors that you should apprehend about this individual composite: Here are 5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD): 1. CBD is a fundamental component in cannabis CBD is an example of over 60 mixtures observed in cannabis that apply to a group of particles named cannabinoids. Of those mixtures, CBD and THC are present in the raised concentrations and are consequently the endless known and analyzed. CBD and THC planes direct to differ between various flowers. Marijuana produced for recreational goals usually includes more THC than CBD. Nevertheless, by utilizing particular breeding systems, cannabis growers have maintained to produce families with high planes of CBD and close to zero planes of THC. Those strains are unique but have grown more common in late years. 2. CBD is non-psychoactive Juul CBD pods do not produce what they call high. Although this presents CBD as a bad option for recreational users, it provides the element a meaningful benefit as a medication, because wellness experts favor therapies with minimum outcomes. CBD is non-psychoactive due to the fact that it does not operate on the related pathways of the THC compound. Those pathways, named CB1 receptors, are extremely concentrated in the cerebrum and are liable for the brain-altering consequences of THC. A 2010 survey announced in Modern Drug Security reasons that CBD "does not differentiate between various psychomotor and mental capacities." The writers append that many investigations imply that CBD is "well endured and supported" even at high dosages. 3. CBD has a wide range of medical Benefits Though CBD and THC perform on various pathways of the physical body, they appear to hold several of the corresponding therapeutic advantages. According to a 2012 study printed in the Clinical Pharmacology, investigations have determined CBD to hold the subsequent medicinal qualities: Antiemetic: Decreases illness and nausea Anticonvulsant: Contains spasms activity Antipsychotic: Battles psychosis ailments Anti-inflammatory: Combats swelling ailments Anti-oxidant: Combats neurodegenerative sicknesses Anti-tumoral/Anti-cancer: Combats swelling and cancer cells Anxiolytic/Anti-depressant: Fights stress and anxiety disorders Sadly, most of this data originates from creatures, because very rare thoughts on CBD have moved out in individual patients. But a pharmaceutical report of CBD was newly produced by a narcotic business sordid in the United Kingdom. The company, Pharmaceuticals, is presently supporting clinical tests on CBD as a therapy for schizophrenia and specific models of epilepsy. Furthermore, a pair of investigators at the California Healing Center, directed by Dr. McAllister, has declared that both expect to start tests on CBD as a breast ailment treatment. 4. CBD reduces the negative effects of THC CBDistillery gummies appear to give reasonable security for the marijuana effect. Various investigations imply that CBD works to overcome the intoxicating results of THC, such as mind impairment and fear. CBD also seems to prevent the rest, causing impacts of THC, which may reveal why unusual strains of cannabis are associated with enhancing sharpness. Both CBD and THC have survived to display no chance of fatal overtreatment. Yet, to decrease possible consequences, medicinal users could be greater off utilizing cannabis with greater levels of CBD. 5. CBD is still illegal Though CBD displays much hope as a medication, it continues to be illegal in various sectors of the nation. CBD is listed as a Schedule I narcotic in the US and a Schedule II narcotic in Canada. On the day of Dec. 13, 2016, the United States DEA performed it obvious that all marijuana-based infusion is deemed a Schedule I sedate below the national law, containing CBD oils and additional samples of CBD extracts. On a side note, the United States FDA newly signed a petition to claim a pharmaceutical variant of CBD in kids with unusual models of epilepsy. The narcotic is produced by Pharmaceuticals and is given the name Epidiolex. According to the organization, the narcotic holds more than 98% CBD, minimum numbers of any additional cannabinoids, and 0% THC. GW medications perform different cannabis-based medications named Sativex that have been established in over twenty-four nations for managing various sclerosis. Read Also: How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives


Why Automation of The Procure-to-Pay Cycle Is Critical?

Organizations across the world are facing the brunt of rising commodity prices and increasing procurement costs. Executives are hard-pressed to make a tangible difference to supply chain profits. But cost-cutting is adversely affecting investment decisions and chances of expansion across the board. Read further to know the top Reasons Why the Automation of the Procure-to-Pay Cycle Is Critical. Technology enables companies to look offshore for cheaper resources and raw materials. Procurement has become a more important process than it had been before and geographical boundaries to availability are diminishing. The procure-to-pay cycle is considered a crucial strategic operation, in which expenses need to be closely monitored. 10 Reasons Why Automation of Procure-to-Pay Cycle Is Critical Organizations need a comprehensive approach by which operations are aligned to lower procurement costs. Every department needs to be made accountable for its costs and effective use of assets. This is only possible through automation, which includes monitoring of requirements and expense optimization. It helps to procure the assets at competitive prices. Automation of your procure-to-pay cycle can bring immense benefits to minimal investments. Here are 10 of them. 1. Save time Automation means faster cycle times. An Aberdeen Group report found that organizations that have implemented e-procurement initiatives have halved their transaction cycle time. This means faster order processing, instant approvals, and better decision-making. The future belongs to organizations that have automated systems, as speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of procurement solutions provide a competitive edge in the market. 2. Save money Big savings are now possible with manual procurement fading into the future. Shortened procurement and fulfillment cycles reduce administrative costs and improve staff productivity. Employees can use their time more strategically instead of pen-pushing. Consolidation of orders from different departments results in manifold advantages like decreased cost per transaction, reduced maverick spend, increased negotiation power, and volume discounts. 3. Reduce errors Automation ensures better accuracy. Multiple receipts, documents, and bills are no longer in the picture as vendors log in their quotes and departments key in their requirements. Endless matching and re-submission of documents are no more the order of the day. Clerical errors are minimized and you can identify the best and worst-performing assets and other variables to plan for the future. 5. Be compliant Automated procure-to-pay solutions ensured standardized procurement practices, pre-negotiated pricing and real-time data that ensures compliance. Maverick spending comes down to zero as procurement managers look out to established vendors who provide better prices than the rest. Standardized equipment and products are bought only from vendors that ensure compliance across the board. 5. Improve negotiations Large volumes are open invitations for vendors who can provide discounts and still get better profit margins. When there is the consolidation of requirements from different departments, procurement managers and executives are better placed to negotiate stronger terms that deliver profits. 6. Get vendor visibility Automated procure-to-pay solutions provide better visibility to the procurement process and ensure single-window clearance. Vendors do not need to meet multiple stakeholders and fill up diverse forms just to quote the price. All they have to do is log in to the cloud-based system and fill up the electronic forms. 7. Be better informed Procurement policies can easily be accessed and any deviations can be instantly red-flagged. Executives, vendors, and agencies just need to access the procure-to-pay system for clarification about the process and polices to ensure compliance. 8. Communicate completely Procurement communication is never blocked as every transaction leaves an audit trail. The information that can be accessed immediately upon authorization and the entire pipeline is better managed. 9. Enhance control Executives and managers have access to real-time business data that can instantly refer to the financial health of their organizations. With automated procure-to-pay solutions, you can access all spending with the click of a mouse. Minute information that can change purchase decisions for the betterment of the company is available. Detailed control of the process helps limit spending and stick to the budget. 10. Gain the competitive edge Reduced costs, increased accuracy, better control, and transparency give you a smart, streamlined, resourceful supply chain. The smarter purchasing decisions boil down to better financial health that can give you a competitive edge in the market. Automation helps you to build a smarter procure-to-pay system. It is imperative that organizations move on from cumbersome manual operations to cloud-based automation systems to streamline their supply chain and procurement processes. Expensing platforms are easy to use and adaptable automated systems which facilitate procurement, invoicing, and expense management. With Expensing procure-to-pay systems, the procurement process becomes better streamlined, with faster cycle times and better control and visibility. Image Credit: Read Also:  Reasons to Support Nonprofit Organizations That Help Save the Environment How To Choose A Practice Management Software For Your Law Firm