4 Ways To Bring A New Look To Your Home


24 January 2023

Home Improvement

Your Home

One of the best ways of boosting your mood when you are at home is by changing up the décor. A fresh space, even if it’s the same home, can help you feel more relaxed and give you a greater sense of peace. Many believe restyling a home is expensive, but it doesn’t have to cost a lot. The key is to spend money in areas that count.

Install a Home Lift

Home Lift

Bringing a new look into your home doesn’t have to mean bringing in impractical décor. In fact, some of the best things to add are both functional and stylish. A home lift allows you to move between floors with ease, and today’s lifts also come in many different styles, so you can find something to go with any home. The right domestic lifts UK business can help you choose something stylish.

Change Up Your Bookshelves

Bookshelves can add a lot of personality and color to your room, and they also offer insights into your personality. Still, getting everything into a pleasing arrangement can be harder than it sounds. You’ll want to start by picking out the books you know you will want on your shelf. Consider skipping those with tattered covers. They can be stored out of sight, like in a basement. If there are dust jackets, consider removing those for a more classic look.

Create a mix of horizontal and vertical rows of books and leave room between these stacks for another décor. Place stacks on different areas, such as the middle or left. You can then mix in eye-catching accessories, such as candlesticks, vases, or sculptures. You can use these items to hold up stacks of books if they are sturdy enough. Some items can be by themselves, and others can be grouped together for a pleasing look. Small items can even go on top of horizontal stacks of books.

Rethink Your Art

Rethink Your Art

If you have had the same art on your walls for decades, it might be time to refresh it. Take some time to go through what you have on the walls and see what can be moved around. Have a room in mind and go through the house to see what might work for that specific room.

It’s easy to get so used to the art on your walls that you no longer notice it. Moving things around helps make your home look luxurious and also helps you appreciate the pieces even more.

Change the Look of Your Furniture

Your Furniture

You don’t have to buy new pieces of furniture to get a new look. Investing a bit of energy and time allows you to give your home a new look. As you move pieces around, consider what you can do without. Having fewer pieces is often more, and a smaller collection makes the room feel bigger since there will be more open space.

Consider putting pieces around the perimeter of the room instead of the middle of the room, as items in the middle can visually cut the space in half. Redecorating is just as much about taking away pieces as it is about adding new ones.


Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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Cleaning Helps

How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better and Why We Don’t Do It

From the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to bed, your days are filled with mostly routine stuff with preferably less out of the blue moments that force you to leave your comfort zone. No matter what you expect or hope to do this day, it is very important to have a plan and be organized, to set small task you know that can be done, and feel satisfied and happy afterward. This sort of task-reward plan helps you feel more in control over your life and more confident to try different stuff. No matter how good it feels, people easily fall out of that habit and return to their aimless daily grind. We talked to guys at Happy Cleans to try to understand how cleaning, as a form of organization, can make us feel better. Hoarding: It is in our society’s DNA to continuously buy and consume products. We just want more stuff and we don’t really care if there’s enough room at home or if that particular item is really necessary. One day you realize that you are surrounded by a bunch of stuff you don’t know what to do with, yet there’s this emotional attachment that just won’t let you let go. You feel relieved when you get rid of things you no longer need because cleaning has therapeutic properties as well. Maybe it’s an old vase that’s been sitting in the corner gathering dust, boxes of old magazines, or old clothes you haven’t touched in years. Whatever it is and however you choose to dispose of it all, there is always the feeling of a restart. You’d be giving your home, and indirectly yourself, a fresh start and more room to breathe. Lack of time: This is the most common excuse people grasp for when facing their filthy home when they leave for work in the morning. Cleaning is not an easy task. It takes a decent amount of time and energy, but excusing yourself with the lack of time is not the solution you are looking for. Work, family, hobbies, these are all prioritized over cleaning, but being well organized by spending an hour, thirty minutes or less every day doing some cleaning, will show great results and the feeling of accomplishment of working towards a clear goal every day will help reduce stress and make you feel better about yourself. Laziness: It’s a great feeling when you are finally able to sit down in your clean home and just enjoy the sight. Don’t let that wave of good emotions trick you into remembering old habits. Before you notice, your home will return to that undesired state of neglect you worked so hard to change. What you can do is just keep the trend of doing less cleaning but more frequently. This should be your new routine, you could also start doing dishes right after a meal or not leave dirty socks on the floor to camp for a few days, etc. Don’t fall into passive state where you feel like you keep hitting a wall, so you choose to rather not do anything. Start with your home, the energy you spend there will boost your physical and mental health. This flow of positive energy will come in handy when dealing with the rest of your daily tasks and smile about it, which consequently means that you’d be eager to do some more cleaning and feel rewarded for your effort. It’s a circle of positive energy and a way forward. Read Also: 6 Tips For Keeping Your Home Clean (With Pets And Kids) Home Hacks: Stuff You Can Clean In One Hour Or Less Feature Image: Source

Air Conditioning Costs

How To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer

For most people, summer is the most joyful of all seasons. There’s something precious about those warm evenings, whole days spent swimming, and enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, summer’s not all sunshine and flowers. As a lot of homeowners know, during the summertime our bill tends to spike as our air conditioning costs keep piling up. But what if you could cut those costs by as much as half. In a lot of cases, high AC costs are the result of improper maintenance and malfunctioning AC systems. The experts at Howell’s were kind enough to share a few useful tips that can help you save this cooling season. Look For Leaks In The Ducts If your cooling bills unexpectedly start to spike, there could be a technical issue behind it. Central AC systems use ductwork to deliver any cooled air throughout your home. However, as they age ducts become more susceptible to tears and fissures. This not only makes the AC less efficient but demands more power to keep the required temperature levels in your home. This is usually the main reason behind increased energy bills. If you haven’t inspected your ductwork in a while and are paying more than usual, have a professional determine whether leaks in the ductwork are to blame. Replace Your Air Filter One of the things homeowners are most likely to forget about is the air filters in their AC systems. When is the last time you replaced or at least cleaned your filter? If your answer is “I don’t remember” now is the right time to do so. A clogged filter may make your air conditioner less effective as it struggles to push the cooled air through the filter. This will likely result in an increased energy bill, but poor air quality as well. If you want to keep your energy bill low, make a habit of replacing your air filter at least once every two months. If you are not sure how to do this, you can always hire a professional. Have A Professional Tune-Up Another often neglected part of owning an AC system is having regular inspections and tune-ups. With a professional tune-up at least twice a year you can be sure your AC will be up to standards and working properly. This way you won’t spend a cent more than you need to in order to enjoy the comfort in your home. A tune-up entails a professional testing every component of the system to make sure everything is working in harmony. If any part of the AC system is malfunctioning, professionals can detect this early and prevent expensive repairs down the line. Finally, they will clean the entire system, replace the filters, and offer valuable advice on proper AC maintenance. Having your AC system running at optimal conditions is perhaps the best way to ensure that you don’t end up spending more money on it than necessary. As the old adage goes, sometimes you gotta spend money to make money; well, in this case, save money. Read Also: Things to Consider Before Relocating the Outdoor AC Unit AC Repair Austin: Tips on How to Choose an AC Unit 13 Ways to Maintain the Coolness of Your Air Condition Unit

monthly home maintenance checklist

Winter is Going! A Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist to Get You Ready for Spring

Are you going over your monthly home maintenance checklist? It’s time to move the clocks ahead an hour and get ready for spring. That means that it’s time for spring cleaning, organizing, and getting your house ready to enjoy during the summer. Your home took a beating over the harsh winter months. You want to make sure that your home is properly maintained and ready to go during the spring. Read on to find out the top things to do to maintain your home. Check Your Roof & Gutters: Your monthly home maintenance checklist will start at the top of your home. You’ll need to take a look at your roof and your gutters. Your roof was likely subjected to strong winter storms, which can cause your roof shingles to break off and deteriorate. You’ll want to look for missing or cracked shingles. If you find them, get them repaired as soon as you can. These things can make your roof vulnerable to more damage and can cause leaks inside your home. With your gutters, you want to make sure that they’re ready for the Spring rains. Look for any blockages and remove them. You’ll also want to make sure that your gutters are draining water away from your home properly. Look for Trees Around Your Home: You’ll also want to evaluate the trees that surround your home. They also take a beating during the winter and cause costly damage to homes. Take the time to look at the trees and notice if there is any potential for a tree to damage your home or wires. If you notice the potential, get it taken care of right away. It is important that when you are looking to remove certain overgrown branches you should hire in experts like Riverside professional arborists. Tree cutting is a highly specialised and dangerous activity. This is why homeowners should not take this up as a DIY project. Contacting will help you get the work done in a safe and professional manner. Check Your HVAC: Your HVAC unit needs regular attention. Neglecting to properly maintain the unit can turn into very expensive bills down the road. The first thing to do is to hire the best air conditioning company in your area to service the unit. They’ll do things like clean the coils to make sure that your HVAC unit is running efficiently. Inside your home, you’ll want to change the air filters to ensure that air is circulating freely and efficiently. Examine Outside Faucets for Damage: When the temperatures drop, your pipes and faucets can become cracked and damaged. Run the faucets outside of your home to make sure they’re working. You want to make sure there are no leaks or sudden surprises. Get Organized: Spring is a great time to see out the old and see in the new. Go through your pantries and closets and start letting go of old things A good guideline is that if you haven’t used it in a year or haven’t looked for it, you can donate it to someone who can use it. Your Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist for Spring: Spring is a time for renewal and hope. It’s the time when the weather warms up and it gives you the opportunity to do some regular maintenance on your home. By doing a few items on your monthly home maintenance checklist, you ensure that your property is taken care of and you avoid more expensive repair and replacement bills down the road. Would you like more home tips? Check out this article to find out how you can make the most out of a home renovation project. Read Also: 5 Tips To Add More Zen To Your Home 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home Edmonton Landscape Maintenance Tips 5 Easy Ways To Detect A Water Leak In Your Home 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster