The 5 Best Herbal Remedies to Treat Acne

Published on: 13 October 2017 Last Updated on: 16 August 2019

One of the most prevalent skin conditions affecting both men and women, acne affects a whopping 80% of people at some point or the other in life.

It starts when the naturally occurring pores in the skin get blocked with oil and worn-out skin cells. Deposition of extra sebum in the pores causes growth and build-up of bacteria, eventually leading to inflammation and subsequent redness and irritation. Conventional treatments for acne are sometimes harsh and sometimes ineffective. Hence, relying on natural remedies is your best bet. Acne is one of those things that can appear anywhere, from your face to your legs. Even having acne on your tushy is not an uncommon problem, especially if you are a very active person. Sweating triggers a lot of skin imperfections, that’s why being able to fight these blemishes has triggered many companies to sprout solutions for us with creams and face washes.

Here, we take a look at the top 5 herbal remedies for acne

 1. Apply Tea Tree Oil

A powerful essential oil derived from the leaves of a small tree originating in Australia, tea tree oil is famous for its ability to combat bacteria and tone down skin inflammation. Furthermore, several studies have shown that applying approximately 5% tea tree oil on the skin reduces acne effectively.

As compared to the same concentration of benzoyl peroxide, 5% tea tree oil does not act as quickly.

However, it is still just as effective and can improve acne significantly within three months of repeated usage. Since tea tree oil is super potent, it’s advisable to dilute it before application; else you may suffer from side-effects like irritation, dryness, and burning. You can search for the best tea tree oil in the market here.

Tea Tree Oil

Steps to Use Tea Tree Oil

    • Combine nine parts of water with 1 part of tea tree oil in a bowl.
    • Then dip a cotton ball into the mixture and dab it properly all over the area of acne breakouts.
    • Apply some moisturizer to ease any irritation.
    • Repeat the procedure once or twice a day, or whenever you get the pimples

2. Apply Green Tea

Green tea is enriched with high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, and tannins. These compounds can help combat bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote good health in general.

Consequently, it nourishes your skin and makes it less susceptible to developing acne. The primary antioxidant of green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has proven efficacy in controlling sebum production, fighting inflammation and eventually inhibiting the growth of acne.

Steps to Use Green Tea 

  • Steep a packet of green tea in hot/ boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  • Allow the tea to cool down.
  • Dip a cotton swab into the tea and apply it all over your skin. Alternatively, you can pour the tea into a spray bottle and spray it on your skin.
  • Let it dry and then rinse off the water. Pat your face dry.
  • If possible, add the leftover tea leaves to honey for making a moisturizing face mask.

Remember, in addition to applying green tea on your skin; you can also drink it daily to achieve beneficial results, especially in terms of acne removal. Drinking green tea helps in the lowering of insulin level and blood sugar, both of which can lead to the formation of acne.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Prepared by fermenting apple cider, apple cider vinegar is a powerful elixir with proven efficacy in fighting several different types of bacteria and viruses.

It contains numerous organic acids that have been known to kill acne. For example, succinic acid has been proven in its role of suppressing inflammation.

Similarly, high levels of lactic acid in apple cider vinegar have also been shown to reduce the severity of acne breakouts. And what’s best is that apple cider vinegar can even help to dry up excess oil, leading to a reduction in acne formation in the long run.

Vinegar oil

Steps to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Combine one part of apple cider vinegar with three parts of water. Consider using more apply for extra-sensitive skin.
  • After cleansing thoroughly, apply the mixture on your skin gently with a cotton swab.
  • Let it stay put for a few seconds and then rinse off with water. Pat dry gently.
  • Repeat the process daily, or as needed.

Remember, you should always dilute apple cider vinegar before applying it on your skin as it’s very harsh and could lead to irritation and burns when applied in the concentrated form.

4. Cinnamon & Honey Mask

Cinnamon and honey are both powerful sources of antioxidants. According to several studies, increasing antioxidant supply to the skin is important for reducing acne, and apparently, shows better results than applying retinoid and benzoyl peroxide.

Just so you know, the latter two are common, anti-bacterial medications for acne-prone skin. Due to the presence of an overwhelming amount of vitamin B3, linoleic fatty acid, sodium ascorbyl phosphate and vitamin C extracts, both honey and cinnamon can reduce inflammation and fight bacteria, thereby nullifying the two leading causes of acne.

Steps to Prepare a Honey & Cinnamon Mask

  • Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and two tablespoons of honey to form a smooth paste.
  • Clean your face with a mild face wash and apply the mask on your face. Let it stay put for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask completely and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

Repeat the process every week to observe good results

5. Apply Witch Hazel

Derived from witch hazel shrub, this popular North American plant contains tannins that are known to have potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action on the skin.

It is used to treat a wide range of skin ailments, including eczema, dandruff, bruises, insect bites, burns, and acne. Several studies have proven that applying witch hazel on the skin can combat bacteria, lower inflammation, and promote the well-being of the skin.

Witch Hazel

Steps to Use Witch Hazel

 Mix a cup of water and a tablespoon of witch hazel bark in a saucepan.

  • Immerse the witch hazel bark for half-an-hour and allow the mixture to boil for some time.
  • Then reduce the flame and cook it covered for 10 minutes.
  • Let the mixture cool down for another 10 minutes.
  • Strain and keep the liquid in an airtight container.
  • Apply on clean skin with a cotton swab once or twice a day

Ending Note

In conclusion, we would like to stress on the importance of natural and herbal remedies for treating acne from scratch. This is one of the most common skin conditions with a wide range of underlying causes, some of which are unidentified to date. Conventional treatments tend to cause dryness, irritation, and redness. However, natural remedies beg to differ. The herbal remedies listed above may not work for one and all, but they are surely worth giving a try!

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  2. Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair
  3. 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health
  4. E-Cigarettes: How They Effect On Your Oral Health

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CBD Be Used On Damaged Skin

Can CBD Be Used On Damaged Skin

CBD is available in so many products that you can find a product for all your needs. You can consume CBD products, inhale, or apply them to your skin to get amazing results. CBD creams are available to enhance skin health and make it look fresh, in addition to providing relaxation. However, can you use CBD on damaged skin? A quick answer is yes; you can use CBD ointment to help cure scars and inflammatory skin conditions. Some studies have shown that CBD can also help treat eczema, psoriasis, and acne. CBD creams have anti-inflammatory properties that are useful to help get rid of multiple skin conditions. However, it will help you up to certain limits; some skin conditions might require medical intervention. Nevertheless, you can use CBD creams even if your skin has no damage to keep it fresh and healthy. Does CBD Work? Many people and online reports have shown promising results from CBD cream. Those who used CBD topicals for a prolonged time saw a significant improvement in their skin health. We suggest purchasing CBD cream online from PureKana, which has the best and safest CBD products. The best part about CBD is its quick results. While it takes a long time to show permanent effects, it can still relieve pain or itchiness within minutes. Check the CBD cream's ingredients before using it, as it might contain allergens. You can get these CBD products without a prescription, but we recommend consulting your physician before using them. How Should I Use CBD Topicals? It depends on the product you purchase, as you can get CBD mixed in lotions, CBD oil, and creams. CBD creams show the quickest results, as the CBD quickly dissolves in your skin to give instant relief.  To use the cream, dry the targeted area, and make sure no moisture is on it. Gently apply the CBD topical to that particular area and massage it. You'll get the cold, tingling, or warm feeling based on your product type. It will take around 30 minutes for the effects to wear off, and then you can wash that area. Using a CBD cream five times daily for at least a week will show good results. If you don't have a skin condition, you can still use CBD creams to achieve smooth and fresh skin. Besides cream and lotions, products like CBD patches and bath bombs are also excellent. CBD bath bombs are useful if you want a relaxing bath and help make your entire body smooth and fresh. There is no need to use them every time you take a bath; you can use them once a week to obtain your desired results.  CBD roll-on gels are also available, which are very convenient but expensive. One significant benefit of CBD roll-on is that they are the most potent among all other CBD topicals and the easiest to use. Benefits Of CBD Topicals CBD topicals are best if you want to manage headaches, improve skin health, and get rid of itchiness and cold. Multiple CBD products are available for different purposes; some can even help you get better sleep. You can easily find CBD patches for sleep online; use them on the spot where you feel pain. It takes around 15 minutes to eradicate the pain so you can get a good night's sleep. CBD cream won't make you high since you are not consuming it, and it doesn't contain THC. Additionally, CBD topicals have additional hemp terpenes for additional benefits for the skin. CBD topicals from PureKana also have CBG infused to help fight inflammation. Side Effects Of CBD Topicals CBD itself is safe and has no adverse side effects, one huge reason why US authorities allow using CBD products. However, it does have mild side effects on the skin, like it may cause itchiness and rashes, but they'll all go away quickly. Moreover, don't use CBD products if you already use blood pressure medications or anti-allergens. Final Words Can CBD be used on damaged skin? CBD topicals are the best product to help manage skin problems, but they'll work up until a certain limit. It can cure acne, relieve pain, and keep your skin smooth and fresh, but if you have a skin allergy or other severe skin problems, it's better not to experiment and consult a good dermatologist. Read Also: 4 Health Problems CBD Can Help With3 Reasons To Fall In Love With CBD And YogaHow CBD Oil Can Help You With Pain Management

Salon-Quality Haircare Products

7 Reasons Why Salon-Quality Haircare Products Are A Must For Fabulous Locks!

Hey there, beautiful people! Let's chat about something we all love: great hair. We all want fabulous locks, but how do we get there without all the confusing beauty jargon and expensive treatments?  One of the secrets to achieving that hair nirvana is tapping into the Arkive of salon-quality haircare products. These unassuming bottles and tubes might just be your ticket to hair heaven, and today, we're going to tell you why they matter and why you should consider making them a part of your daily hair routine. The Good Stuff: Your Hair Deserves It Ever wonder what makes your hair feel so amazing after a salon visit? It's those salon-quality products! They're like a gourmet meal for your hair, packed with nourishing ingredients that your locks crave.  We're talking about vitamins, proteins, and oils that work together to make your hair happy, healthy, and oh-so-gorgeous. No more dull and lifeless locks – salon products bring the party back to your hair! No More Mystery Ingredients Have you ever tried deciphering the ingredients list on a cheap shampoo bottle? It's like reading a foreign language. Salon-quality products don't play that game.  They're all about quality, not quantity. You won't find harsh chemicals or weird fillers in these gems. Your hair deserves better than that, and salon products deliver the good stuff without the confusing extras. Tailored To Your Unique Hair One size fits all doesn't work for hair, and salon-quality products know it. They come in a variety of formulas specifically designed for different hair types.  Whether you've got fine and straight locks or thick and curly ones, there's a product that's tailor-made for you. No more guessing games at the drugstore aisle – it's time to give your hair exactly what it needs. Professional-Level Results At Home Remember how your hair looks and feels fantastic after a professional salon treatment? Well, salon-quality products bring a little piece of that magic into your daily routine.  They're formulated to give you those jaw-dropping professional results without the hefty salon price tag. Who doesn't want to feel like they just stepped out of a luxurious spa in their bathroom? Protection And Strength, All In One Let's face it: we put our hair through a lot. Heat styling, coloring, and environmental stressors can take a toll on your tresses. Salon-quality products often include ingredients that protect your hair from damage and strengthen it from the inside out. It's like a suit of armor for your precious locks! Smell Like A Dream We must remember the scent. Salon-quality haircare products often come in the most delicious fragrances. Using them is like a mini aromatherapy session in the shower. Plus, who doesn't want their hair to smell like a field of flowers or a tropical paradise? It's a little slice of luxury every time you wash your hair. An Investment In Your Hair And Wallet Sure, salon-quality products might seem a tad pricier upfront, but here's the kicker: they last longer!  You typically need less product to get the job done, meaning a bottle of shampoo or conditioner will stick around for a while. It's an investment in your hair's health and your wallet's happiness. Over time, you'll find they're cost-effective, keeping your hair looking its best. Conclusion So there you have it, folks. Salon-quality hair care products aren't just a luxury but a necessity for fabulous hair. Say goodbye to bad hair days and hello to luscious, healthy locks. Your hair will thank you, and you'll feel like a superstar daily. Go ahead, treat yourself and your hair to the best! Read Also: Understanding Certifications In Organic Haircare Products: Ensuring Transparency And Quality The Art Of Hair Regrowth: 3 Techniques For Restoring Your Crowning Glory 5 Essential Hair Care Products To Combat Frizz And Humidity

Proven and Safe Acne Treatment

Dore Aesthetics: Proven and Safe Acne Treatment

Dore Aesthetics is a one-stop solution for men and women who are struggling to restore the lost beauty of their face and body. Utilizing the best technology and industry treatment procedure, Dore Aesthetics has to offer a wide range of services with proven results.--Since in the end, we want to have something that's reliable, and that works. Domains such as provide you with answers that will aid both you and your skin, helping you regain your self-esteem back. It's important to see yourself as a person beneath the acne, as you regularly engage in treating it. Acne has now become a major problem which needs to be cured with safe and proven techniques. As there are trained professionals to cure all of your skin related problems, each of the treatment process is according to the best medical standards. So, if you are tired of using cosmetics and supplements to cure your unwanted face acne, Dore Aesthetics surely has to offer result-oriented treatment packages. How does Acne destroy your face skin? Acne is a result of deployed hair follicles which are surrounded by oil, dead skin cells and dirt. As they combine to clog the pores and create pimples over the skin surface, you might also notice redness and dark spots on your face. There are multiple treatment procedures available to cure acne for which you need to get a detailed analysis of your skin surface. Moderate acne such as blackheads can be treated by using simple cosmetics and medications whereas complex types such as cystic need more attention. If you wish to minimize acne blemishes as a sign of aging, how about trying a non-invasive procedure like cryo t-shock facelift in Dubai first? Treatment procedure at Dore Aesthetics By properly searching and implementing the most useful approaches in order to permanently cure acne, Dore Aesthetics offers state of the art services for its customers which deliver proven results. As each procedure is safe and long-lasting, customers do not have to follow any extensive medications or treatments to finish skin acne. Starting with the first step, the revolutionary acne treatment technology introduced by Dore Aesthetics begins with shrinking your oil glands. This can unclog your pores and finish acne bacteria to reach deeper areas of the damaged skin surface. When the bacteria are killed properly, the dead skin cells are removed which cause the inflamed pimples to dry up rapidly. Moreover, it will also permanently eliminate redness and swelling which is caused due to prolonged acne. After all of the pimples are permanently healed, your skin surface will start to gain freshness and smoothness resulting in fewer whiteheads, blackheads and clogged pores. As the whole procedure is medically safe and secure, you surely do not have to worry about any side effects. Quick Results As a whole of the treatment, the procedure is planned at first, each step is supposed to kill acne and restore the sensitivity of your skin. Usually, customers start to notice visible results within the early 3 weeks from the start of the treatment. Moreover, further improvements continue for each session if you properly follow the methods as advised by our experts. Unlike conventional acne treatment methods, our approaches are absolutely painless and cause no scarring or itching in the future. Once the whole of the procedure is complete, you can carry on with your routine activities without any hassle. Summary Dore Aesthetics has to offer proven acne treatment procedures which are by far the best you can have in Singapore. With the support of professional and trained workers, men and women of different skin types can avail amazing treatments without the risk of any side effects. As all of our approaches are result-oriented, you can start to notice visible results within the first 3 weeks of your treatment. So, if you are determined to cure skin acne and restore the lost beauty of your skin, Dore Aesthetics is absolutely the best option to be considered. Read More:  Top 4 Natural Combination For You To Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics) The Selfie Culture: Should We Be Worried? 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet 6 Imbalances In Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts Anti Aging Creams – What To Consider Before You Purchase?