How To Execute An Effective Video Marketing Campaign

Published on: 05 July 2019 Last Updated on: 06 October 2022
Video Marketing

Video marketing is the in thing when it comes to new age advertising strategies. Video marketing is proving to be effective in its marketing duties courtesy of the interactive clips that possess the ‘it’ factor needed to grab the viewer’s attention. This strategy allows you to use short video clips either on their own or amid other videos in video sharing sites such as YouTube. With 70% of marketing firms using videos in marketing, the concept is one to watch out for.

Just like any other advertising mode, there are some aspects in video marketing that you can tweak so as to get the best results.

How you can effectively execute a video marketing campaign:

1. Focus On The Content:

video content

For an effective video marketing campaign, the content is the major driving force. When focusing on the content, ensure it meets the wants of the target audience for it to become more relevant. If you get right on the content, the story behind the video campaign gets a steady foundation and is able to steer itself perfectly.

Also, make sure you do not overdo the content to avoid making it appear stuffy or boring. Boring content leads to the viewers losing interest easily which can be a major blow to your marketing. Stuffy content, on the other hand, dilutes the main message which you want to communicate to your audience.

3. Know Where To Fish For Your Audience:

video’s audience

Your marketing video’s audience is another key factor that you cannot overlook. Without an audience, your video marketing campaign is simply useless with almost nil traffic conversion rates. As such, you need to know where your target audience lurks and how to effectively get to them.

One hub where you can get a decent viewership number is on the various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram among others. On the platforms, you can post your videos and take note of the number of views and take advantage of the one that has a high number of viewers. However, do not ignore the other platforms even if they register low viewership as it can do some justice to your overall traffic.

Knowing where to get your audience also provides a shadow of their wants and needs, factors which you can integrate into your videos for a hiked viewership.

3. Get A Good Script To Go With Video:

A good script is a channel through which your video’s content gets perceived easily by your intended viewers. This means that you need to get a good script as a guide for your content. For the script, make it simple and easy to comprehend more so if it is an educative piece.

When crafting the video’s script, ensure that the first few seconds are really captivating so as to hook the viewer till the end. A boring start will definitely result in a skip hence your message fails to get to your audience. Add some humor to it if possible to make the video less boring.

4. Keep The Videos Short:

Another trick for an effective video marketing campaign is to create shorter videos. Apart from being relatively affordable and easy to create, they also grab the viewer’s attention to the end. Many viewers seem to get discouraged when they see a video is too long and they may certainly avoid it. A short video has them in the notion that it won’t take much of their time hence they go with it till its completion. Always keep in mind that the purpose of the video is to get the attention of the viewer.

5. Get Creative With Your Video:

Video Marketing

When talking of creativity, the focal point is the use of the available freedom to put in various features to make the video unique. Uniqueness sells and in this situation you cannot get disappointed. You can use animation style videos which are gaining much mainstream acceptance and also they do have a larger audience reach. Animated videos also give you a chance to mash up colors and have a blend of voice-over acts to make the video distinct. For instance, you can use a text to speech software to convert your written text into human sounding voices in different languages across the world. With the help of this tool, you can connect with a wider audience globally.

Also to give your videos some character and identity, a watermark or logo might do some justice for you.

6. Get To Know Your Competitors:

For any marketing strategy to have the distinction of being successful, it needs to either be on the same level or better than the competitors. This requires you to know what strategies your competition is using to stay on top of the game and come up with a nice plan. Make sure that the strategy you plan to use is not like your competitors for the uniqueness of your brand and to also avoid lawsuits which may arise contesting the similarity.

7. Constantly Update Your Feed:

To keep your audience hooked and benefit from a loyal following, you need to constantly update your video feed. At reasonable intervals, upload your photos to satisfy your viewer’s needs for more content. Ensure each content is more interesting for them to keep close in case you drop another gem.

Consistency is one area where many content creators hit a miss and you do not want to fall in that hole as it spells doom for your brand. If you cannot manage to be consistent, you can partner up with a consistent brand which provides your brand with some airtime which may come at a fee.


When executing an effective video marketing campaign, your audience matters the most. Every process from getting the content to getting the right script to accompany the video needs to be viewer-oriented. This helps maintain a large following as well as attract another decent number of viewers who relate to your content.

Additionally, when making the video get your creativity game on point to come out with unique content that stands out from the pack. Uniqueness is a point of attraction hence you are sure to get your numbers off the roof if you know your way through. Also, ensure that the video is short and straight to the pint to grab the attention of your audience. A nice video editing tool may help you a ton in making your videos distinct.

Video marketing campaigns need consistency to be effective hence keep on bringing more video content to uplift your brand.

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Inventory Management

How Important Inventory Management to Your Ecommerce Store

In the 21st century, there is a myriad of technologies that we as a society utilize on an everyday basis. From smartphones to laptops, to GPS programs, there is a multitude of devices and programs that we use daily that have become ubiquitous throughout the world and are essential to its survival. Not only do average people use technology to keep their lives running, but businesses also need modern advanced technology to sustain themselves as well. Companies around the globe use web-based tech for a myriad of purposes, from communication to marketing, and everything in between. While all businesses rely on technology in the 21st century, some industries have actually been spawned from the rise of the global tech era. One of these industries is ecommerce, which has seen major success in the past few decades. Learning What Ecommerce Does: Millions of people around the world use ecommerce websites every day. Consumers prefer to buy products online, so it is no wonder why ecommerce has taken off so immensely in the past few decades. Online retail has risen so much in recent years, that it has created global empires like Alibaba and Amazon, as well as a multitude of smaller ecommerce stores. Ecommerce entrepreneurship has become a popular profession in recent years largely due to how successful the industry has become. If you run your own ecommerce store, you are already highly aware of the numerous difficulties within the industry, from maintaining your company’s brand image through social media and other types of marketing to customer retention, there are a multitude of challenges that professionals in this industry face. One of the most challenging aspects of successfully running an e-commerce site is b2b inventory management software. Why Inventory Management is So Important: There are numerous facets within ecommerce that need to be handled on a regular basis, but none are quite as important as efficacious inventory management. Inventory management is one of the most imperative aspects of your company’s supply chain, as it controls and oversees purchases made within your ecommerce store. Inventory management is a multifaceted process that includes maintenance and storage of inventory, order fulfillment, as well as controlling product supply. In order to truly see success, your ecommerce store will have to effectively manage its inventory, and you will need to know exactly how to go about this. Efficient management of your company’s inventory will lead to reduced costs, increased customer service, prevention of loss, and optimization fulfillment. Once your inventory management is running on an effective system, you will see improvements in your company’s finances, as well as increased insight into customer behaviors, product opportunities, business trends, and more. Understanding the importance of inventory management will certainly lead to your company seeing improvements and increased profits. Final Thoughts: The rise of technology has created numerous new industries, which has led to a major increase in the number of ecommerce stores. If you run your own ecommerce store, you know how challenging this industry can be, and understanding the nuances of inventory management will certainly improve your company, allowing you to become financially successful. Learn more about inventory and fulfillment options at Red Stag Fulfillment. Read Also: How To Get Product Ideas For Your Ecommerce Business Tips To Choose The Best Inventory Management Software 6 Things To Consider Before Choosing Web Hosting For Your Ecommerce Website

klaviyo email

How to Use Personalization Tags in Klaviyo Email Templates for Higher Click Rates

Email marketing is a field, truely competitive in nature. It seizes the interest of subscribers along with encouraging them to get up close and personal with your content. Let me tell you an effective way of achieving this- personalization. Klaviyo has recently gained momentum for being the leading email marketing platform. Not only does it provide robust tools that give life to your boring email templates, but it also uses tags. Some of these tags use the dynamic insertion of individual subscriber data. In this comprehensive guide, we are going to dive into multiple ways of using personalization tags in Klaviyo email templates. Stick to us till the end if you want to comprehend the basics of personalization tags. Get a detailed idea about how to implement advanced techniques and various other useful strategies. Let’s get started, then! Understand the Basics of Personalization Tags In general terms, personalization tags refer to placeholders in an email template that get replaced with some specific information related to your subscriber list. These tags usually include the subscriber’s name, recent purchase, and even the location. For instance, rather than beginning the email with a typical “Dear Customer” statement, use tags like “Dear [First Name]," which makes the email look more personal. Klaviyo uses personalization tags that are super easy to use. You can either insert them directly into your templates or in other email drafts. For example, typing “{{ first_name }}” in your template will automatically replace it with the subscriber’s first name when the email is sent. The change might look small, but it makes an enormous difference in the emails you receive, giving the impression of a more customized email. The correct use of these tags assists in building a positive connection with your audience. If subscribers see their personal name or details, they are more likely to open the email and even click on links.  Now, this is exactly why personalized emails are much more popular than custom emails. All in all, understanding and using personalization tags is the initial step in making your Klaviyo emails more engaging and effective.  With basic tags like the subscriber's name or location, you can start to see an improvement in your email open and click rates. This sets the foundation for more advanced personalization strategies. Personalize Subject Lines for Better Open Rates Subject lines are initial elements a subscribers see, so making them personal can greatly increase your open rates. In Klaviyo, you can use personalization tags to include the subscriber's name or other relevant information in the subject line. For instance, you can use "Hey {{ first_name }}, See What's New Just for You” instead of a common subject like "Check Out Our New Products.” Such an approach gives your email a more personal touch, and people are likely to open it. When people see their name in the subject line, they are more likely to open the email because it feels like it was written specifically for them. And that’s not all! There is a plethora of data that makes your subject line more engaging. All it takes it to look for all those data. For example, you can take subscriber’s location into account and pitch them with a more personalized email. Another example could be using recent activity data. In case the subscriber recently viewed some product on your website, you can create a subject line like "Still Interested in {{ product_name }}? Get It Before It's Gone, {{ first_name }}!" Amazing, right? This not only personalizes the email but also reminds them of something they are interested in, increasing the chances they will click through. By using personalization tags in your subject lines, you make your emails more appealing and increase the likelihood that subscribers will open them, setting the stage for higher engagement and click rates. Tailor Email Content to Individual Preferences After you grab the attention of your subscribers, it’s time to give it a much custom touch. Now, the next big thing is to make the content list of your email more engaging. Klaviyo lets you use personalization tags within the email body to create a more customized experience for each recipient. The third instance is to begin your email with a friendly greeting like, "Hi {{ first_name }}, we noticed you enjoyed browsing our selection of {{ category }} products!" This approach makes the reader feel acknowledged and valued. Using personalization tags effectively is important as it helps subscribers make an informed decision about further purchases.  For instance, "Since you loved {{ previous_product }}, we think you'll also like these new arrivals." This not only personalizes the email but also showcases products that the subscriber is more likely to be interested in, increasing the chances they will click on the links. Make extra effort to customize special offers and discounts. For example, "As a thank you for being a loyal customer, {{ first_name }}, here's a special 10% off on your next purchase of {{ favorite_category }} items!"  This type of customization makes the offer feel exclusive and tailored to the subscriber's preferences, encouraging them to take advantage of the deal. Customizing your email content to align with the preferences and actions of individual subscribers can cultivate a more captivating and pertinent experience, resulting in elevated click rates and enhanced overall email efficacy. Use Behavioral Data for Triggered Emails Employing behavioral data to deploy triggered emails represents a potent strategy for amplifying click rates. Klaviyo simplifies the process of setting up these emails; all you have to do is use its user-friendly interface and other features.  With Klaviyo's email templates tailored for such triggers, businesses can effortlessly configure automated emails triggered by specific subscriber actions, like browsing a product page, adding items to their cart, or completing a purchase.  Such automation ensures timely and personalized communication, thus leading to greater engagement and driving higher click rates. For example, if a subscriber explores a product page without completing a purchase, you can send a follow-up email containing a personalized message such as: "Hi {{ first_name }}, we noticed you were checking out our {{ product_name }}. Here’s a special discount just for you!" Including a discount code or highlighting product features can entice them to return and complete the purchase. Another scenario involves leveraging cart abandonment emails. In case a subscriber adds items to their cart but doesn't finalize the purchase, you can send a customized email prompting them to complete their order. Take, for example, a message that can send a reminder email: "Hi {{ first_name }}, you left something in your cart!  Don't miss out on {{ product_name }}." Including images of the abandoned products and a direct link to the cart makes it easy for them to pick up where they left off. Post-purchase emails are also effective. After a purchase, you can send a thank you email with product recommendations: "Thanks for your order, {{ first_name }}! Based on your recent purchase, you might also like these items." This keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages further shopping. Utilizing behavioral data to deliver these precise and well-timed emails contributes to a heightened level of personalization, thereby increasing the likelihood of subscriber engagement with your content. Conclusion: Enhance Your Email Campaigns with Personalization Tags In conclusion, personalization tags in Klaviyo email templates are a game-changer for boosting click rates and overall engagement with your audience. By harnessing the potential of personalization, you can establish deeper connections with your subscribers and boost the probability of them engaging with your emails. Just envision receiving an email that greets you by your first name, suggests products aligned with your past browsing, and presents exclusive discounts tailored to your preferences. This exemplifies the impact of personalization tags in practice. With Klaviyo, you have the tools to implement personalization tags seamlessly into your email campaigns. Whether it’s using demographic data, past purchase behavior, or engagement history, there are countless ways to tailor your messages to each individual subscriber. Leveraging the goodness of personalization tags in your email template helps you send targeted and relevant content. It resonates with your audience on a deeper level.  This not only leads to higher click rates but also fosters stronger customer relationships and ultimately drives more conversions. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your email marketing to the next level with personalization tags in Klaviyo. Explore various strategies, analyze outcomes, and consistently refine your campaigns to enhance their impact.  By adopting the appropriate methods, you'll witness a significant increase in click rates and witness your business flourish. Read Also: How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO? Your Ultimate Guide To Creating SMS Marketing Campaigns Getting The Most Out Of Your Email Campaigns By Getting The Audit Right!

Trade Show

6 Steps to make Your Trade Show a Success

If you know the market activities known as the trade show, then you know how important they can be to develop a company. Trade shows provide a variety of resources including growing knowledge of the brand, networking with potential buyers, and making sales. Trade shows mark a major investment for a company. Therefore, in the marketing field of expertise, you need the statistics to show that this is a successful strategy. Here are six tips to ensure a good trade show: 1. Find Objectives and Set your Budget The first step to succeeding in a trade show is to know whether you want to demonstrate. You definitely won't be watching the same show based on the primary goal. However, it is important that you bear in mind the industry's biggest trade shows. You should walk step by step through the goods you want to make their debut or display at the trade show. Never endanger the reputation of your business for inexpensive short-term deals. What could appear inexpensive and enticing now may be dangerous in the long run? You can have your budget set up now. 2. Prepare your staff and teams It's important to have a strong sales staff and we would recommend you pick the best out of the squad for the trade show. Work them out carefully; clarify explicitly the priorities and stakes involved. ExpoMarketing is having too much competition in the market so you really need to choose the best staff for your trade show. You have two choices, whether to put in an in-house group or to hire an organization with event workers that have expertise with running trade shows. Whatever you decide, realize that your company will be the face of the employees working your booth. 3. Product Demos It's important to show your product and be prepared to allow the participants to test it out. Customers want something to see, touch, or even try before buying them. Send them a custom email to thank them for coming, and give them more detail about your company. You can also make a meeting. It's very essential to do so when everybody still considers each other. A strong trade show is easy to bear fruit if you respond quickly. 4. Giveaway free products People enjoy free things and plan to win quite a bit at trade shows. you can attract a crowd with anything as basic as freshly baked cookies, or you can go a step better with discounted items such as markers, shirts, notebooks, or water bottles. It will help crack the ice, open discussions, and ideally, prospects that are eligible. Try selling something that is important to your business. 5. Take Lead notes Your business card is an opportunity to expand your discussion past the trade fair, and a clear reminder of who you are. It's a must for skilled people. You feel out of place without brochures and people are less likely to be taking you seriously. 6. Follow Up Refer to the lead notes to craft customized messages that answer each future customer's unique needs and wishes. Know your primary aim that must be to transform the implementation of trade shows into long-term market partnerships. Read Also: What Type Of Inflatables Should You Opt For At Your Business Event Getting a Return on Investment From Using a Trade Show Booth A Well-Oiled Trade Show Machine: The Ones Running the Show