Cleaning Your Home with Pets – The Most Common Problems

Cleaning Your Home

For most of us, pets are a part of the family, we love them, talk to them and generally pamper them. However, they don’t always return the favor by behaving as we would want them to – after all, they are animals and different species, so some of their habits and instincts may clash with our ideas.

Professional maids and cleaners from That’s Clean Maids share some of the most common issues that pet owners come across and how to deal with them in terms of cleaning your home.

Hairs, Hairs Everywhere

Probably one of the biggest concerns for people who live with pets are hairs; no matter how long your pets’ hair is, they will shed, and you will need to clean it out of your carpets and furniture. This can become even more problematic if a member of the family develops an allergy to animal hair.

One way to ensure a reduced amount of hair needs to be cleaned out of your furniture is to groom your pet regularly. The frequency of grooming can depend on the species and breed of your pet, as well as the season and other factors. One thing is certain, though – with proper grooming, your pet will shed less on your carpet and furniture, making cleaning so much easier.

Air Quality Concerns

Another related issue is the air quality in your home. There are numerous things that can affect the quality of air in your home, and pet hair and pet dander are a part of it. Animals, just like humans shed skin cells and hair, and it is not much you can do about it.

What you can do, however, is change your cleaning routines and habits to counteract the problem of pet dander and hair. Once again, this issue is not a big problem for most people, but particularly cleanliness-oriented people, as well as those with allergies, may be interested in this one.

Keeping your pets away from areas where you sleep is a good start, but you should also make sure to vacuum the house regularly, as well as keep the air conditioning unit in good condition. That means cleaning the vents and changing the air filter as often as the manufacturer recommends.

Ensure Your Pets Don’t Bring In Dirt

If you have a dog, you need to walk them regularly, and that means going out. Cats can be strictly indoor animals, or they can have access to the great outdoors. With both dogs and outdoor cats, there’s one thing you should be wary of – dirt they can bring in on their paws. Dirt is seldom just dirt, it can also be full of pathogens that you would rather not have in your home.

When it comes to dogs, the issue can be quite simple – wipe their paws with a wet wipe (one suitable for pets, of course), and you are good unless they rolled around in the mud or something. On the other hand, cats are much more independent and come and go as they please. Still, you can put a little disinfecting tray in front of the cat flap (once again, make sure that the solution is not harmful to your pet).

Scratches on the Floor and Furniture

Cats need to scratch things as a part of their instinct. If you don’t provide a scratching post, chances are that your furniture will suffer for it. Similarly, dogs whose claws are not trimmed can do quite a lot of damage to your hardwood floors.

In order to mitigate those problems, keep your pets’ claws trimmed, and give your cat plenty of things to scratch.

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Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Is Luxury Vinyl Flooring A Good Investment? Find Out More Here

There's good reason why luxury alternative flooring options are popular around the world. Due to modern appeal and durability, luxury alternative flooring options offer flooring solutions that are both affordable and long-lasting. If you need an affordable flooring solution that will hold up over time, luxury alternative flooring options may be a wise choice for you to consider. Using luxury vinyl, you can replicate natural materials without paying for advanced installation or upkeep. There are, of course, other luxury alternative flooring options like engineered vinyl planks and specialty luxury alternative floorings for your kitchen and bathroom. Now that you know a bit more about luxury flooring alternatives, here's more on why Luxury Vinyl Flooring is a good investment. What is Luxury Vinyl Flooring? Luxury Vinyl Flooring looks and feels a lot like natural hardwood flooring. Luxury Vinyl Flooring consists of different combinations of material that make up the flooring: Vinyl planks are individual vinyl pieces Vinyl tiling is a mix of polyurethane, a wear layer, a print fill, the vinyl center, and the tile's backing. Luxury Vinyl Flooring takes things even further by providing a more realistic representation of hardwood floors. The surface layer contains a photo-based image of actual wood, and this, along with texture, creates a much closer look to natural hardwood floors. Luxury Vinyl Flooring also comes in different styles. Depending on the flooring aesthetic you're going for, you can find materials that reflect the look of wood, tile, stone, and so on. 1. Luxury Vinyl Flooring is Affordable With Luxury Vinyl Flooring, you can obtain the same look as natural hardwood floors for far less the costs associated with buying natural wood materials or paying for the upkeep work required. To give you a better idea, know that the average price for hardwood flooring is somewhere between $8 to $25 per square foot. You can get away with only $2-$5 per square foot for luxury vinyl alternatives. 2. The Look Is Similar To Natural Material Since luxury vinyl uses a photographic picture to layer the material, it is easy to achieve a natural look that is easily mistaken for natural flooring. 3. Little To No Maintenance Needed Natural wood and stone are difficult to keep clean, but vinyl floors contain protective wear layers, which eliminate the need to wax or polish the floors. The thicker the wear layer, the longer you can maintain your floors without updating them. The only maintenance you need is the occasional mopping or sweeping required for the flooring to look as good as new. What’s The Catch? The only caveat to buying Luxury Vinyl Flooring is whether you're okay with getting an alternative to natural materials. Some people enjoy natural elements in their homes, and others would rather have the affordability and convenience of alternative options. It's Up To You Whether or not luxury vinyl is your cup of tea, there’s no doubt that it is a wise investment. Save yourself time, money, and maintenance by installing Luxury Vinyl Flooring today. Read Also: How To Pick The Perfect Flooring For Your New Home How to Protect Your Wood Flooring in a Busy Household List of Most Durable Kitchen Flooring 5 Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Floor Colors

Air Conditioner

Signs Your Air Conditioner Might Be Dying

For many people around the world, an amazing air conditioner is something that we rely on during the hot summer months. However, as with any machine, sometimes it can be challenging to know when it needs repair or service. Here are some signs that your air conditioning system may be dying. Signs Your Air Conditioner is Getting in Way of Worst: 1. The Fan Is Not Working:  The first way to tell if your air conditioning system is dying is if the fan isn't working. Maybe the fan doesn't operate as well as it used to, or perhaps it stopped altogether. If your air conditioner has a compressor and a condenser, there must also be a fan to help the system work. That's why your home's HVAC system needs to have this part, but it should also be in good working order. 2. Higher Energy Bills One of the first signs that your air conditioning is dying is a higher energy bill. This could be due to the compressor or condenser going out. When the compressor wears out, the efficiency of the unit decreases. It might also be the case that the condenser is starting to get dusty or has a leaking seal. You could also have broken hoses or various other issues with the system. The good news is that you can easily fix these minor problems by contacting HVAC contractors. 3. Noisy Operation Your air conditioner shouldn't be making any loud or unusual noises. If your air conditioning unit is starting to make unusual sounds, it could be a sign of a potential problem. The bad news is that if the compressor or condenser is worn out, you will probably have to replace those parts, which can be costly. However, it's still better to take care of these issues than let them worsen. Another tip is to let the air conditioner run for a while and then listen to see if the noise stops. If the noise stops, it might just be something minor, but you will probably have to contact an HVAC technician if it continues. 4. Heat Pump Issues If your air conditioning system is particularly old, you might have a heat pump, which is more energy-efficient. However, they can also be prone to causing extra problems over time. For example, if the system isn't cooling your home as effectively as it used to before installing the heat pump. It could be that your thermostat is inaccurate or that it's not keeping up with the overall temperatures in your home. You may want to contact a contractor so they can help you troubleshoot and repair any issues that might be occurring. 5. Circuit Breaker Trouble One of the most prominent signs that your air conditioning unit is dying is a tripped circuit breaker. If your air conditioner trips the circuit breaker, it could give you a false alarm or even cause an electrical fire. The circuit breaker highlights that there might be a problem with the system before it causes serious harm. If you notice that the circuit breaker is tripping several times, you should contact an HVAC technician to inspect your system. 6. It's Not Dehumidifying Your Home If the air conditioner is not dehumidifying your home properly, there is an issue. This can be especially bad if it happens during the humid summer months. The problem with a system that isn't dehumidifying your home effectively is that you could have mold or mildew issues, which can cause health problems. You might also start to notice that your skin or clothes are getting damp; this comes from excess moisture in the air and poor dehumidification. 7. It Runs Non-Stop Another sign that your air conditioning system is dying is if it runs non-stop. If you notice that the unit is constantly running, you should check to ensure that your thermostat isn't set too high. However, if the temperature is comfortable and still running, there could be a problem with the unit. If this happens when it's warm outside, your AC might have stopped cooling your home or could be struggling to cool it properly. 8. Constant Repairs One of the problems with an air conditioner is that it will continually run into trouble. Over time, this will eventually start to break down at an accelerated rate. If you notice that your air conditioner constantly has to have repairs done, it might be time to replace the unit. 9. Old AC Unit Your air conditioner's lifespan depends on the type of unit you have, but in general, it does have a life expectancy of about 15 to 20 years. If you have an older system, it could be dying and starting to break down. If your air conditioner is older than 15 years, then it's probably time for removal or replacement. This can help you prevent excess problems with the system that might eventually cause an even bigger repair bill later on. In conclusion, your AC is still a necessity. If your AC is dying, it is important to act immediately before your air conditioner leaves you with a hefty repair bill. Always schedule an HVAC checkup once a year from your local ac service and repair company to ensure your system's longevity, and follow these tips to determine if your system is dying. Read Also: 6 Reasons You Need A Rooftop Air Conditioner On Your Van During The Summer Months Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Service Your Air Conditioner Regularly 10 Amazing Air Conditioner to Try Right Now

Dining Room

3 Reasons Why The Dining Room Is Always Important

Home is the most important place in our lives and our lives revolve around the house from our birth. Everyone wants their home to be beautiful and comfortable, that is why they do improvements and additions to enhance the beauty of their home. One of the most important parts of a house is the dining room. If you are worrying about decorating your dining room then you can lower your stress by buying full dining sets for a new house at Luxo Living. Need Of Dining Room Families with more than two members are best served by eat-in kitchens. They are practical since everyone has a quick availability of food and the crockery near to the dining area. This is especially important when parents and children are hurrying to have breakfast in order to make it to work or school on time. Family gatherings and parties usually take place in the dining rooms as well. A dining room can accommodate anywhere from seven people to a dozen or more people, based on the area and interior of your home. Reasons Why The Dining Room Is Important The dining room is the most crucial part of the home. We can realize the importance because our day does not begin without a cup of coffee and breakfast. Different types of meals are prepared here and family and guests are often gathered here. So, the dining room can play the role of bonding with your loved ones.  Here are a few reasons for the argument: 1. Enhance The Beauty Of Home When you walk into someone's house and see their dining table, it tells you a lot about the person and the environment you have entered. Regardless of the materials used, the table's size, design, and finish, it might have a rich or creative appearance. Of all the rooms in the house, the dining room's authentic design will have the biggest impact on visitors and residents. The family dining table has always played a crucial role in the home and will continue to do so for many more generations. 2. A Family Gathering Spot Families that have dinner at a table together are more probably close. Although it may not always be practical, making time for this may enable children and young adults to establish good eating habits and connections, as well as parents, switching off from the worries of the day and communicate to one another and their kids in a calm manner, even if it is not always practicable. 3. People Can Make Better Food Choices When we have a short meal or on the run, we are more inclined to make bad eating choices. People are more willing to consume nutritious food meals at the dining table because the dining table gives a focus point. Individuals are encouraged to give greater attention to what, when, and how they consume as a result of this. Bottom Line Dining rooms that are well-decorated and arranged, serve to keep the family's hygiene and health in check. This room, being an important section of the house, represents prestige, unity, strength, power, and a sense of connection with your loved ones. Read Also: How to Decorate a Room with no CostHow to Choose LED Lights for Every Room in Your HomeKnow About The Type Of Kitchens According To Different Size11 Gorgeous Accent Chairs For Small Spaces