10 Benefits of Birth Control and How to Choose Which Form Is Best for You


13 May 2022


Birth Control

When it comes to sex, minimizing worries is the key to maximizing enjoyment. The last thing you want is doubts about your birth control creeping in at the worst possible moment!

Of course, there’s the obvious concern — pregnancy. Maybe you’re not ready to have a baby now, or maybe you don’t want kids at all. Either way, you need to find the birth control method that works best for you.

Fortunately, there are lots of hormonal contraceptive possibilities. From pills to shots and more, they control your estrogen and progesterone to keep you off the pregnancy path. But wait — there’s more! These methods offer lots of other benefits you may not know about.

Consider these other seven advantages when deciding which birth control option best suits you.

10 Decisive Benefits of Various Forms of Birth Control 

1. It Lets You Plan Your Periods

Pms. female abdominal pain, menstrual syndrome and change behavior. Premium Vector

Has your period ever surprised you on the day you wore those new white pants? Choosing hormonal birth control can keep those “oopsie!” moments from happening again. When taken correctly, these forms of birth control let you track exactly when your period is coming.

In fact, the birth control ring, patches, shots, and pills let you choose when your cycle shows up. They can give you lighter periods over time, and you may be able to skip your period altogether.

Just remember, you must use these forms of birth control consistently for them to work. Pills are taken daily, shots are administered every three months, and patches and rings get changed every three to four weeks.

Now, if you want to conceive, it is necessary to stop the consumption of OCPs for at least three months. All other types of birth-control measures should be dismissed too.

2. It Makes Period Less Painful

If you are having an active sex life and choose a pill to ensure contraception, you can dramatically avoid period pains. So, it is all about staying happy while you are on a regular dose of OCPs.

Actually, the pills augment your hormones and end up restricting ovulation. As a result, your uterus stays calm and does not go through painful contractions.

 3. It Can Zap Zits

Hormones play a big role in the pimples that pop up on your skin. If you struggle with a bombardment of blemishes, you’re in luck! Hormonal birth control manages, not surprisingly, your hormones. When acne medications fail you, it could be worth talking to your doctor about using this strategy.

Pills that contain both estrogen and progestin can reduce the amount of androgen circulating in your body. Since androgen spurs the production of sebum, the oily substance that clogs pores and causes blemishes, having less of it means fewer breakouts. Correct use of a combination pill (as opposed to the minipill) can help keep acne at bay.

4. It Can Allow You to Manage Your Migraines

3. It Can Allow You to Manage Your Migraines

Millions of Americans get these head pounders every month. If you’re in that unlucky group, the pain could be enough to keep you in bed for a day or two. Contraceptives can help you regulate the hormones that trigger that pulsating pain.

These birth control options stop your estrogen and progesterone from dipping too low. With enough of these hormones flowing through your body, you can limit the discomfort and tension in your head. Ask your doctor if it’s OK for you to use hormonal birth control, though. Depending on your medical history, it could increase your risk of stroke.

5. It Can Protect Against Some Cancers

A cancer diagnosis can strike fear in your heart. So it’s important to know if — and how — hormonal birth control can up your risk. When it comes to pills and IUDs, there’s both good and bad news.

With hormonal contraceptives, you ovulate less, limiting your hormone exposure. That can cut your ovarian cancer risk by half. If you stick with birth control for at least four years, your uterine cancer risk drops the same amount. Those reductions can last for decades.

Unfortunately, hormonal contraceptives do bump up your breast and cervical cancer risks. The good news is that it’s a small increase, and it’s temporary. If you stop taking birth control, you’ll have a normal risk level again after five years.

6. It Helps You Avoid Anemia

Human anatomy vector of anemia Premium Vector

If you get your period, you’re going to lose at least some blood. Heavy flows can present a problem, however. The more blood you lose, the higher your anemia risk. When this happens, you don’t have enough red blood cells, leaving you tired and weak.

Remember the benefit mentioned earlier — those shorter, lighter periods? By controlling your cycle, hormonal birth control lowers your anemia risk. If you’re still fatigued, though, ask your doctor to check your iron level. You may need additional medication.

7. It Can Halt Unwanted Hair Growth

Although your main hormones are estrogen and progesterone, your body does — as noted earlier — make some androgen, too. It’s the male sex hormone. That means you might see some unwanted hair growth. Sure, you could pluck it (ouch!), but hormonal birth control could keep much of it from growing altogether.

The estrogen and progesterone in these birth control options can reduce your androgen level. Formulations with high estrogen concentrations work well to control male-pattern hair growth. Typically, within six months, that unsightly hair fades so much that you hardly notice it.

8. It Can Moderate Mood Swings

It Can Moderate Mood Swings

If you have a few days every month where you feel “off,” just know you’re part of a big club. Millions of women struggle with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) every cycle.

The hormonal swings responsible for these feelings are natural, but you don’t have to grin and bear them. Birth control can help.

9. Helps You Avoid Ovarian Cysts

Any hormonal birth control measure can help you avoid the complications related to ovarian cysts. These cysts are not potentially dangerous, but they can often raise severe pain in your pelvic region.

Now, hormonal birth control measures stop ovulation, and that restricts cyst formation. So you can get rid of the pain. Even oral contraceptive measures can stop the further growth of ovarian cysts.

10. Birth Control Measures Minimize Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue-lining grows abruptly at unusual places in your reproductive system. Now, it starts bleeding monthly and causes severe pain.  Continuous consumption of birth control pills can help you manage such abnormality.

Birth Control Measure: The Best Choice

Specifically, the pill may be your best bet. Finding the right one, though, may take some time. Right now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has only approved one pill (Yaz) to treat PMDD. Several others can address PMS, so a conversation with your doctor can help you pick the right one for you.

Choosing your ideal form of contraception can be a complex decision. There’s lots more to consider beyond preventing pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Form Of Contraceptive Is Considered To Be The Best?

The implants and IUDs are the best birth control measures, according to the doctor.

What Three Things Should People Consider When Choosing A Form Of Birth Control?

The three things that every person should consider while going for contraception are:

  • The existing relationship type
  • The type of lifestyle
  • The number of offspring already present

What Things Should I Think About When Choosing A Birth Control Method?

When choosing the birth control method,  you need to consider the potential hazards, health conditions, and user-friendliness.

What Are The Benefits Or Advantages Of Using OCP for Birth Control?

OCPs are effective not only in controlling birth but they can reduce acne, menstrual complications, and endometriosis.

Wrap Up

This list of benefits can help you determine the other advantages you’d like to get from your birth control. A discussion with your doctor can help you pinpoint which option is your best fit.

Even you can find your doctor prescribing contraceptive pills to you if you do not have an active sex life.  You should not be puzzled in such a situation and consider it as a preventive measure for various complications.

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Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions in SmartBusinessDaily

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5 Best Online Fundraising Ideas for Nonprofits

We live in what is perhaps the most unpredictable time of the century. There is a pandemic out on the streets and we have been forced to abandon our ways of interaction. Businesses have been forced to adapt almost overnight, bringing about a radical shift in operations. Nonprofits have also been forced to do the same. In just the last year the importance of fundraising platforms has risen exponentially. Fundraising has been the key to the operations of any and every nonprofit. Lately, the more commonly relied-on fundraising methods have been made redundant. A lot of nonprofits have been forced to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate ways to gather funds. Luckily the existence of text messaging platforms for nonprofit can easily get into the middle of it and utilize the same channels to make their ends meet. Why does online fundraising work? The reason is simple; we live in times where people are willing to lend out a helping hand, anywhere, anytime. Nonprofits simply need to host events online and let their donors know that they are very much active and are trying to make a difference in their communities irrespective of the condition. Sending your message across and showing them the work you are doing can appeal to all kinds of donors. Nonprofits can quickly adapt using fundraising platforms to reach out to donors and volunteers using the same methods that businesses rely upon. These channels have now become the normal way to work through and nonprofits have realized that they also need to be malleable. The pandemic has changed our understanding of what normal is and donors will be understanding. This is why hosting events, and especially fundraisers online has shown a lot of promise. Let us look at five great ideas you can use to supercharge your online fundraising campaign. Five great online fundraising ideas 1. Peer-to-peer fundraising The most innovative and proven way to raise funds online is through peer-to-peer fundraising. P2P fundraising accounts for nearly a third of every online donation. The idea is to use the credibility of your donors and their contacts to gather funds for your nonprofit. A great statistic is that ¼ emails sent by P2P fundraisers to their peers result in a donation. It might seem meager, but it is staggering when you compare it to the fact that 1/1250 emails from nonprofits result in a donation. Nonprofits can encourage donors to raise funds and run campaigns on their behalf. They can enlist the help of fundraising platforms to build their campaigns and send emails to their peers. Nonprofits can set up these directly on their websites. They can even use a personal appeal and a social sharing button on their website for direct encouragement. 2. Email flash fundraiser Another third of every donation made online comes through Emails. Yes, even in this day and age when instant messaging is the norm, E-mails more than do their part to raise funds. It is one of the older ways to gather funds and chances are your nonprofit has already finished its email fundraising campaign for the year. No worries, there are no limits to how many times you can leverage email fundraisers. A great idea would be to select a day and conduct an email fundraising blitz. You should not choose a popular day such as Tuesdays. Enough organizations are running Giving Tuesdays. Instead, choose a day that has symbolic importance to your organization or its cause. Your emails should build up a narrative that highlights your cause, the day, and a call to action. Urgency is the key and the better you express the need of the hour, the more likely you are to receive donations. You may go through: 8 High-Need Animal Shelter Donations 3. A drive for donation matching The idea behind donation matching is to encourage people to contribute, knowing that in the grand scheme of things the total donated amount will be big. Use the frenzy created by your flash email fundraising campaign to launch a drive for donation matching. You can secure a match from a company and advertise it in your email campaign. Donation matching is a good way to keep the interest afloat and to attract the younger crowd. Studies show that millennials are more likely to donate if they know companies are going to be matching their donation. Donation matching can also be used to boost a fundraiser. If there is a noticeable decline in the donations, launch a donation matching drive amid another campaign to acquire more funding. 4. Crowdfunding There is this misconception amongst nonprofits that crowdfunding is meant only for individuals. This fact could not be further from the truth. Nonprofits can use crowdfunding to amass a wealth of funds in a very short period. They can also use crowdfunding to appeal to a whole new group of donors. Through crowdfunding, nonprofits can gather funds for specific causes and projects. Nonprofits can easily set up a page on crowdfunding sites. They also have social sharing options to further promote your cause. PRO TIP: Before you choose a crowdfunding site, check if they have an easy-to-use UI, integration with compatible software, a mobile-friendly page, and space to tell your story. 5. Prospect research While this may not qualify as an idea as such, prospect research can help you land big philanthropists for your donation pool. Nonprofits can conduct thorough research to identify prospective donors. Doing so can help them focus on donors that can make a difference. Prospect research is especially important when it comes to online donors. The reason for that is online donations come in small amounts and it is hard to identify which donors can contribute in a big way. Research can help you land bigger donations. Final Thoughts These are just some of the ways you can maximize your donation pool through online fundraisers. By using the right tools and strategies your nonprofit will be back on its feet and perhaps, even run better than it did before. Read Also: Turn The Tables For Helpless Children With Car Donation In New Jersey

Match Sofas With Accent Chairs

How Do You Match Sofas With Accent Chairs?

It is unarguable that decorating our own home will surely excite us. The thoughts of what color palette to use or what furniture to put or how to arrange them will get us a bit carried away for sure. The entire decoration plays a key role as it sets up the mood for the house. Whether you want a refresh or moving into a new space, it is vital to purchase durable furniture to incorporate your home. Choosing your furniture can take you a lot of time to consider its design and quality. In Chesterfield furniture, they offer a wide range of designs that will not compromise your comfort as they only intend to use the finest materials for their sofas and chairs. The most crucial spot of the house to decorate is the living room. Being the center of the house, a heart is considered a symbol for the living room. The living room is the primary room you will see upon entering a home, and it is where guests are entertained. The living room should be an area to indulge and lie on the couch as you enjoy a bowl of popcorn watching your favorite movie. Most importantly, the living room is where families should spend time together to relax and share stories. There is a long list of furniture to consider putting in the living room. The essentials are the sofa, coffee table, accent chairs, media stand, and side table. Putting together all these are overwhelming; thus, one should consider hiring an interior decorator to do the job, or if not, dig deep on Pinterest for design inspiration. One of the common mistakes in arranging your furniture is the improper incorporation of your sofa with your accent chair. If you want to create a pleasing space to the eye and a solid setup, you should consider a few tips and tricks to have a successful mix and match. What Do I Have To Put In Mind: In pairing your sofa with your accent chair, contrasting them is most crucial. You will have to make these pieces complement each other and, at the same time, can stand on their own. You shall also consider the style, color, and form of your selections. 1. Style Style is an essential element to consider. If you opt for minimal decoration, both your sofa and accent chair should embody that style. 2. Color Carefully decide on the color palette you will use for your sofa and your accent chair. Your choice can either be a monochromatic or complementary color scheme; always make sure they don’t crash with each other. 3. Form Always be mindful of the form. A skirted sofa would go along well with an accent chair that has an intricate or evident leg style. How Do I Arrange These Pieces? There are various ways to arrange your sofa and your accent chair: front and center, and section-off space. When you follow the front and center arrangement, you must consider where you will be facing as you sit down. The section-off space arrangement considers arranging the furniture in ways that can accommodate visitors and guests. There are no rules on how you should decorate your place; as being said, it is your home and your own space. However, it would help if you always put in mind that the design must go together harmoniously. Read Also:  Some Common Reason why we Use Futon Mattress Modern Home design ideas for crowded families Top 5 Trending Home Renovation Ideas For Australian Families