Am I Drinking Too Much? 5 Subtle Signs You Are (Even If You Don’t Think So)

Published on: 14 March 2019 Last Updated on: 27 June 2021
am i drinking too much

Binge drinking is defined as consuming 4 or more drinks for women, and 5 or more drinks for men in a single outing.

If you read that and asked yourself, “Am I drinking too much?”, it may be time to take a step back and think about the role of alcohol in your life.

Read on for our top five signs of drinking too much and what you can do about it.

1. You Constantly Push Your Limits:

If one drink constantly turns into four, five, or even more, this could be one of the major signs of drinking too much.

You know your limits, but that might not be causing you to wonder, “Am I drinking too much?”. Instead, you just keep throwing them back without thinking of the consequences.

If you’re constantly blacking out, making poor decisions, and just losing yourself in general, you could be drinking too much.

2. You Use Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism:

Alcohol is becoming something that you depend on if you’re going through a difficult time. Maybe you’re finding yourself faced by more of those “difficult times” lately.

If you’re turning to alcohol to deal with stress, boredom, or everyday responsibilities, this could be one of the major signs you drink too much. Alcohol should be something you enjoy during times of leisure. You shouldn’t be using it as a coping mechanism to deal with your life.

3. Your Loved Ones Are Commenting:

While you may think you’re just out having fun, the people closest to you are starting to mention signs of drinking too much. Your loved ones want what’s best for you and you shouldn’t take their concerns lightly.

Maybe you’ve come right out and asked them, “Am I drinking too much?” If they’re telling you yes, then it’s vital to take a step back and examine what you’re doing.

You can ease their mind by seeking treatment for alcohol dependency. Sometimes you just have to admit that you’ve lost control and need help.

4. Your Plans Rely on Drinking:

Ordinary events just aren’t doing it for you anymore. Looking for booze whenever you go out can be a sign of drinking too much.

While you may view drinking as a social activity, it shouldn’t be the center of all your socializing. If you depend on drinking to be social, that’s when it becomes a problem.

Take a look at the people around you. Are you the only one with a drink in your hand? That could be a major indicator that you’re depending on drinking too much in order to have a good time.

Try investing yourself in new, healthier hobbies. Taking on something like a new fitness routine can be a welcome distraction from a growing drinking habit.

5. You’ve Asked Yourself, “Am I Drinking Too Much?”

You’ve noticed signs of drinking too much in your everyday life. You’re constantly waking up hungover, you’re depressed, and you’re finding yourself reaching for a drink more and more often.

If you are looking at your circumstances and wondering “Am I drinking too much?”, the answer is probably yes. That gut instinct that causes you to question yourself is usually right.

Final Thoughts:

If you asked yourself “Am I drinking too much?” and concluded that the answer is yes, it’s never too late to slow things down. By taking the right actions to combat a drinking problem, you can regain control of your life.

For more lifestyle advice, check out our blog.

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drug rehab treatment 

Get Cured With The Help Of Drug Rehab Treatment In New Hampshire

Drug addiction can be scary. There are many ways to deal with it, but only a select few one’s work. Forget that the self-treatment through self-detox will ever work. There are very rare cases where it does, but even though those rare cases exist. You can be sure that those cases never really hit the mark at a later point in time with a drug rehab treatment facility. Can You Treat Yourself And Get Over The Addiction? The professional drug rehab treatment facilities don’t see this home-based treatment as a treatment. Many celebrities have tried to heal themselves through drug rehab treatment. If they can accept the fact that they needed treatment, so can people. Many times, people don’t opt for Drug Rehab New Hampshire facilities because they think that it is beneath them or it will hurt their ego. It is not about the ego; it is all about healing and learning to live the best life you can. Therefore, it is safe to say that the only way to treat yourself entirely and adequately is through a rehab facility. There is no other way, and if someone says there is, they are probably not knowledgeable about how things work.  How To Cure The Drug Addiction? If people say that they have cured their drug addiction, then you just have to ask them if they really did it through themselves or with the help of a rehab facility. If they did it without the help of a rehab facility, then there is a high chance that it never got healed. Instead, it will only get worse over time.  There are many ways to treat drug addiction, and there are so far two most common ways at a drug rehab treatment facility, they are following: 1. First treatment: Inpatient Treatment Drug rehab treatment done through the first way is called the inpatient treatment program, and this program is all about letting the patient be a little disciplined through learning and through the other services in the treatment.  The patient is told to be at the hospital and live there for a period of 30 days to 90 days depending upon the severity of the drug addiction they are going through. If the patient can spend that much money and have the time, they can opt for this treatment. This treatment has vast chances of success and can take the drug addict out of their addiction and help them learn to live a new life. This is available at all the Drug Rehab New Hampshire facilities, and only a doctor can tell you after a good checkup if you are eligible for this kind of treatment or not.  They run some tests for drug rehab treatment to make sure that the inpatient treatment program can be for you. If not, they will give you a new program that is more suited to you, which will help you in healing from your drug addiction. The other program, which is a lighter version, is called the outpatient rehab treatment program. 2. Second Treatment: Outpatient Treatment The treatment is done the other way; the second way is the outpatient treatment. This treatment is very flexible and can help you get the best of both worlds. You can quickly go and work and focus on other areas of your life while getting the treatment done at the rehab facility. It is no problem.  The drug rehab treatment of the New Hampshire facility where you will be getting the treatment will make sure you get the privacy and the other services that will get you on the right path again.  These drug rehab treatment services, such as group therapy and counseling, do good. And this treatment is for people with mild and moderate drug addiction. So these are the two treatments that can help you or someone you love to come back from drug addiction live their best lives. Conclusion: The drug rehab treatment for getting over the drug addiction is a pretty serious issue. Because during the treatment process, sometimes the patients are becoming seriously aggressive. As the body is becoming habituated with drug dosages so keeping that habit aside is not easy. So take the help of professional rehab facilities and get over the drug addiction. Read Also: Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? Cannabis can Help in the Fight Against Drug Addiction Why It’s So Hard to Quit Drugs Cold Turkey?

First Vaping Experience

How To Improve Your First Vaping Experience

In the last few years, vaping has become an emerging trend. It is a fun experience and a favorite among smokers who are trying to quit. Vaping has been proven safer than cigarette smoking. It is also highly customizable, and you can select everything from flavors to nicotine content. The market today is flooded with choices for vapers, and everything under the sun is available. If you are a newbie to vaping, the chances are that you may not know what to do for a pleasant experience. Vaping is an acquired taste, and a bad experience can put you off vaping forever. Here are a few tips to improve your first vaping experience: 1. Buy good quality e-juices The essence of vaping lies in the vaping liquid being used. If you are using cheap and low-quality vaping juices, chances are you may experience a bad taste and have a negative impression about vaping. Many low-quality vape juices do not deliver the required taste and desired vapor quantity and quality. Also, good quality is vital to avoid any accidental fires and additional toxins. A good carrier liquid, a great flavoring, a correct ratio of PEG, and EG is also important. Nicotine content that satiates your craving is a necessary part of vaping juices. It's important to remember that vape liquid is what will solely decide how much you like the experience. Prioritize quality always and choose suitable vape liquid. For your first experience, you can go for a basic flavor like menthol. If you want to play it a safe bit, if you are willing to experiment, you can always try newer exotic flavors. Be sure to buy smaller bottles so that you can have during your first vape session. A nicotine level based on your preference and ideal water content is a prerequisite for a great time. 2. Experiment with fun flavors A great first time with vaping is experienced when you get adventurous and try new things. Go for a surprising vaping flavor and tweak up your game. You can buy a small tester kit with small bottles of various flavors. There are endless choices available from mint, menthol, chocolate, strawberry, and much more. Remember always to clean your coil before each use and fill the tank correctly. Follow the correct instructions always and close the tank property to avoid any leakage and accidents. 3. Understand your vaping device well Knowing your vaping device well is an important part that shouldn't be neglected. Learn about the vaping basics and jargon. An excellent first experience is when you know everything about vaping well. Learn how to operate the vaping device, how to fill it, and customize a session based on your preference. Be mindful of avoiding any mistakes that may damage your vaporizer. Be careful and avoid all kinds of errors. The correct knowledge is the key to the prevention of any vaping accidents. 4. Invest in a starter kit An excellent vape experience can be had with the help of a good starter kit. A starter kit is equipped with all basics and will introduce you to the vaping world. This is a great way to improve your first vaping experience and have a peek into what this is about. 5. Go for a good vape shop Since the equipment and vape juice are the backbones of vaping, buying the right quality products is a prerequisite. Always go for a good vape shop that sells standard products. Everything from vaping devices to vaping juices should be purchased from a trusted source. Thus, look for reputable vape shops around you. 6. Select a good nicotine content Vaping is fun when you select an e-juice with good nicotine content. Select something that aligns with your tastes and goals. If you are someone who has recently quit smoking go for a higher nicotine content to not experience any withdrawal. You can gradually wean off from nicotine in consecutive sessions. Always focus on having fun and building a luxurious experience. 7. Learn the correct technique Learn the techniques of proper vapor inhalation and how to relax. Also, understand how to relax and the correct technique to take in vapor. Enjoy the experience and let the vaping world blow your mind. Read Also: Vaping: More Than Just a Fad Vaping in the Workplace: Legal Considerations Vaping is Fighting the Deadly Consumption of Nicotine

Less waste

Less waste – Something You can Do for the World

Any ideas for a new year’s resolution in 2019? Here is one – first look back to 2018 (or any year before) and try to count all the times you had to take out the trash. Impossible? That can be so because we tend to produce an enormous amount of waste. According to EPA research, one person in the United States produces up to 2,000 pounds of trash a year, less than half of which can be recycled. There are, on the other hand, people proud of producing only one jar of waste in a year. Can it be possible for an average person? Here are some tips to produce less waste and therefore care more for mother earth. How much do I really waste? The first thing to do is a little reflection on your life. However disgusting it may sound you should look through your trash and see which items are the majority of your waste. Maybe paper cups? Plastic forks? Paper tissues? By doing so you’ll immediately see, what to focus on and what kind of waste should you limit the most. Little swaps: It can seem harsh to immediately switch your lifestyle to zero waste, but in reality, you don’t need to do everything at once. Little swaps in your daily life can already be meaningful and help the environment. This can be a bamboo toothbrush instead of the plastic ones, a bag made of paper instead of the plastic ones, stainless steel Tupperware instead of – guess what? – plastic ones. So, in general, avoiding plastic is not that difficult if you make little changes. Avoid packaging: The best thing would be to use no plastic packages at all, but that can be hard. So just do your best to limit it as much as possible. Try to buy your fruits and vegetables at a local market instead of the supermarket and don’t forget to bring your own bag. Some markets offer food sold in loose weight, so you can buy them in your own containers, like Tupperware or mason jars. Also, if you buy a piece of clothing, maybe it’s not always necessary to take it in a plastic bag with the logo of the shop? Go for sustainability: In addition to what was written above, you should consider choosing sustainable products. The biggest amount of waste comes from disposable items that are thrown away after one use. Things like a reusable water bottle to avoid buying plastic bottles every day, bamboo cutlery that you carry around to use for your takeaways, or a tote bag for your groceries can make a big impact and help you produce less waste. There are a lot of things that can be changed to sustainable options – from paper tissues and menstrual pads to straws and cutlery. You can also get sustainable homeware made of natural and recycled materials as an alternative to regular homeware. Of course, it can take a bit more effort at the beginning, to carry your own cup of bottle everywhere, but the earth will be a little lighter. Try second hand! Many of the trash that is being thrown away, could be reused. Maybe some plastic containers of butter or hummus that you already ate, could be reused as Tupperware? Or maybe an empty shampoo bottle could serve as a DIY hand soap container? Also consider buying second-hand items like furniture, clothes or other things. You don’t always have to have a brand new thing, right? Do it yourself! In our society, it can be hard to avoid plastic packed things. A solution to that would be to do those things yourself. Online you can find many recipes for great cookies (to avoid buying them packed in plastic bags), cosmetics (many of them are sold in plastic bottles that are hard to reuse or recycle), or liquid cleaners for your home. Again, it takes some time and effort to do everything yourself, but it’s also rewarding, when you discover, that you don’t need to buy this stuff anymore, cause you can do it on your own. Change your lifestyle and save money! It’s not possible to change your waste without changing your lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult, many of the changes have other advantages than only helping the planet. For example, when you switch from disposable menstrual pads to a menstrual cup, you save a lot of money every month. Also, when you switch to e-cigarettes instead of smoking regular ones (and throwing away all the butts and the packages), you don’t produce so much pollution. Vaping can be also profitable for your budget if you look for some good vape deals. In general, if the whole thing about protecting the environment doesn’t convince you enough, think of your own wallet and changes that less-waste-lifestyle will cause. Start small: Summing up, there are a lot of things you can do to lower the amount of waste you produce. Our advice is – don’t try to do everything at once, as it can be overwhelming. Start small, change one thing at a time and see how you feel about it. Soon you’ll be ready to go completely zero-waste! Read Also: Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle When Someone You Love Has An Addiction: 5 Tips On How To Help An Addict