Best 5 Instagram Marketing Tools You Should Be Using

Published on: 07 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Instagram Marketing

No one would like to be left behind and it is undoubted that business has to be on social media. You may be off Twitter and Facebook but are you on Instagram? Instagram is not for photographers and teens only because it has Instagram marketing tools that will help your business grow. There is so much going around on Instagram and you do not want to waste time learning this platform. Use this write-up to learn more about its tools.

5 Instagram Marketing Tools :

1. Social insight :

Social insight is among Instagram marketing tools which run a deep analysis of the account. It is easy to follow the engagement, interactions, and growth of the account. The main feature helps you estimate the required posting time and gain data on followers. You can also see info on average engagement. Additionally, this is more than a business account as this feature allows you to connect with others and compare their analytics. This is a promising tool that business owners use.

2. Repost :

Repost is one of the most essential Instagram tools for sharing user-generated content. When you do this, you show customers that you are appreciating them and their opinion. This tool is easy to use because you just need to click and share content while acknowledging the creator. This tool enables you to bookmark videos and photos you would like to report. It becomes possible to find photos by typing the username or hashtag and reposting by one button. This tool contributes to strengthening business relations with clients.

3. Instagram business blog :

Of late, Instagram has announced the launching of the business blog. This tool will be used as a resource for business so as to contribute to other companies’ success. According to Gramlike, you need to visit the blog to get the required info on the offers of this tool. You need to keep updated with news from the company and learn the way this tool is effectively used. Also, try finding out what other accounts of businesses are doing. Statistics of Instagram marketing show that forty-eight percent of brands have accounts and this includes almost all top one hundred brands. This indicates that Instagram competition is fierce and you need all the Instagram marketing tools to be on top. Nobody knows Instagram better than Instagram.

4. Boomerang :

Boomerang is yet another tool for video creation that appeals to the audience. Possessing a strategy that develops involves engaging the audience in the best way. You have to speak their language. According to liquid creativity, videos of the boomerang are a crucial section of the language. You can use it for purposes of filming videos on one second. The nice thing is that you do not need so much time as there is no need of audio. There is no need of working on dialogues. Capture the best moments behind scenes and make interesting videos about the product. A second can always be the difference.

5. Later :

A free plan is available. It provides thirty posts per month, one user, and one social profile. This is one of the Instagram marketing tools called the Linkin bio that makes it easy to shop Instagram feed. The Linkin bio is a landing page resembling Instagram feed and displays posts as clickable images. It is possible to access videos, photos, and accounts in later and have several media libraries; therefore, you do not have to share videos and photos with team members and Instagram accounts. It becomes possible to manage several accounts in the business plans. You can just have managers in teams to approve content and contributors and team members submitting media.

Conclusion :

It is fortunate to note that Instagram has edited its stance when it comes to Instagram marketing tools when it comes to scheduling. You will realize that these tools supporting scheduling also support direct Instagram publishing, and others help in boosting presence on social media.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Using Social Media to Promote Start-Up Businesses

Social media has changed the concept of business marketing. A few years back, huge businesses with big-budget promote their brand in a way which was even more appealing for the customers so their exposure was far better than Start-up businesses. Social media marketing is a source which gives the opportunity to the upcoming business holders to communicate with their clients via their social networking accounts so they can have a better chance to reach to a big audience. There are several popular social media platforms which people are using to promote their business without spending any extra cash. There are three main advantages which we can get from social media, A huge part of our society is using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram so it is easy for a new business owner to reach to a big audience in no time. When you gain some customers who rely on you for quality, they will start recommending your services/brand to others. New customers will then approach your page and you will have a bigger community for your brand. Reliability is not a single time earning, you have to improve your services to make your clients even happier with the products they are getting from you. When your clients will be able to contact you, they will ask for something they want from you and you can strengthen the bond between you and them by addressing their demands and replying to their concerns. Seeing positively, we can enlist so many advantages of using social media to promote your business, the biggest advantage is that it is free of cost and you do not need to spare extra cash to advertise about your brand. But as the title says, we are not only looking at the advantages, we are taking a bigger view of what social media does when we use it to promote any start-up business. As we are talking about start-up business, it is obvious that a new firm is not yet famous and it needs a lot of effort and a careful approach to pass things positively to the clients. Social media, at a point, can be risky for start-up business promotion. You need to adopt a consistent strategic and professional tone while building your online community. Make sure to entertain each and every client who approaches you at your social media pages. You must keep some points in your mind while managing your social media accounts. Keep your tone steady and professional. Use simple language to chat with clients. Never share any information at general chat panel when clients are asking for a specific service, discount or price, get to their inbox and send a message there. Keep one thing in your mind that you will never get positive responses only, there will be some people who can criticize you or even talk rudely to you, never get involved in absurd discussions, rather answer them politely If they address you directly. Make sure to update your content on a regular basis. Never leave your accounts silent for a while, try posting some material daily. If you do not have time to manage your social media accounts, hire someone for this purpose but do not leave them unattended. Try to follow your competitor’s accounts to see what and how they are offering to the clients. Make sure to check famous brands’ pages to improve the quality of your service. It needs complete planning to set objectives and reach a targeted audience in a specific time limit. You cannot just go where the waves take you, rather you need to check for each and every word which is being posted from your side. Keep one important thing in your mind, people get bored easily when they get simple sales messages from you or the content that is scheduled to be forwarded automatically, keep your messages personalized and live. Concluding the discussion, we are giving you a short plan to work with social media to promote your start-up business. Before you take a plunge into the world of social media, wisely plan a few things. What are you going to say to your audience? Monitor your speech carefully while you are speaking to your audience. People do not like monotonous replies, keep your tone lively and friendly. Try to give them confidence that their concerns will be taken seriously. Don’t refuse to talk to anyone. It will cause serious damage to your reputation. Who is going to take the responsibility to say? Make sure that the member of your team who is going to reply to your clients is a sharp, highly qualified and social person to handle this responsibility. Do not shift this responsibility so often, people like a familiar tone every time they try to contact you. When you are going to say? Another important thing to decide is when you are going to post your content, how often you are going to update your post wall, and what will be the schedule of your promotional posts. Keep everything managed and well prepared and do not take social media as a piece of cake. Remember one thing, it is the best source to uplift your brand if used carefully and it can be the worst jerk to your business if not handled wisely. Read also: How To Get More Likes On Instagram How Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building 8 Expert Ways To Build Your Personal Brand On Twitter!


How to Use Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is one of the most popular social media platforms that widely makes use of images. The site it full of amazing photos and you could be wondering how you can use it to promote your brand. Here are some tips on how to use Pinterest for business. 1. Add Save Button to Your Website If you would like your visitors to act, you must allow them to do so with a lot of ease. When you add a save button to your site, people will be able to pin your content with a single click. This will take place even if you have not installed the Pinterest browser. It will significantly increase the number od content that pinners save from your website. If you choose the automatic buttons, there will be a clickable Pinterest save button on all the images that are on your site. You can also use hover buttons that only appear when a person hovers the mouse over the images. The last option is to add the Pinterest save button to a particular image on your website. 2. Pin Consistency Pinners suggest that you pin at least one thing every day especially during the peak season. For most U.S-based brands, the peak times are in the evenings and over the weekend. The other element that Pinterest highlight to be crucial is consistency. In case you want to post huge number of posts during the week, it is good to divide them up so that you can post a few each day instead of posting all of them at once. If you want to create pins that will coincide with an upcoming event, season, or holiday, be careful to start posting them approximately 45 days in advance. 3. Pay Attention to Great Visuals Pinterest is a largely visual platform and hence you have no choice but to create high-quality imagery. Make sure you have clear, well-composed, and well-lit photos. In case you lack the skills, the time or the tools to create the images by yourself, we have thousands of stock photography sites that have high-quality photos that you can use. Think of the most creative ways of showcasing your brand and products visually. From recent studies on the performance of 50,000 pins that are promoted, Pinterest discovered that lifestyle images tend to outperform the product images. For example, style and fashion pins displaying products that were in real life use had 30% more clickthrough and 170% higher rates of checkout that the ones that were showing the product alone. 4. Don’t Neglect the Words Yes, Pinterest is a highly visual medium but you cannot create serious engagements with great visuals alone. Make good use of the description field by telling viewers what they will exactly get by clicking through the linked content that is on your website. Use relevant keywords so that your pins can appear in the search. However, do this in a helpful and natural manner and don’t practice keyword stuffing. 5. Use Rich Pins Where Appropriate The term rich pins refer to enhanced pins that utilize metadata that is pulled from your website to offer additional information on what pinners will get by clicking on a certain pin. You can find Rich Pins for articles, products, recipes, and apps. Therefore, you will get them for almost all the content you would like to pin or expecting other users to pin from your site. 6. Go Social Pinterest is a social network and not a billboard. Therefore, people will not engage with your pins unless you get engaged yourself. Follow accounts or board from the non-competitive but relevant brands within your niche. Be keen to actively like and also engage with pins that are related to your industry. You may also involve your brand evangelists and employees. You can invite these individuals to contribute to your Pinterest group boards. 7. Improve Results by Using Analytics Pinterest analytics offers critical insights about the kind of content that performs well on your network. Therefore, you may tweak and advance your Pinterest for business outcome over time. You will be able to observe the most popular pins and the ones that drive the highest amount of traffic. You can focus on the specific metrics that are particular to your specific business. You will also view the boards where your pins are included in and this will help you to understand how people are thinking about your products and business. You will get some new ideas on the best way to position your efforts on Pinterest. You will also get some tips on the interests and demographics of people who are interacting with your pins. It will give you valuable insights that will assist you to precisely target your strategy to the right audience. 8. Try the Pinterest Promoted Pins Pinterest ads or promoted pins is an excellent way to allow more people to see your pins. It also helps in creating new exposure to your brand. Promoted pins can give you an exposure that go beyond the payment you make. To know a promoted pin on interest, you will find the word ‘promoted’ below it. However, when a pinner saves the promoted on their personal board, it will become the regular organic pin. Therefore, it strips off the promotional label. 9. Make the Pins More Accessible Pinterest is highly super-visual and relies heavily on images to establish meaning and context. Therefore, users who have low visibility, certain disabilities, or need screen-readers will struggle to use this platform. Therefore, you have to pay more focus on the text. You can use several strategies to make your pins more accessible. It is a good thing to connect with a long list of members from your target audience. Your primary goal should be to make your content accessible to all users. One strategy would be to add context through the descriptions. You can also use strong typography and incorporate color contrasts. Lastly, make sure that you use large texts so that people with visual problems can read with a lot of ease. This article should have answered your questions on how to use Pinterest for business. Read Also: 9 Ways To Use Pinterest To Promote Your E-Commerce Store How To Market Your Personal Injury Law Firm On Pinterest

Personal History

How To Check Someone Out Online: 5 Tips On Finding Out Someone’s Personal History

Online or app dating has become the cultural norm, but is it safe? Currently, 20% of internet-using adults use online dating. For your safety, you need to do online research on the people you intend to meet. Start by confirming the information they have given you. Then look for information they haven't told you. Knowing how to check someone out online will help you know the truth. Use our tips on how to run a background check to stay safe during online dating. 1. Google The best place to start when looking into someone is to put their name into Google. With some basic information, you will build a good idea of who the person is. Start with the person's name and location. From there you can find out their online presence. If you know their email address or phone number search for those too. This will bring up any place where this information appears. When you search their full name, put it in quotes like this "Full Name". This will limit your searches to where their first and last name appear next to each other. Try adding qualifiers after their name. These could include the girlfriend/boyfriend, divorce, debt, arrest, school, or university. Caution The internet is a lawless place. Anyone can create and spread misinformation. Take everything you learn with a grain of salt. If you find information that isn't favorable, do further research. Once you verify the negative information then you can believe it. You also need to confirm that the person you find is actually the person you are talking to. Many people have the same name and maybe at the same age. 2. Social Media Most people have chosen to put their social media profiles on private, but it doesn't hurt to check. Go through the major sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Facebook lets you search for people by name, location, or even group. A group could be the high school they graduated from or a company they work for. Look at who their friend list consists of. Is it a normal mix of family and friends? It is a red flag if their entire friend list is one gender. Look at how long the profile has been around. The longer the profile has been around the more likely it is a legitimate profile. How often are they posting and who is reacting to their posts? This will give you an idea of their social media use and who they are interacting with. Caution Remember that they may have certain parts of their profile hidden. Facebook allows you to customize your privacy. So while you may not see their friends or activity, it doesn't mean it isn't there. LinkedIn This social media account is a great way to verify the information. People generally do not lie on LinkedIn since it is a professional networking site. Since this is where employers are going, you are more likely to get accurate information. LinkedIn profiles can be the best option for a dbs check. 3. Reverse Image Search Doing a reverse image search is a great way to confirm that the person in the picture is who they claim to be. If you search an image and it comes up with someone else's profile, you have a problem. You may find other social media profiles that belong to your person that use the same picture. You could find a second social media account separate from the one they use with friends and family. You can also try other pictures that are not their profile pictures. Try a picture that has other people in the picture. This may lead you to other people who know the person you are looking for. How To When you find their social media profile, save a copy of their profile photo to your desktop. Then head over to Click on "upload an image" and select the picture you saved. Google will then return a search result of where that image appears online. It will also show you visually similar images. 4. County Criminal Records Search Doing a criminal records search is about safety. Keep in mind the level of crime and how recently they occurred. Criminal records are public information. The laws vary on how to access the information though. You can start by googling the person's name with "arrest record" or "criminal records." A minor misdemeanor or DUI ten years ago may not be a big deal. Three felonies last year could point to a bigger issue. Hire a Pro Sometimes searching for free isn't enough. That's when you need to hire a professional. They have the experience to know where to look to give you a complete criminal picture. Everything including convictions, witness records, domestic violence records, DUI, and traffic violations. You may find their record in one county or ordinance. A professional is going to find their records from everywhere. 5. There Is Nothing Online What if you've done a search and there is nothing online. This is a huge red flag. In today's digital world everyone has at least one thing online. If you find nothing, there is the possibility that they are making up their identity. You need to decide if you want to confront the person or stop contact. It is possible that they don't have an online presence. Ask for proof with a driver's license, passport, or birth certificate. How to Check Someone Knowing how to check someone online is vital in today's digital world. This is the first step in confirming the person is honest about who they are. The first step when you want to run a background check is to start with Google. Take the information you do know and run a search. Then search social media accounts. This will give you a good idea of who they are, their friends, and lifestyle. You'll then need to know how to run a criminal background check. You can do this by searching the records yourself or hire a professional. Have you looked yourself up online? Find out how to stay safe when taking your selfies. Read Also : 6 Important Questions To Ask A Personal Injury Lawyer