Complete Pregnancy Guide For Mumma’s To Be

Published on: 29 January 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Pregnancy Guide

Pregnancy is considered as a blissful experience for and by every woman. Being so exhilarating and elating happening, it demands a lot of care, both physically and emotionally. To help you along the way to your parturition, a few things must be kept in mind.


The prime step of prenatal care during pregnancy is to choose an adroit and devoted health care provider. It is of paramount importance since your doctor would be the one caring for you and your baby for the next 40 weeks of your pregnancy. While, choosing your own family doctor is always the best choice, but in case he/she is not experienced as a Gynecologist, you should consult a Gynecologist. You can also take frequent suggestions from your family doctor just to ensure that everything is moving smoothly and as planned.

Scheduling your first visit to your doctor is the next step towards a well-planned pregnancy. This visit is typically scheduled in between 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. A frequent visit to your doctor during your entire pregnancy is a must and is more important if you have some prior health issues. You must also consult on your doctors on some better sleep guide. We will talk in details about sleep.

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A healthy and nutritious diet is the vital essential for a healthy baby. The diet must contain at least three to four servings of fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains in the whole day. A small amount of fat intake is also necessary. Raw animal products, as well as raw fruits and vegetables, must be strictly avoided. Refrigerated foods, unpasteurized dairy products, certain seafood, alcohol, and unpasteurized juices can also be harmful to the mother and the baby. While there is a list of things that you should not take while pregnant, you should consult your doctor to get a better idea about the same. Proper medications and prenatal vitamins are also crucial for a healthy pregnancy.


Being physically active during your pregnancy helps you to be enthusiastic and ecstatic. A basic exercise and physical activity as suggested by your doctor would be the best choice. However, any kind of physical stress must be avoided, especially during the first trimester, as there is a greater chance of miscarriage during this period. Any types of sit-ups, inverted activities, and fall risk activities should be critically avoided.


How to sleep while pregnant? One of the major guidelines for a pregnant woman is about the accurate sleeping posture, which is also termed as SOS. SOS means Sleep on Side. While, you can sleep on either side, sleeping on the left side is preferable because of its unique advantages of better blood and nutrients circulation. An SOS with bent knees and legs posture and a pillow between the legs can be more effective. Pregnancy can result in lack of sleep and thus, a memory foam mattress is recommended by physicians for a good and comfortable sleep. To provide your body a complete rest avoiding the issue of sleep deprivation, a piece of soft and soothing music can also be helpful. Choose your own music to help you sleep.

Keep the above facts in your mind, and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. And don’t forget to consult your doctor for the best advice.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: Does It Cause Cancer In Patients?

Many women worry about developing breast cancer, especially when it comes to invasive procedures. In fact, according to, one out of every eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Here, you will learn whether breast augmentation leads to cancer or not. Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. More than 300,000 surgeries happen in the United States every year. Their number is growing. Basically, breast augmentation is a full-scale surgery that tampers with the tissues. Hence, many patients fear the possibility of developing such dangerous conditions as cancer. Can breast augmentation cause cancer? Let’s find out. Understanding Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure with the help of which cosmetologists and doctors change the shape and size of a woman’s breasts. It is also called augmentation mammoplasty. Generally, there are two reasons why you need to perform breast augmentation: Cosmetic Reasons:This helps in making breasts larger, correcting asymmetrical breasts, or changing their shape. Reconstructive Reasons: Some women want to restore the volume of their breasts after pregnancy, weight loss, or even breast removal. Moreover, reconstruction also works when you want to increase the size of your breasts that are of different sizes. Basically, during the breast augmentation procedure, the surgeon inserts breast implants under the chest muscle or breast tissue. Generally, these implants consist of sacs that are full of silicone or saline water. Moreover, the surgery mostly happens at an outpatient clinic or a hospital. On the other hand, there is also a natural alternative to breast augmentation. This happens through fat transfer. Here, the surgeon brings out fat from the woman’s body through liposuction. Then, they inject the fat into the breasts of the woman. In some cases, this procedure surgeons call this process fat grafting. Risk Factors To Breast Augmentation The following are some of the major risk factors for breast augmentation: Improper incision placement Excessive tissue manipulation Incorrect implant placement Poor surgical technique Inadequate hemostasis (control of bleeding) Does Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? Different research came up to show whether implants can lead to cancer. According to Seattle breast augmentation surgeons at LaBelleVie and other board-certified doctors and qualified medical professionals, there is currently no evidence linking breast implants to breast cancer. There are reasons why some women may find out about cancer after or even before getting implants. This depends on the fact that there are many tests before the actual surgery happens. So, patients discover tumors during the preparation procedures rather than after the insertion of the implant. Generally, breast implants haven’t been linked to the appearance of breast cancer. However, they may increase the risk of developing a certain type of cancer. Actually, it is the Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma or BI-AALCL. What Is BI-AALCL? BI-AALCL is an uncommon type of lymphoma that occurs around the implants after breast augmentation. It’s more common in women who opt for breast implants having surface textures. BI-AALCL is an immune system cancer, NOT breast cancer. The risk of developing such cancer is rather low. One in about 30,000 women develops BI-AALCL after opting for breast augmentation with textured implants. However, if doctors discover the problem early enough, it is easy to cure. The symptoms of this type of cancer include: Unexpected breast enlargement Breast asymmetry Lump in the breast or armpit Hardening of the breast Fluid collection If a patient experiences such symptoms, she must contact a doctor immediately in order to prevent cancer from spreading. BIA ALCL can occur in patients who have chosen silicone or saline implants. Also, one can find it regardless of the type of surgery, be it breast reconstruction or breast enlargement. As of today, no cases of women developing BI-AALCL after installing a smooth implant have been reported. If a patient opts for textured implants, the doctor must monitor her for several years after the surgery. Today, it’s not possible to run tests in order to understand which patients are prone to this disease. Should You Remove My Breast Augmentation And Implants? If you have textured implants, it doesn’t mean you will develop BI-AALCL. All the findings show that the risk of getting such cancer is quite low. Removing the implants is a drastic measure that should be discussed with the surgeon and the physician. In the majority of cases, women with textured implants should be monitoring the condition of their breasts carefully in order not to miss the first signs of the disease. For the majority of patients with stage 1 BI-AALCL, the cancer is confined in a capsule. Early treatment involves surgical removal. The survival rate of patients with such cancer is 89% over 5 years. The rate is much higher for women who are diagnosed early and who have the implant and the capsule removed timely. Breast Augmentation And Cancer: The Way Forward Does breast augmentation cause breast cancer? No. However, it can lead to an uncommon form of immune system cancer, which is well-treatable if caught early enough. Do you have more information to add about breast augmentation? Please share them in the comments section below. 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what happens in rehab

Going to Rehab: What You Can Expect When You’re Getting Clean

Do you want to know what happens in rehab?  You're ready to admit that you're completely powerless over your addiction to drugs or alcohol. You know that you need help -- and that a rehab facility is likely your best shot. But what happens in rehab, exactly? what happens in rehab is a question in the minds of many. Is it all just 12-step programs and little else? Will you be able to succeed in this environment? Most of all, how will rehab treatment help you to maintain your sobriety once you get out? These are all absolutely normal questions, and they show a true commitment to getting better. In this post, we'll tell you exactly what to expect from drug or alcohol rehab. Read on to get empowered and informed. The First Step: Detox: Detox rehab is one of the most frightening -- and difficult -- parts of your overall recovery process. In fact, this fear of withdrawal is why so many people go so long without getting the help they desperately need. However, if you enter into a professional facility, you'll get the level of care you need to detox safely. You may even be given medication to help you manage the symptoms of withdrawal. Most importantly, you'll be supervised, so if something does go wrong, you'll get help and relief right away. Be aware that you may experience nausea, stomach pain, mood swings, insomnia or exhaustion, and many other withdrawal side effects. Curious to learn more about the overall detox process? Visit the Recovery Resource Center for more information. Treating the Emotional Wounds: Of course, understanding the underlying causes of addiction -- and removing psychological blocks you've likely had for years -- is a huge part of your recovery process. You'll likely engage in many different types of therapy. These can range from things like classic cognitive behavioral therapy to things like horseback riding and art therapy. You'll soon learn which ones work the best for you. You may even receive a dual diagnosis that helps you to understand your addiction. This means that, in addition to dealing with substance abuse, you also have an underlying mental health condition. Knowing this and getting the right treatment is a huge part of helping you to move forward. Rebuilding Your Physical Strength: What happens in rehab isn't always exactly what you see on television and in the movies. Yes, you'll journal, have breakthroughs and breakdowns, and even go for a few walks along a beach. But you'll also get a little sweaty. Often, you're not in the best physical shape when you first enter rehab. You've been neglecting and abusing your body for a long time. You may be severely over or underweight. You might have problems with nutrition, tired, or simply weak. Physical exercise is a big part of the recovery process. You'll do things like yoga, pilates, and perhaps even running to gain your strength back. Meeting With Other Addicts: Group therapy is another enormous part of the rehabilitation process. Connecting with other people who also struggle with addiction and are now committed to recovery is incredibly helpful. Together, you'll all rehash the reasons behind your addiction. You'll support each other and hold one another accountable. You'll share coping mechanisms and strategies. Sometimes, you'll simply listen. Group therapy also teaches you how to talk about your addiction to other people, and helps to reduce the stigma and anxiety surrounding these types of discussions. Connecting With Family Members: A huge part of many rehab treatments is meeting with your family members for the first time after you've gotten sober. Often, a therapist will be there to facilitate a meeting between all of you. You'll usually have the chance to address past wrongdoings, apologize, and talk about the level of support you may need from them in the next phase of your life. Keep in mind that programs like Al-Anon are incredibly helpful for family members and loved ones of addicts. Just as you've undergone intense therapy while in rehab, your family may also have been doing the same thing. Considering Sober Living and Next Steps: Once you've completed your rehab treatment, you'll then begin to think about your next steps. Many people are incredibly frightened of this phase. After all, rehab is a safe and comfortable environment. It's almost entirely free from triggers and reminders of your past addiction, like the bar you used to do drugs at. Re-entering the real world, for many addicts, comes with a real risk of relapse. If this is something you're worried about, you may want to learn about your sober living facility options. This is a facility that has a set curfew every night, assigns people responsibilities like cooking and cleaning, and still has a bit of a rehab-like environment. You'll be able to work and visit with friends and family throughout the day but then return to a safe space at night. What Happens in Rehab Will Help You Heal: Above all, remember that it's perfectly normal to feel anxious about what happens in rehab. In some cases, you may not even remember what it was really like to be sober. Yes, you'll be vulnerable, and you'll confront some difficult things about your past. But you'll grow stronger and appreciate life more as a result. Above all, know this: you are always worth it, and you deserve a happy, sober existence. Are you interested in learning more about what to expect out of treatment? Need to know the best way to encourage a friend or family member to get help? Keep checking back with us for more advice on recovery and wellness as a whole. 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Speed Up Your Muscle Injury Recovery

How To Speed Up Your Muscle Injury Recovery

A muscle injury of any type can be extremely painful, weaken the body, and make it difficult to proceed with your daily activities. Muscle injuries include a pulled muscle or muscle strain and can occur for various reasons. Speeding muscle recovery time is crucial to carrying on with your life without pain. Muscle injuries can limit the muscle’s movement, not only in that muscle but in surrounding ones attached via tendons and aponeurosis. Arteries, veins, and nerves penetrate the epimysium (connective tissue sheath surrounding the muscle). When a muscle is damaged, nerve impulses are sent to the brain, signaling pain. Blood flow can be compromised in severe muscle damage, and blood loss into the surrounding tissue can cause a bruise or hematoma. Skeletal muscles also need signals (impulses) from the nerve cell to contract the muscle fiber. When an injured muscle cuts off these nerve impulses, the muscle cannot perform. In bodybuilding, muscle injury is what builds stronger, larger muscles as new cells fill in the tears. However, extreme damage can lead to serious issues. How Does A Muscle Injury Happen? A muscle strain can occur in various ways, each causing a different set of problems. Fatigue will not result in the same pain and damage that extreme exercise can cause. Any strain on a muscle can reduce motion and cause pain. Minor and moderate injuries are easily treated at home. However, more severe damage (diagnosed as grade 3), such as rotator cuff tears, Achilles ruptures, or hamstring ruptures, might require surgery. Muscle injury can occur in three different areas: within the muscle, at the connection between the muscle and tendon (most frequent), or in the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone. Muscle strains and injuries can happen to anyone. While athletes are more likely to experience these injuries, the general population is also at risk. Acute strains can occur while walking if you lose your footing or slip, throw an item, lift something heavy, jump, run, or lift something improperly. Muscle injuries include: Strains: these contraction-induced injuries occur most often when muscles work across multiple joints during rapid acceleration and deceleration more than the tensile forces the muscle fibers can withstand Contusions: caused by compressive force to the muscle, such as in contact sports collisions that lead to muscle damage with bleeding resulting in a bruise Lacerations: most often occur due to injuries, such as industrial or traumatic accidents that cut the muscle Here are some of the most common causes of muscle injury: Poor Conditioning Engaging in physical activity when the muscles have not been adequately conditioned can increase the risk of injury. Improper Exercises Doing extreme, high-intensity exercises or those your body is not used to can cause exercise-induced muscle damage. The ensuing trauma can lead to inflammation, swelling, increased passive tension, decreased muscle strength, soreness, reduced range of motion, and problems with insulin sensitivity as the muscles are involved in glucose uptake. Fatigue Overexertion of the muscle can lead to muscle fatigue, weakening it and making it more susceptible to injury. Improper Warmup Working the muscles without preparing them through proper warmup exercises and stretches can cause muscle injury. Lack of flexibility can increase the risk of injury as the muscle fibers are tighter than they should be. Overuse Repetitive tasks can cause micro-trauma to the muscles. For example, someone on the computer all day doing repetitive movements with the keys or the mouse may experience muscle pain in the inner elbow or wrist. Injury Whether caused by sports or trauma, an injury can result in mild to severe damage to the muscle. Bruising is a sign of bleeding, and while minor bruises are not dangerous, some forms of hematomas can be life-threatening in the case of serious injuries, including when fractures or internal organ damage is present. Poor Posture Sitting or standing in the wrong position for a long time can strain the muscles. Muscle strains are more common in the neck, back, shoulders, and hamstrings. What Can You Do For Muscle Injury? The treatment you need depends on the severity of the muscle strain. Muscle injury is categorized into three grades as follows: Grade 1: mild damage to less than 5% of individual muscle fibers, causing minimal loss of motion and strength. Grade 2: more muscle fibers are affected with increased damage, yet no complete ruptures. The injury can cause significant loss of motion and strength and may take two to three months to heal. Grade 3: complete muscle or tendon rupture that may require surgery to reattach the damaged tissue. The tips below can help you speed up recovery from a muscle injury: Rest Injured muscles need time to heal, and that means letting them rest. An injured muscle is more vulnerable to further damage, so avoid activities that can further increase the strain. Sleep Getting adequate sleep is crucial to muscle recovery, as that is the time when growth hormone and insulin growth factor 1 promote cellular regeneration and tissue repair. Anything less than 7 hours reduces recovery efforts inside the body. Hydrate Hydrated muscles heal better than dehydrated ones. Along with water, increasing intake of fruit and vegetables provides additional fluids along with crucial vitamins and minerals the body needs for muscle repair. Compression Compression wrapping of the affected area supports and reduces swelling in the injured area. Do not make the compress too tight, which can cut off circulation. Elevate Raising the injured muscle above heart level decreases blood flow to the area, helping to reduce swelling. The sooner you can do that, the better it is to speed healing. Ice Applying ice packs to an injured muscle immediately can help reduce swelling and pain. Focus on doing it for 15 minutes every hour for the first two to three days (longer if necessary). HGH Therapy It has been clinically proven that HGH not only boosts muscle development but also enhances muscle repair and recovery. Find out what is the HGH cost in the US and whether HGH therapy is right for you. Manual Therapy Physical therapy targets the damaged muscle to improve circulation, increase mobility, decrease swelling, reduce pain, and promote healing. Heat After icing for three days, apply heat a few times daily to restore blood circulation to the area for healing. Pain Management There are many ways to manage pain, including over-the-counter medications, prescription painkillers (which can lead to addiction if used long-term), supportive braces, and getting help from a pain management specialist, if needed. Increase Protein Consumption Muscles need protein, and eating more protein, along with taking collagen or whey powder supplements, provides the muscles with nutrients to speed the healing process. Consume Tart Cherry Juice Studies have shown some benefits of tart cherry juice for reducing inflammation, soreness, and damage to the muscles. Switch To Low-Impact Exercise During Injury Recovery Strength and flexibility exercises can help improve strength and range of motion while speeding muscle recovery. A physical therapist can help determine the appropriate exercises for your condition. Surgery Serious injuries may require surgical intervention to improve healing. Seek medical help for severe muscle injuries. Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections PRP injections may accelerate muscle tissue regeneration in the damaged area. Conclusion Muscle injuries can cause significant pain, bruising, swelling, decreased range of motion, and loss of strength. The pain can be sudden, sporadic, stabbing, achy, ongoing, or combined. As the muscle heals, stem cells around the injured area regenerate new muscle fibers, and scar tissue forms around the area. Torn muscle tissue may never fully regenerate, making it susceptible to future muscle strains. Trying the RICE method of rest, ice, compression, and elevation is always the best step to take immediately. A newer recommendation is the PEACE approach, which has you protect the area from further injury by reducing use, elevating to decrease swelling, avoiding anti-inflammatory treatments (ice and NSAIDs) to allow inflammation for healing, compressing the area with a bandage, and educating yourself about the recovery period. Protecting the muscles from injury is crucial, and giving strained muscles time to heal can reduce the risk of further damage. Seek medical attention if the pain and weakness are ongoing or severe. Read Also: Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate Different Types Of Blood Circulation Exercise