How Customer Service Is Impacting Your Business In 2022!

Published on: 15 July 2022 Last Updated on: 19 February 2025
Customer Service

High-quality customer service is a crucial element of any client-facing business. It can have a direct impact on the number of sales you make, the morale within your business, and most importantly, the reputation you create surrounding your company.

You should invest in customer service so that your business can rise to success, and you can do this by ensuring clear and concise communication with conversational commerce, as well as utilizing in-depth training for employees at all levels.

Read on to find out more about how customer service is impacting your business in 2022.

1. Good Reputation

One of the main ways that customer service will impact your business this year, and in the future, is that it can help you to build a good reputation.

Customer Service

A lot of us will choose to use a business on the recommendation of others, or from reviews we’ve read online – if you are well-known for providing good customer service, going above and beyond what the customer expects, and enhancing the customer’s experience, word of mouth will result in your business achieving a good reputation.

This can increase sales and the overall success of your business.

2. Increased sales

Good customer service means that more people are likely to use your product and service. If your customers are happy with the service they receive, they’ll likely buy from your business now and in the future.

sales increment

Good word of mouth from happy customers can attract first-time customers to your business, which therefore means an increase in sales.

If your employees know the product on offer inside out, talk to customers with confidence and clarity, and go out of their way to help them with any queries or issues they may have, they stand more of a chance of closing the deal and driving sales up.

3. Business morale

The way your employees treat customers gives an insight into how they were trained and the morale within the business itself.

Business morale

Good customer service should be evident as soon as customers walk through the door, and it not only reflects well on the business and the product you’re selling, but it also shows that you have dedicated time and effort to choosing the best workers to help the business succeed.

Properly training your staff from the day they have hired means that they can uphold your business value and reputation. If you choose the right employee, they will want to help – and providing good customer service will make them feel accomplished, improving the overall atmosphere within the business.

4. Competitive edge

 The level of customer service that your employees provide within your business has an impact on your competitive edge. In business, there is always going to be a competitor that you’re working alongside, and to make your business a success, you must do all you can to ensure that you’re one step ahead.

Competitive edge

If your customer feels like they are not being treated as they would expect, they may end up taking their business straight to one of your competitors – good customer service can reduce the chance of this happening.

Not only this, but it is also always best that employees know how to diffuse a situation should a customer become disgruntled to alleviate the chance of them shopping elsewhere.

5. Improves overall experience

Good customer service simply makes everyone’s lives a little bit easier – the employees, the owners, and the customers. No one wants to spend a chunk of their day trying to solve a problem with a product or service, by being put on hold or not being able to speak to someone about an issue.

customer experience

Good customer service means your business can be accessible to everyone, at any time. Equally, employees don’t want to feel worthless if they haven’t had sufficient training to help a customer or end up having to deal with an unsatisfied, and angry client.

Making sure the level of customer service you provide is high, means that you can keep your employees happy, your customers happy, and most importantly, give your business a boost towards success.


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product packaging

5 Ways To Reduce The Packaging Cost In Your Business

Every business needs to look for ways to reduce the cost of overall production and distribution of their products. Most often they focus on product redesign in a way that the overall material cost will be lesser. But packaging cost can be another important contributor in the overall cost of a product. So, if you are looking to cut some cost of your product, here are 5 useful ways you should consider: 1. Prioritize Research And Development Large business organizations need to have research and development division to determine or find the best packaging for their products. Yes, a box is a box but not all packaging made in the same process. Your research team should continuously come up with multiple product packaging designs and test each on a small scale to know exactly which one brings the desired result. Getting rid of unnecessary layering from the product packaging is one of the easiest ways to lessen the cost of packaging. Your research department can this continuously work on product redesign. This might not be a perfect option for small businesses though. So, small businesses can simply imitate market leaders. 2. Buy Packaging Materials In Bulk Your goal should be to get the economies of scale when you buy various packaging materials. Most suppliers will offer you significant price discount when you buy in bulk. So, contact with various suppliers, check the quality of their products first and then ask for their best offers for bulk purchases. No matter how large or small your business is, you should look to have the advantage of economies of scale. 3. Cut Wastage In Every Way Possible Wastage in packaging might be one of the reasons your company have high packaging cost. So, know the exact level of packaging waste in your business and look for ways to cut those wastages to have lesser packaging cost. 4. Adopt Flexible Packaging Flexible packaging has brought about a revolutionary change in the packaging industry. If your product is a perfect fit for adopting flexible packaging and you are yet to adopt that, consider adopting it ASAP you can. Plastic porch packaging is the most popular flexible packaging option as it requires less packaging material per product, takes less space in storage and transportation and most importantly reduces the cost of packaging. Marketing and promotion to get much easier. If you are in a legal cannabis business, you can adopt flexible cannabis packaging. 5. Outsource Packaging Small businesses should not invest in large packaging machinery. So, in order to reduce the cost of packaging, they can simply look for various packaging companies around and make a good deal of monthly and yearly packaging needs. These are some common ways you can reduce the cost of packaging in your business. Apply the ones you feel perfect for your business and competitive advantage over your competitors.


Important Things To Consider When Packaging Your Product

Product packaging is a big business, and it is a big thing for your business too. The value of packaging produced in Australia goes into billions, which speaks of the importance of the industry. We tend to overlook that just like the product, the packaging in itself needs to be manufactured and assembled as well. If you think of it that way, your packaging is the first thing that attracts the customer. It is a given that as soon as he or she gets the package in hand, the first thought is to see how reliable it is. For this, you must be aware of the three basic categories of the packaging as per your product. You have primary packaging, the purpose of which is for a customer to take it home. Next up, secondary packaging, which is sort of packaging around your packaging. What it means is that it is used to group items together, such as trays and boxes etc. Lastly, we have tertiary packaging, which is used for warehousing and transportation, such as pallets and cartons. Among all these, it is necessary that you choose the right packaging for your product because your success depends on how the product is being presented. Here are some essential things to consider when designing product packaging. Manufacturing: To start off, the materials used in packaging play an important part. Choosing the right material depends on your product and the process through which it is created or being delivered. You must consider all your product variation plans in the long run, before finalizing the materials you will manufacture your packaging with. Your choice needs to be flexible enough to deal with the product variants, new products, promotions, and SKU changes etc. There have recently been many strong developments in the higher performing packaging material including Plastic Packaging Supplies that minimize the storage requirements and transportation costs. Not just this, but alongside the convenience, the appeal and the attractiveness has been maximized too. Moreover, among the top things, you must consider is the capability and the processes attached to your packaging from being manufactured to delivered too. Consider flexibility and stacking & transportation too, and we are sure you will find the material that sits true to your business and packaging needs. Sustainable Business: Environmental concern, sustainability and the associated terms are all the rage these days. Every business claims to manufacture and produce packaging or products that can easily be recovered and recycled. If you consider sustainability, it is good for the environment but not for your pocket. This is why, manufacturers must consider the right balance between the environmental impact of their packaging and the commercial demands. Consider that if you reduce packaging to meet the eco-friendly requirements, will your product be secure? On the flip side, if you invest more in packaging to secure the product, will it be sustainable for your business? Do weight in cost-effectiveness, sustainability, flexibility and other requirements to maintain your brand image. You can always opt for plastic packaging supplies in the end. Supply Chain: How your product is being stored and distributed is as important as the design and the manufacturing itself. This is where your supply chain is going to kick in. Firstly, consider the environment, because your packaging needs to withstand the crushing Australian temperature, dust, moisture and vibration etc. Secondly, consider the type of your item and what kind of packaging will keep it safe throughout the stocking and moving process. Once you have considered both, you will know what sort of material is feasible for your supply chain process. Once you have finalized the practical and operational aspect of it all do not forget that the ‘shelf appeal’, which is the branding and marketing of your business product, matters too. Around 70% of the purchasing decisions are made in-store, and that clearly implies that your packaging often attracts the buyers. So think, think, think, brainstorm and continually innovate. You will have the best product packaging and an answer to all your cost problems that might arise in between. Just be sure that you don’t hurry and choose whatever suits your products the most. Read Also: Simple Packaging: Your Guide To Branded Design 5 Ways To Reduce The Packaging Cost In Your Business


How CBD Oil Can Help You With Pain Management

There are certain CBD products and properties which are for psychological reasons, and then come the ones which are for physical reasons. This is what we are talking about when we talk about CBD and its effects on pain relief. If you are suffering from any kind of back pain, joint pain, or even period cramp pain, you absolutely need to read this article. Find out more about the different pain management with the help of CBD. There is CBD flower online, and smoking can help you with the pain. How Can CBD Oil Help In Pain Management: Here are some of the pioneer ways in which CBD can help you in pain management and why you should absolutely choose CBD-infused products for the purpose of pain relief. 1. It Is Like Prescription Pain Relief CBD is very much known for many;[ulating the sensory receptors on your brain. The one who is controlling the pain. It doesn't actually diminish the pain, but it definitely numbs the nerves and allows your body to think that the pain is eventually gone. This is the same effect one might have when they are under a very strong prescription pill. This is why they are known for having the same effects. However, do not worry you won't get addicted to it, it will just relax you. 2. Helps In Joint Inflammation Internal muscle inflammation is responsible for many joint and back pain, and do you know what CBD is mostly known for? Its anti-inflammatory properties. This is why they are the best when it comes to chronic pain relief for many people in their old age, and the ones who suffer from extreme period cramps. 3. Antibacterial Properties There are certain bacterial diseases on the skin which could be very painful, including some very painful cystic acne or rash. Applying a CBD oil or tincture can be extremely helpful for this purpose. So, if you suffer from any skin condition do not just believe in CBD for reducing the scar, use CBD oil for that pain as well. 4. Other Health Conditions Some other health conditions that CBD might help you with are, headaches and digestion problems. Although there is n concrete research on it, there have been some first-hand experiences that have proved CBD’s credibility for it. Frequently Asked Questions: CBD and pain, this has been the new experimentation in the beauty industry for quite some time. Plus, now that there has been a lot of thought about its legality, and most states have made it legal to use CND even with a little amount of THC in it, using CBD for pain has become very common. Still in doubt! This is one of the reasons why we have scoured the internet and gotten some of the frequently asked questions over the internet. & Here is how to fix it. 1. What Kind Of CBD Products Should I Use For Pain Relief? Ans. When you are using something infused with CBD, it is better to either use a CBD oil or a CBD tincture for both external and internal use. Yes, the effect of tincture will be more powerful than that of CBD oil, and it will be quick. However, some might not prefer the use of tincture because of the amount of alcohol in it. 2. Can I Get Addicted To CBD If I Keep Using It For My Pain? Ans. Yes, we understand why you asked this question. Since CBD is placed in the same spectrum as a pain killer, it is a very common question. However, no! You will not get addicted to CBD as you would to a painkiller. Firstly, CBD doesn’t have THC, the one with the psychedelic effects, and even if they do, the limit is really less. 3. Should I Consume Or Apply When It Comes To Pain Relief? Ans. When it comes to pain relief, you should always go for an application for better relief, than going for oral consumption. Read Also: Where Can I Buy CBD Oral Drops? CBD for Pets, Anxiety and Pain Management 5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD)