How to Get More Traffic to Your Amazon Listings

Published on: 01 August 2020 Last Updated on: 04 March 2021
Amazon Listings

Building a successful business on Amazon requires a decent amount of virtual footfall to your online store. This means generating traffic is one of the biggest priorities for Amazon sellers. But the thought of all the different tactics you can use and implementing them in the right way can feel incredibly overwhelming.

We’ve compiled a guide to getting more traffic to your Amazon listings to help you out.

Get More Traffic

First Things First… Know Where You Stand

Before you go ahead and implement the different traffic generation tactics out there, it’s important to know where you stand amongst your competitors and in the overall landscape of your industry.

There are three things you should do first to set you up for the best success. Do these, and you’ll have a better understanding of what you need to do to stand out to potential buyers and a keen knowledge of the keywords they use to search for products like yours.

a) Competitor Analysis:

Looking into what your biggest competitors are doing helps you understand where your brand fits in. You can also glean some inspiration for traffic generation techniques that have been working for them.

Start by looking into the keywords they’re using on products similar to yours and the words they’re using to describe their products. Your competitors likely have products that show up top on Amazon search results, so following their lead will ensure your products get the same recognition.

Start by typing your product into the search bar and exploring the first few results that show up. What keywords do they use? How are they describing the products? Do you notice anything different or better about their listings compared to yours?

b) Category Analysis:

Category analysis works as a follow on from competitor analysis. It lets you uncover the keywords that are used to describe products like yours. Not only will this give you some ideas for your own listings, but it will help you figure out what makes the popular listings in your industry so successful.

If you sell red dresses, for example, type “red dresses” into the Amazon search bar and take a look through the top results. Compare the differences between these listings and yours and identify any particular wording or phrases that crop up often.

c) Keyword Analysis:

After running competitor and category analysis, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the words your customers are using to search for products like yours. Use a keyword tool to find other relevant words and phrases to use and sprinkle them throughout your product listings, like in your product titles, descriptions, and image captions.

Keyword Analysis

You can also use Amazon’s search bar suggestion to find commonly searched for phrases relating to your products.

Easy Ways to Increase the Traffic to Your Amazon Listings

After analyzing your competitors, product categories, and keywords, it’s time to focus on actually getting traffic to your site. Here are the most effective tactics our clients at Urtasker have used to increase their traffic.

1. Amazon SEO

SEO isn’t just a Google thing. After all, Amazon is also a huge search engine, and optimizing your listings will help them show up higher up the results.

Amazon rankings take into account a number of different factors, including keywords, how well your products sell, the number of reviews you have, and the quality of the content you have on your listings.

To optimize your listings start by:

  • Incorporating keywords into your product titles and descriptions
  • Showcasing high-quality images on your listings
  • Writing clear and concise product descriptions

2. Create High-Quality Content

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic to Amazon. This includes activities like writing blog posts, creating downloadables, and recording videos and other kinds of content to share with your audience.

Start by creating content that ties into your products. For example, if you sell teapots, why not create a blog post about different tea recipes for “mocktails”?

Post this content on your website or blog to attract people from different channels. You’ll attract visitors from Google and social media who might be looking for tea mocktails to make and your posts will then direct them to your store.

3. Leverage Reviews

Reviews are one of the number one ranking factors on Amazon. The more positive reviews your products have, the more likely they are to rank high in search results.

Reviews are great for two reasons:


Encourage past buyers to leave reviews by sending out a follow-up email, asking them on social media, or using built-in Amazon features like the Review Request tool.

4. Make Use of Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Pages

Amazon helps its sellers out by providing a few powerful content features. Enhanced Branded Content lets stores show off their products by adding special content features to their listings. Rather than the usual listing layout, you can brand your product pages and include high-quality images to create a story around your products.

This is what a standard product listing looks like:

product listing

And this is what a product listing using Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content Looks like:

As well as Enhanced Branded Content, Amazon also offers A+ pages which similarly offer sellers the chance to create a story around their products using images, infographics, and other visuals.

Here’s an example of an A+ Page in action:

A+ Page

5. Run Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon has a range of different ads you can run onsite to ensure your products show up in the right searches (and, therefore, generate more traffic).

Sponsored Product Ads show your products above the search results so they’re the first thing shoppers see when they make a search. There are also Headline Ads that allow you to create an eye-catching banner that goes at the top of search pages.

Here is an example of a Sponsored Product ad in the search results:

Sponsored Product ad

To ensure your ads perform at their best, use the right keywords from your analysis, laser-focus the audience you want to target, and set a healthy budget. Be sure to measure and tweak your ads so your results continue to improve.

6. Run Lightning Deals and Promote Your Products on Deal Sites

Lightning Deals are a feature that allows sellers to promote a limited number of discounts on a product of their choice during a certain timeframe. This attracts customers who might otherwise not have seen your products.

Lightning Deals

Running promotions like this makes it easier to drive traffic to your products, especially if you want to create a sense of urgency in your listings.

As well as Lightning Deals, there are a host of Amazon deal sites that users can sign up for to get products at a discounted rate in exchange for a review. This will expose your product to a wider audience of potential buyers who might have missed it otherwise, and it will provide you with the reviews you need to start bumping your products up the search results.

7. Create Social Media Ad Campaigns

Amazon has plenty of onsite ad options to keep you busy, but you can also run ads outside of the platform to drive people to your product listings who aren’t already on the site.

Create campaigns with highly-targeted audiences on Facebook, Instagram, and Google, making sure you implement the most popular keywords related to your products.

Lightning Deals

8. Social Media Marketing Without Ads

If you’re not ready to splash out on social media ads just yet or you want to add another spoke to your social media marketing wheel, you can always run organic social media campaigns.

Promoting your products on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn helps you reach new audiences and increase visibility on your products.

It helps to create a social media posting schedule to ensure you stay consistent with your posts. We recommend choosing just one or two platforms to focus on to start with so you don’t get overwhelmed and spread yourself too thin. From there, you’ll be able to see which platforms resonate best with your buyers and where your products see the best success.

social media posting

9. Carry Out Email Marketing

If you want to generate traffic and build deeper connections with your customers so they keep coming back, email marketing is the most effective solution. With access to buyers’ inboxes, you can share exclusive discounts, launch news, and updates from your brand to keep your products fresh in their minds.

What’s more, you can regularly send links to products you think they’d enjoy boosting your traffic and product visibility.

10. Upsell On Your Best-Sellers

Your product listings are the perfect place to promote your other products. It’s likely that a couple of your products are more popular than the others, and you can use their popularity to guide shoppers to your lesser-known products.

This increases traffic across all of your products and gives you a chance to upsell, which means higher AOV and higher LTV.


11. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliates promote your product in exchange for a percentage of every sale they make through their personal link. This benefits both you and your affiliates, which makes it an excellent way to generate traffic.

Identify key players in your industry who have an audience suited to your products and partner up with them. Provide them with a unique link they can share with their followers and attribute every sale they make to them.

This will help you reach audiences you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to reach and increase your visibility across multiple different segments.

Ask your top affiliates publishers to analyze their Amazon Associates affiliate commission data. And then optimize their website’s content based on their review. They can do this by integrating their Amazon Associates data with We Can Track into Google Analytics and Google Ads.

12. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves teaming up with top social accounts in your industry and encouraging them to share your products with their pre-built audiences in exchange for payment or another incentive.

Identify who the top accounts are in your niche or accounts that have an audience you’d like to connect with and reach out to them with a proposal. Work on building influencer relationships, as these people already have audiences that trust everything they say. As a result, the trust is automatically transferred to any product recommendations they make.

Influencers tend to have large followings too, which means you can put your products in front of more people and generate more traffic.

Get More Traffic to Your Products:

To get more sales, you need more traffic. You can’t put the horse before the cart. However, with these easy tips, you can start implementing traffic generation techniques today to increase the visibility of your products and, ultimately, get more sales.

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Assortment Planning Mistakes

The Real Cost of Assortment Planning Mistakes

In the world of e-commerce, there are many practices, concepts, and techniques that can help you boost your revenue and enjoy some extra profits. One of the least mentioned category of mistakes in this manner - and yet one of the most important - focus on the mistakes related to the assortment. In other words, these mistakes include all the wrong moves that e-commerce store owners are making during the buying process. The real trouble of these mistakes is the fact that many are unaware of their real cost. This is why we have decided to guide our readers in on the dangers of improper assortment planning - and how it can be fixed. The key, as you will notice in the sections below, is to optimize the process of buying inventory and therefore match the customer demand in a perfectly precise way. Mistake #1: Using Excel to Track Your Buying Process: One of the biggest mistakes that e-commerce owners make is the use of Microsoft Excel as a way to track their buying. Even though this seems as a logical way to organize your buying process, spreadsheets are generally a bad way to organize your information. Speaking of, anything that contains information in categories (added manually) has to be automated. In times when e-commerce owners are experiencing a magnitude of orders online, adding buys manually is time consuming - which is why it needs to be automated. Mistake #2: Improper Arrangement of Clusters: Clusters are the next mistake we are focusing on, and one that is tremendously big nowadays. The main way in which e-commerce managers are making it is by assigning every store to a single cluster - which needs to be reorganized. More importantly, products need to be clustered at a product class level, and use the information in quantities (before the assortments are bought). By doing this, you can link the buying process to the actual allocation and eliminate problems before it’s too late. Mistake #3: Inter-Store Inventory Balancing: If you ever caught yourself in a situation where you are losing sales in on store due to your lack of stock for a particular item, you are probably having the same product sitting and collecting dust on the shelves of another store (if you manage more than one store). At this point, the best way to solve this problem is by a simple trick - which does not involve the purchase of new inventory or the elimination of the inventory in one store so that it can be moved to another. Alternatively, you should use a smart predictive analysis engine and a tool that is known as “Inter-Store Inventory Balancing” to analyze every single influencing factor of your retail supply chain. As an advanced form of analytics, a tool like this will recommend the optimal inter-store transfer schedule so that you move merchandise from one store to another (from low to high demand). Mistake #4: Going Big (Instead of Going Custom): A lot of multi-channel retailers are nowadays focused on the “best rated” programs and solutions for optimizing their assortment planning. And while in most of the cases programs like these are built to last and cover as many aspects of product assortment as possible, they usually lack the functions that are needed in specific situations. For example, these programs often fail to calculate hundreds of algorithms on the kind of Big Data that today’s omni-channel retail products are able to churn out on a daily basis. Therefore, the general conclusion that we can all take from this mistake is to properly analyze your needs and implement a solution to analytics that works for you as you scale your business, is end-to-end integrated and coordinated between your merchandising and marketing. Final Words: At the end of the day, we all must accept the fact that mistakes linked to product assortment happen all of the time - and there is no harm in admitting that. As a retail expert, however, you should always be able to know how to fix them. Your assortment needs to be consistent, scalable, matching your needs and optimized for your specific customers. This is what proper assortment planning is all about. Ultimately, it is what will help you determine how much of your merchandise should be placed on your shelf. The end result of proper planning goes a long way - mostly resulting in increased sales and improved customer satisfaction. Read Also: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO 7 Proven Marketing Tactics To Increase Your ROI In 2018

Marketing Strategies

Marketing Strategies to Help You Get Endorsements

Getting endorsers for your event is a great way to increase earnings, but event sponsorship provides you with more than just money. In your marketing strategies, you may sell your event to a wider audience and draw into your promoter's connections to attract event-goers you might otherwise overlook if you have the proper sponsors on board. The endorsement also provides a significant return on investment for event sponsors. Inform potential partners that this is a great opportunity to increase their exposure and generate new leads. By designing distinct sponsorship packages, you may even provide each sponsor one-of-a-kind opportunities. Continue reading to learn four marketing strategies for ensuring that your endorsers get the most out of your collaboration. 1. Sponsorships should be Highlighted in Advertising Material Sponsors should be acknowledged in all of your advertising material, both electronic and print. Contemplate including your donors in your event banner on Eventbrite or in social media graphics. Using a free and simple online editor, you can create a bespoke event banner with intriguing graphics, logos from your sponsorships, and event details. Let’s say your sponsors are flexible packaging manufacturers in the UK, you need to ensure that you include them in every advertising item of your event. Creating a good awareness for them will not only help them boost their sales through your readership but also offer you an opportunity to meet more sponsors through their referrals. Because your endorser's monetary contribution assists you in planning and executing your event, you should express your appreciation as the creator. Whenever you make your endorsers more visible, you're reaffirming the value of your collaboration, which aids in the development of a creator-sponsor connection that could go beyond your present event. So, as you make advertising banners for the event, be sure to include your sponsors in the advert. It’s a simple way to show gratitude. In addition, for your backdrop screen, you should also showcase your sponsors as well. 2. Use Digital Platforms to Cross-Promotion Marketing your endorsed event has never been simpler gratitude to social media and everyone benefits. Cross-promotion on media platforms helps you to promote both the event and the products or services of your endorsers at the same time. This could happen prior to, during, or even after your event. Spend some time talking with your sponsor about how you can create a meaningful and reciprocally beneficial social media campaign. To get your marketing strategies to be fruitful just right off the bat, make sure you're making the most of social media so you can stand out in a swarm of posts. To broaden the reach of your event, make sure your postings are posted on both your and your endorser's pages. Select a hashtag for the event that you and your endorsers can use across all of your social media platforms. To generate awareness, hold a tournament or give away a couple of tickets to the event in advance. 3. At the Event, Make a Point of Mentioning Your Endorsers Your event's sponsorship mustn't have to be a behind-the-scenes participant. You can also use their logo, products, and services to enhance your event. During their digital events, Sephora does an excellent job of presenting brand sponsors. Attendees may learn how to improve their skincare routine or create a glam beauty appearance by tuning in to Sephora's webinars, but they can also learn about items from the event's endorsers. Another way to promote sponsorship is to provide gift bags or sponsor items. If your endorsers have free samples to give away, put them in a goodie bag and give them out or mail them to attendees. Set up a booth at in-person events where attendees may get branded things from your endorsers. You might also think of virtual gifts, such as discount codes from endorsers. 4. Connect the Sponsorship with a Well-Known Name in the Industry Examine how you can connect sponsorships and highlighted speakers by holding an event featuring an expert or well-known figure in the field. If you involve your sponsors early in the planning process, they may be able to assist you in finding a high-quality presenter. They most likely already have connections with industry experts or influencers that can bring value to your event while also promoting your business. 5. Have an After Event Meeting With the Sponsors Now that you have had your event and it has succeeded as planned, you need to set up another meeting with your sponsors.  This meeting should be done in a week or so after the event(preferably) so that you can give a status report for your event. You also need to inform the sponsors how their products performed, in response to the free samples that were offered to the customers. Give them both the positive and the negative reviews so that they can improve on any areas of weaknesses. You can use a poll system to gather this information for them. 6. Give an After-Event Gratitude Vote Now, as implementing perfect marketing strategies, this is an important section of the whole endorsement. While it is well known to your sponsors that you are grateful, you need to post to your readership how the event was and thank your sponsors for their contribution. The Bottom Line Finally, ensuring that the rewards of being an endorser for an event are evident is the most essential part of maintaining endorsers happy. With the implementation of proper marketing strategies, you'll be much more capable of finding endorsers willing to work with you and more individuals interested in your next event if you do it this way. Best of luck! Read Also: 5 Steps to Building an Influencer Marketing Campaign How To Execute An Effective Video Marketing Campaign Signs Your Traditional Marketing Campaign is Working Why Your Business Should Care About Social Responsibility

Best E-commerce Platforms

Best E-commerce Platforms for Your Box Subscription Business

The majority of product-based firms are supplementing their model of revenue by adopting the box subscription stream for revenue. An example is the Blue Bottle and Stumptown Coffee in the coffee industry. In the place of being websites which are one-stop-shops for products that relate to coffee, both of them are sources of recurring deliveries to the clients of these beans. Conversely, other you can opt for ProfitIndustry top 5 best e-commerce platforms for box subscription business for purposes of gaining from their benefits. Enhanced experiences for customers: Loyalty comes from providing the best experiences for customers. When you strive to provide the best experiences for customers, you are formulating good customer relations. It leads to overall business sustainability, brand loyalty, and repeat purchasing. Companies that focus on providing superior experiences to customers realize positive results that include increased growth in revenue and customer satisfaction. Making things low-friction or smooth for the customer is the best way of providing excellent customer experiences. Convenience: With ProfitIndustry top 5 best e-commerce platforms for a box subscription business, the products will get delivered in a recurring manner, at the frequency of the shopper, and the client will not get worried about the products getting depleted. Better return on investment in customer acquisition: Business growth relies on the scalability and efficiency of your strategy of acquiring customers. As the business continues to grow, you will have to open new customer acquisition channels or focus on those channels that favor repeat business from current clients. Regardless of the way you refine the strategy, new customer acquisition will be costly. More than eight percent of companies find it easier to retain current customers than acquire new ones. For this reason, the box subscription model seems to meet that requirement nicely. In case the customer wants to get an item that will run out, you can assume that he is becoming a repeat customer than if you are concentrating on products that are one-sided. The investment you will incur in convincing first-time visitors is higher than compelling previous purchasers. You may spend a lot of money on adverts on new clients while convincing existing ones may need targeted emails. Revenue from such business will be higher than first-time clients. The difference is in the fundamentals of ProfitIndustry top 5 best e-commerce platforms for a box subscription business. The model is retention-based; which ensures that recurring revenue from repeat clients is executed well. This strategy is the best recipe for the sustainability of the business. Selling your service or product in the standard way means you will work hard to convert users to buyers and work very hard to convert them to repeat buyers. Better prediction of revenue: The best thing about ProfitIndustry top 5 best e-commerce platforms for a box subscription business is that you maintain a revenue stream that is reliable. In most cases, when the company predicts revenue, assumptions come from previous sales, salaries, and overall expenses. Nonetheless, the subscription model offers a good way of forecasting revenue by tightening elements of revenue prediction that vacillate. Since box subscription business has its basis on retention, the owner can predict the lifetime value of the customer. Gathering the income of clients on particular periods will help you predict your future revenue. Conclusion: Currently, clients can order almost everything online. Some firms take advantage of this ease by capitalizing on elements that other models of businesses find it tricky to implement the delight of customers. With omnichannel being on the tongue of all marketers, delighting your customers is genuinely demanding. When you bring in elements of surprise, you will please your customers. When you offer a box of unknown items monthly, customers will be happy to receive the things that are new or will consider purchasing individually due to price. Read Also: 8 Key SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Websites Oh, Crop! Killer E-Commerce Mistakes You Need To Conquer Tags In E-Commerce: This Is Why They Are Important How Social Media Can Boost Up The E-Commerce Industry New Technology In Business: 4 Inventions In 2019 That Are Changing The Game