Getting Back to the Gym Easily

gym easily

Whether it is the vacations or the heat, but many people forego going to the gym during the peak of summer. Most people build up their ‘summer body’ or ‘beach body’ in spring and early summer, and then simply stop going to the gym and enjoying the benefits of their hard work.

However, if you do not exercise regularly, after a while, you will notice that the effects are wearing out. Whether it is weight gain or muscles losing their tone, you will have to go back to the gym if you want to keep your top form.

Still, many people find it hard to find the proper motivation or the willpower to start going to the gym again. We asked experts at Fit Athletic to share some tips on how to go back to the gym with ease and zeal.

Ease Yourself into It

Don’t try to get back to your full form and full exercise right away. It will almost certainly overwhelm you and you may create a mental blockade that will prevent you from returning to a healthy lifestyle.

Not only your mind but also your body will also need some easing into the workout routine you used to do at the peak of your fitness. Start with small things, like 10-15 minutes of light exercises and build up in small increments towards your desired goals.

Low-intensity exercises are a great way to condition yourself for a workout. You will get less return on your investment, but they will re-train you to enjoy working out.

Don’t Forget the Basic Rules of Exercising

There are probably as many ‘basic rules of fitness’ as there are personal trainers. However, they all agree that before you start working out, you really need to stretch first. It is particularly important if you haven’t worked out in a while. Make sure that your muscles are ready and agile enough for the strain.

Additionally, warmup exercises like cardio are also one of the postulates that most fitness professionals recommend before exercising. Finally, in order to unwind and finish your training, do some cool-down exercises.

Adjust Your Lifestyle

If you’ve been on hiatus from exercising due to your summer vacation, chances are that you also didn’t live your regular lifestyle. Most people on holiday drink more, eat more, sleepless, and generally, change a lot of their lifestyle.

However, once you are back in the real world, you will need to adjust your lifestyle to reflect that. You will probably have to go to work and if you include working out into the mix, you will be expending a lot of energy.

That means that you will need to start eating regularly and, probably even more importantly, rest more. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of a healthy life, especially if you are working hard. And make no mistake, exercising is hard work.

Listen to the Signs Your Body Is Sending You

Finally, and most importantly, you need to be aware of how your body is responding to the workout. The term ‘power through the pain’ is often thrown out by enthusiastic fitness bugs. However, that might not be the best piece of advice out there.

Your body uses pain and other sensation to regulate what you do. Sure, there is a good kind of pain that is telling you that the workout is effective, but you need to be able to distinguish it from the bad kind of pain which is telling you to stop what you are doing immediately.

Getting back to the gym is an investment in your health, self-esteem, and good looks. If done right, you will be back in your full workout form in no-time.

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Eyebrows Thicker

Top Simple but Effective Ways To Get Your Eyebrows Thicker

Both women and girls always dream of having thicker, darker eyebrows. You can totally achieve your dream by growing your eyebrows through natural ways. Well-shaped eyebrows affect your appearance. A lot of people were treating their eyebrows in wrong ways due to threading, over plucking even waxing. Sometimes, eyebrow hair loss is the result of nutritional deficiencies, aging process as well as poor cosmetic application or even poor medical conditions such as eczema, alopecia areata or hypothyroidism. Such medical treatments as radiation, chemotherapy also trigger hair loss, including your eyebrow line. So basically thin eyebrows are just a result of hair loss. Fortunately, nowadays we invent a load of natural ways to thicker eyebrows. Let’s start with 5 amazing, natural ways to thicker eyebrows. Read also: Top 4 Natural Combination For You To Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics) How To Remove Acne Scars Naturally Tips To Lose Weight Naturally Castor oil grows thicker eyebrows: As we all know, the oil contains a load of rich nutrients for growing thicker eyebrows. Protein, fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, all of these compounds help foster the hair and nourish hair growth. Moreover, they are helpful in fighting any microorganisms, which hamper the eyebrow hair growing process. How to apply: Steep a cotton cloth in 100% pure castor oil and massage it gently on your eyebrows for 2 – 3 minutes. Let them absorb the oil for at least 30 minutes or leave it overnight. After 30 minutes or in the next morning, rinse it off with warm water and a mild cleanser. Keep doing this process daily, after a couple of weeks you will see the amazing results. Note: Do not use castor oil if it causes any burning or irritation. Coconut oil increases eyebrows hair’s density: Coconut oil is famous for its various proteins and nutrients such as vitamin E, iron. In order to grow more sensitive and more impressive eyebrows, coconut oil is the most preferable choice. On the other hand, coconut oil helps your eyebrows have a darker color. How to apply: Drop a little bit on your palm or your fingertips, apply the oil on your eyebrows. Gently massage it your eyebrows in order to increase blood circulation and help the hair to absorb the oil. Let it steep overnight. In the following morning, wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process regularly in a few months and notice the changes of your eyebrows. Olive oil serves as a natural way: Similar to coconut oil, olive oil has become well known so far. Famous for being rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E, it can aid your eyebrow hair to grow thicker and faster. Furthermore, olive oil keeps your eyebrows dark-hued. How to apply: Put a few drops of olive oil on your palm, heat the oil by rubbing your hand together. Massage the warm oil on your eyebrows for about 5 minutes before going to sleep. Leave the oil overnight, in the next morning, wash it off with lukewarm water. On the other hand, if you don’t feel like directly applying the oil on your eyebrow hair, you can do it differently. Grab ½ teaspoon of olive oil and mix it with a little bit of honey. Heat the mixture with your hand by rubbing it then massage thoroughly on your eyebrow hair for a couple of minutes. Repeat the process by leaving it for 30 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. You can choose either of these two remedies once per day until you achieve the required results. Onion juice – a strong fighter: It may sound strange but it actually turns out very efficient. Onion juice provides sulfur, which boosts the making of collagen tissues. It is proved that collagen tissues are required for growing thicker eyebrows because it strengthens your eyebrow hair’s follicles. How to apply: Grind or smash an onion to extract the juice. Massage the juicy liquid on your eyebrows within 5 minutes. Permit it to dry itself then rinse off by using a mild cleanser along with cold water. Obey this treatment daily in a few weeks for the best result. Aloe vera sometimes presents as preferable choice: In addition to black eyes treatment, to grow thicker eyebrows, aloe vera is a good option. Aloe vera provides moisturizing properties as well as enzymes, both of which nourish the hair loss and help your hair to grow thicker and faster. Not only nourishing the hair, but aloe vera also soften the skin parts where you applied it. How to apply: - First, extract the gel and the flesh from an aloe vera leaf. Apply the gel on your eyebrows, let it absorb for 15 to 30 minutes till it dry. After that, rinse off the gel with lukewarm water. - Another choice is to buy the extracted gel in local drugs store. Mix the gel with coconut oil or use a few drops of honey to get the best result. After mixing, apply the mixture on your eyebrows then leave it for 30 minutes before washing off with warm water. Note: Strictly follow each one of these remedies every day in a couple of weeks. Read also: Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair

Connect with nature

3 Ways to Connect With Nature and Quiet Your Mind

Living near nature can help women live longer, with women in the greenest areas living as much as 12 percent longer than women who live in more built-up areas. You need to connect with nature to stay fit and healthy. Although male mortality rates do not show as much of a clear link, making time to connect with nature has many positive health benefits for both men and women. In fact, a range of studies have shown that regular contact with nature can improve everything from pain control to eyesight, as well as reduced stress levels and less anxiety. But, that's not to say that we all have to move to the countryside to take advantage of these health benefits. Simply making time to connect with whatever natural surroundings you live close to is enough to refresh your mind and improve your health and well-being. Here are three ways to connect with nature and quieten your mind. 1. Create Time Alone in Nature : It's great to experience the beauty of nature in the company of friends or family. But, when we're with other people, we tend to talk. This may be because we worry about what the people we're with think of us. Or we might just feel the need to fill the silence with chatter. However, the best way to connect with nature is by experiencing it alone. Being alone in nature allows us to focus on what we can hear, see and feel in these natural surroundings. Whether it's blades of grass between our fingers or the rush of water from a nearby river, you'll become much more aware of what's around you. So, if you go for a hike with friends, ask for an hour by yourself. Or head to the park or even out into your garden and emerge yourself in the sensory experience that nature offers. Other than hiking, traveling different beautiful locations is always a great way to behold the true beauty of nature and fall in love with it all over again and again. If you have the love for travel, you should consider traveling as much as you can and plan to visit some of the most naturally beautiful countries in the world. Some naturally beautiful places include the fjords of Norway, the Greek Islands, Islands of Maldives,  Switzerland, Kashmir in India, Nepal and so on. 2. Find Your Special Spot : You'll find that as you spend more time in nature, especially alone, you'll start finding special places that you're drawn to. It could be a tree you like to lean against when you visit your local park, or the rocks you often sit on to watch the ocean waves crashing on the shore. Wherever you feel most connected to nature, take the time to really get to know it. Go there in the heat of summer and the midst of winter, know it by day and by night. Noticing the small changes in nature as well as the contrasts between seasons helps you put things in perspective as you become more aware of how you are a part of something bigger than yourself. 3. Sleep Outdoors : Since Americans spend around 93 percent of their time indoors, it's important to actively seek out ways to experience longer periods immersed in nature. There's no better way to get in touch with nature than by waking up to a stunning sunrise, the sounds of birdsong and the smell of fresh morning dew. It certainly beats your alarm clock! Make Time to Connect with Nature : Whether you live in an urban area or in the middle of the countryside, it's important for your mental and physical health to take time out to connect with nature. Do you feel that you spend enough time in nature? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below, or contact us for more information. Read Also : 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Top 10 Muscle And Strength Building Exercise At Home Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type


Bolstering the God-Doctor-Patient Relationship: Expedites Healing

The doctor-patient fiduciary alliance has a considerable healing power. It is an essential ingredient to achieve an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and restoration of the patient’s health. Mutual trust, knowledge, and respect are vital components in attaining an effective doctor-patient relationship. Patients greatly appreciate the doctor’s willingness to listen to their concerns and the heart to care for them. The patient must have confidence in the expertise of the doctor and must freely confide all information relevant to the injury or illness. In the absence of trust, the patient will not disclose complete information, and this would adversely impair the necessary treatment. On the other hand, doctors should respect the patient’s privacy and uphold the patient’s dignity. Doctors must not divulge information about the patient’s case to others without permission from the patient. Some of the important factors for building a trusting relationship include the doctor’s competency, comforting and caring attitude, the doctor’s initiative in encouraging questions and spending time in explaining the answers, respect and fairness patients felt they received from their doctors, and the frequency of patient-doctor communications. The Importance of Informed Consent Transparent medical practice, one built on trust, is very vital to the medication process. Doctors know best. However, doctors should disclose to the patient the pros and cons of the medication process so that the patient may voluntarily choose to refuse or accept the treatment. Patients should play an active role in the decisions made relative to their health. The Patient-God Relationship We cannot deny the tremendous effect of spirituality on health. Various miraculous cures show the positive relationship between healing and faith. Strong faith in God increases optimism and reduces anxiety.  Consequently, this would result in a quicker recovery from illness. Moreover, scientific studies acceded to the healing effects of prayer. Tom Knox, a former atheist, attests to the overwhelming power of prayer. He is now a believer in God after a thorough research and study of the medical benefits of faith. There are documentations made on miraculous cures, and scientific studies had validated its effectiveness. Many believe in a divine power. Spirituality is a source of comfort and support for a lot of patients. It serves as a source of coping for people with serious illnesses. The Doctor-God Relationship Doctors with deep religious faith have the great opportunity of having Jesus, the Greatest Doctor, as an epitome in caring for the sick. God is love, and God’s great commandment is to manifest His love through loving the patients. Physicians have noticed that the patient’s faith in God has a tremendous effect on the healing process. Current research also supports this notion. Experienced doctors confirmed that unusual healing had taken place after the patient received a prayer for healing. Dr. Koening says that people who are more religious are healthier compared to those who do not believe in God. Moreover, studies show that religious persons live longer than atheists. The survey shows that there are medical schools that offered formal courses in “Spirituality in Medicine” for medical students. An example is the University of Washington School Medicine. Takeaway By bolstering the God-doctor-patient relationship, patients and doctors find themselves empowered by the grace and mercy of God as they join together in delving deeper the mysteries of medicine, resolving the dilemma of disease, and hoping for a genuine healing. God works through anything or anybody in a variety of ways to heal the sick at the appropriate time. He is ready to work on every detail of man's life, bringing about healing in all aspects. Read also: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health