Asparagus 101: When, How, And How Often To Harvest?


28 February 2024

Home & Garden

how to harvest asparagus-

If you are a gardener like me, you must have thought about harvesting greens that you eat at restaurants at your house. One of these days, I was with my friends from my university, and we were discussing the importance of eating veggies for staying healthy. And they could not figure out the best ways to effectively do so. Reading my previous blog about cilantro, Laila asked me, “how to grow and harvest asparagus?

Well, surely asparagus is one of the most delicious and nutritious vegetables you can grow in your garden. But what a lot of people do not know is that it’s also one of the easiest once you know how to harvest asparagus properly.

In this article, I will cover everything you need to know about harvesting asparagus, from when to start, how to cut, and how often to do it. Additionally, I will also share some tips on how to store and freeze asparagus, as well as the benefits of eating this green wonder.

So, keep on reading till the end to learn more… 

How Does Asparagus Grow?

How Does Asparagus Grow?

Before I dive into the seemingly difficult process of how to harvest asparagus, let me help you grow it. 

Asparagus is a perennial plant that grows from a crown of roots that can live for up to 20 years. The crown produces spears, which are the edible part of the plant, every spring.

The spears grow rapidly, sometimes up to an inch per day, and can reach a height of 6 to 10 inches. The spears are harvested before they open into fern-like leaves, which are edible and tough.

Asparagus grows best in well-drained, sandy soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. It prefers full sun and moderate temperatures and needs regular watering and fertilizing.

Asparagus can be grown from seeds or crowns, but crowns are easier and faster to establish. Crowns are planted in trenches about 12 to 18 inches apart and covered with 2 to 3 inches of soil. As the spears emerge, more soil is added until the trench is filled

Benefits of Asparagus 

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Asparagus is not only tasty, but also healthy. It’s low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants just like spinach. It can help lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, support digestion, and prevent urinary tract infections.

Asparagus also contains a compound called asparagine, which is a natural diuretic that helps flush out excess fluids and salts from the body. Asparagus is also a good source of folate, which is essential for pregnant women and fetal development

When to Harvest Asparagus?

When to Harvest Asparagus?

The first year after planting, you should not harvest any asparagus spears, as they need to grow and strengthen the root system.

The second year, you can harvest a few spears for a short period, about two to three weeks.

The third year and beyond, you can harvest asparagus for a longer period, up to eight weeks, depending on the climate and the health of the plants.

The best time to harvest asparagus is in the early morning when the spears are crisp and tender. You should harvest asparagus when the spears are about 6 to 10 inches tall, and before the tips start to open up. If you wait too long, the spears will become woody and bitter.

How to Plant and Care for Asparagus?

How to Plant and Care for Asparagus?

Asparagus is a long-term investment that can reward you with years of delicious harvests. However, it requires some planning and preparation before planting.  

Here are some steps to follow to plant and care for asparagus: 

Choose the Day 

Choose a sunny and well-drained spot in your garden, preferably with sandy or loamy soil. Avoid areas where water tends to pool or where weeds are hard to control. Asparagus also needs plenty of space, so make sure you have at least 4 to 5 feet between rows and 12 to 18 inches between plants.

Prepare the Soil 

Prepare the soil by adding organic matter, such as compost or manure, and adjusting the pH to 6.5 to 7.5. You can use a soil test kit to check the pH and nutrient levels of your soil. You may also need to add some fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 or 10-20-10, to boost the phosphorus and potassium content.

Dig it Deep

Dig a trench about 8 to 12 inches deep and 12 to 18 inches wide. You can make the trench longer or shorter depending on how many asparagus crowns you have. Asparagus crowns are the dormant roots of the plant that you can buy from nurseries or online. They usually have one-year-old or two-year-old crowns, which are more reliable and productive than seeds.


Spread some fertilizer along the bottom of the trench, about 2 pounds per 100 square feet. Then, cover the fertilizer with 2 to 3 inches of soil, forming a ridge in the center of the trench.

Placing the Plant

Place the asparagus crowns on top of the ridge, about 12 to 18 inches apart, with the buds facing up. The crowns should be slightly below the soil surface, about 1 to 2 inches deep. Do not bury them too deep, as this will delay the emergence of the spears.

Focus on the Crown

Cover the crowns with another 2 to 3 inches of soil, and water well. As the spears grow, gradually fill in the trench with more soil, until it is level with the ground. This will help protect the crowns from frost and weeds.

Add Mulch 

Mulch the bed with straw, leaves, or wood chips, to conserve moisture and prevent weeds. You can also add some organic fertilizer, such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract, every few weeks during the growing season, to encourage healthy growth.

Keep in Mind

Do not harvest any asparagus spears in the first year, as they need to establish a strong root system. In the second year, you can harvest a few spears for a short period, about two to three weeks. In the third year and beyond, you can harvest asparagus for a longer period, up to eight weeks, depending on the climate and the health of the plants.

How to Harvest Asparagus?

How to Harvest Asparagus?

Now, coming to the most important part that you wanted to know about. Let us talk about the ways to harvest asparagus!

To harvest asparagus, you need a sharp knife or a pair of scissors. You should cut the spears at the base, about an inch below the soil surface.

Be careful not to damage the crown or the emerging spears. You should also avoid cutting too many spears from one plant, as this will weaken the plant and reduce the yield. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least one-third of the spears on each plant.

You should harvest asparagus every day or every other day, depending on how fast the spears grow. You should stop harvesting asparagus when the spears become thinner than a pencil, as this indicates that the plant is running out of energy.

You should then let the spears grow into ferns, which will replenish the crown and prepare it for the next season.

How to Store and Freeze Asparagus?

How To Store And Freeze Asparagus?

Unlike lettuce, which you can store for more than a week, asparagus is best eaten fresh, as it loses its flavor and texture quickly. If you can’t eat it right away, you should store it in the refrigerator for up to a week.

To keep it fresh, you should trim the ends of the spears and stand them upright in a glass of water or wrap them in a damp paper towel and put them in a plastic bag.

If you want to preserve asparagus for longer, you can freeze it. To freeze asparagus, you should first wash and trim the spears, and then blanch them in boiling water for two to three minutes, depending on the thickness. 

Blanching is a process of briefly cooking and cooling the vegetables to stop the enzyme activity that causes them to spoil. 

After blanching, you should drain and cool the spears, and then pack them in freezer bags or containers, leaving some space for expansion. You can freeze asparagus for up to a year, and use it in soups, casseroles, or stir-fries.

How to Prevent and Treat Asparagus Pests and Diseases? 

How to Prevent and Treat Asparagus Pests and Diseases? 

Asparagus is generally a hardy and resilient plant, but it can still suffer from some pests and diseases that can affect its growth and quality.

Here are some of the most common problems that affect asparagus plants, and how to prevent or treat them:

Asparagus beetles

These are small, black or red beetles that feed on the spears and the ferns, causing them to wilt and turn brown. They can also lay eggs on the spears, which hatch into larvae that chew on the stems and leaves.

To prevent asparagus beetles, you should keep the area around the plants clean and weed-free, and remove any old or damaged spears. To treat asparagus beetles, you can hand-pick them and their eggs, or spray them with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Fusarium wilt

This is a fungal disease that infects the roots and the crowns of the plants, causing them to rot and die. It can also cause the spears to become yellow, twisted, and stunted. Fusarium wilt is more likely to occur in poorly drained, acidic, or infested soil.  

To prevent fusarium wilt, you should plant disease-resistant varieties, rotate crops, and avoid overwatering or injuring the plants. To treat fusarium wilt, you should remove and destroy any infected plants, and apply fungicides to the soil.


This is another fungal disease that affects the ferns, causing them to develop orange or brown spots and pustules. Rust can reduce the vigor and yield of the plants, and make them more susceptible to other diseases. Rust is more likely to occur in humid, wet, or shady conditions.  

To prevent rust, you should plant resistant varieties, space the plants well, and prune any excess or infected ferns. To treat rust, you should apply fungicides to the ferns, and avoid watering them from above.

Crown rot

This is a bacterial disease that causes the crowns and the bases of the spears to become soft, mushy, and foul-smelling. Crown rot can spread quickly and kill the plants. Crown rot is more likely to occur in wet, compacted, or poorly drained soil.

To prevent crown rot, you should plant healthy crowns, improve the drainage and aeration of the soil, and avoid overwatering or injuring the plants. To treat crown rot, you should remove and destroy any infected plants, and disinfect the tools and the soil.

Bonus: How to Cook and Enjoy Asparagus? 

Bonus: How to Cook and Enjoy Asparagus? 

There are many ways to cook and enjoy asparagus, from steaming, boiling, roasting, grilling, to sautéing. The key is not to overcook it, as it will become mushy and lose its flavor.

You should cook asparagus until it is bright green and crisp-tender, which usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the method and the thickness of the spears.

You can season asparagus with salt, pepper, butter, lemon juice, garlic, herbs, cheese, or any other condiments you like. You can also pair asparagus with eggs, bacon, ham, chicken, fish, pasta, rice, or salad. Asparagus is a versatile and delicious vegetable that can complement any meal.

Wrapping It Up!

Asparagus is a wonderful vegetable that you can grow and harvest in your own garden. It’s easy to care for, once you know how to harvest asparagus properly.

You should harvest asparagus when the spears are about 6 to 10 inches tall and before the tips start to open up. You should cut the spears at the base and leave some on the plant to grow into ferns. It would be best to store asparagus in the refrigerator for later use.

And yes, you should also enjoy the many benefits and flavors of asparagus, by cooking it in various ways and pairing it with different dishes. Asparagus is a springtime delight that you don’t want to miss.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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5 Myths about Roofing Services to Avoid

Whether you are looking for a comprehensive roof repair service for an old building or a new roof installation, employing a professional commercial & roofing company can help you achieve your investment goals in a cost-effective manner. That being said, due to prevalent misconceptions about roofing services, may commercial property owners overlook the importance of hiring a professional roofer that not only enhance the life of the roof but also adds value to overall property investment. This blog post covers five common myths about commercial roofing companies and their services that commercial property owners must avoid to realize the real benefits of commercial roofing companies. Myth 1: “Roofing is a one-time investment” Regular roof maintenance program helps in keeping your roof in shape. It also preserves the roof warranty, as many manufacturers nullify the warranty if they find out that the particular roof lacked proper attention. Additionally, having a proper roof maintenance plan in place helps investors in filing a roof insurance claim. Image source: Myth 2: “All commercial roofing companies are the same” As a commercial property owner, you should not make a mistake of trusting every local roofing contractor. It is likely that the contractor you hire turns out to be a “storm chaser” who set-up a temporary office in a particular region and then moves to another storm hit location. This, in turn, can affect you in the long run, when you require their assistance for warranty or other services, as they won’t be there for the help. Search for reputable commercial roofing companies that will always be there to assist you at every step. Myth 3: “Cheap roofing materials can get the job done” The type of roofing material that goes in your roofing system has a great impact on its long term sustenance. It is, therefore, important to choose the right material suiting your needs, prevalent climatic condition, and the budget. That is when a professional roofer can help you select the right roofing material without having to run from pillar to post. Myth 4: “Roof repair is a DIY Job” It is usually less expensive to fix things using a DIY approach, but for a job as complex as a roof repair or installation, DIY is not the right thing to do. The complexity of the project requires expertise, the right set of tools, and safety measures to ensure quality repair or installation. A licensed roofer has required expertise and skills to examine and carry out roof repair in a cost-effective manner. Myth 5: “Gutters play no role in the roofing system” You are committing a huge mistake if you overlook the maintenance of roof gutter as part of your roof repair services. While roof shields the home from rainwater, gutters keep the rainwater away from the exterior walls and foundation. Over time, unkempt gutters accumulate debris resulting in clogged gutters that can lead to backward flow of water and ultimately roof leaks.  Therefore, regular gutter inspection, cleaning, and maintenance is a must to prevent roof leaks. Wrapping Up Regular roof maintenance is important for all type of commercial units. Don’t let the myths mentioned in this post prevent yours from hiring professional commercial roofing companies that not only enhance the life of your roofing system but also add value to your investment. For more details about roofing services and its benefits, get in touch with a reputable commercial roofing company that can help you keep the best foot forward. Read also: Use Floor Polishing for Keeping Your Flooring Looking New Close Look at Top 5 Roofing Materials – Pros and Cons

framed wall art

Artistry Beyond Canvas: Discovering Framed Wall Art

The world of art is vast and diverse, with countless mediums and forms explored and celebrated throughout history. While traditional canvas paintings have long held a special place in the hearts of art enthusiasts, a realm of artistic expression goes beyond the canvas and is found in framed wall art. This article delves into the fascinating world of framed wall art, exploring its unique characteristics, diverse styles, and how it can elevate any living space's aesthetic. A Unique Medium As the name suggests, framed wall art is enclosed within a frame. This medium offers a departure from conventional canvas painting by adding an extra layer of dimension and sophistication to the artwork. The frame becomes an integral part of the composition, enhancing the overall visual impact of the piece. These frames come in various materials, including wood, metal, and acrylic, allowing for a wide range of styles and aesthetics to be explored. Diverse Styles and Themes One of the most captivating aspects of wall art is the sheer diversity of styles and themes available. Whether looking for a penchant for classic art, contemporary design, or something unique, one will find framed art that resonates with your taste. The possibilities are endless, from abstract expressions of color and form to realistic portrayals of nature and culture. In-Home Decor Framed art has emerged as a favored choice for interior decorators and homeowners looking to infuse their living spaces with artistry and personality. Its versatility is a critical factor in its popularity. Art on the wall can suit your vision, whether to create a focal point in a room, add a subtle touch of elegance, or convey a particular theme. Choosing the Right Piece Selecting the right framed artistic pieces for your space is an art form. Consider your room's existing color palette and decor style to ensure that the artwork complements the ambiance. Additionally, consider the wall's size and the piece's desired impact. A large, bold framed artwork can become a captivating centerpiece, while smaller pieces can be grouped to create a gallery-like atmosphere. The Impact This art form can transform a room, evoking emotions, sparking conversations, and leaving a lasting impression on anyone who enters. It can reflect your personality, tell a story, or add a touch of beauty to your surroundings. The beauty of this art lies in its ability to engage and inspire, making it a valuable addition to any space. How To Beautify A Space Using A Walled Art Frame? Be it your home decor or getting a gallery ready, beautifying a space with a walled art frame is a lot of work. Easy, it may sound, but it requires a certain level of expertise to decorate your space using intricate art piece/s. A blank wall acts as a canvas; it is a missed opportunity for decor. A bare wall is a perfect canvas for sharing stories and revealing your identity through wall art.  If the above tips weren't enough, we're bringing ideas to elevate your wall decor and be the talking point for your dinner parties.  1. Be sure to make the art reflect who you are We all have interests and hobbies that reflect that we are more than just our professional selves. There is more to our personalities than what we share at work! When you decide to put up an art piece on your wall, you show a piece of your personality. A part of you is inviting guests to speak more on it, taking the conversation forward for the rest of your party.  It's not as complicated as it sounds, but choosing pieces that convey your love for some place or a thing is quite simple. You may deeply love an artist such as Monet or Picasso. Or you may be a superfan of a comic company such as Marvel or DC (the best is obviously....this one's an unsettled debate, let it stay that way.)  Let the art piece show your love for a quirky fashion item, sense of humor, latest trends, or the classics. Find art that is an accurate representation of your personality.  2. Make a wall centerpiece that mixes art pieces. Need help figuring out where to start? Try to coordinate a few colors to contrast with the wall color. Or choose something that has a common theme, creating one big art piece. You can experiment with the theme and create a piece that catches people's eyes. Don't just stick to canvases or paintings; reach out for quirky designs, vintage art pieces, or photographs. The point is to let your mind create something that genuinely feels like you.  3. Aim for a vibe. Consider using the spare wall to fill up the space and add a dimension to your room. For example, if you have to decorate the wall space in your yoga room, you may consider adding oil on a canvas of white lilies/lilies. This would bring a sense of calm to the room. Similarly, change the wall art in your room and create an immaculate vibe.  4. Create your art! What's better than adding a completely unique art piece with your personal touch as well? Art is not meant to be perfect, so don't worry if you are no Picasso! Even Picasso wasn't "Picasso" until the people recognized his work! No famous artist was "The one" until people showed their work with appreciation.  So pick a blank canvas, sit with your thoughts for a while, and channel the thoughts with every brushstroke.  These were all the additional tips to make your boring walls interesting, giving an elegant touch to your space.  Conclusion In artistry, framed wall art is a testament to the endless possibilities of creative expression. Its unique blend of form and function and its ability to adapt to various styles and themes make it a captivating choice for art enthusiasts and home decorators. Whether seeking to enhance the aesthetic of your living space or appreciate the beauty of art in all its forms, wall art offers a captivating journey of discovery and expression. Read Also: Home Improvement Hacks to Add to Your Space Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans Home Decoration At Its Best: 7 Key Ideas To Recreate Your Home

big leaf plants

10 Best Aesthetic Big Leaf Plants To Buy In 2022

Big leaf plants can add an aesthetic touch to your home. If you are an admirer of home decoration, you cannot miss indoor plants as a part of your decoration.  Indoor plants require very minimum sunlight, and they are pretty easy to take care of. But, most important of all– they keep your indoor environment refreshed and fill it with fresh oxygen.  So, if you want to decorate your sweet home with beautiful big leaf aesthetic plants, you need to check out the few recommendations I have here in this article. 10 Best Big Leaf Plants For Indoors If you are looking for recommendations for indoor plants with big leaves, please check out the ten recommendations I have here.  1. Swiss Cheese Plant The botanical name of the Swiss Cheese Plant is Monstera deliciosa. This tropical beauty is enough to add a green touch to your indoors. It has big heart-shaped leaves to adorn your indoors. They do well if you keep them in indirect sunlight.  The heart-shaped leaves can grow up to 36 inches in length, and they are healthy for your indoor environment. ☀ Sun: They need bright but indirect sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: They are tropical plants, so you need to keep them in warm places. A temperature between 20°C - 30°C is ideal 💦Watering: You need to keep the soil wet most of the time. Watering them ⅔ times every week is enough.  🌷Type Of Soil: The soil needs to be moist and adequate fertilizers. A pH level of 5.5 to 7.5 works the best. 2. Dwarf Banana Plant You can keep a large banana plant indoors. They are also big leaf plants. This is a tropical foliage plant that you can plant in a large plant. The leaves have quick growth, and the leaves are harmless to children and animals. ☀Sun: You can keep your Dwarf Banana Plant in full sunlight or in light shade. 🌡️ Temperature: They are big leaf tropical plants, so they enjoy a warm atmosphere. You can keep them at a temperature between 10°C to 33°C. 💦Watering: They need regular Watering– twice/ thrice every week in the warm season water them. Once every week is enough for the cold weather. 🌷Type Of Soil: The soil needs moisture. They need regular fertilizers. 3. Bird Of Paradise If you want some flowers to highlight the big leaf plants you have indoors, then Bird Of Paradise is just the right plant to choose. These plants have long-lasting flowers and waxy leaves that add extra beauty to your indoors. ☀ Sun: Keep them in semi-shade or in full Sun. 🌡️ Temperature: Medium Temperature between 18°C to 22°C is just fine. 💦Watering: Keep the soil moist. The soil should not get completely dry. 🌷Type Of Soil: They need fertilizers in spring. Well-drained soil is better. 4. Elephant Ear Plant These are the cheapest big leaf house plants. You can pull them from anywhere and plant them indoors. You can find these plants growing outdoors. These plants are toxic for small children and animals, so if you want to keep them, you need to be very careful. ☀Sun: They don't need full sunlight. Indirect bright sunlight is the best. 🌡️ Temperature: A temperature between 20°C to 30°C is best.  💦 Watering: The soil needs consistent moisture. 🌷Type Of Soil: Acidic, moist soil is the best. 5. Pinstripe Houseplant Not many tabletop plants look as pretty as the Pinstripe Houseplant. These big leaf plants have gorgeous jungle green color with pink stripes to compliment the big leaves. They aren't too fond of direct bright sunlight. These plants are not harmful to animals and children.  ☀ Sun: Keep them in indirect sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C temperature is good enough. 💦Watering: You need to maintain the soil moisture. 🌷Type Of Soil: You peat and pebbles to balance the moisture. You May Like To Read This: 10 Best Trailing Indoor Plants To Buy In 2022 6. African Mask Plant These big leaf plants are native plants of the Philippines. They get their name from their resemblance to an African mask. The large dark leaves can grow up to 18 inches. The silvery-white veins of the leaves make them even more attractive. ☀ Sun: Avoid direct sunlight. They love diffused sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 15°C to 30°C is ideal for them. 💦Watering: They need regular watering during growth. Keep the pot moist and well-drained.  🌷Type Of Soil: Keep the soil well-drained using pebbles. Fertilize frequently after ⅔ months. 7. Majesty Palm If you are looking for long leaf plants or big leaf indoor plants, the Majesty Palm is the one. They grow ten feet tall indoors. The leaves are toxic for animals and children, so you need to be careful if you are planting them indoors. ☀ Sun: Bright indirect sunlight is best. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C is best. 💦 Watering: Water once after 1 or 2 weeks. Let the soil get dry before watering again. 🌷Type Of Soil: The soil is best if it is acidic. 8. Calathea Orbifolia Are you looking for low-maintenance plants that keep the indoor air purified? Then there is no better option than Calathea Orbifolia. They can remove toxins from the air while also looking pretty with big textured leaves. There are silvery-white forks in the leaves that make them appear outwardly beautiful. ☀ Sun: They love bright sunlight but not direct sunlight. 🌡️Temperature: 18°C to 30°C is enough. 💦Watering: You can water them once or twice every two weeks.  🌷Type Of Soil: Well-drained soils rich in fertilizers are the best.  9. Philodendron Gloriosum A native plant of Colombia, the Philodendron Gloriosum is a big leaf foliage plant. These plants love to crawl and climb. In humid weather, you can keep them indoors. These big leaf plants have gorgeous pink, light green, and white running across the leaves. The leaves, stems, and roots are toxic for humans and animals.  ☀ Sun: Indirect and right sunlight is best. 🌡️Temperature: 7°C to 35°C is good enough. 💦Watering: The soil needs to be damp. You can water two to three times every week.  🌷Type Of Soil: Organic soil rich in fertilizers works the best.  10. Fiddle Leaf Fig The fiddle-shaped leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig are large and waxy. They inhabit their pots quite well. These big leaf plants are poisonous to humans and animals. But they are aesthetic-looking bedroom plants, and they are gorgeous. ☀ Sun: These plants need bright sunlight. Do not keep them in the shade. 🌡️Temperature: 15°C to 30°C is good enough for them. 💦 Watering: Regular Watering is necessary.  🌷Type Of Soil: You need well-fertilized moist soil.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Here are some frequently asked questions that you may find interesting. Q1. How To Care For Big Leaf Plants? Taking care of big leaf  aesthetic plants is easy. You need to keep them in medium indirect sunlight and keep the potting soil moist. They don't need frequent fertilizing; once or twice every year is enough.  Q2. How Do You Encourage A Big Leaf To Grow? The water, light, fertilizer, soil, and care are all crucial to growing your big leaf plants. Q3. Why Is My Big Leaf Plant Dying? There can be several reasons for this; excessive Watering or little Watering can cause your plant to die. Varying sunlight and bad incompatible soil can also be the reason behind your indoor plant's death. Q4. What Affects Leaf Size? The amount of Sun, water, air, and fertilizer your plant gets has an effect on the leaf size. Bottom Line If you want to grow big leaf plants indoors, then you can choose from these ten plants I have recommended here. All of these plants are low maintenance, and they are pretty in look. Aside from that, some of these plants purify your indoor environment. Did you like this list? Please let us know in the comment; also, if you purchased any of them, let us know which once was your favorite. Read Also: 10 Best Tall House Plants To Buy In 202210 Best Spiky Plants To Decorate Outside Your HouseWhat Are Trailing Plants? – What Are The Types Of Trailing Plants?