Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path In 2021

Published on: 30 August 2021 Last Updated on: 01 October 2021
Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path

Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path in 2021? If you are skilled in the hospitality industry, then there are several career opportunities for you in the long run. Those who are looking for more rewarding and interesting can go for Tourism and Hospitality. 

So, the hospitality industry is a dynamic industry that offers several reasons to embark on a hotel career. Not only do people from all over the world stay at hotels, but people from all over the world work at hotels.

Hotels/Resorts is a good career path because it creates an atmosphere that invites exposure to all types of backgrounds and people. Moreover, you find several fields in this career, and you can choose any according to your interest. One of the most rewarding career paths can be investing in real estate investment trusts because of the high number of jobs available in this field

Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path In 2021?

Is HotelsResorts A Good Career Path In

The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. However, there are many people who believe that hospitality jobs are great. At the same time, many people don’t consider this as a good career path.  

Today, it can be challenging to figure out which path can take your career to the next level of success. For example, a career path in finance consumer services, precious metals, public utilities, accessory stores, electrical utilities central path, and much more. 

In hospitality management, you need to do the work that your hotel offers. As a hospitality manager, you probably work odd hours and deal with situations that arise at any time. 

This is one of the most interesting jobs that you will find today because you will interact with different individuals from all age groups. This way, you can gain experience and knowledge in this field.

Advantages of Working in the Hospitality Industry (Hotels/Resorts)

Advantages of Working in the Hospitality Industry (HotelsResorts)

If you have an interest in the hospitality industry, you will not feel bored and take your career to the level you always wished to. In this field, you may have to deal with other consumer services and make your customers satisfied with your services. 

Now, let’s take a look at the top services that hotels/resorts offer in the long run.

i). Opportunities To Grow Quickly

In the hospitality industry, there is a wide range of opportunities to grow quickly. You can take a look at the careers in packaged foods as it is one of the top growing industries in the world. 

You can advance your career in this field both individually and professionally. With your hard work and dedication, you can move from a junior executive post to a senior manager in just a few years. 

ii). You Will Find Lots Of Diverse Options

Yes, it is true that you will find lots of diverse options in hospitality management. There are many people in the hospitality industry, such as transport careers, management, categories, business services, etc. 

In the United States, you will find that every job position related to hotels and resorts is in great demand. It is because people travel from one place to another for business purposes, and hotel management needs more staff to work for their customers and deliver high-quality customer service. 

iii). Excellent Perks

This is not limited to just the financial part. If you meet with hospitality industry employees, you will come to know that it offers exclusive luxury such as exposure, free hotel rooms, world-class amenities, and much more. 

On the other hand, high-quality services from hospitality management are expected, and employees working for the same are highly rewarded.

iv). High Stability & Growth

Another reason to choose your career in hotels/resorts is that it offers high stability and growth for the employees in the long run. 

Despite the tough situation in this pandemic, the hospitality sector has remained relatively stable. This is the benefit of choosing your career in this domain.

v). Flexible Working Hours & Travel Opportunities

If you are looking for a career path where you want flexible working hours, then I think hospitality industries can be your suitable option. 

This industry is extremely flexible and also hires a lot of people at the same time. Therefore, this is also one of the most demand sectors in terms of jobs and careers.

The Final Thoughts

I have tried my best to answer your question, “Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path In 2021?” However, if you feel that this job is suitable for you, you must opt for the same for your future. Besides, if you come across any issues, you can mention them below in the comment section.

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Benefits that Employees Actually Look For

As company culture is changing across US workplaces, potential employees are being more choosy about the things they’re looking for from an employer. Employees needs are different today, and so are the benefits people are looking for. To attract top talent, you’ll want to offer a strong benefits package with benefits employees are actually looking for. Recruiters are working harder to find top talent by helping companies create more attractive benefits offerings. Benefits Offerings Should Change With the Times In a recent survey by GlassDoor, approximately 60% of those asked said they strongly consider benefits and perks before accepting a job offer. A full 80% said they would prefer better benefits over a bump in pay and feel valued when employers offer good benefits. Job seekers are looking for a robust benefits package, that includes at least some of these. Benefits that Employees Actually Look For: Flexible Work Schedule: This might mean the ability to work from home or adjust your work schedule on occasion. The goal is for employees to achieve a better work-life balance, especially those with children. Companies like Netflix are leading the industry in employee flexibility, giving workers autonomy to create a schedule that works for them, while still being productive. It may mean that parents of young children come in earlier than their co-workers and leave earlier to pick their kids up. This flexibility also allows for self-care and a sense of independence and helps companies attract and retain top talent. Good Health Benefits: Employees are not interested in bare-bones, fall down and break something insurance policies or those with high deductibles. More businesses are listening and offering more benefit-rich insurance, with the option for Flexible Spending Accounts or a wider variety of plans to choose from. Employers can also opt to cover a portion of employee’s coverage as a benefit. Health insurance may be the most expensive perk that you can offer employees, but it is one of the most important. Better Vacation Time: Employees want to be able to take time off as needed. Americans are notoriously bad at using vacation days and leave $224 billion dollars in vacation time behind annually. More companies are beginning to adopt open, or unlimited, vacation policies. This can be a win-win for both employers and workers, saving an average of $1,898 per employee annually. Companies save time and money by no longer having to track employee vacation or having to pay out unused vacation days. Employees benefit by taking days as they need them, delivering more flexibility and autonomy. It sends a message to employees that the company trusts them to make their own decisions, so long as their work is not affected. Other Perks: Things like paying for parking, offering tuition assistance or a free gym membership also rank high on the list for employees. Small gestures like free snacks go a long way with employees, making them feel valued. If you aren’t working hard to create meaningful personal connections with your employees, you are making a mistake. Showing genuine interest in them, and their families if applicable, goes a long way. By offering meaningful benefits for your employees, you’ll boost morale, and retain a better workforce. Read Also: Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees? 5 Major Tips To Increase Employee Engagement In A Call Centre Industry

Voluntary Unemployment

Voluntary Unemployment – Definition, Examples, Types & Reasons

Voluntary unemployment is a circumstance where the unemployed individual decides not to consider the job at the going wage rate. This can be due to various reasons that we will discuss in this article. This type of unemployment refers to voluntary non-working. Examples of this unemployment are people who refuse certain job offers because their benefits are not in line with expectations.  On the other hand, voluntary unemployment contrasts with involuntary unemployment, which includes people who are prepared to work but are jobless.  What Is Voluntary Unemployment? How Is It Different From Involuntary Unemployment? Voluntary unemployment describes the number of individuals in an economy without jobs because they choose to be unemployed. The primary reasons can be an incompatibility with open positions or low wages.  On the other hand, involuntary unemployment means there are no types of job openings that fit your expertise. Or, you may not have the right qualifications that fulfill the employer’s expectations.  So, I believe that both topics should not be overemphasized. In fact, most of the workers even have a chance of being employed at a certain wage level.  Reasons For Voluntary Unemployment  There can be specific reasons for voluntary unemployment and these are described below.  i). Certain jobs are very boring, such as security guard, fruit picking, etc.  ii). There are many individuals who are looking for a job as per their skills and qualifications. However, it is very difficult to find nowadays.  iii). There are many unemployed benefits a person receives from the government when he/she has no way to feed their family.  iv). High marginal tax rates also prevent people from looking for work. These tax rates minimize the salary they bring home.  v). Most people think that they are financially prosperous with unemployment benefits rather than considering low wages. Voluntary Unemployment Relationship With Other Forms Of Unemployment Voluntary Unemployment is politically sensitive because it highlights that the unemployed are lazy and not willing to work due to low wages. It can also cause poverty in the long run if it is used as a reason for cutting unemployment advantages.  So, there is a strong relationship between voluntary unemployment with other forms of unemployment.  1. Involuntary Unemployment Involuntary unemployment occurs when those who are able and ready to work at the going wage rate but are limited by factors beyond their control.  These factors can be efficiency wage theory, implicit wage bargaining, labor market inflexibilities, and deficiency of aggregate demand.  2. Demand Deficient Unemployment Demand Deficient Unemployment occurs when a fall in economic growth leads to less demand for labor. A fall in aggregate demand means that fewer goods and services are in demand, and less labor is needed.  For example, the demand deficient unemployment graph had increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, the unemployment rate had also increased.  3. Structural Unemployment Structural unemployment is caused by a mismatch of skills between the available jobs and the unemployed. This is usually caused by changes in the economy. For example, skilled pilots would lose their jobs if airplanes became completely automated. Then, these pilots may struggle to start again in the new industry.  4. Frictional Unemployment Frictional unemployment is when employees decide to leave their current positions in order to find new ones and individuals entering the workforce for the very first time.  Besides, this unemployment type has a very close relationship with voluntary unemployment, and it occurs naturally.  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. What Are The Six Types Of Unemployment? Ans: The six most common types of unemployment are Frictional unemployment, Institutional unemployment, Structural unemployment, Cyclical unemployment, Disguised unemployment, and Technological unemployment.  2. What Are The Examples Of Voluntary Unemployment? Ans: Voluntary unemployment refers to deciding not to be employed despite the availability of work. The best example of voluntary unemployment is quitting one’s job, and there can be various reasons for the same. 3. Is Voluntary Unemployment Not Considered As Unemployed? Ans: Voluntary unemployment is the situation where a person is able to work but denies to work due to many reasons. They are known as unemployed of their own will. Thus, they are not considered unemployed and will not be given any benefits by the government. 4. What Is The Difference Between Voluntary And Involuntary Unemployment? Ans: Voluntary unemployment is the situation where a person is able to work but denies to work due to many reasons. At the same time, involuntary unemployment occurs when a person is unemployed, notwithstanding being ready to work at the current wage.  The Final Thoughts Voluntary unemployment is rising at present, and there are many reasons for the same. For example, a person looking for a job and not getting the desired job according to his skills and qualifications may reject the job opportunity. Thus, this is all about voluntary unemployment and how it affects your day-to-day life. Read Also: Most Common Misdemeanors You Could Be Accused Of The Ultimate Guide To Guest Posting: Scale Your Business Las Vegas Electricians Share Fun Lighting Ideas for Your Home

Medical Careers

Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Are you looking for a stable, rewarding career that allows you to help others, while still making good money? If so, then a career in the medical field may be right for you! Many people scoff at the idea of switching to a career in medicine. This is because when many people think "medical career" they think "doctor". And that, of course, leads to people to think that the only way to make it in the medical field is to give up ten plus years of your life for school while going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. However, there are a lot of careers that you can do in the medical field that don't require years and years of schooling and money. And, people often get just as much job satisfaction from these careers as doctors do. What careers are we talking about, exactly? Read on to learn about the top 10 medical careers to check out for those looking for a career switch. 1. Ultrasound Technician: Working as an ultrasound technician is perhaps one of the least stressful medical careers out there. And, it's super fulfilling. Even better, it pays well and does not take that much schooling. As an ultrasound technician, you get to witness one of the most joyous moments in a person's life- seeing their baby for the first time! However, your job will consist of a lot more than just showing future parents their babies on an ultrasound machine. Your job will also consist of using the ultrasound machine to identify blood clots, diagnose tumors, evaluate heart conditions, and more. For an entry-level job, you will need an associates degree, a diploma or a certificate. Job growth in this field is at a healthy 17 percent, and you can expect to make around $70,000. 2. Biomedical Engineer: Are you looking for a career in the medical field that is less patient focused? If so, a career as a biomedical engineer may be for you. As a biomedical engineer, you'll get to use your skills in science and math to further the medical field. You will be in constant contact with other scientists, doctors, and nurses to repair and improve upon various medical devices. You may even get the chance to help develop an artificial organ. Some other biomedical engineers work to develop software for medical devices, research emerging technologies, or design new devices. In this career, you may find yourself working in a lab, hospital, or university, or government agency. You will need a bachelor's degree in engineering in order to enter this career field. However, if you are going back to school, you may not need to redo your generals. Therefore, you could knock off a year or two of schooling. As a biomedical engineer, you can expect to make close to six figures. 3. Phlebotomist: We've all had our blood drawn at a doctor's appointment or for a blood drive. The person drawing your blood in these situations is a phlebotomist. A lot of people think phlebotomists only draw blood. However, they do a lot more than that. However, due to the fact that many people are afraid of needles, your job will also involve putting your people skills to the test. Calming down and soothing patients will be a regular part of your job. If you work blood drives, you'll also be responsible for screening patients to ensure they're fit to give blood. You can also work towards other applicable certificates as a phlebotomist, such as a bloodborne pathogens certificate. You can find more info about that here. Training to become a phlebotomist takes as little as 8 months. And, school is often a couple of nights a week. Therefore, this is a career that you can easily transition to while still keeping your old job. 4. Medical Illustrator: A medical illustrator is a career that very few people know about. This is a shame, as this job can be super exciting and fascinating. If you're someone who is equally right-brained and left-brained oriented, this career may be for you. Medical illustrators work to create graphic representations and drawings of different parts of the body. Their "artwork" can be used for a variety of purposes, including legal proceedings, posters, and textbooks. You will use extremely precise graphic design software to create these images. The images you create will help educate students, patients, doctors, and nurses. You will need to get a Masters in Medical Illustration in order to enter this field. But, those two years will quickly pay off, as you can expect to make close to six figures. 5. Radiologic Technologist: Physicians and medical professionals rely on imaging technology to diagnose and treat patients. The images they use don't just appear out of the blue. They are created with the help of a radiologic technologist, also commonly known as an x-ray technician. In this role, you will use imaging technology to create highly-sophisticated images of patients' body parts. Once you've created the images, you will be responsible for updating the patient's file accordingly. This is another great career field that offers great pay and low stress. The average salary for this position is around $60,000. You will need an associate's degree to qualify for work. 6. Nutritionist: The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, which means we could use more nutritionists to get us on healthier diets. As a nutritionist, you will get the opportunity to educate patients about what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this role, you will design a nutrition program for your clients to follow in order to meet their lifestyle goals. You could work with a patient with Type II diabetes, creating a diet plan for them that will help them lose weight. Or, maybe you'll work with someone who has Celiac's disease to create a healthy and diverse diet plan that won't make them sick. This is another medical career that is extremely low-stress. And, you only need a bachelor's degree to do it. Are You Ready for One of These Medical Careers? As you can see, there are a lot of medical careers out there that have nothing to do with being a doctor. Now, all you need to do is choose one that you'd like to pursue. However, before you make the leap, be sure to check out this article about the top things you should know before entering a medical career. Read Also: Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course What They Don’t Tell You About Freelance Careers