Is Major Banks A Good Career Path In 2021?


06 October 2021

Job & Career

Is Major Banks A Good Career Path

Is major banks a good career path in 2021? How many jobs are available in major banks? What are the best-paying jobs in the major banking sectors?

Banking continues to be one of the most rewarding, competitive, and challenging careers in the corporate field. It offers several opportunities to learn about businesses and industries and is regarded as one of the top options for career growth.

The best part about this sector is that anyone interested can pursue this career. However, there are some pros and cons of this industry that you need to understand before choosing this as your career path.

What Are Banking Careers?

What Are Banking Careers

A banking career is any position within a financial institution. Some of the popular banking careers include bank administrators, trust and investment bankers, accountants, and bank tellers.

You can call this career path a service industry and do not require higher education. Moreover, careers at banks tend to be very stable, with close relationships among the customers and local residents.

These multinational financial institutions manage millions of transactions per day. On the other hand, you get a wide range of opportunities for advancement and promotions within the sections of the firm.

Is Major Banks A Good Career Path In 2021?

Major Banks A Good Career

The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Banks will hire and train you if you are willing to learn more and accept responsibilities in the long run. If you are already a part of the banking sector, you know well the types of benefits you get in this career path.

Now, let’s discuss some of the top benefits of pursuing a career in banking.

  • Career development opportunities
  • Reliable hours and good working conditions 
  • Opportunities for advancement 
  • Job security 
  • A broad range of opportunities to choose from Excellent job benefits, including disability insurance, sick leave, paid time off, and medical insurance.
  • Competitive salaries
  • Continuing education and community service is highly encouraged.

Regardless of race, physical capabilities, age, national origin, or gender, a career in banking is open to all. However, attitude and aptitude are vital to your success. Financial institutions are always in search of individuals who are trustworthy and can calculate and balance numbers correctly.

How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Banks?

How Many Jobs Are Available In Major Banks

According to Statista, in the first quarter of 2020, there were 49,000 full-time employees working at the twelve largest investment banks all over the world which is 5% lower than the same quarter in the previous year. 

Now, let’s discuss some of the top-paying jobs available in the major banks that may interest you.

i). Bank Teller

This is the simplest of all jobs associated with banking. Bank Tellers process the day-to-day transactions and serve as the customer representatives for the bank. They assist customers with customers involving cash checking, withdrawals, transfers, and deposits.

Besides, individuals involved in this sector have a high school diploma but holding a bachelor’s degree can help you to get a higher position in this same sector.

ii). Collector

A Collector in a bank offers innovative and cost-effective financial solutions to corporate and private customers. However, they tend to get a bad reputation among others yet play a key role for businesses.

For this position, you require a high school diploma, or simply a bachelor’s degree is enough. The average salary of these individuals is more than $40,000.

iii). Loan Officer

Loan Officer is another best-paying job in the major bank’s sector. These officers serve like salespeople, attracting customers for loans. They evaluate the customer’s overall creditworthiness, income, and job history.

Moreover, these individuals must be at the right time and right place to get the best conversions. To get this position, you must have a finance and economics background.

iv). Branch Manager

The Branch Manager or Bank Manager manages operations, including training and hiring staff. In addition, they set goals and take care of the branch’s budget. 

As a bank manager, you need to manage all the functions of the branch, making sure that the branch meets its objectives, building a reputation, developing customer relations, supervising the loans, and much more. 

v). Accountant

The Accountant is also one of the top-paying jobs in the major bank sector. This is one of the most popular financial positions that evaluate, plan, and analyze income and business expenses.

If you are willing to work in a public accounting firm, you need to sit for the Certified Public Accountant exam. 

vi). Personal Financial Advisor

Personal Financial Advisors help people make money to meet their short and long-term objectives. These are professionals who offer tailored monetary advice and services to customers.

Financial Advisors create monetary strategies for the clients that consist of a complete evaluation of their present and future financial state. 

vii). Financial Analyst

As a Financial Analyst, you help individuals or businesses make investment decisions. To get this job position, you need a bachelor’s degree to get started in this field.

Financial analysts also work in insurance companies, pension funds, and other firms. These individuals guide individuals and businesses in settlements about disbursing money to attain a profit.

Closing Thoughts

Is major banks a good career path in 2021? I hope that you have already got an answer to your question. Careers in major banks can be rewarding both in terms of opportunities and remuneration. The above listed are the most appreciated jobs in the banking sectors that you can consider too.

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If it were up to most employers, they'd never have to hire again because all of their employees would be perfect.  Unfortunately, that's not always what happens: so it's essential to be very careful when hiring.  Here are three steps to hiring the ideal employee: make sure you find someone who can treat your company how it deserves. Pull From A Wide Net The more applications you can accrue- the better luck your company has at finding gold.  Put out job listings on multiple sites, not just within your company.  Although it may seem nice to hire someone that an employee already knows, there’s no telling if that person is the right employee for the role you have open. If your company has multiple listings open, take out advertising on apps like Twitter or Instagram, and let people know what you're seeking.  Don't be too general in your job description.  Keep it straight, simple, to the point- and make sure to be crystal clear on any education or experience needs. Although you can go through applications at any time, wait to interview anyone until you have a pool of candidates to know your options are at the top for skill and availability. Call All References When you find potential employees that would do well in your company- call their references.  Ask questions about dependability, if they know why they left their last job, and what they think of the person you may interview.  Pay attention to names and addresses, and make sure that you don’t accidentally use someone’s mom as their reference.  You want honesty, and that’s not a great way to get it. If they give you permission to call previous employers, listen for how they worked in a team and how they handled problems.  You can tell a lot about an employee by how they react when facing adversity. If everything checks out, and they seem honest and hardworking, it's time for the next step. Interview With Caution Pay attention to everything the potential employee says and does in the interview.  If they seem aggressive or mention flirting too much with coworkers, that should be immediate grounds for them to get turned away. Give every single candidate that fits what you need a fighting chance.  It shouldn't matter what race, sex, religion, or sexuality they are if they seem to be a trustworthy and hardworking person who can do the work you need to get done.  Employment discrimination cases can swallow a company whole- don’t let it be your neck on the chopping block. Compare what they want to get paid with what you're willing to pay them, and be upfront with benefits, vacations, and sick days.  You don't want to have to deal with hiring someone just for them to quit a couple of weeks later when you find out they had unrealistic expectations. Hire someone who will make your company better.  Look for people who want to become a part of your company, and seem like they’re eager to prove their skills. Read Also: 6 Things You Must Do to Prepare for a Video Interview Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It

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Is Consumer Durables a Good Career Path In 2021?

Is consumer durables a good career path in 2021? How many jobs are available in consumer durables? If you are searching for these queries, you are reading the correct blog!  Choosing your career path in consumer durables can be your best decision because it is highly rewarding, and the future is truly bright.    Consumers take irregular career paths, and they regret the same in the long run. This is the reason why you need to be very focused and alert while choosing any career path. Some of the other top career paths can be precious metals, basic industries, energy utilities, public utilities, hotels/resorts, etc.  Consumer Durables - What You Need To Know? Consumer durables are also known as durable goods or just durables, are a category of consumer goods that do not wear out instantly and thus, do not have to be bought frequently. These are known as “durable goods” as they tend to last for more than three years and are the opposite of consumer non-durables goods.  Hence, in a more simple term, commodities that are purchased repeatedly over a prolonged period are known as consumer durables. Examples of consumer durable are toys, medical equipment, jewelry, sports equipment, furniture tools, consumer electronics, books, automobiles, and much more. Shoes and clothing are examples of semi-durable goods.  Is Consumer Durables A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is Yes. Consumer durables are a good career path in 2021. Most of the durable consumer companies are operating at 100% production capacity.  Actually, consumer durables consist of particular features that set them apart from other consumption expenditure items. Besides, in the European System of Accounts, consumer durables are defined as durable goods utilized by many households. This sector is in huge demand at present, and even non-consumer durables are a good career path and you should know this at the earliest.   How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Durables? There are many jobs available in consumer durables, and you must be aware of the same if you are willing to grow your career in this field.  Now, let’s have a look at the best-paying jobs in consumer durables. The following data is derived from LinkedIn.  i). Category Manager The Category Manager is responsible for determining the positioning of a product category. Here, you need to increase visibility, partner with Supply Chain to place appropriate orders, build relationships with vendors, develop exit strategies, devise long-term development strategies, analyze data to consumer trends and the industry.  ii). Sales Operations Specialists Sales Operations Specialists is one of the top jobs available in consumer durables. Here, you need to support all the stages of the sales cycle and provide high-quality support as a part of consumer services.  You need to maintain a clear process for the sales team, accurate data reporting dashboards, prepare sales documents, and also handle all CRM records, deals, and contacts with input from the sales team.  iii). Product Development Manager To get the role of Product Manager, you must have a bachelor’s degree in Business or Marketing. At the same time, you must possess good communication and writing skills.  Besides, your main role will be managing pricing and promotions, utilize strong financial acumen, implement several activities and strategies, and build relationships with customers. iv). Events Manager The Events Manager works closely with corporate communications teams on activation opportunities and related events. You need to manage budgets and track all consumers.  Moreover, you need to identify opportunities for participation in key consumer events that will increase your exposure. At the same time, you need to build marketing initiatives via consumer-facing marketing activations.  v). Ecommerce Analysts The Ecommerce Analysts are responsible for creating pathways to deliver profitable growth and annual revenue. You need to facilitate alignment across all eCommerce customers. You need to manage all the eCommerce content testing roadmap for businesses, collaborate with marketing and product development, monitor trends in user behavior, and maintain a consistent flow of the work.  The Final Thoughts Is consumer durables a good career path in 2021? Now, you know why it is regarded as a good career path among millennials in the USA and also other countries. You can grow your career in this particular field and acquired the skills that can be useful in other sectors as well. Read Also: Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path Is Business Services A Good Career Path Is Packaged Foods A Good Career Path Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path Is Photography A Good Career Path? Is Homebuilding A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Major Banks A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores A Good Career Path Is Electric Utilities Central A Good Career Path In 2021? Is Major Pharmaceuticals A Good Career Path In 2021?