What Skills Does A UI/UX Designer Need?

Published on: 17 May 2022 Last Updated on: 18 February 2025
UIUX Designer

UI and UX designing is key in every service-related and product selling business. Although the definitions are not entirely different, the process of UI and UX design has its differences.

For example, UX deals with a user’s journey from start to finish and solves a problem. A UI/UX designer is entirely focused on the product’s look, design, and feel. You can check various types of modern designs from professional UX design agencies in San Francisco as examples and find the latest market trends.

Who Is A UI/UX Designer?

The work of a UI/UX designer is to design the user interfaces. When you are login to any website, the first thing you see is the user interface. Yes, the work of the UI/UX designer is to design that interface. The target is to build up better consumer experiences. But do you know what types of skills you require to be a successful UX/UX designer?

Businesses turn to these designers when they want to create everything from their websites to mobile application, micro sites, and target-based landing pages for campaigns. There are several ways you can do it. Firstly, you can take help from the top UX design agencies. Or, you can go for freelancers that can help you on a project-to-project kind of a basis.

5 Required Skill Sets For Any UI/UX Designer:

5 Required Skill Sets For Any UI/UX Designer

This is a highly popular stream, and jobs for experienced professionals with the right skills will take their careers to new heights. Thinking of enrolling on a UI UX course?

Read on to know what skills you require first to hone your skills.

1. Implacable Research Skills

To succeed as a UX or UI developer, candidates need to upswing their research skills as a lot of their duties involve studying various aspects of an application or a website before making any UX decisions that are finalized for implementation. 

For an app to be successful, UX designers must have the ability to understand their audience.

2. Collaboration

UI/UX experts and designers must have the skill to work and collaborate with professionals with different expertise levels in order to get through the design process. Collaboration is one of the key skills in UX designing, and with great communication skills earned through the same, and communicate effectively with the clients and stakeholders to make the product finalized.

3. Wireframing And UI Prototyping

You need to flaunt your UX skills to convince people how proficient you are in all the key skills – prototyping, wireframing, etc. 

A wireframe is simply a layout of a web page that prioritizes the key elements of the page as per the needs and ease of customers to navigate, whereas a prototype is a sample or a simulation of the final product that’s used for testing trails and feedback collection. 

4. Visual Designing And Design Software

UI and UX designers must be proficient in using visual design software like Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. In order to create the visuals or graphics for the product, they are designing. 

Keeping updated and understanding the use of the latest software and topics – – icons, color theory, design theory, typography, etc. 

Related Resource: Latest Trends of Graphic Design in London

5. User Research And Usability Testing

To make a successful and saleable product that meets the market requirements, professionals need to know the best they can about the user. They are the ones researching development for most of their time. 

Conducting the right user testability and user research will ensure designers make the best prototypes and the perfect product. 

What are you waiting for now? Enroll in a program today and get started in this exciting field of work. 

UX Designer And Their Required Technical Skills

UX Designer And Their Required Technical Skills

A key part of the product development system is envisioning the final product. Depending on the different stages of development, designers can focus on creating wireframes, mockups, and user flows through low or high-fidelity prototypes. 

These are one of the most crucial UX designer skills.

  • Low-fidelity prototypes are often sketched on paper, prohibiting interaction, whereas high-fidelity prototypes are usually computer-based and allow interaction with the product.
  • A mockup is a realistic model of the final web page or an application.
  • User flow is a diagram that maps each step taken by a user while using a service or a product.

If you like to get a large-scale UI/UX designer salary, then these are skillsets you will require.


UI/UX designer jobs are now like a hot cake in the market. Most of the new websites are focusing on building better audiences’ records.

And this is only possible when you are prepared to invest a large amount of money in building better interfaces. So are you thinking of being a successful UX/UX designer? What is your opinion? Let us know through the comment sections.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Resume Tips

How To Tailor Your Resume To Get That Dream Job?

Looking for resume tips is far from a waste of time. Even if you are a seasoned professional at job hunting! Your resume is your first impression in the professional world, and let’s face it, it could make or break your candidacy. Before you even sit for that interview, the resume will catch their eyes first! Whether you’re just starting in your career or looking to make a shift, an impressive résumé opens doors. So, here is how you can turn your resume from good to the absolute best! Resume Tips 101 So, without further ado, let’s edit that piece of paper together. 1. Nail Your Header Name, professional title, and contact information. Link to LinkedIn profile or personal website. These are the two must-haves of your CV heading. No, you do not have to make it fancy but straightforward. So that everyone knows what you do professionally. This will automatically help your recruiters link it to their current job position. Not only does this allow employees to find and connect with you, but it also adds a modern edge to your resume. 2. Write A Powerful Career Summary This is a short introduction paragraph like a modified objective statement describing your skills and qualifications. Therefore, make it short but impactful! Your summary should be about 3-5 sentences, packed with keywords from the job description. But do not make it too long so that it bores your audience. 3. Keep It formatted Stick to one that will make your resume easy to read: chronological, functional, or hybrid. Unless you have a unique situation, such as a career change, most recruiters would prefer the chronological format. It makes it easier to understand! 4. Make It ATS Friendly This is new, but this is the new corporate, and our resume tips must cater to the same. Many companies use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to scan your resume. If the ATS can’t read your resume, it won’t make it to human eyes. Could you Keep it clean and straightforward? 5. Tailor Your Resume For Each Job Tailor your resume to each job you apply for by highlighting the responsibilities and qualifications listed in the job posting. Try to incorporate the exact words and phrases in the job posting to ensure it’s a close match. Yes, it could be tedious, but it is important at the end of the day! Remember, a general resume won’t impress anyone. A tailored resume shows effort, which will make you stand out. 6. Highlight Your Achievements, Not Just Duties Employers want to know your winning game! Not just what you were responsible for. Therefore, use bullet points with quantifiable results like, “Increased sales by 20% in six months.” This is where you show the impact of your work, not just what you did. 7. Use Action Verbs Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb such as “managed,” “designed,” “created,” or “led.”   One of the best resume tips we would provide is, to stop being like the others. Even when you are using certain verbs. Therefore, beware of using overused words like: “Responsible for” or “Assisted with.” Use strong action verbs on your resume to set them apart and add a more professional, put-together look.  8. Include Your Soft Skills As Well During your employment with another company, you acquire other hard skills. This is outside that specific role that could be pertinent to the work. Yes, you should include them as well! Don’t forget about your soft skills, such as communication, conceptual skills, teamwork, etc. However, try to avoid bringing them in as achievements. Show the employer that you have the skills to do the job you are applying for. Plus, it will achieve your new goals with knowledge, but knowing itself is no achievement. 9. Keep It Short One page is standard for most resumes, especially for students. If you have ten or more years of work experience– you can consider a two-page resume. Please Do not overdo it when you do not have much experience to show. Especially when recruiters are looking for reasons to eliminate candidates, and they will scan them. 10. Add A Professional Title It works essentially the same as a headline on a newspaper or article – it draws the reader in and makes her want to read more. Your headline is your tagline. It’s your one shot to make an impression and entice the recruiter to spend more time reading your resume. This simple step helps clarify your resume's intent.    11. Present A Robust Work Experience Section Start with your most recent job. Use 3-5 bullet points to list your achievements for each role. But don’t just list your responsibilities. Show how you made a difference as well. 12. Use Numbers Whenever You Can Numbers can make your resume much more credible than ever. They grab attention and prove your results. For example, instead of saying, “Improved customer service,” you can say, “Reduced customer complaints by 15%.” Instead of “Grew revenues,” say “Increased revenue by 30%.” Quantify your work whenever possible. It leaves no room for doubt about the value you bring to the table. 13. Education Matters, But Don’t Overdo It If you’ve worked for over five years, place your education at the bottom of your resume. Include your degree, school, and graduation year if you’re still in college or have recently graduated. Your education section can stay at the top of your resume for new grads. However, if you have some experience, move them to the end. 14. Relevant Certifications If there are any certifications related to your industry, add them to your resume. Getting certified helps, but do not add the irrelevant ones from the years gone by. Plus, try to get these certifications from credible sources to add weight to your resume. List them after your education. Or, if you are out of school for a few years, you can list them in a separate section. If you took a more relevant course to the job, you're applying for include it as well! 15. Don’t Get Too Fancy You do have to make it a graphic design project! However, keeping a strong format that is visually calming and easy to read is also important. Use font styles that are easy to read, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Make sure each section has bold headings so a recruiter can easily navigate your document. Good design isn’t about flashiness. It’s about making your information easy to read and look professional. 16. No Clichés Don’t use phrases like “Hard Worker” or “Team Player”! They are boring and cliche, and almost everyone writes the same. So, provide examples that demonstrate those things instead. Demonstrate these skills with specific real-life examples rather than using stock phrases that lack the power to convey your true worth. Just like a cliché doesn't make an impression, the same applies to your resume. It’s all about demonstrating how you are different than others. 17. Tailor Your Resume For The Industry Let's be honest: if you're applying for a design position in a creative company like Wieden Kennedy, your resume shows that better! Stick to more traditional formats for industries like finance or law. However, in modern-day digital marketing jobs, ensure that your resume holds that promise. Know who you are presenting to and design your presentation accordingly. 18. Be Honest About Your Experience Don’t lie or over-embellish your skills and experience. Recruiters will quickly pick up on it when they meet you in person for an interview or check your references. Suppose you have been less than honest; that deletes your credibility.  Yes, integrity is everything, and employers need to trust you. 19. Don’t Be Shy About Going Into Detail With Your Career Gaps One of the common questions we often hear is “How to write s resume when I have a gap year?” If you have gaps in your employment history, you can say, “I was caring for a sick family member,” or “I took three years off to raise my children.”   However, it was always better to be honest than to embellish your gap years to make yourself sound fancy. For example, "I was backpacking through Western Europe." Unless you were actually. You never know when your recruiter might ask you a question. It’s also productive to include freelance work or volunteer activities during gaps rather than using the gap as a reason for being unproductive. Employers appreciate honesty. It is not a good idea to over-explain gaps. 20. Link To An Online Portfolio If you have a portfolio of your work, consider linking to it in your resume. Especially for creative people, writers, or designers. The portfolio is an example of the skills you can show. 21. Use White Space Effectively Don’t overdo it with dense blocks of text.  Recruiters looking to skim through your resume for the basics will appreciate white space and easy-to-read headings. Keep margins and line spacing consistent! White space helps, too! Literally, it looks 'cleaner' and is easier for recruiters to read and process information (according to the eye-tracking model of how people read resumes). 22. Leave Out Irrelevant Job Experience Any part-time work or job that doesn’t relate to your career should be left out. You don’t have to include all the jobs you have ever worked at! Focus on roles that highlight transferable skills or experiences. 23. Work Experience Only (Unless You’re A Recent Grad) On a resume, you should do so much more than just internships and volunteer work. Internships and volunteer experience are the best things to have on your resume if you haven’t had real job experience. However, if you’ve been in the workforce for at least one month, stick to work experience. Highlight what you achieved and your responsibilities in the position, just as you would for a job. 24. Proofread To Perfection Because even the most qualified candidate can lose out if they make a spelling or grammatical error in their CV. Henceforth, one of our best resume review tips would be to proofread until you are 90% satisfied (because you will never be at 100%, and that is okay). Use Grammarly or ask someone to read your resume. No matter what you do, you must have learned that the devil is in the details. Well, it starts with a resume. 25. Skip The Photos, Graphics, Or Fancy Fonts. These elements can distract or confuse ATS systems. Making it difficult for it to scan for digital recording. A clean, professional layout is the first step to being considered for the job. One simple photo is enough. You can look into these interview attire for men and women to help you take a professional CV photo. 26. If You Can Send A Resume, You Can Write A Cover Letter There is no reason not to send a cover letter with your resume. In fact, a cover letter can help you make a better impression. Especially if the cover letter is curated to match the job description you are applying for. It’s your chance to demonstrate enthusiasm and explain why you’re a good fit for the role. 27. Be Careful With The Grammar Use present tense for current roles and past tense for previous ones Make sure that the format of your resume remains consistent. A professional resume should look diligent. Here is how you can do so: Promote focus while you are learning. Did you get promoted? Lead bigger teams? Manage larger budgets? Your resume should be read as a progression of development. Omit pronouns such as I, me, or my in your resume. Keep it formal and professional. This keeps everything sounding clean and polished. 28. Don’t Overdo The Personal Statements If you put a photo on your CV, it’s likely to be the first thing an employer sees. So, it's worth spending time perfecting it. As much as you want to look professional, there’s no point in looking stiff. In fact, you should amend the tone of your photo slightly to match how you present yourself throughout the CV. Now, coming to your hobbies. Do not add random hobbies like "taking my dog for a walk." Yes, even your hobbies should give a subtle hint of your job profile. Try to add stuff that shows your potential employer how interesting of a person you are outside of this one little job. 29. Don’t Wait Till You’re job Hunting To Update Your Resume This is one of the biggest mistakes we all make. Only updating the CV before we are about to get Among all the resume tips, this one is for everyone who is now quite secure in their job. Go home and update your resume immediately! This should include your new accomplishments, jobs, or talents. A current resume means you're always ready for new opportunities! 30. Have References Ready You don’t need to put references on your resume, but it’s a good idea to have them ready if a potential employer asks. Ensure you know your references, and they are willing to put in a good word for you. References are the one thing that can make or break your chances of getting the job. So, choose wisely. Do Not Get Overwhelmed! It can be not very safe to face the task of writing your resume, but it’s an essential part of applying for a job. Your resume is your opportunity to make a great first impression on potential employers. Regardless of how strong the candidate pool might be, this is your chance to let your skills and experience shine through. To win that interview opportunity, you must integrate your skills effectively. Your resume will evolve over time, but when you’re writing one for each application you submit, use our resume tips to represent yourself best! Read Also: Is Hotels/Resorts A Good Career Path In 2021 8 Tips for Tech CV Writing to Highlight Skills & Experience 8 Easy Ways for Students to Improve Their Writing Skills

Remote Working

Exploring A Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity: Here Is How To Prepare

The COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in the creation of a new working order that was only being used earlier in a sparing fashion. Remote working or working from home was models that were earlier employed by employees who could not make it to their offices because of some other reason. As the pandemic resulted in the closure of physical workspaces because of governmentally mandated protocols, businesses rushed towards adopting remote working models and started hiring remote workers. This allowed businesses to stay afloat, run their operations, pay employees and carry on with economic sustenance. In this article, we are going to look at a comprehensive guide on jobs remote. We are going to discover some of its benefits of it and prescribe how employees who are looking for full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. Remote Working: Meaning and Definition Remote working/teleworking/working from home is the process of an employee working for an organization, not within the confines of office space. In this working arrangement, an employee can work from anywhere for a business. Remote working means that employees do not have to travel to their place of work. It means that employees are no longer bound to come to office space, showroom, or warehouse to do actual company work. Remote working necessitates the use of technology, digital platforms, and software to enable employees to connect with their managers, bosses, and colleagues. Major Benefits of Ful-Time Remote Working Opportunities Many studies conducted over the last few months have shown that remote working comes with its own sets of advantages for both employees as well as employers. In this section, we will try to shed some light on both. Benefits For Employers- Data shows that remote working has allowed employees to become 13% more efficient and productive in terms of work output and task completion rates. Businesses who opt for remote working can save a lot of additional overhead costs that are part and parcel of an office setup. It has given businesses the ability to attract the best talents from any part of the world. This has opened up an exciting new prospect, which was earlier not possible. Studies have also shown that remote working has allowed for the creation of a fitter and leaner workforce with fewer employees taking sick or casual leaves. Finally, employers have smartly been able to add to the working hours as employees have on average been saving close to 5 hours on traveling to and from the office. Benefits For Employees- The remote working model has allowed employees to spend more time with their family members and carry on a healthy mix of work-life balance. It has allowed for lesser travel stress, especially in developed countries of the world where traffic issues can lead to tensions and exhaustion. The rise of the Digital Nomad means an employee that is enjoying his stay in a location of their choice while working full-time with an organization. Remote working has also allowed employees to add to their savings. Whether it is the fuel or train costs, or additional money spent on lunches, everything is getting saved. Lastly, employees are able to put in their best productivity and performance and win a good chance of getting higher increments, bonuses, and promotions. 5 Easy Steps to Help you Prepare for a Full-Time Remote Working Opportunity In this section, we are going to look at 5 easy steps that can help professionals prepare for a full-time remote working opportunity- 1. Create your Home Work Station/Office- If you think you are going to work on the kitchen top one day and in the bedroom, the other, think again. You need to set up a separate and designated workspace or create a home office for work. This will bring in productivity, and discipline and ensure all your official things are in one place and not getting lost. Systems, family photo frames, green plants, and so on can help. 2. Apply for Full-Time Remote Working Jobs- Many businesses are using this bait to attract the best talent. However, you need to be very careful when applying for such jobs. It might be that the business is now working remotely, but can in the future ask the employees to come in. This is why choosing the best online job platforms that list 100% remote working opportunities should be preferred. 3. Create a Working Routine for the Day- Working from home or remote working does not mean you are working for the first ten minutes and then doing something else. Remote working means you are setting aside office time just in the same way you would if you were working in the office. It is essential that you stick to the same in order to fulfill the timelines, responsibilities, and expectations that have been set on you. 4. Start becoming familiar and using Remote Working Tools- As someone who is looking to not step into a physical office again, you need to start understanding how remote working tools work. This is because you will be doing all of your work using them. Workflow software, video conferencing apps, and cybersecurity protocols are some areas that you need to know about before you start applying for opportunities. 5. Make Family Members understand ‘you are at work’- In most families, if someone is working remotely, family members tend to take them less seriously. It is essential that you make your parents, partner, kids or fiancée understand that you will not be able to step aside from your system during working hours. This will prevent them from having any expectations from you during that period. The Bottom Line Remote working has been proven to result in happier employees and better-run business organizations. If done in the right fashion, it is a win-win situation for both the employee as well as the employer. A lot of friction between managers and employees can also become better if they are not occupying the same physical space day after day. In this article, we have tried to discuss some of the major advantages of remote working for both employees as well as employers. We have also discussed some important ways how professionals looking to pursue full-time remote working opportunities should prepare themselves. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address, or require clarifications on any points mentioned in the article, feel free to state them in the comments section below. Read Also: 5 Ways to Get a Better Work-Life Balance for Remote Employees Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Hired During A Pandemic

how many jobs are available in other consumer services

How Many Jobs Are Available In Other Consumer Services?

With the changing forces in the consumer industry, the job market is on the verge of constant change. Despite that, there is no shortage of jobs in consumer services. So, if your question is, “How many jobs are available in other consumer services?” we would like to tell you that there are millions of jobs available in the consumer services industry. The best part about these numbers in the consumer services industry is that in the next decade, they will not show major changes. So, if you are looking to join consumer services, you must not worry about the opportunities that will be available to you if you possess the relevant skills. What Constitutes Consumer Services? Consumer services include those services that are offered to solve particular problems of consumers. The services that consumers avail from a consumer service provider include a variety of things, like helping consumers with their orders, providing customer support, and many more. Businesses focus on delivering consumer services since they want to enhance the overall experience of their customers. Although the definition of consumer services can be quite broad. The easiest way to understand consumer services is to know that it can be anything that a business offers to its customers, as a service, for a fee. Furthermore, consumer services are available in various forms. However, most of the jobs in consumer services are mostly of four types: Retail and Wholesale Services Leisure and Hospitality Services Health and Social Services Education Why Must You Choose Consumer Services? Image Source: marxcommunications.com To know how many jobs are available in consumer services, you will need to find out the reason first why you need a position in consumer services. Although getting a job in consumer services depends upon your choice of career, knowledge as well as skills, finding out why you want a job in consumer services can help you a lot in the long run.  In addition to this, you will also need to ensure that you have the necessary skills which can be helpful for a particular job in consumer services, in which you can put your effort into achieving more success. One of the major reasons why many people aspire to get a job in consumer services is that they want to solve the problems of customers and like to make life easier for them. If you know how to solve the issues of customers and know how to interact with them, then a job in consumer services is a great option for you. Another reason why many people join consumer services is that it comes with a lot of opportunities for a new aspirant for growth. If you have the right skill and the right mindset to keep going, you will have a lot of chances of growth. As compared to the average job in any other field, the growth of consumer services jobs is pretty faster. How Many Jobs Are Available In Other Consumer Services? – Job Types There are a variety of job options available in the consumer services industry. As per the 2020 data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, consumer services have over 2.9 million jobs. Out of these, more than a million jobs are available for Account Managers, and almost 1.7 million jobs are available for receptionists. Furthermore, call center representatives and host/hostess jobs are more than 400,000 each. The major aspect of these jobs is that all of them involve customer interaction and offering them appropriate information about various products and services or solving their issue related to products and services. The following are the major jobs available in consumer services: 1. Customer Service Representative Many customers have complaints regarding products and services offered by a business. Furthermore, there are also inquiries and questions available from the end of customers. A customer service representative addresses those issues. By answering the questions of the customers, they ensure that the customer remains satisfied with the products and services of the business. 2. Account Manager To ensure that every department of a company meets the needs and demands of its customers and clients, businesses hire account managers. Account managers are also responsible for handling the issues, complaints, and problems of the customer. Furthermore, they also try to ensure good and positive relations with the clients and the customers. They schedule meetings, visit locations, talk to clients, promote products and services, and many more. 3. Receptionist To ensure the smooth running of work within an organization and interaction with customers, companies hire receptionists. Receptionists mainly answer phone calls from clients, greet and interact with visitors, interact with customers, and run errands while maintaining professionalism. However, companies expect receptionists to be professional and maintain proper decorum. 4. Host/Hostess Image Source: cf.ltkcdn.net Not very different from the job of a receptionist, a host/ hostess ensures that any guest in a company feel valued, welcomed, and cared for. Once a client, guest, or an important person visits a business premise, hosts/ hostesses create a warm, interactive, and welcoming environment. Furthermore, hosts/ hostesses are also responsible for taking phone calls and also take names. 5. Customer Service Manager Depending on the company, the job of a customer service manager changes. However, there are some things that are generally the same across all companies. These include answering the calls of customers, resolving their problems, ensuring customers remain satisfied, offering solutions to them, and many more. Furthermore, customer service managers also provide technical advice to customers. 6. Technical Support Engineer Technical support engineers also deal with the issues and problems of customers. However, as the name suggests, they are more inclined toward the technical part. They research, analyze, find out problems, resolve the issues of the customers, and ensure that the problems of the customer are solved in time. Summing Up Hope we have answered your question about how many jobs are available in other consumer services and what their types are. However, if you are finding consumer services jobs, you get to access them easily through major job-search websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, etc. The pay grade of each of these jobs increases with higher skills and experience. If you have the required skills and experience, you are sure to get a job easily. Read More: Is Consumer Services A Good Career Path? 10 Work From Home Jobs For Moms And Dads Is Other Consumer Services A Good Career Path?