Top 7 Reasons the Medical Field Will Always Be In Demand

Published on: 23 February 2021 Last Updated on: 26 December 2024
Medical Field

Humans have always had to face illness, from the dawn of civilization onward to today. We’ve faced plague, chronic illness, sudden disease, injury, and more at the hands of other humans and natural processes. The unfortunate reality for us is that our mortality also means facing some of life’s most difficult challenges, and facing sickness is something none of us want to do. The healthcare field exists to help with those illnesses, providing treatment, recovery, and support.

Why will the medical field always be in demand? 

1. Unfortunately, Sickness Will Always Be A Reality:

Some of the oldest diseases to plague mankind date back to about 8,000 B.C.E., long before humans ever stepped foot on the moon or discovered antibiotics. As long as there have been microbes and animals for them to attach to, there has been illness. The unfortunate truth for us is that illness and disease will always be a part of human life, short of a sci-fi-esque superpower that prevents all illnesses.

Where there is an illness, there needs to be care—and our healthcare providers are there to provide it. There will always be jobs in the field. Even during economic downturns, people still get sick. New jobs open up as technology advances and healthcare techniques evolve. Even as things like AI and machine learning come into play, you simply can’t replace the people that operate on the frontlines of our healthcare industry, providing more than just care and medical knowledge to patients.

2. It Takes A Certain Kind Of Person To Do Specific Jobs In The Field:

It Takes A Certain Kind Of Person To Do Specific Jobs In The Field

The truth about working in healthcare is that it’s simply not for everyone. Some jobs involve long hours, stressful environments, and can even expose you to potentially harmful conditions. Let’s take our frontline workers during the pandemic, for example. We’ve all seen the pictures on social media and in the news of healthcare workers with marks on their faces from wearing masks for hours on end, their tired eyes looking at us mournfully to please follow COVID guidelines. Working in such an environment isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It takes a certain kind of compassion and empathy to put yourself at risk to help others. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with not wanting to do that—it’s just not something that everyone can be happy about doing on a daily basis.

This does create a certain demand, however. Since not just anyone can jump into scrubs and work a 12-hour shift in a hospital, there are often openings in the field. Not every job will require such dedication and personal risk, but you get the point.

3. The Industry Is Always Growing And Changing:

As we learn to better understand the human body, disease, and illness, the healthcare industry evolves and changes. We’ve come a long way from the Greek theory of four humors, but that doesn’t mean we know everything, or will ever know everything. What it does mean is that there will always be new kinds of jobs added to the healthcare field as new technology and methods emerge.

Even as AI becomes more prevalent in a number of industries, something like healthcare needs people. AI simply can’t match the caring, compassionate nature of an actual person providing care to someone who’s sick. It can’t console a family when their loved one is diagnosed with cancer. It can’t hold their hand while they undergo a serious operation.

The bottom line is that the industry will always change and evolve, adding new jobs and techniques, but it will always need people. People are the core of the healthcare industry.

4. Training Is Becoming More Streamlined:

Training Is Becoming More Streamlined

The industry becomes more and more competitive as training programs become more streamlined. Now, you can complete training for certain positions entirely online. This leaves more flexibility and inclusivity in the industry, but can also mean more competition. You can obtain a medical billing and coding certification online in just under a year, setting you up to enter the field very quickly.

But remember that others are also taking that path, potentially blocking you from your career if you’re not doing something that helps you stand out.

5. Not Every Job Requires A Degree:

When you think of healthcare, you automatically think of doctors and nurses in scrubs and white lab coats, but the truth is, there are thousands of healthcare jobs out there, and many don’t require a degree. You can become a medical biller/coder/pharmacy tech or even a dental assistant without a degree. You’ll need to get certified and complete a training program, but you won’t be in a college setting for years on end, and you won’t be thousands in debt at the end of the program. A course in Basic Life Support (BLS) can be attended online, providing you with a legitimate certificate afterward.

6. We’re Unhealthy:

The truth is that the United States is not a healthy nation. Heart disease is still the number one killer of adults in the US and in many parts of the world, and things like smoking, poor eating habits, and lethargic lifestyles contribute to this pandemic. We don’t eat well, many of us don’t get enough exercise, and we practice poor stress management habits; all of which contribute to poor public health. We like to think we’re number one at a lot of things, but the sad fact is that we only fall at about 35 on the world scale when it comes to health and healthcare. 35th place is far from being a winner.

7. The Pandemic Has Shown Us Its Shortcomings:

If there’s any sort of “silver lining” in the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, it’s that the sudden onslaught of the disease has brought into sharp focus the glaring problems that exist in our current healthcare system. The bottom line? We don’t have the right infrastructure, enough dedicated people, or a good insurance system to care for our citizens. We need people who are compassionate and willing to put themselves at personal risk for others, and that’s rare enough nowadays.

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Medical Careers

Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Are you looking for a stable, rewarding career that allows you to help others, while still making good money? If so, then a career in the medical field may be right for you! Many people scoff at the idea of switching to a career in medicine. This is because when many people think "medical career" they think "doctor". And that, of course, leads to people to think that the only way to make it in the medical field is to give up ten plus years of your life for school while going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. However, there are a lot of careers that you can do in the medical field that don't require years and years of schooling and money. And, people often get just as much job satisfaction from these careers as doctors do. What careers are we talking about, exactly? Read on to learn about the top 10 medical careers to check out for those looking for a career switch. 1. Ultrasound Technician: Working as an ultrasound technician is perhaps one of the least stressful medical careers out there. And, it's super fulfilling. Even better, it pays well and does not take that much schooling. As an ultrasound technician, you get to witness one of the most joyous moments in a person's life- seeing their baby for the first time! However, your job will consist of a lot more than just showing future parents their babies on an ultrasound machine. Your job will also consist of using the ultrasound machine to identify blood clots, diagnose tumors, evaluate heart conditions, and more. For an entry-level job, you will need an associates degree, a diploma or a certificate. Job growth in this field is at a healthy 17 percent, and you can expect to make around $70,000. 2. Biomedical Engineer: Are you looking for a career in the medical field that is less patient focused? If so, a career as a biomedical engineer may be for you. As a biomedical engineer, you'll get to use your skills in science and math to further the medical field. You will be in constant contact with other scientists, doctors, and nurses to repair and improve upon various medical devices. You may even get the chance to help develop an artificial organ. Some other biomedical engineers work to develop software for medical devices, research emerging technologies, or design new devices. In this career, you may find yourself working in a lab, hospital, or university, or government agency. You will need a bachelor's degree in engineering in order to enter this career field. However, if you are going back to school, you may not need to redo your generals. Therefore, you could knock off a year or two of schooling. As a biomedical engineer, you can expect to make close to six figures. 3. Phlebotomist: We've all had our blood drawn at a doctor's appointment or for a blood drive. The person drawing your blood in these situations is a phlebotomist. A lot of people think phlebotomists only draw blood. However, they do a lot more than that. However, due to the fact that many people are afraid of needles, your job will also involve putting your people skills to the test. Calming down and soothing patients will be a regular part of your job. If you work blood drives, you'll also be responsible for screening patients to ensure they're fit to give blood. You can also work towards other applicable certificates as a phlebotomist, such as a bloodborne pathogens certificate. You can find more info about that here. Training to become a phlebotomist takes as little as 8 months. And, school is often a couple of nights a week. Therefore, this is a career that you can easily transition to while still keeping your old job. 4. Medical Illustrator: A medical illustrator is a career that very few people know about. This is a shame, as this job can be super exciting and fascinating. If you're someone who is equally right-brained and left-brained oriented, this career may be for you. Medical illustrators work to create graphic representations and drawings of different parts of the body. Their "artwork" can be used for a variety of purposes, including legal proceedings, posters, and textbooks. You will use extremely precise graphic design software to create these images. The images you create will help educate students, patients, doctors, and nurses. You will need to get a Masters in Medical Illustration in order to enter this field. But, those two years will quickly pay off, as you can expect to make close to six figures. 5. Radiologic Technologist: Physicians and medical professionals rely on imaging technology to diagnose and treat patients. The images they use don't just appear out of the blue. They are created with the help of a radiologic technologist, also commonly known as an x-ray technician. In this role, you will use imaging technology to create highly-sophisticated images of patients' body parts. Once you've created the images, you will be responsible for updating the patient's file accordingly. This is another great career field that offers great pay and low stress. The average salary for this position is around $60,000. You will need an associate's degree to qualify for work. 6. Nutritionist: The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, which means we could use more nutritionists to get us on healthier diets. As a nutritionist, you will get the opportunity to educate patients about what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this role, you will design a nutrition program for your clients to follow in order to meet their lifestyle goals. You could work with a patient with Type II diabetes, creating a diet plan for them that will help them lose weight. Or, maybe you'll work with someone who has Celiac's disease to create a healthy and diverse diet plan that won't make them sick. This is another medical career that is extremely low-stress. And, you only need a bachelor's degree to do it. Are You Ready for One of These Medical Careers? As you can see, there are a lot of medical careers out there that have nothing to do with being a doctor. Now, all you need to do is choose one that you'd like to pursue. However, before you make the leap, be sure to check out this article about the top things you should know before entering a medical career. Read Also: Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course What They Don’t Tell You About Freelance Careers

Is MedicalDental Instruments A Good Career Path

Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path

Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path in 2024? How many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments? What are the best paying jobs in medical/dental instruments? Let’s solve these queries in detail. A career in the medical and dental field enables you to engage with other people while helping them feel more relaxed in a setting that can cause anxiety and discomfort. Dentists earn some of the highest salaries in the healthcare sector. The demand for a dentist is also high in every area of the United States. Now, let’s know more about the same below in detail.  Medical/Dental Instruments - What You Need To Know? Dental instruments are tools that dental experts use in order to provide dental treatment. They include tools to surround oral structures, and restore, treat, manipulate, examine, and remove teeth. At the same time, these tools help professionals with enhanced visual access during a dental examination. Those who enjoy working with people and providing dental care can find appealing and fulfilling positions in this sector. The dental industry is booming not only in terms of suppliers but also in terms of its engagements with progressive digital technologies and software. Dentists and dental companies are actively engaging with dental assistant temp agency to optimize their scheduling, record-keeping, and other administrative work. The presence of this trained personnel ensures that you can concentrate on growing your client base and making your practice a success. Now, here are the top eight types of dental jobs that you should know in 2024. Orthodontist Oral Surgeon Periodontist Dentist Dental hygienist Dental assistant Medical biller Medical receptionist. Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path In 2024? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Dental careers enable you to perform patients’ lives by carrying out procedures that remove pain, prevent future problems, and restore oral health.  The best benefit of this career path is that you can open up your own clinic. Besides, dental assistants provide hands-on help for the dental practitioner. This assistant performs preparatory work such as taking impressions of patients’ teeth, developing X-rays, sterilizing equipment, etc. The rewards that you get both personally and professionally are truly great. You must go for this career path if you are looking for a rewarding future. Some other rewarding career paths are packaged foods, electric utilities, basic industries, precious metals, capital goods, consumer durables, major pharmaceuticals, home buildings, commercial banks, photography, major banks, etc. Benefits Of Working In Dental And Medical Instruments?  There are some benefits in the career path of dental and medical instruments which you need to learn. This is important because there is a wide range of product innovation along with industries.   I am sharing with you some benefits if you are planning to look for job opportunities in dental and medical instruments careers.  Wide Variety Of Career Opportunities  We all are dependent on the people who belong to the dental and medical instruments field similarly numerous organizations are dependent on them. Health care clinics, hospital networks and medical suppliers are dependent on the medical and dental instruments individuals!  There are specific skill sets and education levels required for the diverse job titles in these organizations. There is also a global demand for health care equipment which contributes to the access of international positions in dental and medical instruments.  Working in this career path will help you apply for a lot of international positions which will contribute to your economic and intellectual benefit.  Opportunity For Innovations  In the medical field, scientists constantly try to better the overall outcome of patients through advancements. The medical field changes are integral to this industry as the nonpharmaceutical products.  For example, dental cleaning tools, diagnostic equipment such as x-rays, medical implants and surgical equipment are enhanced so that medical services can be improved.   Patient lives along with significant health care implementation will resolve long-term challenges. They can expect constant care and good integration of medical instruments!  The Outlook Is High  The biomedical engineers and bioengineers are close to the medical instruments market and can expect good salaries. The job outlook of these two positions is defined by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).  By 2031, the medical instruments market will be increasing by 10%! Therefore, the attributes of BLS will greatly increase regarding demand for services for knee and hip replacements.  Requirements Of Working In Medical And Dental Instruments!  There are specific industry requirements being fulfilled, especially because of the employers being aware of the market's need. As a jobseeker, you must learn about the expectations of the employers, accordingly, developing skills for the role!  Education  There are specific educational requirements for most individuals who are working in dental and medical instruments career field. A specific specialization is necessary for operating in this field.  If you are in consulting or sales, you will need to acquire an associate degree while if you are planning to work in a research position or engineering, you will need a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree thus, a beneficial proposition for you.  Certification  To have medical and technical knowledge, you need to enroll in courses which will provide you with certification. The certification courses are available in professional associations or technical schools.   These certifications are typically beneficial for applying for jobs in dental and medical instruments field.  Training  On-the-job training is an integral part of this industry thus you can apply for your chosen job. You must stay on top of the latest technological advancements so that you can stay related and updated.  You can learn different aspects of this career path, which includes cleaning, repairing, maintaining, and sterilizing instruments quite easily! The devices will help in health, wellness, and biomedical duties!  How Many Jobs Are Available in Medical/Dental Instruments? If you have received an answer to the question "is medical/dental instruments a good career path?" and are considering a career in this field, you might be wondering how many jobs are available. How many jobs are there in the field of dental and medical instruments? The United States' Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that the medical and dental instrument industry is actively hiring a lot of people right now. Over 100,000 jobs are available in the field. According to the BLS, there will also be an increase of at least 6% in job openings in the medical and dental instrument industry over the next ten years. Best Paying Jobs In Medical/Dental Instruments There are numerous jobs available in medical/dental instruments. Even you can open your own clinic and start earning money by treating patients. Besides, the path to becoming a dentist is pretty straightforward.  Now, there are many jobs available in medical/dental instruments that you can consider, and those are discussed below. Orthopedist To become an Orthopedist, you must have a Bachelor’s degree related to the medical field. You may also need certification in orthodontics, whose duration is three years. So, the duty of an Orthopedist is to examine and provide treatment for anomalies in the oral and dental malocclusions in patients. Other major duties include maintaining treatment records, fitting patients with braces, studying patients’ dental histories, analyzing X-rays, etc. Periodontist A Periodontist treats and diagnoses the gums and bones that surround the jaw. Duties include providing surgical and non-surgical options, performing tissue reductions, developing treatment plans for patients, providing preventive care, placing implants, etc. To qualify for a periodontist, you must secure a Bachelor’s degree and also complete a residency program that focuses on diseases and gum issues. Dentist The dentist is one of the best-paying jobs in the medical/dental instruments sector. A Dentist must earn a Bachelor’s degree, graduate from accelerated school, and take at least four years to complete a full-time program.  These individuals identify and treat the mouth, including teeth, gums, and related fields. The main duties include placing permanent implants, removing teeth, filling cavities, developing treatment plans, analyzing X-rays, and much more.  Dental Hygienist Dental Hygienist provides good oral hygiene practices, clean teeth educate on oral hygiene, and provide dental care to patients. At the same time, he/she must be able to perform additional duties and responsibilities. If you are interested in this career path, then you must require a high school diploma with a dental hygiene degree. This is truly one of the best career paths that you can consider for yourself in 2024.  Dental Assistant A Dental Assistant works alongside a dentist and takes care of all the needs required by the dentist while performing treatments and also taking care of the patients. So, to work in this position, you need to complete a dental assistant program via any technical institute.  Medical Biller Another top-paying job in medical/dental instruments is Medical Biller. This biller collects payments for the procedures and treatments performed by the dentists and other staff. Now, to become a medical biller, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in a related field, and a high school diploma is vital.  Medical Receptionist The virtual dental receptionist works in the dental office to handle common clerk tasks. These include greeting and checking in patients, scheduling appointments, answering phones, etc.  Besides, to work in this field, you require a high school diploma and also a basic knowledge of medical procedures and terminology.  The Final Verdict Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path in 2024? I hope you have got the answer to your above question. There are many career sectors in the medical industry, and the demand is also too high. Besides, let me know your doubts in the comment section below if you come across the above-listed information. Keep Reading: Is Medical Specialities A Good Career Path? – 12 Best Jobs Radiant Smiles: A Guide To Different Types Of Dental Implants How to Use Practice Analytics to Improve Your Dental Practice?

Is metal fabrications a good career path

Is Metal Fabrications A Good Career Path In 2023?

Is Metal Fabrications A Good Career Path in 2023? What are the best paying jobs in metal fabrications? How to become a metal fabricator? In this article, we are going to discuss the above-listed queries in detail. Metal fabrication is the creation of metal structures by assembling, bending, or cutting. This method involves the production of machines, structures, and parts from several raw materials. Metal fabrication is not like a dream job but a highly responsible job. The people working in this sector would consider it as a dangerous job with saws, sharp grinders, and molten metal. Metal Fabrications - What You Need To Know? Metal fabrication or welding is the process of forming metals (steel plates) into several forms by metal joining methods or welding. This process falls into two categories, such as light and heavy fabrication. Careers in meta fabrications can have very favorable prospects, especially for those who are highly qualified and skilled in the new technology trends. Precious metalworking was highly praised in the past. In early history, only a few metals were known: gold, silver, mercury, iron, lead, tin, and copper. Metal Fabrication Job Description The primary component of a metal fabrication job is to produce and assemble metal parts by making use of all tools, machines, and cutters to match the features of blueprints. Besides, this is a constantly changing sector for those who can utilize the use of new technologies in the manufacturing process and can grab benefits in the long run. To get a job in metal fabrication, you require great specialization, unique skills, and adaptability to the new technology. This sector requires skilled laborers and powerful communication and mathematical skills in order to utilize raw materials. Is Metal Fabrications A Good Career Path? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. Those individuals who are looking for growth and advancement through the constant evolution of tech can consider metal fabrication as their career path. The best part about this career path is that it is highly rewarding in the long run. You can get several types of jobs with excellent annual income. Just keep in mind that jobs in this sector can be truly risky, and you must have experience or training skills while working. On the other hand, there are many types of jobs that you will find in the metal fabrication career path, and these are CNC machine programmer, robot programmer, welder, press operator, machinist, metal fabricator, and much more.  What Are The Best Paying Jobs In Metal Fabrications? In the metal fabrication industry, there are several layers, and the ability to communicate is important. For example, there is communication between: Engineering and Production. Engineering and Management. Clients and Engineering. Sales and Clients. Now, let’s discuss some best-paying jobs in metal fabrications that will highlight your attention for a while. 1. Metal Fabricator A metal fabricator is anyone who assembles, cuts, bends, or shapes metal components for a required purpose. Hare, you also need to work with raw materials of metal components to produce finished goods. 2. Welder Welder is another best paying job in metal fabrications. These are individuals who are responsible for adhering two pieces of metal together to need features via the use of metal components, intense heat, and electricity. 3. Machinist A Machinist operates a metal cutting machine like a milling or lathe machine via the process of machining. This includes the utilization of machines, CNC, or computer numerical control that can shape metal via precise tools. 4. Industrial Mechanic These individuals are mainly responsible for the maintenance of systems, equipment, and machinery in the metal fabrication sector and much more. At the same time, you need to build your confidence and have some experience in this sector at the earliest. 5. Sheet Metal Mechanic Sheet Metal Mechanic is also an excellent paying in metal fabrications. The main responsibility of a sheet metal mechanic is assembling, cutting, shaping, and joining together pieces of sheet metal to create many products. 6. Millwright Millwright works in many engineering and manufacturing sectors and is responsible for dismantling, maintenance, assembling, and installation of the equipment and machinery industry. Advanced knowledge is required to get a job position as a Millwright in the metal fabrication domain. How To Become A Metal Fabricator? Career paths in metal fabricators can be varied extremely. Entry-level jobs in this sector may only require a high school diploma or GED. Due to the amount of construction and general manufacturing taking place, metal fabrication is in great demand. Moreover, there are many skills required to become a metal fabricator, and these are: Must be able to use all welding processes. Fabricate shapes using geometric development techniques. Read and interpret engineering drawings. Have knowledge of building metal structures.  The Final Thoughts Is Metal Fabrications A Good Career Path in 2023? Now, you have got the answer to your question about metal fabrication and its many career paths. This is a highly rewarding job in metal fabrication and some other best career paths are packaged foods, electric utilities, consumer services, other consumer services, energy, basic industries, oil & production, industrial machinery components, and much more. Keep Reading: Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path In 2023? Is Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores A Good Career Path Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? - Top Utility Jobs