Unhealthy and Healthy Solutions for Coping with Stress

Published on: 22 December 2017 Last Updated on: 18 June 2021
Unhealthy and Healthy Solutions

Demanding responsibilities at home and work, the piling bills, the lack of time in a day… the stress seems never-ending at times. Though stress is a normal part of life, it can reach levels that can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being. Keeping stress under control is imperative, but how you manage it is equally as important. Below, are some healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with stress.

Emotional Eating

Emoonatil eating is very common when trying to battle stress. When stress is prolonged, it results in the brain releasing the hormone cortisol which increases the appetite. This then motivates you to want to binge on comfort and junk foods. Though it may feel good going down, binge eating is bad for your health and an ineffective way to deal with stress. Emotional eaters can experience weight gain, and weight-related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Using Drugs to Relax

There are certain illegal drugs and prescribed medications that can cause the brain and body to feel relaxed. When stress reaches uncontrollable levels, some people turn to pills and other drug forms to calm down. The high or calm experienced when using these drugs is only temporary which leads to increased cravings, dependency, and ultimately addiction. Using more medication than prescribed or illegal drugs is never a good solution for coping with stress. If you’ve reached this point, you should consider enrolling in an outpatient drug rehab program to get sober.


Nicotine, which is found in cigarettes, has a mood-altering effect on smokers. It essentially blocks out feelings of frustration, anger, and anxiety. The dopamine released into the bloodstream because of smoking helps the person to feel good at the moment, therefore giving the impression of relieving the stress. However, when the cigarette is done, the dopamine levels drop and the stress increases. Smoking is a bad habit to break and should not be considered a remedy to stress. It can lead to an array of adverse health complications including an increased risk of stroke, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more.

Get a Massage

There are some that treat themselves to a massage when dealing with a lot of stress. As stress impacts more than just your mental well-being, massage therapy can be an essential way to release the tension and improve your mood. Using various techniques massage therapists are able to pinpoint areas of tension and remove knots that help to loosen up the muscles. This relieves pain and improves your mood. Massage therapy has also been proven to help lower blood pressure and heart rate to relax the body and mind.

Do Something You Enjoy

The monotony of life can sometimes bring stress. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time to yourself and do something that makes you smile. Spend time with family and friends, read a book, ride a bike, or cuddle up on the couch and watch your favorite movie or television series. In doing so, you’ll feel a lot better and be more prepared to handle the day today.

Get Some Rest

Lack of sleep can increase stress. When you’re sleeping, it provides your mind and body with the time it needs to replenish itself. Minimal sleep can lead to issues like memory loss, lack of concentration, and altered judgment or mood. Essentially, not getting enough sleep could cause performance issues at home and on the job making life more complicated to navigate. Getting a recommended 8 hours of sleep each night can help improve this.

The demands of life can become stressful to deal with. When you feel that you’re overwhelmed, it is important to take action. Though finding a way to cope is recommended, you must avoid handling it the wrong way. Unhealthy methods of coping with stress such as emotional eating, smoking, or using drugs can lead to adverse health effects which only heighten stress. Instead, use healthy methods like getting a massage, doing something you love, and allowing your body to replenish with a good night’s sleep. If it has gotten out of control, asking for help from a doctor or therapist is advised.

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Heart Disease

Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease

Stress and anxiety have become serious problems that people are facing in modern times. Researchers have proved this that anxiety has the connection between heart disease and many other health issues. This issue has become prevalent enough that should raise an alarm and make all of us think of efficient ways to keep anxiety under control. In this article, we are going to talk about the effects of anxiety on heart disease and why you need to do all you can to stay relaxed and avoid stressful situations. Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease: Heart and general health monitoring apps: It’s strange to consider that applications that are meant to help people keep track of their health could actually be more harm than good. According to many physicians, apps could lead to unnecessary anxiety and there is plenty of evidence to back this up. The evidence comes in the form of the close relation between anxiety and heart disease. When people are constantly checking their apps and seeing heart rate spikes, their anxiety levels are going to rise. If they are monitoring their heart rate and other vitals all day long, they are going to start worrying about things that they would normally not even notice. This alone is a serious problem. The use of various health apps is a good idea in some ways. But it proves to be problematic for those who suffer from anxiety. No application should ever diagnose any kind of heart disease or potential issue (in fact none of them are actually capable of true and accurate diagnosis!). But many of these apps do attempt that and they even warn users of possible serious conditions. The best way for apps to be effective and avoid raising alarms or making assumptions is for them to be strictly used for heart rate monitoring, but even them, they can cause unnecessary anxiety. Studies that link anxiety and depression to heart disease: Washington University conducted studies that shed light on the connection between heart disease and patients that experienced anxiety and stress. It was determined that the number of patients who experienced anxiety is more likely to suffer from other heart-related conditions as well. While these studies are not conclusive, they do raise concerns. It has been widely documented that people who suffer from stress and anxiety are going to deal with health issues more often. Experts believe that untreated blood pressure is a factor: Leading cardiologist Simon Stertzer has previously discussed how high blood pressure is one of the factors that contribute to heart disease. This is definitely something that many heart patients worry about and their concerns are justified. The heart is a very complex organ and everything that happens in our bodies affects it in one way or another. Poorly treated blood pressure problems are often going to lead to heart disease, but blood pressure problems have also been linked to anxiety, so there is an obvious concern and anxiety seems to be right in the middle of the problem. Critical factors that predict the risk of heart disease: Heart disease continues to be a very common topic of discussion for many reasons. This a huge health concern all over the world, but it also continues to be a mystery in many ways. Fortunately, more discoveries are being made all the time and other treatment options are also available. This article from Digital Authority Partners covers some of the most important and critical factors that predict heart disease (with a very cool infographic!). This includes age, social and economic factors, lifestyle factors and environmental pollution. It’s important to note that stress and anxiety are always considered lifestyle factors. It seems like people are learning to live with stress and anxiety now and that is a very bad thing. Most people admit that they feel anxiety and stress all the time, but they have learned to live with those feelings. They feel that they have this problem under control but their anxiety is causing all kinds of health issues. Learning to relax is going to be essential to fight anxiety. The main causes of anxiety: There are many causes of anxiety in modern times. Some of the most common and relevant include drugs, alcohol, caffeine, thyroid hormone problems, and certain medications. Then you also have the stress of life, with everyone being so competitive and time management being such a big deal, people are more stressed out than ever before. This is often going to lead to anxiety. Keeping your body healthy with a good diet and exercise is always going to be an important thing to consider. If you feel your dietary habits are bad and you are living a sedentary life, you might want to make some changes as soon as possible. How to get rid of anxiety: Anxiety can be very difficult to handle for some people. The problem can be so serious that they require medication just to function properly. If you feel like you are experiencing anxiety, you might want to look for ways to start dealing with it naturally. Practice breathing exercises: This is a great way to relax and to lower your anxiety levels. You could learn this by practicing yoga. There are many benefits to Yoga, but lowering anxiety is your priority in this case. Exercise often: Being active and exercising outdoors is always a great way to get rid of stress and anxiety. A large number of individuals claim that their anxiety levels are much lower after they workout. Get rid of junk food and sugars: It seems almost unavoidable to eat food that is bad for us sometimes, but the more you avoid sugars and general junk food, the better your body is going to perform. Anxiety and stress are also linked to bad dietary habits. Final thoughts: The more we learn about anxiety, the easier it becomes for us to figure out how to deal with this problem. Knowing that your heart is greatly affected by anxiety should be a warning sign that everyone needs to keep in mind. This knowledge can help prevent serious issues with heart-related problems. Read Also: Art Activities For Stress Relief How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness


Overcome Addiction in California

Disorders of substance abuse (SUDs) are characterized by structural and functional abnormalities in the brain that lead to a strong desire to use drugs or alcohol regularly. Despite the fact that it is a chronic mental health condition, it is feasible to attain and maintain sobriety with the appropriate addiction counseling and support. Recognize that there is an issue and take appropriate action: It is the most challenging part of the treatment process to admit that you have a problem with alcohol or drugs. In the case of drug addiction problems, the brain is obliged to search for reasons and excuses for continuing to use. It indicates the strength of character to acknowledge you have a problem and that you are prepared to tackle your dependency and its root causes. It is possible to obtain assistance from a variety of sources; nonetheless, having a strong support system is essential in whichever therapeutic strategy you choose to choose. For those who are hesitant to seek assistance from loved ones, a therapist, doctor, or rehabilitation facility may be of assistance to you. Learn more on this link https://www.forbes.com/. Take a look at your substance abuse problem: To begin, take a moment to consider what is essential to you, how addiction has harmed you, and how your life will be improved as a consequence of your sobriety or treatment. In order to reflect effectively, keeping a daily journal is the fastest and most efficient technique available. A notebook can aid you in building plans to address addiction by spotting patterns, triggers, objectives as well as motivators that you may not have otherwise seen. Make a change in your immediate environment: Remove from your house and place of employment any objects that serve as visual reminders of your reliance on others. Identify and avoid any individuals who may encourage you to remain involved with the object of your addiction, such as family members or coworkers (drug, alcohol, or behavior). If you're trying to quit drinking, get rid of any bottle openers, booze, wine glasses, as well as corkscrews that you might have around the house or in your car. In order to stop gambling, you should remove all of your gambling materials from your possession. This includes playing cards, scratch tickets, and poker chips. As a last resort, do not allow anyone else to use or bring indications of the addiction-related drug or activity into your home. This is especially important if you have children. Take your attention away from potential triggers: Consider alternatives to using, such as taking a walk or calling a friend or family member to chat, that will keep you entertained until the need to use has passed. You should prepare yourself to deal with events that may arouse your cravings, such as being in an environment where others are misusing drugs or alcohol. Examine your prior attempts to quit smoking. Are they successful? Reflect on the aspects of your past attempts that went well and those that did not. Take a look at the circumstances that may have contributed to the relapse and make any necessary adjustments. Find out more information on this page. Create a support system of individuals to whom you may turn for help: Make sure to tell your relatives and friends about your goals and solicit their support and encouragement. You should notify them of your decision to step down. If they use your object of addiction in front of you, tell them that they should not continue to do so. If you are purchasing drugs from a drug dealer, you should consider alerting him or her that you are stopping and requesting him or her not to call you or sell you narcotics if you are quitting. Try to avoid them as much as possible. Additionally, you may want to consider speaking with your healthcare provider about the best method for quitting that is appropriate for you and your circumstances. Depending on your situation, there may be drugs available to you that will make the process simpler for you and increase your chances of success. Constructing a meaningful drug-free living: It is possible to preserve your addiction-free status by engaging in activities that you like and that are important to you. Achieving objectives and having something to look forward to are both essential components of living a fulfilling life. Maintain touch with people who are recovering from addiction and who are happy and enthusiastic about their situation. Participating in difficult activities such as volunteering or participating in a sport may also be good. Exercise, sleep, and nutritious food may all help you feel better both physically and psychologically if you follow a regular schedule. Also, another option is to roll into a rehab facility that will get you clean and help you fight addiction. Be sure to check out Monarch Shores, to learn all there is to know about these facilities. It is imperative that you avoid those who enable addiction at all costs: The fact that you are spending plenty of time around drug users will not help you reach your objective of quitting drugs. If you want to attain your objectives, you should surround yourself with people who are worried about their health and engage in good habits such as jogging, vacationing, eating healthy meals, writing, and striving to fulfill their goals. Given that you are in path to recovery from addiction, it is quite likely that your closest friends are also in recovery from addiction. Friends who know you well may be puzzled as to why you are not spending as much time with them as you used to when you are initially starting on your recovery road. Nonetheless, it is critical to maintaining a safe space between you and the other person. Compulsive behavior can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including sex, food, gambling, and any other sort of addiction. In both your finest and worst moments, your closest friends serve as a reflection of your personality. Read Also: Why It’s So Hard to Quit Drugs Cold Turkey? Famous Alcoholics and the Symptoms of Their Addiction Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For

healthy lawn

Keeping Your Lawn Healthy Benefits You as Well

Many homeowners opt for a paved garden to cut down on the necessary workload and keep it tidy with little expense or effort. We have detailed below some examples of the benefits you will be missing out on by not having a healthy lawn and garden. A good lawn and plants can help make us feel better, be more popular with friends and neighbors, while also being a positive force for the environment. Health Benefits of a Garden We may not realize how much an outdoor space can help to keep us healthy and fit. If you are lucky enough to have a garden that is well maintained, you will benefit from having fewer allergies and pests bothering you in the peak season. A beautiful garden will keep pest’s away by not providing them with an ideal environment for breeding, and the pollen count will be lower due to having plants and trees that have a lower pollen count. The university in California has also noted that patients with a view of the gardens recover quicker than those with interior views only, meaning your garden can actually help to cure you of ailments. Along with the physical gains, you will get from having a garden that has been looked after you will also gain from the mental side. Having a beautiful area to sit and relax in after a hard day at the office will reduce stress levels and help those who have attention deficit disorders, allowing them to concentrate more when needed. Socializing Benefits of a Well-cared-for Garden Many homeowners are paying more attention to their outside spaces than ever before. The reason we want to have a great back yard is to create additional living space for the family to relax. If you take care of your lawn and keep the different types of weeds under control, you give your family a great space to eat and socialize. A garden in great shape can also offer young children an additional play area out of the house where you know they will be safe and secure. A common feature in a lot of back gardens is having a space to eat and entertain friends, usually a decking or well-designed patio with a barbeque area that you can use when the weather is good. Gain the admiration of your friends by creating a garden that looks good and provides you with a great socializing space to enjoy. Environmental Benefits of a Garden Possibly the most significant benefit that having a well looked after the garden is the ecological aspect. Having healthy trees, plants and turf will eat up carbon and replace it with oxygen providing a much-needed boost for you and the local environment. Lawns will naturally absorb a lot of the sun’s radiation while also providing a cooling effect whereas patios, concrete and asphalt will store heat and radiate it back in the air which can make the temperatures soar during sunny spells. Good quality turf will help to retain the soil far better than a sparsely seeded lawn, at the same time it will help soak up the rainwater. As the water will not evaporate back into the atmosphere after a mild shower, this will stop your garden from feeling humid and hot throughout the summer months. A well thought out garden will give much-needed help to wildlife by providing a habitat that they can live in while keeping the unwanted pests at bay. Your garden will attract birds and other insects that eat or repel the nasty bugs that no-one wants to see while they’re enjoying the serenity of their yard. Start Your Dream Garden Having a healthy lawn and garden is not as much work as some would have you believe. Choose grass seed that will flourish in your area and start sowing your lawn. Having a good variety of plants and trees that require little maintenance will compliment your lawn area and can be done at a minimal cost. Get down to your local garden center or horticulturists and find out what plants will work in your garden. Don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and get in touch with nature once again and don’t hesitate to make this a communal activity for you and your family. Read Also: Looking For A Gardener: 8 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Professional 4 Essential Tools Needed To Maintain Your Garden In The Winter Edmonton Landscape Maintenance Tips