6 Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money!

Published on: 04 July 2019 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024
Instagram Followers

With over billions of users worldwide, Instagram has outgrown its impression as a fun, interactive, and impressive platform for content marketing, networking, audience building, and selling things. If stats are to be believed, over 200 million active monthly members are sharing over 40 million images and having around 1.6 billion likes every day.

Impressive, isn’t it? But, Instagram has quite a lot of competing for content, which often gets unnoticed by many users.  You can call the platform as an ocean of followers that are waiting to get their post get noticed. So, if you want to be an Instagram unicorn, your goal should be growing real followers that care and engage with your brand.

Here are Ways To Increase Real Instagram Followers Without Spending Money:

1. Optimize Your Profile:

The most important thing that grabs the user’s attention is your Instagram profile. If it isn’t optimized, you are giving the wrong impression who looks at your website, as people like to look into someone’s profile, before they follow them. And with a shabby profile, you will end up losing a lot of audiences. Incredi Tools lists different services to use to grow your Instagram.

Also, make sure that your username is simple, and your profile is clear. Keep the bio engaging and things up-to-date. Your story highlights should also be engaging and impressive.

2. Have A Community:

Get a community for your business; though it will take some time, it can turn Instagram users into engaging followers. Also, find common ground, as it will help people follow you back and you will get more likes for Instagram. Ask other users to submit content to let it share through your account. To start with, engage with other users and comment, like, and respond consistently. Be on the search for like-minded people and follow them.

3. Hashtags:

When it comes to hashtagging, go creative! But, do you know how many hashtags would be beneficial for the account? Which ones should be more beneficial for your ad? Well, Instagram hashtags are quite helpful because they let people find your posts and stories.

Just make sure to use popular hashtags, so that your post doesn’t get lost. You can research by simply typing the right keyword to see which hashtag autogenerates. Before picking, pay attention to the number of posts or check what hashtags are your competitors are using.

4. Giveaways And Contests:

Of course, running an online contest or giveaways isn’t a new thing, you can’t deny the fact that giveaways help to boost post engagement. Let’s think this way, if you are offering free wine for a month to make your hotel business popular, who wouldn’t easily like, share, and even post your content.

But, is running contests a worth return if you barely have any real insta followers on the account? That’s when combining with a business that already has big followers is going to help you. This way, you will be able to gain likes, comments, and followers with ease.

5. Have A Descriptive Caption:

It’s not just a picture that attracts, but also a descriptive caption will help you gain more followers. Make a habit of storytelling by using creative captions and create engaging posts. You can try things:

  • Use Important Words At The Top: Captions in the field often cut off once the lines are finished, so put the most compelling words at the top.
  • Ask questions: Asking questions will compel the audience to leave a comment on your post. Also, this will make your account visible to the wider audience. Emojis will help: Emojis play a huge role in attracting people on social media platforms. They can help draw the reader’s eye toward your account.

6. Run Ads When Your Audience Is Most Active:

Instagram easily allows you to schedule the time when your ads appear. This will help you advertise to the right audience. Think of this way, if you are an online seller when doing your audience shop online? Of course, it is difficult to gauge upon the time when your audience is most active, knowing them is where you can start.

So, now that you know the tips to get real followers and likes on Instagram go forth and take your business to new heights.

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Instagram Fame

Pets of Instagram Fame

If you are a pet lover and a social media fan then you will probably have spent quite a few hours pawing over (sorry) cute pics and videos of our furry friends. Some pets make it big because they are just so cute and others are co-stars to their famous owners. Here are some of the biggest and best celeb pets on Instagram and grabbing the headlines in the media:  Kardashian family pets : Love them or hate them, there is no denying that the Kardashian family make the world a more interesting place. Kim’s Chihuahua (Princess) was one of the stars of the show and one of the big storylines involved Khloe’s dog Rocky getting neutered. Not really an experience most pooches would want to share with the world but there have to be some downsides of living with the Kardashians, right? If you ever wanted to find pet tags that are the height of fashion, just watch the Kardashians and their pets for inspiration! Alternatively, you can visit this site for some cool designs. Obama dogs Bo and Sunny : So famous, Bo and Sunny even have their very own wiki pages! The Portuguese water dogs are adorable and Bo is commonly referred to as the First Dog of the United States. Also allegedly name after Bo Diddley. Miley Cyrus’ Piggy and Milky : Miley is never too far from the headlines although she seems to be keeping a fairly low profile at the moment. The Wrecking Ball singer is no crowd follower so it was no surprise really when she went for the less obvious choice for a pet – a pig! After weeks and months pondering over a name she went for the very unique ‘Piggy’. Rumors that they have a pet frog called Kermit are as yet unconfirmed. Miley also has a very cute white Pitbull that goes by the name of Milky. We can only imagine the lengths she went to name him but she literally has just swapped a letter out of her own name. Lady Gaga’s Koji and Miss Asia : Koji is quite the trendsetter, just like his owner. Often pictured in cute little outfits and a superstar pout, Koji is truly an A-list pet. Asia had several verified social media accounts and travels all around the world with the singer. Living life in the fast lane, they could probably do with a bit of advice on safe travels! Duchess of Sussex’s Guy : You might know her better as Meghan Markle but the Suits actress recently got hitched to a Prince and this seems to have made quite a few headlines. Meghan is now part of the Royal family but her pet Guy has always been a Royal, well a royal beagle anyway. Apparently, Meghan rescued Guy when he was just a few days away from getting put down; this is a real fairytale ending for Guy. The Queen’s corgis were other famous Royal pets but sadly Willow, the last one passed away in April, so we’re not sure whether he got to meet Guy for a pet playdate or not. Marnie the Dog : Marnie doesn’t need famous owners because the gorgeous doggy has over 2 million followers on Instagram. You can even buy cute stuffed versions of Marnie who was rescued at the age of 11. Our favorite Marnie pic has got to be the Santa suit but the Insta star has an outfit for every occasion! Venus – Two Face Cat : We couldn’t leave out the felines, so the cat we choose to share with you is Venus, the unusual cat with a face of two different colors, split right down the center of her face. Read Also : Is Instagram Turning Into A Way Of Life Now? Top 7 Free Instagram Apps To View And Enjoy Your Photos Like A Pro  

Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing Statistics You Should be Aware of in 2019

Instagram continues to be a massive influence on consumer habits. It is a platform where brands and influencers can directly reach their customers every day at a relatively low marketing cost. To make it in today’s market you have to engage with your target audience on social media, and to make it on social media you have to constantly adapt and stay ahead of the curve. Instagram is still the third most used social media platform just after Facebook and YouTube, making it a must-have marketing platform. These Instagram statistics will give you some deeper insight into Instagram trends and help you optimize your Instagram marketing campaigns.   The most popular Instagram brands get a 4.2% engagement rate per follower. This is about 58 times more than they get from Facebook as well as 120 times more than they get on Twitter. This shows us the powerful potential of using Instagram correctly. Marketers can get amazing results and interaction if they use Instagram in an effective way. This stat was sourced from Hootsuite and you can improve these stats using Acheter des Followers Instagram.   The most active brands on Instagram are of course media brands. The least active and least represented brands are services in business and finance and also consumer goods that sell at rapid speeds. With Instagram’s business side still being relatively new we are only now starting to see a normalization in the frequency that brands post, this allows us to start measuring the rapid increase that has occurred. A survey showed that 41% of the online marketers also use videos on Instagram and about 44% say they are still planning to use videos on Instagram. These stats are sourced from Simply Measured and wyzowl.com.   Out of all the Instagram users, 90% are under the age of 35. This makes it abundantly clear that Instagram is the perfect platform to reach the millennial target audience. Another survey found that out of all the teenagers who use Instagram, 32% of them felt that there is no other social media platform as important as Instagram. Also when it comes to genders, woman is 38% prone to make use of Instagram compared to men at 26%. Sourced from ScienceDaily.   In 2015 product content received the highest numbers of engagement by far at a rate of 60%. This is more than 20% higher than the second category on the list namely lifestyle. Marketers welcome this news because it means people already know and are fine with it that brands will push their products. This makes it easier to offer your products and services. Sourced from Hootsuite.   In terms of engagement, tagging your Instagram posts in a location or with some other user receives much higher rates. Tagging a person gets 56% higher engagement and tagging a location gets 79% higher engagement. People seem to be more intrigued and more inclined to contribute when a post also revolves around a location they know or when it is in a more social setting like with someone else. So it is a valuable habit to tag the where and who. Sourced from Simply Measured. Read Also: Steps ForImproving Your Instagram Strategy A Guide To Running Your Instagram Marketing Campaign


Steps For Improving Your Instagram Strategy

Successful execution of a plan sometimes requires updates and improvements in Instagram Strategy. If you are unable to gain the expected outcome from your Instagram account, you must consider changing your strategies. You might have some brilliant ideas, but you may fail to achieve your targeted goal. In this case, reassess your basic strategies and implement new ones to get the desired benefits. Keep in mind that steps that help you get new likes and followers will always have an impact on your overall Instagram marketing strategy. For this, you can buy cheap Instagram likes from many online companies. Just be sure to practice some care when you go down this alley because not all sites are going to offer valuable and credible followers and likes. If after buying likes you still find yourself in trouble, it is time to check your strategy. Here are five basic steps that will help you in evaluating and improving your strategies. Evaluate Your KPIs: Instagram has a lot to offer, and you can easily lose track of your basic objectives while focusing on engagement, followers, reach, and content. You must reevaluate that either your strategies are by your basic objectives of the account or they are deviating from its core purpose. Evaluating your KPIs after short intervals lets you know how slowly or rapidly you are progressing towards your milestones. It’s always better to focus on one or two goals at a time so that you can concentrate well and drive all your energy on one side. It will also help you to stay on track without losing your attention. Your clear goals, actionable tactics, and measurable performance metrics are core elements of a good Instagram strategy. If your targeted goal for the month is to drive traffic on your Instagram account then your main focus should be on maximizing your reach. You must implement strategies for your posts to be viewed by a maximum number of Instagram users. Closely observe metrics such as likes, follows, and profile visits. By having such clear goals and focused strategies, you can easily attain your short-term goals and long-term objectives. Develop a distinct Visual Style: Your Instagram posts are the virtual presentation of your personality and business. The quality of the content of your posts depicts your abilities and strengths so if you want to make your Instagram account stand out from the rest of the Instagram profiles then you must develop a unique visual style. People will recognize you on Instagram with your distinct style of posting and can easily differentiate your content from your unique style. For effective visual presentation, you must be well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your brand, and you must have sound knowledge of the latest trends of your industry. This will help you in designing strategies that will make your brand distinctive. Here are some other important things to keep in mind when evaluating your Instagram strategy: You must develop a clear understanding of the preferences of your targeted audience so that you can strategize your posting frequency and upload content accordingly. If you are clueless about what will appeal to your audience, you can always go for trial and error to the device the most successful strategies. The preferences of your audience may change after some time as the industry is growing at a rapid pace so you must keep on updating your strategies with the passage of time. For making your posts visually attractive you can take help from various editing and designing tools available online. Designing tools like Unfold, Easily, and Canva provides you with multiple features to boost the outlook of your images or photographs. Preset templates are also available that will assist you in making your every post different from the other. You can add a personalized element in these templates to make your posts unique and distinctive from other Instagram posts. The content of your Instagram stories is quite important as it stays there for only 24 hours. To make your stories extraordinary, you can take assistance from apps like Factory and Quik. They will help you in inspiring your audience. Read Also: Is Public Utilities A Good Career Path? – Top Utility Jobs Is Energy A Good Career Path? – A Detailed Guide