Could you live without tech? We all like to imagine that we don’t really need it. Indeed, a lot of people like to imagine that they don’t need modern civilization at all and could get by perfectly well living in huts that they’d made and been eating food that they’d caught for themselves – all well and good, but it would get a bit boring, wouldn’t it? The fact is that technology has massively enriched our lives. These are just a few of the ways that it serves to entertain us.
1. Playing games :
Thirty years ago, it would not have been possible to imagine having hundreds of games at your fingertips. Now, you can play thrilling adventure games or solve limitless puzzles at your leisure. You can join in games with millions of other players all around the world. You can play FreeLotto and have fresh chances to win prizes every day (check out the Free Lotto site). Even classic games such as chess are available online, and you’ll never want for an opponent.
2. Watching movies :
Once you had to go to the cinema to see new movies, which wasn’t much fun if you lived someplace where you’d be lucky to find two new ones showing each month. Now, you can watch them at home or even while you travel – and of great quality. You have access to thousands of different movies and some great TV shows through streaming networks that really put you in control, and it’s far more affordable than the old way of doing things.
3. Finding new music :
There has never been as much great music available as there is today. The challenge is sifting through it to find new things that you like, but digital radio gives you the chance to find DJs whose taste you share, and platforms such as YouTube and Spotify mean that you can check out what your friends are listening to and give it a try. You’re not limited to what the big record companies like, as more and more musicians put their work online directly.
4. Playing with robots :
Sometimes, virtual fun extends into the physical world. Whether it’s a cute little mechanical friend for your kids or a drone for you to fly around and take photographs with, the world of robotics has something to entertain everyone, and it’s always coming up with new inventions. This is an area that’s set to expand as both artificial intelligence and engineering are making big advances.
5. Being social :
If you spend a lot of time enjoying your tech, then you might find that people tell you to get out and socialize more. It’s a strange attitude, as technology lets you be more social than ever before. Now, you can keep up with your friends wherever they go, and it’s much easier to meet new people. Even if getting around is difficult due to childcare responsibilities, disability or shortage of money, you can socialize whenever you want.
Why retreat from technology? It has brought a lot of joy to our lives. Some people just don’t know when they’ve got it good.
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