Women should know about Vaginal Dryness and its Treatment

Published on: 16 May 2019 Last Updated on: 03 June 2021
Vaginal Dryness

Every woman faces vaginal dryness at some point in their life. It is a condition that occurs when the moisture level drops down from the vaginal lining. The lining of the vagina is always lubricated with a thin layer of clear fluid. This fluid is essential to keep the vagina healthy, thick, and elastic. Vaginal dryness can occur at any stage of life and cause great discomfort and irritation. Lack of vaginal moisture can also impact your sex life heavily.

Vaginal dryness is a condition that occurs due to a drop in estrogen levels. Estrogen a female hormone is essential and plays an important role in maintaining the moisture level in the vaginal lining.

Vaginal dryness is most often observed in women after menopause when the female hormones like estrogen start to decline. Many women experience vaginal dryness as a symptom of the aging factors and try to ignore it, without seeking any treatment. Every woman should consult their doctor if they experience any discomfort or pain during sexual penetration. Luckily, there are a lot of treatment options available for vaginal dryness.

What causes dryness of the Vagina?

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. However, many other factors can contribute to vaginal dryness in women at any point in age. Some of the causes are mentioned below;

  1. Vaginal dryness is a precursor of low estrogen levels in the body and during childbirth and breastfeeding conditions the level of estrogen declines leading to vaginal dryness.
  2. Women suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy sessions and radiation therapy
  3. Surgical removal of the ovaries due to tumor or disease.
  4. Consuming anti-estrogen medications which are prescribed if a woman is suffering from uterine fibroids or endometriosis.
  5. An autoimmune disorder like Sjogren’ssyndrome which causes swelling of the tear as well as the salivary glands also promotes vaginal dryness by infecting the tissue lining of the vagina.
  6. Medicines that are taken during cold, are helpful in drying up the eyes and the nose. However, their adverse effects can also dry up the linings of the vagina.
  7. Antidepressants consumed by women can cause vaginal dryness in women and lead to side effects from a sexual point of view. The symptoms may cause a drastic drop in libido, and reaching orgasms.
  8. Smoking is also known to contribute to vaginal dryness, as it has been found that women who aggressively smoke tend to achieve menopause at earlier ages.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of vaginal dryness:

Dryness of the vagina can cause symptoms that may include burning, intercourse pain, itching, dryness, irritation, and discomfort in the vaginal area. Any of these symptoms faced by women for a prolonged period of time should not be ignored and one should immediately consult their doctor or gynecologist.

Your doctor may ask you about your past health and analyze your symptoms, their duration. After knowing your symptoms the gynecologist will conduct an examination around the pelvic region and check for any redness or thinning of the tissue or lining of the vagina. This examination will also eliminate other possible causes of vaginal dryness like urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence. The doctor may also ask you to undergo a Pap test for a better diagnosis.

Medical treatment:

Vaginal dryness is a result of the decline in a female hormone called estrogen. Estrogen therapy can help get rid of such problems by relieving vaginal symptoms. Estrogen therapy is best suited because through the topical application the drug is absorbed at a lower rate reducing the risk that can happen when estrogen is consumed in the form of a pill. There are quite forms available as topical estrogen therapy which includes.

Topical estrogen cream: there are so many formulations available, which contain estrogen in cream and can be applied directly around the vagina region. Scientific studies have shown that estrogen cream is effective when curing the dryness issue. These creams have proven to reduce the symptoms of dryness, burning, and itching of the vaginal area

Vaginal ring. This is another formulation that contains a flexible ring where it can be easily inserted into the vagina. This ring is known to release the estrogen in very low amounts over a period of time and help relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness.

Vaginal tablet: These dosage forms are designed to be inserted directly into the vagina with the help of an applicator. The dosage form contains estrogen which is slowly released in the presence of vaginal fluid.

However, every woman should consult their doctor regarding estrogen therapy, especially those who have previously experienced a case of breast cancer. Estrogen therapy is to be taken with caution in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Off-The-Shelf Treatments:

Off-The-Shelftreatments include the use of lubricants. The lubricants are available in two forms which include water-based lubricant or oil-based lubricant. Doctors recommend the use of water-based lubricants over lubricants that have a high dosage of oil in them. Because oil-based lubricants can cause irritation and breakage of condoms during intercourse. Lubricants are available over the counter and help in treating vaginal dryness by moisturizing the inner lining of the vagina.

Home remedies:

  • One can prevent vaginal dryness from happening by adopting certain lifestyle changes and including good foods into their diet which includes the following
  • Smoking has been identified as a risk factor for vaginal dryness. Smoking has anti-estrogenic effects that can cause a decline in the levels of estrogen. Estrogen is known to play an important role in lubricating the vagina.
  • Doing regular exercise boosts up the blood circulation in the body and helps maintain normal hormonal balance.
  • Consuming at least 2-3 liters of water daily and keeping you hydrated, to retain the moisture levels in the body.
  • Regular sex- Practicing regular sex can help increase the blood flow to the vaginal tissues, and stimulate moisture production during arousal.

Using skin-friendly compounds:

  • The tissue present in the vagina is very delicate and contains good bacteria’s that help clean the bad things naturally and maintains the pH of the vaginal fluid.
  • Using products like harsh soaps, fragrances, and other dyes can irritate the vaginal tissue promoting vaginal dryness. So, try to inhibiting the use of these products to prevent vaginal dryness.
  • Also, using clingy synthetic materials as your undergarment can promote vaginal dryness by restricting the movement of air. Try using cotton and skin-friendly undergarments that soothe your vagina by promoting airflow.

If you are also facing problems with vaginal dryness, try to keep it lubricated all the time by following all the mentioned parameters above. A lubricated vagina can make you feel good, fresh, young and can also protect you from harmful bacteria.

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Common Types and Causes of Medical Malpractice

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CBD the Solution to Insomnia

Good sleep is very essential for the normal functioning of the human brain and body in general. It refills them with energy, smoothens the skin, and rejuvenates the tired body cells. However, some adults and in some cases children experience problems with sleep. This really impairs their effectiveness at work as well as their interactions with other people. Well, CBD product for sleep is the solution to this and other sleep problems. Cannabidiol popularly known as CBD is one among many chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The chemical is a treatment for numerous other health conditions besides insomnia. Some of the conditions CBD can treat include pain, epilepsy, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer. Contrary to the misleading misconception by a few people, CBD oil for sleep does not get you stoned. Instead, it calms you and can be used as an antipsychotic or an anti-anxiety. For centuries, human beings knew the pain-relieving effects of marijuana. However, scientists later discovered that CBD does much more than previously perceived by many. In the recent past, CBD has been made available in numerous delivery methods. Today you can get it as a spray, inhaler, tincture, capsule, and the common CBD for sleep. In whichever form, it relaxes you by influencing the dopamine levels in your bloodstream. Sleep Benefits of CBD Oil for Sleep : CBD Oil As An Anti-Depressant And An Anti-Depressant  There are numerous living examples of how hemp extract and CBD oil benefits the user by helping them sleep well. Actually, it has numerous therapeutic benefits to the human brain and the body in general. That is, it helps reduce depression and anxiety which causes insomnia. These are common disorders that not only affect one's sleep but also their general health and well-being. Once this has been corrected, the user can now sleep more comfortably. CBD Oil Improves One's Sleep In case you did not know, the use of CBD for sleep improves one's multiple sleep biomarkers. This includes sleep onset which defines how fast one falls asleep. This really impairs their effectiveness at work as well as their interactions with other people. Well, cannabis tea for sleep is the solution to this and other sleep problems. Alert Inducement Research has proven that the CBD compound promotes wakefulness. If used in the morning CBD keeps the user alert all day long without preventing them from falling asleep. The state of being alert and vibrant for a whole day will definitely make them fall asleep quicker and sleep longer that night. This is by modulating the inflammatory cycle's microglia that minimizes lowers the stress levels something that definitely the user has a good night's sleep. CBD Helps Reduce Recalling Dreams CBD nature of reducing dream recall is quite intriguing even to scientists. They have not actually pinpointed the exact mechanism and benefit of CBD in this. This is mostly due to the fact that there is a huge information gap about the nature of dreams and the neuroscience field in general. By reducing dream recall it helps one have a good night's sleep and a relaxed night in general. Truth be told, CBD oil for sleep is the product you need to solve all your sleeping problems. Read Also : 7 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil Why Is Sleeping Well So Important For Job Performance?

Mental Health Checks

The Importance Of Mental Health Checks Following A Truck Accident

Truck accidents can have severe physical consequences, but it's important not to overlook the potential impact on mental health. The conclusion of a truck accident can be emotionally traumatic, leading to a range of mental health issues. This blog post emphasizes the importance of mental health checks following a truck accident. We will explore how to recognize if treatment is needed, common symptoms of mental health issues, the importance of seeking treatment, and the types of mental health treatment available in North Carolina. Truck accident survivors can take an important step toward healing and recovery by prioritizing mental health checks and seeking appropriate treatment. How Do You Know If Treatment Is Needed After A Truck Accident? After experiencing a truck accident, the focus is often on assessing and addressing physical injuries. However, it is equally important to recognize the potential impact on mental health. Unlike physical injuries that may be immediately evident, mental health issues following a truck accident can often go unnoticed or be overshadowed by physical trauma. It is best to be aware of the signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for mental health treatment. Individuals can take proactive steps toward healing and recovery by recognizing these indicators. Common signs that treatment may be necessary include: Emotional Distress: Feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, or sadness that persist beyond the initial shock of the accident. Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing recurring nightmares related to the accident. Flashbacks or Intrusive Thoughts: Vivid and distressing memories of the accident that intrude upon daily life and trigger anxiety or panic. Changes in Behavior: Abrupt changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from social activities, increased irritability, or reckless behavior. Difficulty Concentrating: Struggling to focus or experiencing memory problems that interfere with work, school, or daily tasks. Physical Symptoms: Unexplained physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomachaches, or muscle tension, which may have psychological origins. Remember that these symptoms can vary individually, and seeking professional help is recommended if any signs of mental distress persist. Additionally, you can get a free consultation from Whitley Law to discuss the steps you should take following a truck accident. PTSD Following A Truck Accident In North Carolina, individuals who have experienced PTSD following a truck accident have access to various types of mental health treatment options. These treatment modalities aim to address post-traumatic stress disorder's specific symptoms and challenges. One commonly utilized form of treatment is psychotherapy, which involves working with a licensed mental health professional to explore and process traumatic experiences, thoughts, and emotions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often effective in helping individuals with PTSD identify and modify negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to their distress. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is yet another evidence-based therapy focusing on desensitizing distressing memories and replacing them with more adaptive information. Under a psychiatrist's guidance, medication management may also be utilized to alleviate symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances associated with PTSD. Additionally, support groups provide a valuable platform for individuals to connect with others who have experienced similar trauma, offering validation, understanding, and shared coping strategies. The Importance Of Seeking Mental Health Treatment Following An Accident Seeking mental health treatment after a truck accident is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, untreated mental health issues can worsen over time, leading to chronic conditions that impact overall well-being. By addressing these issues early on, you can minimize the long-term effects on mental health. Additionally, mental health treatment can provide coping strategies to manage trauma-related symptoms and facilitate healing. Psychotherapy can help you process your emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and regain control over your life. Seeking mental health treatment can play an important role in supporting legal claims. Documentation of mental health treatment can strengthen a personal injury case by providing evidence of the emotional impact and the need for compensation. The Types Of Mental Health Treatment You Can Attend In North Carolina North Carolina offers various mental health treatment options for individuals seeking support after a truck accident. These options include: Psychotherapy: Working with a mental health professional to address and manage the emotional and psychological impact of the accident. Medication Management: Manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. A psychiatrist can evaluate the need for medication and monitor its effectiveness. Support Groups: Joining a support group can provide a safe space to connect with others who have experienced similar traumatic events. Sharing experiences, insights, and coping strategies can be beneficial in the recovery process.  Rehabilitation Programs: For individuals struggling with substance abuse or addiction that may have developed as a coping mechanism, rehabilitation programs can offer comprehensive support and treatment. Holistic Therapies: Complementary therapies such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, or art therapy may also be beneficial in promoting mental and emotional well-being. Get Your Health In Check After a truck accident, the focus is often on physical injuries, but it's essential not to neglect your mental health. Recognizing the signs that treatment or counseling may be needed, understanding the importance of seeking help, and being aware of the mental health treatment options available in North Carolina are key steps toward healing and recovery. Individuals can address trauma-related symptoms by prioritizing mental health checks, developing effective coping strategies, and regaining control over their lives. Seeking professional help is a mark of strength, and support is available to help you navigate the emotional aftermath of a truck accident. 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