The 5 Best Herbal Remedies to Treat Acne


13 October 2017



One of the most prevalent skin conditions affecting both men and women, acne affects a whopping 80% of people at some point or the other in life.

It starts when the naturally occurring pores in the skin get blocked with oil and worn-out skin cells. Deposition of extra sebum in the pores causes growth and build-up of bacteria, eventually leading to inflammation and subsequent redness and irritation. Conventional treatments for acne are sometimes harsh and sometimes ineffective. Hence, relying on natural remedies is your best bet. Acne is one of those things that can appear anywhere, from your face to your legs. Even having acne on your tushy is not an uncommon problem, especially if you are a very active person. Sweating triggers a lot of skin imperfections, that’s why being able to fight these blemishes has triggered many companies to sprout solutions for us with creams and face washes.

Here, we take a look at the top 5 herbal remedies for acne

 1. Apply Tea Tree Oil

A powerful essential oil derived from the leaves of a small tree originating in Australia, tea tree oil is famous for its ability to combat bacteria and tone down skin inflammation. Furthermore, several studies have shown that applying approximately 5% tea tree oil on the skin reduces acne effectively.

As compared to the same concentration of benzoyl peroxide, 5% tea tree oil does not act as quickly.

However, it is still just as effective and can improve acne significantly within three months of repeated usage. Since tea tree oil is super potent, it’s advisable to dilute it before application; else you may suffer from side-effects like irritation, dryness, and burning. You can search for the best tea tree oil in the market here.

Tea Tree Oil

Steps to Use Tea Tree Oil

    • Combine nine parts of water with 1 part of tea tree oil in a bowl.
    • Then dip a cotton ball into the mixture and dab it properly all over the area of acne breakouts.
    • Apply some moisturizer to ease any irritation.
    • Repeat the procedure once or twice a day, or whenever you get the pimples

2. Apply Green Tea

Green tea is enriched with high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, and tannins. These compounds can help combat bacteria, reduce inflammation and promote good health in general.

Consequently, it nourishes your skin and makes it less susceptible to developing acne. The primary antioxidant of green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which has proven efficacy in controlling sebum production, fighting inflammation and eventually inhibiting the growth of acne.

Steps to Use Green Tea 

  • Steep a packet of green tea in hot/ boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  • Allow the tea to cool down.
  • Dip a cotton swab into the tea and apply it all over your skin. Alternatively, you can pour the tea into a spray bottle and spray it on your skin.
  • Let it dry and then rinse off the water. Pat your face dry.
  • If possible, add the leftover tea leaves to honey for making a moisturizing face mask.

Remember, in addition to applying green tea on your skin; you can also drink it daily to achieve beneficial results, especially in terms of acne removal. Drinking green tea helps in the lowering of insulin level and blood sugar, both of which can lead to the formation of acne.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Prepared by fermenting apple cider, apple cider vinegar is a powerful elixir with proven efficacy in fighting several different types of bacteria and viruses.

It contains numerous organic acids that have been known to kill acne. For example, succinic acid has been proven in its role of suppressing inflammation.

Similarly, high levels of lactic acid in apple cider vinegar have also been shown to reduce the severity of acne breakouts. And what’s best is that apple cider vinegar can even help to dry up excess oil, leading to a reduction in acne formation in the long run.

Vinegar oil

Steps to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Combine one part of apple cider vinegar with three parts of water. Consider using more apply for extra-sensitive skin.
  • After cleansing thoroughly, apply the mixture on your skin gently with a cotton swab.
  • Let it stay put for a few seconds and then rinse off with water. Pat dry gently.
  • Repeat the process daily, or as needed.

Remember, you should always dilute apple cider vinegar before applying it on your skin as it’s very harsh and could lead to irritation and burns when applied in the concentrated form.

4. Cinnamon & Honey Mask

Cinnamon and honey are both powerful sources of antioxidants. According to several studies, increasing antioxidant supply to the skin is important for reducing acne, and apparently, shows better results than applying retinoid and benzoyl peroxide.

Just so you know, the latter two are common, anti-bacterial medications for acne-prone skin. Due to the presence of an overwhelming amount of vitamin B3, linoleic fatty acid, sodium ascorbyl phosphate and vitamin C extracts, both honey and cinnamon can reduce inflammation and fight bacteria, thereby nullifying the two leading causes of acne.

Steps to Prepare a Honey & Cinnamon Mask

  • Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and two tablespoons of honey to form a smooth paste.
  • Clean your face with a mild face wash and apply the mask on your face. Let it stay put for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask completely and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

Repeat the process every week to observe good results

5. Apply Witch Hazel

Derived from witch hazel shrub, this popular North American plant contains tannins that are known to have potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action on the skin.

It is used to treat a wide range of skin ailments, including eczema, dandruff, bruises, insect bites, burns, and acne. Several studies have proven that applying witch hazel on the skin can combat bacteria, lower inflammation, and promote the well-being of the skin.

Witch Hazel

Steps to Use Witch Hazel

 Mix a cup of water and a tablespoon of witch hazel bark in a saucepan.

  • Immerse the witch hazel bark for half-an-hour and allow the mixture to boil for some time.
  • Then reduce the flame and cook it covered for 10 minutes.
  • Let the mixture cool down for another 10 minutes.
  • Strain and keep the liquid in an airtight container.
  • Apply on clean skin with a cotton swab once or twice a day

Ending Note

In conclusion, we would like to stress on the importance of natural and herbal remedies for treating acne from scratch. This is one of the most common skin conditions with a wide range of underlying causes, some of which are unidentified to date. Conventional treatments tend to cause dryness, irritation, and redness. However, natural remedies beg to differ. The herbal remedies listed above may not work for one and all, but they are surely worth giving a try!

Read More:

  1. The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health
  2. Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair
  3. 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health
  4. E-Cigarettes: How They Effect On Your Oral Health

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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CBD Lotions

Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin?

Could Try Out The Latest Health Craze Benefit You? The rise of CBD products as a helpful remedy for everything that ails you has caught the attention of almost everyone. This “miracle” product seemingly does it all, and now, it comes in different forms: oils, tinctures, body bars, and even lotion. But does CBD even really help? Let’s take a look at whether CBD products, especially lotions, are good for you and your skin. Vocabulary to Know: Cannabidiol CBD is short for Cannabidiol, a naturally occurring component of the cannabis plant. CBD is the non-intoxicating part of the plant, so it doesn’t make you feel high like THC does. Instead, it is said to have calming effects that can help with pain relief, insomnia, and more. So far, scientists know that CBD is safe and non-addictive, and several medical studies have even shown that CBD products can have lots of medical benefits. What CBD Can Do Taking CBD as a natural supplement to pharmaceuticals is much more common this year than in years past. As more and more people discover how using CBD products can benefit them, they’re sharing their experiences with their friends and family. So far, CBD has been medically proven or suggested to help with: Autoimmune diseases Neurological conditions Metabolic syndromes Neuropsychiatric illness Digestive disorders Cardiovascular dysfunction Skin disease Should I Use CBD Lotion? The big question people ask is whether CBD lotion is good for their skin. There are so many social media influencers who insist that the products they (are paid to) use are the best, and anything else could disfigure your face. You know that this is dramatic and untrue, but using new products still can be worrisome, for good reason. CBD lotion is actually one of the most commonly recognized forms that CBD products come in. Everyone is familiar with lotion! CBD lotions are safe to use every day, anywhere on the body. Their CBD content is designed to relieve pain, increase blood flow, decrease swelling, hydrate the skin, and help with conditions like arthritis, eczema, and psoriasis. In particular, full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD lotion is often found to be the most effective because it contains other endocannabinoids other than CBD, which bind to your body’s endocannabinoid receptors. Together, your body more easily absorbs these beneficial compounds. Pure CBD oil, though still nice to use, does not contain any other endocannabinoids other than CBD, which your body does not absorb as readily. Will CBD Lotion Help My Dry Skin? Because CBD lotion contains lotion, you can use it anywhere you have dry skin. The moisturizing compounds in the lotion will be just as effective at soothing dry, cracked skin, plus you’ll get the benefits of the CBD infused into the lotion. Many people apply CBD lotion to problem areas, including itchy patches of skin that are associated with psoriatic arthritis or contact dermatitis. CBD is soothing and can help lessen itchiness and pain from these types of rashes. Where Can I Buy CBD? Look for high-quality CBD products in specialty stores, online, or at trusted retailers. Research online the source of the CBD so you feel well-informed about its purity and the truthfulness of package claims. Always let your doctor know if you’re starting a CBD regimen. Read Also: CBD: The understanding of its benefits When is it Time to Start Considering CBD Use? The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again

Hair Makeup

Get Part Ready In No Time with These Hair And Makeup Hacks!

The whirlwind of parties feels like a mad dash, especially when you need to get ready in just a few minutes. The makeup, hair, and prep seem never-ending. By the time you have managed to use your holy-grail foundation and stocked the endless amount of bobby pins and u-pins, the next event calls you. The solution: Get party ready with these simple hacks and cut down your schedule! Here are 5 hacks you can’t miss: Contouring In Few Minutes: If contouring is something that you can’t miss, this simple trick will help. Just dip your angled brush into the matte bronze and draw ‘3’ at the outer end of the face. Trace the template and go to the outer end of the cheeks with the final touch giving to the jawline. Now keep on blending and blending, and you are done with the contouring part. Hair: Let's accept it; we’ve all hit the snooze only to get up fully freaked; those few minutes of beauty sleep eats our time reserved got getting ready! On such days, you don’t have time to create a masterpiece. These hairstyles are just for the late babes: Twist And Turn Hairs: To get this look, pull your hairs to one side of your face and tie them in a hair tie. Create a gap above the hair tie by pulling the piece in the opposite direction. Now, pull the rest of the hair from the ponytail, and you are ready with the sleek finished hairs.   Half up knot: Scoop some hair from the front and tie them in a half bun on the head. To add more volume in the hairs, add Brazilian Loose Wave Hair extensions and give your hairs a fuller look.   Low bun: Low bun is the easiest way to pull the look together. For a more polished look, pull your hairs tight at the back and make it little messier. Work On The Eyes: Eye makeup is the most time-consuming thing with mascara taking most of the time. So, skip the curling process and apply for eyelash extensions. Enhancing eyelashes will give you look more put together. You can actually apply long-lasting eyelash extensions at home within minutes and have a stunning look for weeks. Long-lasting eyelash extensions are a convenient and cost-effective way to enhance your natural beauty without the need for frequent salon appointments. With the right adhesive and application technique, you can achieve a professional-quality result in the comfort of your own space. Just some tinted moisture, lip balm and you are done with the perfect party look. Further, shaping the brows, filling them with the eye gel and powder need effort and extra time. The key to perfect brows that look like they’ve been drawn with the crayon is by using your mascara.  Once using on the lashes, dip brush into the tube, ward off the excess and apply it with the light hand on your eyebrows. Dab The Eyeshadow: Let your bright eyeshadow pop without investing much time. Just grab your kohol, apply it all over the lid with thick strokes and blend it with fingers. Now apply your bright eye shadow on the top of it and dust off the extra. Make sure that the art of applying perfect eyeshadow lies in blending, so let the color merge and eyed do the talking. Do The Cheeks With One Product: Who needs to juggle between brushes, blushes, tubes of foundation when only one product is all you need to be the tint. Just grab any lipstick and add a hint of color on the eyes and cheeks. Use your hands to apply color and pat gently into the skin until it blends nicely. Don’t Forget The Lips: Lipstick has always been a magical product that can instantly transform your look. While the right selection of color is important; choosing the right method of application has more effect. Apply lip liner and use liquid lip crayon all over the lips to give the complete coverage. So, now that you know quick hacks; no need to get into the fuss to get the party-ready look. Try them, and you are ready in a snap! Read Also: 6 Stunning Long Hairstyles For Oval Faces 5 Tips To Give Your Hair A Perfect Look Epilators: The Best Solution To Smooth Skin How To Avoid Buying A Cheap Looking Prom Dress 6 Proven Ways To Deal With Hair Loss For Women

Outdated PR Tactics

Outdated PR Tactics You Should Avoid

If you spend even just a short time working in the PR industry, you will understand right away that one of the greatest challenges you will face as a professional is figuring out how to keep up with the latest trends. You must quickly understand not just the newest trends, but how to properly utilize them to your client’s advantage as well. If you aren’t able to pull that off, then you’ll be stuck playing a perpetual game of catch-up against competitors that will do everything in their power not to fall behind. A potentially even greater threat to your mortality in the PR industry is failing to avoid outdated PR tactics. Nothing is worse than making your client appear out of touch and that’s why Nancy at Behrman make a conscious effort to always stay on top of the PR trends and steer clear of the ones that have fallen out of popular use, such as the ones listed below. Relying on Conventional Press Releases Is a Thing of the Past: An article posted on Forbes states that “the age of the standard press release is no more,” and that’s a hard point to contest. While it can be argued that press releases are handy guides that members of the media can use to sort through the details of a huge corporate announcement, the reality is that all that info that can be contained inside a press release can be disseminated in other, more effective ways. Instead of using a conventional press release, companies can do something more exciting like releasing a teaser trailer for a new product or perhaps attempt to generate interest through their apps. With so many communication channels available to companies, asking them to talk to their prospective customers using a press release will only work to undersell whatever it is that they are planning to offer. Your goal as a PR professional, whether you’re working for Nancy at Behrman or any other firm, is to generate excitement for your client, and a conventional press release just isn’t designed to do that anymore. Offering Too Much Information can Backfire: Due in part to companies having so many ways to communicate with their customers these days, there is a temptation to just make every bit of content available to them 24/7. This may have seemed like a good idea in the not-so-distant past when companies were still busy trying to show prospective customers that they could get the hang of using all the new media, but now, it’s a practice best avoided. As Axia pointed out, posting everything online can lead to the release of “unstructured, random content,” and that’s exactly what you want your client to avoid. Aside from your client minimizing the impact their content releases could have by doing things that way, they also risk losing the interest of their potential customers. Releasing content online is obviously something a company must do, but serving bite-size pieces of interesting information is a better move than dumping everything right away, as the people at Nancy and Behrman can tell you. By creating a little mystery, you are giving people more reasons to remain interested in your client as opposed to the other companies that may be offering something similar. Mastering public relations is a tough ask for anyone, though figuring out what not to do for your clients is an important first step. There are many other techniques that can keep customers interested in a particular client, and the folks at Nancy and Behrman know how to utilize them well. Read Also: 8 Expert Ways To Build Your Personal Brand On Twitter! Steps for Improving Your Instagram Strategy