Top Four In-Demand Jobs in Australia

Published on: 02 August 2021 Last Updated on: 10 January 2025
In-Demand Jobs

I wish someone had told me what the top jobs were, so I hope this one helps anyone who hasn’t found their ideal job yet.

No matter how much you do not want to believe, our economy continues to be in a slump. It happened with the dot-com bubble, and it happened with the recent financial crisis, and unfortunately, it will happen again if nothing is done about it. And because of this, it becomes very important to start having a substantial second source of income. One way to achieve this is to improve your skills and become one of those in-demand professionals in Australia.

If you are looking to migrate to Australia, it’s a good idea to know what type of job you’re aiming for. Here are the current top 4 in-demand jobs in Australia.

1. IT Consultant1. IT Consultant

With technology advances constantly happening around us, companies can’t help but implement the latest technologies in their day-to-day running – and this is where IT jobs in Australia come into play. IT consultants are in high demand from implementing new systems to assisting companies in migrating to the cloud.

There has even been a growth of software developers looking for work as well. Smart businesses know that they need a strong IT department in place for them to achieve their goals.

2. Project Managers

2. Project Managers

Project Managers are in high demand, and they can earn some big bucks. If you’re a bright, talented graduate with an eye for detail, this could be a career path that could be right for you. In Australia, the average salary for a Project Manager is between $70,000 and $100,000. Where will this lucrative field take you? How much money can you make as a Project Manager in Australia?

According to the latest figures, there has been a 21% increase in the number of roles advertised as requiring PMP certification since this time last year. The Australian job market is becoming increasingly competitive, with a real thirst for professionals that can bring real value and expertise into an organization.

Particularly in the management consulting and IT fields, there is a big demand for Project Managers, which is no surprise given that project management is probably the most valuable skill you can acquire as a professional.

3. Recruitment Consultants

3. Recruitment Consultants

In today’s economy, there’s more competition than ever for jobs in Australia. A large percentage of job ads are filled by recruitment companies that can be expensive to hire. In fact, many job seekers spend up to 20% of their first-year salary on recruitment fees. Jobs like Recruitment Consultants, Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, and Lawyers are top of the list of the most desired jobs in Australia right now, according to the latest data from This has been a trend for over 15 years, with a recent dip in the last two years where they went down to the ninth spot.

4. Business Development Managers

4. Business Development Managers

Business development managers are in high demand as the economy shifts towards more service-related roles than ever before, finds JobsEye, an Employment Research Company that tracks the most in-demand positions. Data from Henry’s Job Outlook has identified top jobs for 2018 in Australia. The research finds that there will be 28 percent growth in business development positions, which is expected to be the highest amongst all occupations.

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how to become an electrician

Best Ways To Become An Electrician In 2024

What is the one thing that you cannot imagine your life without? And I am talking about the basic necessities right now! If your answer is electricity, you are correct! Probably because of the growing demand for the same, the search for “how to become an electrician” has increased considerably on the internet over the years. And why won’t that happen? After all, just like many blue collar jobs, it is a job that comes with some of the most essential benefits that one can think of. Additionally, you do not even need to have a very high qualification. If these perks have got you curious, then I have you covered! Keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more… What Does an Electrician Do? When it comes to electrical equipment in homes and businesses, an electrician handles a wide variety of tasks. They also maintain external electrically-harvesting infrastructure such as cell towers and power poles. Among their other responsibilities are: Installations: In a home or office structure, electricians usually install a wide variety of electronic equipment, such as built-in electronic appliances, light fixtures, and telephone poles. In order to prevent any electrical faults or outages, they make sure that every component is functioning properly. Repairs: An electrician is typically in charge of making repairs when an electrical system or gadget malfunctions. They apply their critical thinking abilities to identify the root cause of an issue before working quickly and effectively to find a solution. Maintenance: An electrician may conduct routine checks to ensure that an electrical item is still operational and running as intended after installing or fixing it. They make tweaks to improve the electrical machine or device's performance after determining whether it is wasting electricity needlessly. Blueprint Development: The ability to read and analyze technical blueprints and diagrams is essential for an electrician to do their tasks well. These plans may also be created and reviewed by senior-level electricians to make sure they adhere to the necessary performance and safety requirements. Checks: Electricians frequently plan recurring checks to look for any problems or possible safety risks with an electrical machine. If they find problems, they may resolve them right away or, if further work is needed, arrange for a professional to visit. Replacements: An electrician may swap out outdated or broken equipment for brand-new models. Because they are safer to use and help to minimize faults, replacements are required. How to Become an Electrician: Step-by-Step Guide In this fast-paced world, people are always on the lookout for shortcuts. They need to ensure that they get what they want in the shortest time possible. And that is the same for degrees and jobs. Among these, becoming an electrician probably takes some of the shortest time, which might be why people often want to know how to become an electrician. Now that you are ware if what an electrician does, let us get straight to the point. Here are some of the things that you need to do if you want to become one: Education This is the first step of the entire process that you must keep in mind. Having a good education that helps you specialize in the field is something that you need to have if you want to become an electrician. High School Diploma or Equivalent: A strong foundation is key. Courses in algebra, geometry, and basic electronics during high school set the stage for a successful career in electricity.  Technical Training: Post-secondary technical training is where you'll learn the intricacies of electrical systems. These programs often include modules on residential wiring, commercial electrical systems, and even industrial applications. Training The next thing that you need to have is proper training. Considering the fact that becoming an electrician is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, it is important that you take part in an apprenticeship program. Registering The first thing you will have to do in this case is to register for your program. Apprenticeships are the golden ticket in this trade. They blend classroom learning and real-world experience, as well as paid training that leads to mastery. Duration And Experience  During your apprenticeship, you'll clock in thousands of hours of training, which is essential for honing your skills. You'll learn not just how to install and repair but also how to troubleshoot and innovate. Licensing Next up is licensing. You might wonder why it is that important, but it is. The first thing you will need to start working as an electrician is a license. To get that, you must take a test that asks questions about electrical work and the rules electricians have to follow. Besides getting a license, you can also get several certifications, which will go a long way. You can choose the type of certification you want in a specific field. These certifications are great when it comes to searching for jobs. There are times when people get preferences over others just because they have extra certifications. Why Should You Become an Electrician? You might be wondering if there are any perks or benefits of being an electrician. To answer that, YES. There are several reasons why you should try to become an electrician. However, if I have to point out a few, here they are: 1. Job opportunities Due to the necessity for their valuable talents by corporations, institutions, and individuals, electricians have a wide variety of career prospects. Governments, businesses, and manufacturing can hire electricians. Their skills are essential for large-scale electrical system maintenance and repair, such as municipal power networks. Additionally, they assist with the installation, maintenance, and replacement of home electrical appliances like generators, HVAC systems, washers, and dryers. The electrician is responsible for restoring power when a facility or a region as a whole loses power. Additionally, there are chances for specialization and career progression. Among them, these are a few that you should know about: electrical contractor Solar panel installer Automobile electrician Industrial electrical contractor Designer of electrical systems 2. Doesn't require a Degree What a lot of people are unaware of is the fact that this is one of those jobs for which you do not need a degree. Yes, that’s right! To work as an electrician, one is not specifically required to hold an undergraduate or bachelor's degree from an institution. This enables a person to save money that they could have used on supplies, lodging, and tuition. Even if it's not compulsory, attending a community or technical college to obtain a two-year degree or diploma in a profession like electrical technology is still a possibility. This can assist you in setting yourself apart from other applicants who lack the same credentials. 3. Good Salary Because they work with high-risk materials and have essential expertise, electricians are paid fairly well. An electrician makes, on average, $56,111 a year, or about $25 per hour, across the country. This estimate may differ depending on a number of factors, including the person's location, employment history, job experience, credentials, and any other qualities. Additionally, overtime labor is available to electricians, allowing them to increase their pay. An electrician may bargain for higher compensation as they get more expertise and experience. 4. Positive Job Outlook The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment growth for electricians will be 9% over the next ten years, which is typical for all occupations. According to this forecast, there will be 84,700 more work opportunities for electricians, many of which will arise from employee transfers and retirement. Career gains for electricians may follow the emergence of alternate power sources, such as solar and wind energy. Forecasts suggest that installing these alternative power sources to power grids, commercial buildings, and private houses would require electricians in the upcoming years. 5. Self-Employment Opportunities This is a realistic career path for you to choose if you wish to work as an electrician while also becoming an entrepreneur or freelancer. Self-employed electricians may operate as independent contractors or as business owners, hiring and supervising a group of other qualified experts for their small electrical firm. This gives you more career autonomy by letting you decide on your own pay scale, project timelines, and working hours. Working for yourself also typically entitles you to tax write-offs through your firm, which can result in year-end financial savings. Wrapping It Up! In case you have been searching for “how to become an electrician, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All you need to do is scroll down until you reach the bottom of the page. Then, leave your comments and suggestions in the box below. I will be there to answer them all for you! Until then, stay safe and keep safe! Learn More About: Is Electric Utilities Central A Good Career Path? Electrical Services Guide: What You Need To Know Las Vegas Electricians Share Fun Lighting Ideas for Your Home


3 Steps to Hire the Perfect Employee

If it were up to most employers, they'd never have to hire again because all of their employees would be perfect.  Unfortunately, that's not always what happens: so it's essential to be very careful when hiring.  Here are three steps to hiring the ideal employee: make sure you find someone who can treat your company how it deserves. Pull From A Wide Net The more applications you can accrue- the better luck your company has at finding gold.  Put out job listings on multiple sites, not just within your company.  Although it may seem nice to hire someone that an employee already knows, there’s no telling if that person is the right employee for the role you have open. If your company has multiple listings open, take out advertising on apps like Twitter or Instagram, and let people know what you're seeking.  Don't be too general in your job description.  Keep it straight, simple, to the point- and make sure to be crystal clear on any education or experience needs. Although you can go through applications at any time, wait to interview anyone until you have a pool of candidates to know your options are at the top for skill and availability. Call All References When you find potential employees that would do well in your company- call their references.  Ask questions about dependability, if they know why they left their last job, and what they think of the person you may interview.  Pay attention to names and addresses, and make sure that you don’t accidentally use someone’s mom as their reference.  You want honesty, and that’s not a great way to get it. If they give you permission to call previous employers, listen for how they worked in a team and how they handled problems.  You can tell a lot about an employee by how they react when facing adversity. If everything checks out, and they seem honest and hardworking, it's time for the next step. Interview With Caution Pay attention to everything the potential employee says and does in the interview.  If they seem aggressive or mention flirting too much with coworkers, that should be immediate grounds for them to get turned away. Give every single candidate that fits what you need a fighting chance.  It shouldn't matter what race, sex, religion, or sexuality they are if they seem to be a trustworthy and hardworking person who can do the work you need to get done.  Employment discrimination cases can swallow a company whole- don’t let it be your neck on the chopping block. Compare what they want to get paid with what you're willing to pay them, and be upfront with benefits, vacations, and sick days.  You don't want to have to deal with hiring someone just for them to quit a couple of weeks later when you find out they had unrealistic expectations. Hire someone who will make your company better.  Look for people who want to become a part of your company, and seem like they’re eager to prove their skills. Read Also: 6 Things You Must Do to Prepare for a Video Interview Possible Reasons Why Your Employees Aren’t Too Productive and What to Do About It

Marketing Degree

5 Reasons Why a Marketing Degree Makes Sense in 2020

If you’re getting ready to go to college, you might not be sure about your career path. That’s okay. You don’t need to know precisely what you’re going to do with yourself when you start your freshman year. However, even if you don’t declare a major right away, you might want to consider a marketing degree. There are a lot of reasons why you ought to get one. We’ll talk about five of those right now, and when we finish, maybe you’ll decide to pursue this option. With a Marketing Degree, You Can Hold Many Different Jobs One of the foremost reasons why you should at least think about a marketing degree is that it is one of the more versatile degrees you can attain. With a marketing degree, you can become a: Production manager Marketing manager Media planner Account executive You can work for a prominent company or a small one. You can start your own marketing firm if you like. You can have many clients or just a single large one. There are all kinds of different places your career can go, starting with just a Marketing BA. You can also change jobs easily if you find that the first thing you try doesn’t work out for you. Virtually Every Company Needs Marketing Maybe you want to work for one specific company, or in one particular sector. You might want to work in: Banking Retail Restaurants and hospitality With a marketing degree, you can do any of those things. That’s because virtually any business entity needs marketing. Think about it for a moment. Huge conglomerates like Amazon run TV commercials all the time on national networks like USA or TNT. Meanwhile, if you watch a non-national TV station, you’ll see local restaurant ads. Every company, no matter how well-known or tiny, needs marketing, and you can pick and choose which one appeals to you most. You’re on Technology’s Cutting Edge Another reason to pursue a marketing degree is that when you get one, you’ll enter a field that uses the latest technology. You can use social media for marketing purposes, and also TV, satellite radio spots, sponsored website content, podcast advertising, etc. Where you know people pay attention and ingest content, that’s where you can market your client’s business and products. Whenever a new marketing avenue comes out, you can be on top of it. If you can spearhead a monumental new marketing campaign, your ideas can make a company millions of dollars. Great marketing campaigns can save a company, while flawed ideas can sink one. Many individuals like having that pressure. It’s up to you whether a business succeeds or falters. You Can Be Your Own Boss Another reason why it’s great to get a marketing degree and get into this field is that you can work for one company in a traditional way, or else you can be freelance. There are negatives and positives with both options, so you’ll have to think about what makes sense for your situation. If you do marketing for a single company and have an exclusive contract with them, you can get benefits like 401K, healthcare, stock options, vacation time, etc. However, if you offer freelance marketing services, you’re your own boss. No one orders you around, and if you’re not getting along well with a client, you can simply terminate that contract and move on to someone else. Having that freedom means a lot to some people. You’ll Have Job Security Getting into marketing also means inherent job security. Marketing is something that has existed in one form or another since society’s inception. People always sell products and services, and they need ways to make the public aware of them. No matter how society changes in the coming decades, it’s virtually guaranteed that marketing will continue. The way it happens always changes, but the basic concept never does. With this in mind, you can confidently get a marketing degree. You might not be certain at first precisely what you’ll do with it, but you don’t need to be. This is one industry that automation will probably never wipe out. Many accredited universities offer marketing degrees, and if you’re not sure of what to do with yourself, you should give them a hard look. Once you have that degree in your hand, you can think about what industry most appeals to you. Chances are, you can find a place for yourself there. Read Also: The 7 Steps to Create a Storybrand to Ensure Marketing that Works What Is Integrated Marketing Communication in 2020 [Full Guide]