How To Harvest Sunflower Seeds: A Fun And Easy Activity For The Whole Family

how to harvest sunflower seeds

Sunflowers are not only beautiful and cheerful, but they also produce delicious and nutritious seeds that you can enjoy as a snack or use in various recipes. Harvesting sunflower seeds is a fun and easy activity that you can do with your whole family. It is also a great way to teach your kids about nature, gardening, and healthy eating.

In this article, I will show you how to harvest sunflower seeds in a few simple steps, as well as some tips and tricks to make the most of your sunflower harvest. If you enjoyed reading my blog on harvesting lettuce, you will enjoy reading this one!

So, if that is what you are interested in knowing, I have you covered! Keep reading this blog till the end to learn more…

How to Grow Sunflower Seeds: A Simple and Rewarding Gardening Project?

How to Grow Sunflower Seeds_ A Simple and Rewarding Gardening Project

Sunflowers are one of the most iconic and cheerful flowers in the world. They are also one of the easiest and most rewarding plants to grow from seeds.

Sunflowers can brighten up your garden, attract pollinators, provide shade, and produce edible seeds that you can harvest and enjoy. 

In this part of the article, I will show you how to grow sunflower seeds in a few simple steps, as well as some tips and tricks to make the most of your sunflower growing experience.

How to Choose Sunflower Seeds?

How to Choose Sunflower Seeds?

The first step to growing sunflower seeds is to choose the right seeds for your garden. Sunflowers come in a wide range of sizes, colors, shapes, and types. Some of the most common types of sunflowers are: 

Giant sunflowers

These are the tallest and largest sunflowers, reaching up to 15 feet in height and 12 inches in diameter. They produce huge and heavy flower heads that are filled with large and plump seeds. They are ideal for creating a dramatic and impressive display in your garden, as well as for harvesting large quantities of seeds. Some examples of giant sunflowers are Mammoth, Titan, and Kong.

Dwarf sunflowers

These are the smallest and shortest sunflowers, growing up to 3 feet in height and 6 inches in diameter. They produce smaller and lighter flower heads that are easier to manage and maintain. They are ideal for growing in containers, pots, or small spaces, as well as for adding a splash of color and charm to your garden. Some examples of dwarf sunflowers are Teddy Bear, Sunny Smile, and Little Becka.

Colored sunflowers

These are the most diverse and colorful sunflowers, ranging from yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, brown, and even green. They produce medium-sized flower heads that are attractive and eye-catching. They are ideal for creating a vibrant and varied display in your garden, as well as for cutting and arranging in bouquets or vases. Some examples of colored sunflowers are Autumn Beauty, Moulin Rouge, and Lemon Queen. 

Things to Consider While Choosing Sunflower Seed

Things to Consider While Choosing Sunflower Seed

When choosing sunflower seeds, there are several things that you need to keep in mind. For instance, you should also consider the following factors:

Climate and season of your area

Sunflowers are warm-season plants that need full sun and warm temperatures to grow and bloom. They are best planted in late spring or early summer, after the last frost, when the soil is warm and moist. If you live in a cold or frost-prone area, you can start your seeds indoors and transplant them outdoors when the weather is favorable.

Soil and water conditions of your garden

Sunflowers are adaptable and tolerant plants that can grow in most types of soil, as long as they are well-drained and fertile. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. They also need regular watering, especially during the germination and flowering stages. However, they can withstand some drought and dryness once they are established.

Space and support available in your garden

Sunflowers are large and sturdy plants that need ample space and support to grow and thrive. They should be planted at least 2 to 3 feet apart from each other and from other plants, to avoid overcrowding and competition. They should also be staked or tied to a fence, a trellis, or a pole, to prevent them from bending or breaking under their own weight. 

How to Plant Sunflower Seeds?

How to Plant Sunflower Seeds?

Once you have chosen your sunflower seeds, you can proceed to the next step. Planting sunflower seeds is a simple process that involves preparing, sowing, and caring for the seeds. Here is how to do it:

Prepare the Soil

Prepare the soil by loosening it with a fork or a spade. Ensure that you remove debris, weeds, or rocks. You can also enrich your soil by adding some compost, manure, or fertilizer, to boost its fertility and drainage. Make sure the soil is moist but not soggy, and has a temperature of at least 50°F.

Sow the Seeds

Sow the seeds by making holes or furrows in the soil, about 1 to 2 inches deep and 2 to 3 feet apart. You can use a ruler, a stick, or your finger to make the holes or furrows. Drop one or two seeds in each hole or furrow, and cover them lightly with soil. You can also sprinkle some water over the seeds to help them settle in the soil.


Care for the seeds by watering them regularly, but not excessively, to keep the soil moist but not wet. You can also mulch the soil with straw, grass clippings, or leaves, to retain moisture and prevent weeds. You should also protect the seeds from birds, squirrels, or other animals, by covering them with a net, a cage, or a cloche. You should also thin the seedlings when they are about 4 to 6 inches tall, by removing the weaker or smaller ones, and leaving only the strongest and healthiest ones. 

How to Grow Sunflower Seeds? 

How to Grow Sunflower Seeds? 

After planting your sunflower seeds, you can watch them grow and enjoy their beauty and bounty. Growing sunflower seeds is a rewarding and satisfying experience that requires minimal maintenance and care. Here are some tips and tricks to grow sunflower seeds successfully:


Water your sunflowers regularly, but not excessively, to keep the soil moist but not wet. Sunflowers need about 1 to 2 inches of water per week, depending on the weather and the soil conditions. You can use a hose, a sprinkler, or a drip irrigation system to water your sunflowers. You should water them in the morning or evening, and avoid wetting the leaves or the flower heads, to prevent fungal diseases.


Fertilize your sunflowers occasionally, but not excessively, to boost their growth and flowering. Sunflowers need a balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, such as a 10-10-10 or a 20-20-20 formula. You can apply the fertilizer once or twice during the growing season, following the instructions on the label. You should avoid over-fertilizing your sunflowers, as this can cause them to grow too tall and weak, and make them prone to pests and diseases.


Prune your sunflowers occasionally, but not excessively, to improve their shape and health. Sunflowers do not need much pruning, as they are naturally self-pruning and self-cleaning. However, you can prune them to remove any dead, damaged, or diseased leaves, stems, or flowers, to prevent infection and improve air circulation. You can also prune them to control their height and spread, by pinching or cutting off the tips of the main stem or the side branches.

You should use clean and sharp scissors or pruners to prune your sunflowers and do it in the morning or evening when the plants are less stressed.

When to Harvest Sunflower Seeds?

When to Harvest Sunflower Seeds?

The first step to harvesting sunflower seeds is to know when they are ready. Sunflowers typically bloom in the summer and their seeds mature in late summer or early fall. You can tell when your sunflowers are ready to harvest by looking at their appearance and feel. Here are some signs that your sunflowers are ready to harvest:

  • Petals have fallen off or turned brown.
  • The back of the flower head has turned yellow or brown.
  • Seeds have developed black and white stripes.
  • The seeds are plump and firm to the touch.

If you are not sure if your sunflowers are ready to harvest, you can do a simple test by rubbing your thumb over the seeds. If they come off easily, they are ready to harvest. If they are still attached to the flower head, they need more time to ripen.

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds?

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds?

Once you have determined that your sunflowers are ready to harvest, you can proceed to the next step. Harvesting sunflower seeds is a simple process that involves cutting, drying, and storing the seeds. Here is how to do it:

  • Cut the flower heads from the stems using a sharp knife or scissors. Leave about 12 inches of stem attached to the flower head for easier handling.
  • Place the flower heads in a dry and well-ventilated area, such as a garage, shed, or porch. You can hang them upside down or lay them flat on a screen or rack. Make sure they are not touching each other to prevent mold and rot.
  • Let the flower heads dry for about two weeks or until the seeds are completely dry and hard. You can check the dryness by biting or cracking a seed. If it is crunchy and not moist, it is dry enough.
  • Remove the seeds from the flower heads by rubbing them gently with your hands or a soft brush. You can also use a fork or a spoon to scrape them off. Discard any debris, such as petals, leaves, or insects.
  • Store the seeds in an airtight container, such as a glass jar, a plastic bag, or a metal tin. Label the container with the date and the variety of sunflower. Keep the container in a cool and dark place, such as a pantry, a cupboard, or a basement.

How to Enjoy Sunflower Seeds?

How to Enjoy Sunflower Seeds?

Now that you have harvested your sunflower seeds, you can enjoy them in various ways. You can eat them raw or roasted, salted or unsalted, shelled or unshelled. You can also use them in salads, soups, breads, muffins, granola, trail mix, pesto, butter, and more.

Sunflower seeds are rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They can help manage high cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation and boost your immune system, brain function, and mood. Here are some tips and tricks to enjoy your sunflower seeds:


To roast your sunflower seeds, spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake them in a preheated oven at 300°F for about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden and crisp. You can season them with salt, pepper, garlic, onion, paprika, cumin, or any other spices you like. 


To shell your sunflower seeds, you can use your teeth, your fingers, or a nutcracker. You can also soak them in water for a few hours to make them easier to shell. To remove the shells, you can blow them away with a fan, a hair dryer, or your mouth, or you can shake them in a colander or a sieve.

Sunflower Seed Butter

To make sunflower seed butter, you need to blend the shelled and roasted sunflower seeds in a blender until it turns smooth and creamy. You can add a little oil, honey, salt, or vanilla to enhance the flavor and texture. You can use sunflower seed butter as a spread for toast, crackers, or fruit, or as a dip for pretzels, celery, or carrots.


To make sunflower seed pesto, blend roasted and shelled sunflower seeds with fresh basil, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a food processor or a blender until smooth and thick. You can use sunflower seed pesto as a sauce for pasta, pizza, or sandwiches, or as a dressing for salads or roasted vegetables.

Wrapping It Up!

Harvesting sunflower seeds is a fun and easy activity that you can do with your whole family. It is also a great way to enjoy the beauty and bounty of nature, as well as the health benefits of sunflower seeds. By following the steps and tips in this article, you know how to harvest sunflower seeds in a few simple steps, as well as enjoy them in various ways. I hope you found this article helpful and informative.

If there are any other queries related to the same, please feel free to let me know. All that yo need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and suggestions in the box below. And I will be ether to answer them all for you! 

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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flowering plants

Grow these flowering plants in your home garden

Plants have a significant role in our day-to-day life and affect the various activities of life in a big manner. Besides, enhancing the beauty of the place, it can also play a positive role in improving the internal aura and vibes inside your home. If you want to attain positivity and a good internal environment in your home, here are some of the amazing flowering plants and herbs that are recommended by the Vastu Shastra experts. Planting flowering plants might not be the easiest thing to do. Caring for them through regular maintenance, use of fertilizers, trimming and pruning might require you to call in an expert. You can call Tree Service Pearland for advice on flowering plants as they are one of the leading experts in this field. They can advise you on different watering routines and make you understand the individual needs and requirements of the different plants. Read More: 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design Jasmine- Plants with sweet swelling flowers such as jasmine, red lotus, blue lotus, and others are perfect to be grown in the house compounds as they emit a pleasant fragrance. You can also use these lovely flowers in daily worshipping activities. These wonderful flowers are further available around the year and can be used as a hair decoration item. Thorny plants- Although, thorny plants should be avoided in the house but beautiful roses are an exception to this rule. This is because rose plants don’t have many prickly thorns like their counterpart cactus plants. Besides this, roses symbolize auspiciousness and can be grown in your home without any restriction from Vastu experts. The important reason for disallowing thorny plants in the house is that they bring a lot of negative energy and can cause kidney and lungs related health issues. Apart from the roses, you can also grow citrus fruits such as lemon and Bel tree that are considered lucky in spite of having thorns. Basil- One of the popular indoor flowering plants that can be easily found in various Indian households is Basil or Tulsi. It is a wonderful auspicious plant that is described in various scriptures and cultures. Tulsi is regarded sacred by people and is believed to bring prosperity and good luck to your home. The amazing plant is known to have extraordinary medicinal properties that make it truly effective against blood and digestive system problems along with its extraordinary use in Ayurvedic medicines. However, this exceptional plant needs to be placed in the north, north-east or eastern part of the house. Creepers- Ensure that the creepers and other plants are not growing by using your building or compound wall as the support system as these clingers can easily creep inside the tiny cracks and holes in the walls. According to the Vastu experts, creepers should be allowed to grow outside the house but the creeper-like money plant needs to be grown inside the house only. Lilies- This extraordinary flowering plant is known to radiate happiness and harmony in the home of any owner. It is also effective in bringing calmness and serenity to the internal home environment. This amazing plant is recommended to be placed in the living room, bedroom or any other room where meditation is performed. It is highly advised by Vastu experts for a peaceful environment and aura. It is high time to buy flowering plants online for your home in India or abroad in order to channelize the positive energy and aura in your home for achieving prosperity, good luck, and health. Read More: How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality? 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden


How to Choose the Right Containers for Your Container Garden

Container garden is a great idea for those who don’t have too much space in their house. Besides that, with a container garden, you will not have to spend too much time and effort to take care of it, such as mowing regularly with a lawn mower. So, in this article, I would like to introduce you to some ideas about choosing the right containers for your garden. I may be useful if you are intending to build one. There are two essential things to successfully choose a container for use in a container garden: size and material. The size of the content relates to the optimal growth of the plant. Choose one that's too small, and your plant might not reach its full potential. The material, of which the container is made, is of almost equal importance. Which material works best depends on the situation. Larger perennial plants (those that grow for more than one season) do quite well in a large wooden container. Most container gardeners prefer wood for use with perennials. It's also a good choice for plants that will be grown outside in a visible location. Read also: 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design Although wooden containers tend to be more expensive than other materials, the cost is balanced by their extreme durability. Should the wood be treated? Yes and no. Yes for the outside, no for the inside of the container. If the inside is treated, the chemicals could leach into the soil. Remember, whatever is in the soil ends up in the plant. At best, your plant will be damaged. At worst, if it's an edible plant, it could actually make you ill. Plastic pots are widely used in container gardens. The main reason for this is cost. Plastic pots are the cheapest option in most cases. There's nothing wrong with saving money, but plastic may not always be your best choice. Plastic pots are fine to use if you don't intend to keep it up. Maybe you don't even know if you'll enjoy it or if it will work for you. But if there's any chance you will continue to garden in the future, you should realize that plastic pots are not very durable. Read also: 5 Essential Tips To Designing A Beautiful Front Yard Garden They look durable, but looks can be misleading. Regardless of how thick or hard the plastic seems to be, outdoor elements can quickly crack and warp this type of container. Once the pots are damaged, they're essentially useless. Not much future in cracked pot gardening. Pots made from terra cotta clay are also quite inexpensive. The only plastic is cheaper. Unfortunately, clay can be delicately made and easily broken. This material doesn't handle freezing temperatures very well either. If your area experiences below-freezing weather, plants in terra cotta containers should be brought indoors during the winter.   Okay, so far wood is expensive, plastic is cheap and clay can break. What's next? You can often do well with fired ceramic pots. Sometimes they are somewhat delicate but relatively durable. Look for the glaze on the outside with unglazed insides. The outside glaze enhances appearance, but inside glaze could leach into the soil. Read also: Does Organic Gardening Improve Soil Quality? Another option is to construct containers from things around your home. If you find something large enough for the plant, cut some drainage holes in the bottom and you're good to go. The possibilities are wide open. Milk jugs, soda bottles, and even margarine tubs have all been used. For larger plants, trash cans and plastic tubs could work.   If you really want to go minimalist, then use a bag of soil. Cut a hole in the bag and plant something in the exposed soil. This simply proves that almost anything can be used. Just make sure it's big enough for the plant, will last as long as you want it to, and allows for proper drainage. Read also: Lawn Care Maintenance Services And Tips

baby’s room

How to set up your baby’s room

Are you expecting to welcome a new member into your family? If so, then you should definitely prepare before they are here. One of the best ways to begin is by setting up your baby’s room. Giving it a good theme, setting a decent wallpaper, getting all the furniture plays a very important role when it comes to setting up nurseries. Not only that, you have to keep many other things in mind while getting it all done. We can help you with all of this with today’s post! Read ahead to find out more! Select the right theme for yourself Before you set up your baby’s room, make sure to set up a theme. There are several ideas available on Pinterest and various other free apps that will open your mind, improve your creativity and actually help you decide what sort of theme you should go for your little one. However, make sure it isn’t too bright or shiny. You can keep the look of the room subtle and it will still look great! Know what essentials you require: Some of the most important things you require while setting up your baby’s room are cribs, changing tables, cupboards, soft carpets, a nursing chair, baby bath toys, baby blankets, toy boxes, and a nice drawer for clothing. Once you have got these things in place, you can get on with the rest such as design and styling. Great wallpaper: The first thing you need to do is begin with a good nursery wallpaper. A baby’s nursery could easily look a lot better if you get hold of a fun pattern and paper that fills up the entire room or maybe a single wall. Building on the pattern with great colors or art could improve the whole look of your baby’s room as well. Get rid of all the clutter: If there is a lot of stuff that you want to keep in the nursery, make sure to use closed storage. This helps to keep all the clutter far away. Shelves that come without doors look good but they can get messy if you pile them with a whole bunch of stuff. In this case, you can use a few baskets or boxes that will help your staff stay more organized. Invest in the best baby change baskets: A baby change basket is necessary if you are setting up a nursery for your little one. A great treasure basket can be kept in the middle of the circle so that your baby can reach inside it easily. Allow all of them to explore each item. There are several accessories available online to help style the treasure basket. Also, the best baby change baskets are available in several stores online. You can take a look at all, compare the prices and then make the final decision. Educational toys in your baby’s nursery: Having educational toys in your baby’s nursery is essential. You could hang a mobile on the crib so that your baby can play with it whenever he/she is bored. You can add some nursery rhymes and audio collections that will keep them happy. Those who invest in things like this tend to find more success in their relationship with kids more than others. Use geometric patterns: Using geometric patterns on the walls with some strong colors could be an amazing way to add some fun and spark to your baby’s room. This could be on the rug, the walls and so much more. Babies who are developing eyes will be more attracted to a contrast of high color. If you really want to highlight the appearance of your baby’s room, this could be a helpful tip! Decorating your baby’s nursery: Decorating your baby’s nursery doesn’t have to be boring. If you like finding the perfect set of curtains and bed sheets that match with the wall paint, this could actually be perfect for you. If decorating is not really your thing, don’t give yourself the pressure to create the best baby nursery. You can ask your friend to help you out or simply stick to the basics and your home will look somehow. Test all the designs: Finally, make sure to test all the designs with the help of a sample board. It will bring your wall, flooring, window, bedding, and samples together. It will help you play around with the options as well. Several baby nurseries are set up after a few trials and errors so be open to fun and some experimenting until you have achieved what you fully desire. With that, we bring our post to an end. If you have liked reading our post, do let us know in the comment section below. Also, if there are questions you have in mind, drop them down. We would love to answer all your questions in detail!   Read Also: 10 Helpful Kid Closet Organization Hacks. 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents.