5 Office Organization Tips Every New Business Owners Must Know


25 March 2019


Office Organization

Office organization is very important particularly if you are a new business owner. It requires conscious effort but it helps you to reach on top of the game. You must remember that staying organized is not a one-size-fits-all thing, what works for one may not work for you. However, one thing is for certain – organization requires consistency.

Clean Out:

Too much clutter, mess, and dirt in your office will distract you and can add up to your stress every day. Clutter happens because you are too afraid of throwing anything out, thinking that everything is important for your day to day life. Cleaning out your office from any unnecessary and outdated things is your best foot forward when starting out with your business.

Of course, there will always be pictures, your favorite vacation memorabilia, and the likes. However, it is not always healthy for the eyes to see stacks and stacks of obsolete documents on your desk. It is outright distracting and while others are fascinated by chaos, a successful business will always be organized and free from office distraction. Search for new decoration and organization ideas which are available via Simply Maid to keep your office in tip-top condition.

Only keep the important things on your desk like notepads, calendar organizer, computer, and some pens or pencils then set everything else you don’t need aside or organize them in a box and stash them in your storage room if you don’t feel comfortable throwing them out.

Sort out Documents:

According to research, an average person wastes at least four hours in a week searching for the document, they need from their filing cabinets or stacks on the table. If you are a new business owner, make sure your filing cabinets do not have any documents that are not relevant to your current operation. Anything that’s more than a year old will no longer currently apply – most especially if the notes are hand-me-down notes from the previous owner of the business. Throw them out if you think these outdated files will not help your current business.

Paper receipts aren’t really necessary in the digital era. Throw all paper receipts within the first months of your operation especially when you’ve audited them already. Alternatively, you can also scan these receipts for documentation purposes or take a picture of them on your smartphone.

Take Advantage of the Cloud System:

A cloud is an online storage system where you can keep your digital files. This means you don’t have to keep hard copies – soft copies nowadays will suffice. For instance, there are free cloud drives which you can use such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box. If you upload your soft copies of important documents on the drive, you are protecting these files from getting lost and at the same time be able to access them anywhere, anytime.

Take Care of Legal Issues:

It is a must that you have trusted tax advisor, bookkeeper, and even attorney. When you’re a new business owner, taking charge of your own operation is a requisite but you won’t be able to handle this on your own. You need the help of others – advisors or otherwise. Any legal issues that will arise in the future can become your worst nightmare if you did not tie these loose ends ahead of time.

Finally, give yourself a lot of space where you can think with utmost clarity with your mind. It is only then that you are truly organized that will pave your way to success.

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Business Card

How to Design a Killer Business Card

Have you ever attended an important business meeting and you didn’t carry your business card to give out? Well, in this day and age, it’s important to carry with you some form of promotional material. Also, you want to put your best foot forward with the first chance you get. Here are some business card design tips to put you ahead of the game. Different Ways To Design A Killer Business Card For Your Business Awareness     There are multiple ways you can use a killer business card for your business awareness. Some of them are as follows 1. Consider Your Audience: Your target market should always come first. Besides, they are the source of your business revenues. Without them, your business will close its doors. Among the questions you should ask yourself include: Who is your target audience? What will capture their attention? From the questions, you can see that they are customer-oriented. This means when coming up with the business card design, you should always have your consumer in mind. Otherwise, what’s the point? 2. The Text: The main aim of a business card is to market your services or products. Therefore, you need to relay the message as clearly as possible. With such limited space on the card, you need to be brief and straight to the point. You want to include contact details, the business logo and the message. Also, you want to position the text where the customer can see it. This means keeping the text far from the edges. The text should also be legible in order to convey the message without any error. You can also include a QR barcode on the card to link the card with various online platforms you’ve already set up. 3. The Colors and Overall Design: If you’re not tech savvy, you might want to get a pro-designer to put all your thoughts together in a creative design. One of the mistakes many people make is to use different colors from the company’s colors. This creates confusion on the consumer’s side. Therefore, maintain the company’s colors on the card. The company’s logo is also important to put a face to the company. For the logo, ensure you use high definition photos. Don’t go for pixelated images. 4. Focus on the Finish: This is where quality printing services come in hand. You might have the best design, but if the printing is done by an amateur, you risk looking like an amateur yourself. Apart from this, consider this: The thickness of the paper – Use a deluxe business card with a colored layer. It might be expensive, but you’ll get a professional look. What’s more, these cards are more durable. Also, when choosing a colored layer, keep in mind the company’s colors. The cut – Many people go for the rectangular cuts, but don’t you go for rounded corners? Rounded corners give your card character and uniqueness. Remember you’re in a competition and you have to get it right in everything lest you come in second. Embossing – Embossing your card introduces a 3D effect. This means it will raise certain areas of the design. Spot UV – This technique is used to varnish parts of the card to create a richer look on the card. Foil blocking – As the name suggests, this process involves placing foil on paper. This is done to logos and text, thus giving the card a metallic touch. Summary: Your business card is your marketing ambassador. It carries your brand to places you won’t get to. For this reason, it’s important to stay ahead of the competition by keeping tabs with the latest printing technology. Read Also: Top 8 Benefits Of Professional Business Cards Advance Copier: Printing Quality Business Cards On Your Own Computer

Employee Recognition

Five Ways an Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better

If you've been paying close attention to the world today, then you probably notice a shift and the way workplaces are doing things. Largely due to the fallout of the covenant, organizations had to adapt to changes in the way human resources are performed, changes in the way business are done, and deal with issues like the supply chain or employee retention problems. There are many factors that play a role in this, but one of them is not recognizing or encouraging employees. People who work in teams want to receive constructive feedback and recognition for a job well done. It's just part of being human. That's where an employee recognition program can really come in handy. Employee recognition can help employees perform better and ultimately create success for the business. In this article, we'll go over five ways an employee recognition program can be beneficial for your business. Check it out below. 5 Employee Recognition Can Help Employees Perform Better 1. Performance Management One way an employee recognition award program can help your staff is by helping them work within a model of performance management. Instead of receiving an evaluation or performance review every six months to a year, performance management works on a continuous basis. As part of an overall employee recognition platform, continuous performance management can help coach, train, and develop talent as they work throughout the organization. In continuous performance management, employees receive coaching and development regularly. It's usually accomplished through a platform that allows for performance reviews, counseling, rewards, and even termination if that's necessary. It's a comprehensive system that can help develop talent and retain them instead of forcing them to deal with performance review bias, performance issues, and a lack of direction from their management. 2. Regular (360 Degree) Feedback Feedback can take all shapes and forms. But 360-degree feedback is probably one of the most comprehensive and best ways to provide feedback to a team. In this model of feedback, instead of receiving feedback once in a while, you get feedback regularly from everyone who works with you. This might be somebody who is a direct report, your supervisor, a coworker, or anyone within the organization that works with you regularly. The idea behind this is to get a comprehensive overview of your strengths, and weaknesses, where you're doing high-quality work, and where some work might be needed. In this model, employees can work together and create camaraderie instead of just getting feedback when a goal gets accomplished. It has to be done in a continuous and professional manner in order to be effective. But, if you get it right, 360-degree feedback can be a boon to employees across the organization. 3. Learning Management Systems Deep down, employees want to learn and grow with their company. Most people don't want to stagnate or be left behind when things change within their industry. It's important to build up soft skills and skills related to the industry throughout their tenure with the company. One thing that managers can do during check-ins and meetings is to follow up on skill assessments and learning goals to help encourage growth within the company. But another aspect of employee recognition also involves helping your employees learn. That's where Learning Management Systems come in. Most companies have some sort of proprietary LMS that they can use to help their employees learn new skills. Recognizing the potential in a staff member and putting them through the proper courses to encourage it is critical to helping them grow and Thrive at your organization. Implement a learning system along with recognition to get the most out of your employees. You can also sign up for a leadership learning course to understand the gaps that need to be filled when managing your workforce. A good leader can have a stronger grasp over their employees and simplify the workflow better. 4. Rewards Just like recognizing individuals for their accomplishments, providing rewards and incentives is important. People like to receive something tangible along with accolades whenever they accomplish something worthwhile. Even if it's just a milestone or anniversary, it's still vital to ensure your employees are getting something back for their hard work. Monetary awards like bonuses and paid time off can be quite beneficial. Non-monetary rewards like gift cards, dinners, a free class, or some work-from-home days, can also be great incentives to encourage your employees to recognize each other. Whatever you decide to do in the rewards department, make sure it's something worthwhile and valuable. Somebody works hard for your company, the last thing you want to do is insult them with something that isn't going to make them want to work to the best of their ability. Rewards are integral to any employee recognition program, so make sure you offer the best ones you can think of when setting up your program. 5. Social Recognition Social recognition is what employee recognition programs are all about. People like to know that they're doing a good job, especially right after they've shown what they've accomplished. In order to be effective, employee recognition has to be prompt, specific and performed often. That's the beauty of using a technology platform to do it. With regular interaction, social recognition plays a key role in any strong employee recognition programs. By implementing an employee recognition platform at your company, you can keep everybody on the same page by recognizing each other's accomplishments, helping to create a positive working environment for everyone at the company. Additionals: Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm Things to Consider When Sourcing Employees for Manufacturing Plants 5 ways employee perks can dramatically enhance your personal life

businesses hiring

Top 5 Businesses Hiring Skip Bins For Their Use

Are you looking to promote a more efficient garbage collection system? Do you want to implement a more proactive waste management plan at work? The most efficient approach to deal with rubbish removal is to avail the skip bins rent services. However, if you are residing in Australia, then you must consider the skip bin businesses hiring companies such as Find Skip Bin.  All of the skip bin hires are easy to recruit and will save you time, effort, and money in the long run. It comes with a slew of benefits and will undoubtedly meet your needs. Hiring professional skin bins is counting as your best effort contributing to the environment. Save the environment and hire skip bins. 5 Types Of Industry Who Hired Skip Bins Here's a list of five industry companies that could profit from businesses hiring a professional skip bin. 1. Construction Companies: Construction is a busy industry, with most, if not all, materials being used upon each project. This contains cinder, gravel, sand, stone, and a variety of other construction materials. These materials cannot be utilized lightly in order to assure the stability of whatever is being created. Cutting shortcuts is a no-no for construction companies since they want to develop a structure that can resist practically anything. However, with the quantity of work being done, garbage accumulation is unavoidable. During the building and construction process, a lot of waste is generated. The skip bins businesses hiring is one approach to solve this problem. You can use skip bins to dispose of rubbish swiftly and efficiently if you have a fully developed waste removal system.  2. Industrial Businesses: Skip bins can also be beneficial to commercial businesses. Waste collection can be accomplished efficiently, especially in metropolitan areas. The rubbish collection should also be prioritized in order to ensure that garbage is properly disposed of and managed. Components and materials can be transported to different locations using skip bins.  Following this environmentally friendly strategy may even provide your company an edge and improve your reputation. This may even inspire other industries to follow suit! By prioritizing appropriate trash management, you have successfully expanded environmental awareness. 3. Mining Companies:  The mining industry has a divisive impact on the environment. The majority of these businesses harvest nonrenewable commodities, including uranium, gold, and oil. As a result, all reasonable actions must be taken to help reduce harmful environmental impacts.  This begins with a well-functioning waste removal system. The way businesses handle their trash influences whether they have a positive or negative impact on their surroundings. In the long run, the damaging effects will undoubtedly hurt the environment.  All of this can be avoided by using long-term waste management strategies. You can also prevent dumping hazardous chemicals and rubbish in the wrong places by hiring a trash bin service. You are truly reducing your carbon footprint and assisting in the reduction of negative environmental consequences in this manner.  4. Logging Companies:  Logging firms, like construction enterprises, can be challenging to keep running. With the amount of trash generated by the complicated processes, an efficient waste management system is required. Businesses hiring skip bins are simply transported trash from one location to another. They are simple to detach from vehicles when needed, and they're strong enough to do the job. 5. Homemakers: If you believe that skip bins businesses hiring are solely beneficial to large organizations, you are mistaken. This service is also available to homemakers. Skip bins can be used by home workers to rapidly dispose of any waste or trash that comes their way, even the fluorescent tube disposal too! Yes, right!  Skip bins are especially beneficial when your home is undergoing development or remodeling. Skip bins are useful in a variety of situations, including the bedroom, kitchen, and backyard. When attempting to lessen your lawn area or remove soil and gravel, having a skip bin on hand is really beneficial.  3 Top Uses Of Skip Bins: According to recent data, more than 4 billion tonnes of waste are generated annually around the world. The most efficient approach to dispose of unwanted trash or waste is to use a skip bin. Businesses hiring skip bins can be utilized in various settings, including residential, commercial, and industrial. 1.  Residential Sector:  You can save money and time by hiring a skip bin for your residential project. A skip bin can be used to dispose of any form of rubbish. A skip bin can be used to dispose of anything from old furnishings, white goods, sports equipment, camping gadgets and equipment, rugs, carpetings, all forms of construction supplies, and lawn wrecks. 2.  Industrial Sector:  As a Central Coast industrial operator, the need for quick, dependable, and efficient service is critical to keeping things going. Metals, cardboards, office paper trash, and other general rubbish and scratch are dumped in industrial premises. And when you have lots of employees in your factory, there is the chance of a lot of garbage and trash daily.  3.  Commercial Industry: Waste management is an essential component of the business for the commercial sector, such as building companies. For every commercial industry, time management is the real boss. Most of the commercial construction sites are moving. For keeping the site clean, everything from the building materials to electrical wiring, metals, and soils need to be removed quickly and efficiently. Conclusion: The businesses hiring professional skip bins move all the garbage and the debris to the correct location. For every industry, debris and trash are the biggest headaches. And now, as per the government’s strict policy, the environment’s safety and cleanliness are the priority. For keeping the environment clean, skin bins can help you. Read Also: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: 3 Ways to Find Recycling Information in Perth Reasons to Support Nonprofit Organizations That Help Save the Environment Why You Must Embrace Green Home Technologies?