Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?


28 November 2017

Job & Career

between memory and sleep

You probably do not need anyone to tell you how important sleep is. If you have ever been kept awake by a crying baby, night after night; or you have crammed for exams until the early hours, for days on end, you know about the effects lack of sleep can have. If you do not get enough good quality sleep, you can end up looking pale and wrinkled. You can also be irritable and lacking in patience.

Obviously, this is not an ideal situation to be in. But, it gets worse when you consider the detrimental effect that sleep deprivation can have on your performance in work.

The basic effects of being over tired

The basic effects of not sleeping as much as you should, or of having your sleep interrupted, are obvious. You lose the ability to focus properly and surroundings and events become fuzzy. You may fall asleep behind your desk or at a meeting. You are also more likely to struggle to concentrate, making mistakes more likely.

The link between memory and sleep

Although there is some dispute in the matter, many experts believe that your memory is set when you sleep. You learn information one day, it sets in your memory overnight, and you are able to recall it the following day. There is some evidence that if this process is interrupted by lack of sleep, your memory can be adversely affected. This is not something you want to happen if you are learning a new job, or you need to make an important speech at a business conference.

How to improve your sleep pattern

The good news is that there are ways in which you can start to increase the amount of good quality sleep that you get.

  • Do not work or watch TV in bed; stick to sleeping.
  • Make sure you sleep on the right mattress, such as a Lull mattress; read an in-depth review here.
  • Try to go to sleep, and wake-up, at the same time each day.
  • Switch off electrical devices when you are in bed so that you are not adversely affected by blue light.
  • Sleep in a room which is as dark as possible.
  • Relax for a couple of hours before you go to bed.

Adopting any, or all, of these ideas, can help you get the sleep you need in order to perform well at your job.

The benefits you get from sleeping well

We have shown you how to improve the quantity and quality of sleep. But, how does doing so help improve the way you perform at work? Here are some improvements which are likely to happen.

  • Full awareness and participation at meetings.
  • Less chance of errors occurring.
  • Improved productivity because you are able to concentrate.
  • Better working relationships as you are less likely to be irritable.

All of these improvements are likely to lead to an overall improvement in your job performance.

If you are continuously tired, you are not going to perform as well as you can, at work. This is why it’s so important to consider the tips we have given you, and make changes to your daily routine that enable you to get the right amount of good quality sleep each night.

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how to become an esthetician

Step-By-Step Guide On Becoming An Esthetician In 2024

An esthetician helps to promote healthy skin by giving clients skin care treatments. If you want to work in a spa or salon and want to be a part of the wellness community, an esthetician is a good choice. You can decide if this is the right career for you by learning about the common requirements and potential benefits.   This article explains what an esthetician is, how to become an esthetician, and what the average pay and job outlook are for the field. You will also learn about the skills these professionals typically use.   Who Is an Esthetician? An esthetician is a specialist in skincare. They work with patients to help them take better care of as well as maintain their skin. The ability to identify and treat skin conditions like wrinkles, sun pigmentation, or blemishes is a specialty of estheticians. Moreover, as an esthetician, you can work in a salon or spa. But some also work in nursing homes, hospitals, movie sets, hotels, and specialty resorts. Estheticians assist their clients wherever they work. They give them advice on how to take care of their skin at home. They can also provide skin treatments on the spot.   Cosmetic skin treatments such as facials, superficial chemical peels, body treatments, waxing, and makeovers can be administered by estheticians to their patients. Advanced procedures like full chemical peels, pore cleaning, light therapy, and hair removal may also be carried out by them. To aid patients with cancer or burn injuries in recovering from surgeries and other procedures, estheticians may also work with these patients. Other specializations available to estheticians include:   How to Become an Esthetician? You need not go on Google and search “how to become an esthetician in Texas” or “how to become an esthetician in California.” The rules and regulations for becoming an esthetician are more or less the same all over the country. Even if you are asking, “how long does it take to become an esthetician” or “how much does it cost to become an esthetician.”   If you want to pursue a career in esthetics, here are a few steps you can follow: Enroll in Cosmetology or Esthetics Finish a cosmetology or esthetician program approved by the state in which you wish to work. Some states accept applicants if they are at least 16 years old. Others require applicants to have a high school degree or GED before allowing them to enroll in cosmetology or esthetician schools. The cost, location, scheduling, as well as availability of esthetics program can differ. So, it is a good idea to look into all the options in your area to determine which one will benefit you the most. Training is provided by cosmetology or esthetician programs in the following fields: Customer relations Cosmetology Esthetician treatments Methods for sanitizing tools and workspaces Enrolling in a cosmetology or esthetics program can verify that your abilities are sufficient and provide you with an understanding of the tasks an esthetician does daily. Most of the cosmetology and esthetician programs combine classroom instruction with practical experience in the form of coursework.  Get A License Obtain a license to practice esthetics in the state in which you intend to work. To ensure you receive the correct license, it's important to research your state's specific regulations. Each state may have different requirements or processes for obtaining licensure. A passing score on the state licensing exam and hours of classroom and practicals are required by many states. Written sections and practical components, such as administering treatments or demonstrating a mastery of techniques, are usually included in these exams. Many states mandate that you renew your license after a predetermined number of years. States may differ in this regard, so as soon as you obtain your license, think about when to renew it to ensure you can continue practicing law. Certification While certification isn't necessary for many jobs, it can demonstrate your commitment to practice and enthusiasm for the industry. This is another of the crucial things you must consider when looking up how to become an esthetician. Having a certification may set you apart from other applicants. Especially when you apply for jobs as an esthetician because not all candidates have pursued one. After graduating from cosmetology or esthetician school and working in the industry for at least two years, estheticians can begin the certification process. Estheticians who meet all the requirements can take an exam and, if they pass, receive certification. The National Coalition of Estheticians Association (NCEA) offers the National Esthetician Certification. It is the most widely used certification for estheticians. Moreover, to become certified, candidates must study from a training manual and apply in four to six weeks. You get permission to take the test after submitting an application, and you can use a computer at home to do so. You can retake the exam to renew your NCEA certification after it expires, which is good for three years. Certification is a big deal when you want to know how to become an esthetician. Acquire Practical Experience Apply for jobs as an esthetician at entry level. After you get to know about how to become an esthetician, this is another of the things you must do. Estheticians can work in independently run spas or salons or for larger companies like resorts, hotels, and hospitals. By practicing what you learn, you can become a more skilled esthetician and become an expert at performing chemical peels, facials, and other treatments. Additionally, it can help you establish a solid clientele that knows you both personally and from your work. Estheticians can also work in sales, as makeup artists, in public relations, or as representatives of beauty companies in other industries. If you were working as an esthetician for a few years, then you might be presented with these opportunities. During this time, you can hone your abilities and build your reputation in the industry. Then, if you'd like to find a new career that's still in the esthetics field, you can use your experience and clientele to pursue opportunities in other industries. Go Back to School When you begin working in the field, try to continue completing the courses necessary to become an esthetician. This will include maintaining a state license. Being aware of when to renew your license can be beneficial because most licenses require renewal after a set number of years. This could entail retaking the test or putting in a certain number of practical hours.   Estheticians can take advantage of this chance to pick up new treatment methods. Since there are always new discoveries in medicine, estheticians usually keep an eye on changes in both established practices. There is the efficacy of a given treatment and emerging ones. For example, the introduction of novel procedures or treatments. Keeping up with advancements in the field can help guarantee safe, effective treatments that increase patient satisfaction. Salary and Job Outlook for Estheticians Data from Indeed indicates that estheticians make, on average, $59,797 annually. This number may differ depending on variables, including the esthetician's location, experience, company size, credentials, and specializations. These professionals frequently receive 401(k) matching, tuition reimbursement, and support for their professional development. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of skincare specialists is set to grow by 29% from 2020 to 2030. This rate is comparatively faster than the average of all the other occupations within this time period. The agency has attributed this growth to the high demand for anti-aging procedures and a popular desire to pursue a healthier lifestyle. This simply means the job opportunities in this field are going to soar. Criteria To Become an Esthetician Before you ask about how to become an esthetician, there are certain things that you must keep in mind.   To obtain a license as an esthetician, start by researching the Board of Cosmetology requirements in your state. To be eligible for a license, most states require completion of 150–1200 hours (about 1 and a half months) at an approved training program. Certain states permit apprenticeship hours in addition to or in place of school hours.   When your hours are up, you'll apply to take the State Board exam. As soon as possible, you should begin preparing for this test by reading and practicing! Approximately 51% of individuals do not pass the written portion of this exam, so preparation is essential.   After completing your hours, you can apply to sit the state exam and earn a professional license. The National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC) exam is used in thirty-one states. It's likely that other states employ a similar strategy. When it comes to assessing esthies seeking a state license, the NIC is the foremost national authority.   The exam, which takes about three hours to complete, consists of two parts: a written exam with about 120 questions covering science concepts, best practices, and skin care. And a practical exam where you must perform services in compliance with state laws and regulations.   How to Become an Esthetician Online? Numerous recognized online esthetician programs are available that will give you all the instruction required. It will help you obtain your license and start a lucrative career in esthetics. The average number of hours required for specialized training won't change if you take an online course. But it may be slightly more flexible and less expensive.    Enrolling in an accredited online program is the first step toward becoming an online esthetician. It must fulfill all state board requirements in your area. The next step is to select the specialization and program type (associate degree, certification, or diploma) that you wish to enroll in. After that, you will attend your online courses, finish your required hours, pass your training, and then sit for the esthetician exam. You can apply for your license and start working as a licensed esthetician as soon as you pass that! If you wanted to know how to become an esthetician online this is your best bet. Uses of an Esthetician Certificate There is a wide range of career options available to estheticians. It includes positions at salons, spas, resorts, and even cruise ships. In addition, licensed estheticians can work as: Medical estheticians Makeup artists Salespeople Salon managers Product purchasers Marketers Content developers Brand educators State board members Brand ambassadors As there is no one way to become an esthetician, once you have your license, the possibilities are endless. Identifying your niche is the trick. Most esthetician schools only provide rudimentary instruction in following state board guidelines. They may not adequately equip you for "the real world." You should consider furthering your education or taking up an apprenticeship in facials, hair removal, or other modalities. You can opt for microblading, threading, or eyelash extensions for advanced training in your chosen field. Are Estheticians Rich State-by-state variations exist, but the average salary for a licensed esthetician in the US is approximately $40,000. Remember that this is the average pay for an esthetician working in a salon, exclusive of tips. Additionally, this figure excludes the possible income of independent contractors and estheticians who work in industries other than providing skincare services. Can Estheticians Make Six Figures Those with a license in esthetics have a lot of career options and a lot of opportunities to make six figures. There is truly no upper limit to the question, "How much can an esthetician make?" Estheticians can make a lot of money, from high-end service providers in salons to salon owners and executive beauty marketers. With your work, you can even elevate yourself to the status of social media celebrity esthetician, at which point you can start earning some serious cash! Building a devoted clientele takes time if you're a salon professional, but once you have a high-volume clientele, it's time to buy your own place or open your own salon. It's a good idea to start your career as an apprentice at upscale salons or spas before branching out on your own and charging top dollar for your chosen esthetic services. If you are a waxer, for instance, your goal should be to become an expert in more costly services that you enjoy performing. One of them is Brazilian waxing, which can help you charge the higher end of your market rate for that service. Those who provide expensive services like microblading or eyelash extensions may be able to make six figures annually. Nursing graduates who work as medical estheticians can provide more costly and invasive treatments like high-percentage acid peels, laser therapy, and Botox. Estheticians’ Products Regardless of the esthetics field you choose, selecting the appropriate products requires expertise. Here are some pointers for selecting the ideal products for your company Select goods and brands that have a reputation for serving salon professionals.   Collaborate with brands that provide comprehensive brand support and wholesale goods.   Positive reviews ought to be attached to your products. To enable full service in your chosen field, select full-service curated kits such as a spa starter kit.   How To Become an Esthetician: Get Rich Regardless of the esthetic niche you have selected, creating and managing educational and captivating content for digital marketing purposes can be your main source of income. It's essential to have an online store if you want to sell retail goods. It's also critical to provide online reviews, payment processing, and appointment scheduling for your clients. If you want to make six figures, even if you provide the best services in your field, you will still need to market yourself. This calls for strong business and marketing skills. Additionally, it's critical to ensure that you're providing your customers with a distinctive, varied, and extensive selection of goods and services as take-home extras and for services. By providing your customers with services that are tailored to their individual skin types or lifestyle preferences, you can take advantage of niche markets. It will also help you build a devoted clientele that will come back time and time again. Make sure your wax types suit the needs, skin types, and hair types of your clients, especially if you've entered the waxing specialty. Think about who else you'd like to attract to your salon in addition to your current clientele when choosing which waxes to use. Wrapping Up If you're interested in making the career switch, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are so many options to consider when learning how to become an esthetician. After you've determined that this is the career for you, be sure to enroll in a course that will help you succeed in your field.    Your success in the field is largely up to you once you start practicing! You will be able to treat skin conditions such as sun pigmentation, wrinkles, and blemishes. This will allow you to make a name for yourself in an unbeatable niche and promote your brand and company. You must also keep abreast of market trends and customer preferences. The possibilities are endless once you've figured out a workflow and procedure that suits you!  If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about how to become an esthetician, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!  We also have more information if you want to know how to become a pediatrician, a therapist, a phlebotomist, an orthodontist, an anesthesiologist, a psychologist, or a physician assistant. Learn More About: Achieve Firmer Skin With Skin Tightening Achieving Aesthetic Excellence: How Skin Clinics Deliver Beautiful Dermal Results

Onboarding Process

Tips to Improve the Onboarding Process at Your Company

Your company’s onboarding process is the start of a new working relationship between you and your employee.  Whether or not your new employee succeeds and feels a part of your team can depend somewhat on this process.  The onboarding process is the way your employee can see how business is conducted at your company.  It is also an opportunity for you to get to know your new hire and have your working relationship off to a good start. Start Slow: While it is entirely natural to want to have your new employee working as soon as possible, it is best to allow your new hire to warm up to the environment.  Give the new employee breathing room.  Take the process one step at a time to avoid the beginning of employment being completely overwhelming. Have a Plan: Have a documented onboarding and training plan even if you only have a few employees or small business.  Be clear about your expectations.  You can make updates to the program as needed. As your company grows, you will be able to determine if portions of your plan need tweaking.  Make the necessary changes as needed, but keep it in writing, clear, and concise. Conduct Training for the Onboarding Process: Train the employees who will be conducting the onboarding.  They need to have critical points for explaining expectations and other processes.  If possible, keep one person in charge of the onboarding process. Do Something to Make Your Employees Feel Welcome: Let your new employees know that you feel fortunate to have them with your company.  Encourage them to give their input on individual decisions.  A welcome email or a company mug will go a long way to let your new hire feel wanted in the company. Make Your New Hire Feel at Ease: Take steps to ease any anxiety or uneasiness your new employees might have.  Ask your other employees to give them a warm greeting.  Introduce your new employee to everyone on your team.  Personalize the experience as much as possible.  Give your new employee a company roster so other employees can be easily contacted.  Have your employee's workstation set up, and, encourage your other employees to introduce themselves. Make the Experience Interactive: Gamification works great with human resources and new hires.  This will keep your new employee engaged during onboarding.  LinkedIn, Bazaarvoice, and Rackspace is excellent for utilizing gamification and bringing new employees up to speed on company culture. Help them to Be Clear about How to be Successful: Help your new hire to understand your company’s goals.  Let them see their own key performance indicators.  Give them an overview of the promotion process and the resources provided to help them. Familiarize them with The Target System: Security procedures and features should be introduced to your new employee right away.  Provide them with the domain name and IP as well any other information they might need to access files needed or the online workplace.  Answer any system questions or concerns your new hire might have.  Provide adequate training for your system. Conclusion: If you implement an excellent onboarding system, your employees will trust you, feel comfortable with you, and they will do an excellent job for your company, which, in turn, will be helpful to you. Read Also: Employee Monitoring Linked To Business Growth What Does Business Law State About Monitoring Employees?

Orthodontic Care

The Future Of Orthodontic Care: Las Vegas’s Authentic Virtual Options

Las Vegas, a city renowned for its charismatic nightlife and world-class entertainment, is also on the cutting edge of orthodontic care. As technology continues to advance, so too does the field of orthodontics. In this digital age, Las Vegas has embraced the future of orthodontic care with open arms, offering patients a range of authentic virtual options that are revolutionizing the way smiles are perfected. In this discourse, you will explore the exciting realm of virtual orthodontic care provided by an Orthodontist in Las Vegas and how it shapes the future of dental treatment. The Rise of Virtual Orthodontic Treatment Orthodontics has witnessed a major shift that heavily inclines towards virtual treatment options. With the advancement of telehealth technology, orthodontists are embracing the change to offer more convenient and effective care to their patients. Virtual orthodontic treatment helps people set out on their smile transformation journey from teh comfort of their own homes and workplaces without having to make frequent in-person visits.  Teleorthodontics: A Remote Revolution: The rise of teleorthodontics in Las Vegas has brought orthodontic care to patients' fingertips. Through virtual consultations, patients can connect with experienced orthodontists without leaving the comfort of their homes. These remote appointments allow for initial assessments, treatment planning discussions, and progress checks, making orthodontic care more convenient and accessible than ever. Digital Impressions and Scanning: Traditional dental impressions involving molds and trays can be uncomfortable for patients. Las Vegas orthodontists are increasingly adopting digital scanning technology, which provides a more comfortable and accurate alternative. Digital impressions create 3D models of patients' teeth, facilitating the design of custom treatment plans with precision. Clear Aligner Therapy: Clear aligner therapy has become a go-to option for patients seeking orthodontic treatment in Las Vegas. These virtually invisible aligners offer a discreet and comfortable way to straighten teeth. With the guidance of orthodontists through virtual consultations, patients can receive custom-made aligners and monitor their progress remotely. Orthodontic Apps and Monitoring: Mobile apps designed for orthodontic patients have gained popularity in Las Vegas. These apps allow individuals to track their treatment progress, set reminders for aligner changes, and communicate with orthodontists. The convenience of these apps empowers patients to take an active part in their orthodontic journey. Virtual Smile Simulations: Las Vegas orthodontists use advanced software to provide patients with virtual smile simulations. These simulations allow patients to visualize the potential results of their orthodontic treatment before it begins, enhancing patient engagement and decision-making. Digital Treatment Planning: Orthodontists in Las Vegas leverage digital treatment planning software to create detailed and personalized treatment plans. These plans consider each patient's unique dental needs and goals. The digital approach enhances treatment accuracy and ensures the best possible outcomes. Remote Monitoring and Adjustments: Las Vegas orthodontic clinics offer remote monitoring services that enable orthodontists to monitor patients' progress closely. Patients can capture images of their teeth using smartphones, which orthodontists then analyze. Adjustments to treatment plans can be made as necessary, ensuring optimal results. Advanced Technology for Virtual Orthodontics Orthodontists in Las Vegas are equipped with state-of-the-art tech to help them offer virtual treatment. Their 3D imaging technology and cutting-edge software allow orthodontists to curate accurate treatment plans and also visualize the ideal results. These futuristic tools help them to give top-notch care even when in a virtual setup.  Supportive Virtual Communities Las Vegas Orthodontists understand the importance of patient support in their virtual treatment journey. Many practices these days are establishing virtual communities and online forums where patients can connect with others who are also undergoing the same treatment. This spirit of community nurtures motivation while offering a forum for people to share their experiences or seek help.  Comprehensive Virtual Consultations One of the most important things about virtual orthodontic care in Las Vegas is initiating the consultation process. Orthodontists use digital tools and sophisticated software to carry out their comprehensive virtual assessments. Patients can use this platform to submit photos and videos of their smiles. These are then skillfully analyzed by the team of orthodontists. This helps orthodontists accurately diagnose orthodontic issues and then come up with precise treatment plans.  Ensuring Client Comfort For Las Vegas orthodontists, client comfort is a top priority throughout the virtual orthodontic treatment. Clear aligners and removal orthodontic appliances are becoming a common use for minimizing discomfort and enhancing flexibility for clients. These appliances are relatively easy to clean and maintain, and this has made them a popular choice among orthodontic clients.  Customized Treatment Plans Once the assessment is complete, Las Vegas orthodontists curate personalized treatment plans for their virtual clients. These plans include teh step-by-step process of getting a straighter and healthier smile. Patients are given clear instructions on how to go about the steps. This ensures that they understand every tier of the treatment journey. With latest technology, personalized treatment plans, and stand-by virtual support, people in Las Vegas can hope to dazzle with a brighter and straighter smile without the added hassle of frequent in-person appointments.  Conclusion: The future of orthodontic care provided by an Orthodontist in Las Vegas is undeniably digital and patient-centered. Patients have a wealth of virtual options with teleorthodontics, digital impressions, clear aligner therapy, orthodontic apps, virtual simulations, digital treatment planning, and remote monitoring. These innovations make orthodontic care more convenient and empower patients to participate actively in their treatment journey. As Las Vegas continues to embrace these authentic virtual options, patients can look forward to more efficient, comfortable, and effective orthodontic care. The days of uncomfortable molds and frequent in-person visits are giving way to a new era of orthodontics that prioritizes patient comfort and engagement. With Las Vegas leading the way, the future of orthodontic care has never looked brighter. As technology keeps improving, the future of orthodontic care looks brighter than ever. Orthodontists in  Las Vegas are revolutionizing client care, and things are looking better than ever. Smiling is now the most exciting part of the day for residents as well as visitors in Las Vegas. If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Learn More About: Life with Braces: Tips from Surrey’s Orthodontic Experts The Differences Between A Dentist and An Orthodontist The Ultimate Guide To Finding The Best Dentist In Vaughan